Avatar of Almalthia


Recent Statuses

6 yrs ago
Two more days to a year that I'm not supposed to be counting. The little Tom Hanks in my soul is marking days without you. Castaway on an island surrounded by an ocean of tears getting deeper daily.
6 yrs ago
Want a Slice of Life? Sol City is your ticket! Large, friendly group always room for more! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
6 yrs ago
November 10th, 2017 4:30 pm CST. You let go and I wasn't ready. I'm still not ready. I miss you.
7 yrs ago
Two months and a week. I miss you. This sucks. Is it bad that I pretend that you PCS'd and will be back before long? Then I remember you're gone and won't be back even if I wished it. And I do. Daily.
7 yrs ago
Two months, four days. I miss you. Can't listen to Mike and the Mechanics "In The Living Years" anymore. It came on at work yesterday as the last song and I cried.


Ugh...I hate this part. So I'm super into Sailor Moon...which no one else is...and that's okay. I also really love Items, Escaflowne, Vampire Knight, Fushigi Yugi, Ah My Goddess, K Dramas, Chinese and Tiwanise Dramas as well. I torture people by making them read the TV.

Oh this is where I tell you I'm American...and I just lost a few people but oh well. Trust me if I could afford to live overseas I would. So yeah...that's me.

Most Recent Posts

@TheNoCoKid No worries. I have another concept I can toss at you. I just figured with the year being WAY beyond what normal Cyberpunk is set at just thought I might toss in a character that is normal in a tabletop setting.

@Wayward Thank you for taking the time to do a breakdown of your opinion on my character. Ideally that is the GM or Co-GMs job but I appreciate you took the time out of your day to give opinions. It means you read it and even though nothing was really constructive in any way I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you didn't really mean to come off as a condescending jerk. Which you did, but again I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that it wasn't meant that way cause ya know text. Hard to read inflection and all that jazz. Much appreciated that you took the time to read it.


The lands surrounding Riverrun

The clatter of hooves and the rolling of wheels filled the air as a procession of nearly a dozen carts and four times as many men worked their way up the muddy road. Warrior Sons and Septons by the look of them with a handful of sellswords on horseback following the man in the lead. The children of House Tully knew all too well, Gynn Tully, regularly visiting over the years bringing presents and good cheer whenever he arrived. Yet he wore a dour look as he looked over the sellswords at his side gesturing for them to ride on ahead and alert Riverrun of their coming arrival.

The more horses bringing up the rear as the wagon train passed along the road to Riverrun, the sigil of the Septs painted upon each wagon. In addition to the drivers, guards, more sat within the wagons and septons and acolytes included. The full train when it arrived would reveal around seventy total and whatever cargo they might be carrying as well. While normally their uncle arrived with plenty to give this was... Different, the look of concern and fear on some of the men of the cloth's faces could cement that alone.

Stopping along the road, he produced a wineskin and took a long drink. He had to ask for a favor from his brother... What a day this was going to be. Of course should any of his kin spot him they might want a word with the wayward scion of the House who brought so many strangers to their door. Or the children might want their presents, he had of course made sure to bring something for them all.

They had talked of the inconsequential matters that drove Abigael mad. She'd much rather discuss the things that her brothers, particularly Prentys and his sanctimonious wife, refused to discuss with her. She sighed with relief. “Finally past all the boring bits." She glanced back quickly toward her brothers and leaned closer to Bertrand. “Truthfully no wonder every male thinks every woman doesn't have brains. Those subjects are trite. I, however, am bursting to know more about what that man told us before you came upon us."

Looking at Bertrand she wondered if he'd pat her on the head and tell her that she shouldn't worry her pretty head about such things. “Tell me Bertrand, excuse me Lord Bertrand," Abigael blushed at her familiar form of address. “Have you ever come across anything about a Three Eyed Raven?" Abigael’s voice was pitched low so that only Bertrand could hear her.

Bertrand Tyrell blinked at the Tully girl with the pretty face and the fearless spirit, “Three-Eyed Raven?" He tried to remember lessons from Septons and Maesters, but it all just blurred in his mind’s eye in that moment. “No," he admitted, finally, shaking his head gently, “Can’t say I’ve ever heard of it, my Lady. Why do you ask?"

“It was something that man had said before he left. He also talked about dead Lannisters and Lannisters that were believed to be dead. Dragons, riots, large hosts that march for Kings Landing. Where you just came from." Abigael shook her head in wonderment and went on. “He talked about the High Marshall but he wasn’t clear on that. Two conflicting tales. It was… odd. I wanted to know more but he left." Abigael laid her hand on his arm and bit her lip. “I wouldn’t want to spread rumors but since you are her brother I thought you would wish to know. I was unable to verify the information fully, you understand, I was told she could be dead or lost. Truly I, for selfish reasons, don’t wish you to leave but I understand if you need to be sure of the information."

Gynn turned his horse as the wagons rolled on and started up the road yet again as he rode along a familiar shock of red hair, next to a boy he did not readily know. So coming alongside the pair he slowed his horse. “Now what’s a nice girl like you doing on a muddy filthy road like this?" Gynn cracked a smile, as moved along, coming into view of Abigail as the wagons he was escorting moved along. “My, my you get bigger every time I see you, more radiant as well. I ought to bring you to Old Town one of these days, make all the fancy ladies of the Reach jealous."

The click of horses hooves echoed against the silence of Prentys’s deep frown. For all that he approved that Abigael find herself a worthy husband? This upstart from a House of Stewards. Unworthy. It was a light to his dismal day to see their uncle. Letting his horse move up, he inclined his head to the man. “Uncle, it is a pleasure to see you. Apparently, Abigael has taken to showing Ser Bertrand Tully about her haunts." His gaze looking disapprovingly at his sister.

Bensen, found taking up something of the rear of the little group which had ridden along the way, was otherwise occupied away from the talk between Abi and the Lord Bertrand. Once he had realized precisely her angle, and the ceaseless goings-on about this and that and the other, things that…altogether Bensen did not know much about, nor know if the Lord knew about, he had drifted out and away from the conversation. Bits and pieces of that was all he picked up, though the back of his mind nagged at him. The young Tully couldn't help but find disapproval at her ventures, all things considered…it'd be alike he becoming smitten with some Kingsland matron, save that Abi didn't endure the jeering and forthright disapproval which he knew would strike against him.

Sucking on his tooth, the Tully had taken good notice of the convoy led by their Uncle. Did they know the same as the Lord Bertrand, that ill things had happened? That Maegor had returned to claim what he wished? Would it altogether be proper for him to freely voice the question, or remind the people why they went along in such a somber march by his wonderings aloud? Bensen sucked on his tooth some more, adjusted himself in his saddle. Perhaps it wasn't. It wasn't necessarily his question to ask, in any case. No, instead he urged his horse on just a little while, up and nearer to Prentys and Gynn. Nodding, with perhaps too small a smile which grew as he spoke, the young Tully greeted with a, "Uncle. If you brought her to Old Town she would surely turn pious Septs into men worthy for the Summer Isles with her liberties. Who would toll all the bells?"

Bertrand Tyrell stared at the words.

In his mind, the night replayed: he had been drunk…although he had always been drunk then. It wasn’t a compulsion; their mother had made it clear it wouldn’t have broken her heart so much had that been the case. Had Bertrand just been a drunkard, that she could have understood, she said, standing before the hearth in their solar, screaming at him.

”You were not a hateful boy, Bertie. This is NOT who you are."

He tried to apologize. She slapped him, then slapped him again, then pointed at his sister, with the skin of her face blackened already, her lip cut, her dress half-torn, her neck bruised from his hand where he held her down and choked. Then Lady Bethany slapped him again. He felt as if he might cry, but he didn’t. His mother had been wrong, because that night he did hate, and it was a true, hot hatred.

It just wasn’t Vittoria he had hated…it was himself.

Lord Theo had been the last person left in that room, besides himself, and only at the very end, just before leaving, did Lord Theo take a long, last, drink and say anything at all, “Touch your sister again, and I’ll kill you. You leave for King’s Landing tomorrow."

It wasn’t the last time he’d seen her. He saw her later that night, without their parents knowing, when she had come to him in a meeting that had left him broken. A red flame in the King’s new city had helped him find the part of him he had lost that dark night in Highgarden. But even placed back together as he was, he couldn’t help but think of that night, or the letter that followed.

So, he just stared at Abigael as if she’d hit him, but the shock of it left him seeing the face of Abigael Tully, not Vittoria Tyrell, not Bethany Tyrell, not a friendly flame, but the Lady before him now…like he hadn’t seen her before.

“I have to go back. I should have gone back, already, but I wanted to do this for her. I wanted to do something for her. I knew Dennet would see it through, Dennet would walk through the ruins of Valyria if she asked him, but I wanted to—I needed to help, because it was important to her."

A sigh escaped him like a little prayer, his brown eyes finding the horizon, before returning to her, his mouth daring a smile upon the sight of her, “I’m a different man than I was, and I owed it to her…but I can’t leave now. This is my path, and it has brought me to you. So tell me, Abigael, where does your path lead?"

Watching the thoughts run across Bertrand’s face was the most ensorcelling thing Abigael had seen. She heard her Uncle from far away and she responded to favorite people with automatic motions, her eyes not leaving Bertrand. Something that had never happened. She had always favored these men before all others and stacked them against each one in her mind and none had come close to holding her attention. None until Bertrand.

He was so different from all the others. So intense. “Bertrand…I…don’t believe that anyone has ever really asked me that. And I don’t believe I have thought past the fact that I would be married to someone and make his life easier. I don’t have the great head for military strategy. I know my strengths and I would hope that my husband would compliment them and need them. I would like to think my path is to be equally as valuable as my husband." She leaned in. “I know it is not a…all that common opinion. Please don’t think less of me for it. I would also hope there was at least some affection in the match." She blushed and looked down, peering at him from beneath her lashes.

It’d been so long, Bertie had almost forgotten what it was like to smile the gentle smile of relief and happiness, “I don’t know that I could think more of you in this moment," or, he thought, feel a greater affection than this. “Let’s get back to Riverrun, and talk?"
Abigael couldn’t help the smile that graced her features, truly engaging her whole heart, and truly brightened them from classically beautiful to radiant. Such smiles were typically reserved for her family so seeing one outside of the family was unheard of and ironically Bertrand and the Reachmen did not realize how special this moment was.

Nudging his horse closer, the multicolored mare gave a shake of her head as if to confirm his order as it came alongside Prentys. “She’s free to show around the lordling from the flower planters, after all the boy is a guest. Careful though Abi, don’t go sewing seeds." He frowned a moment then at Bensen’s comment his grin returned. “Bah, the Septons would not know what to do with a woman even less than a Maester would, even fewer probably know what they look like in the flesh!" The older Tully clapped Prentys on the back with a hearty laugh that creased his face with a smile. For a man their family rarely ever called upon he brought nothing but smiles and gifts.

“We’ve got things to discuss when I get in but... First things first, what’s it been three? Four years since I was last here to see you lot? I’ve got presents, gifts, and stories for you sprouts. Since our good Lord Paramount will no doubt have something else to do when we get in we’ll gather up all you to help with the wagons... And then we can see about those gifts, unless you are all too high and mighty to help an old man unload after a hard journey?" He spoke, gib and relaxed, working to put the children as he saw them at ease. He would not burden them yet with his fears and worries, he was their uncle first... The General could wait to speak his piece later.

There was a distinct cough as Prentys rode up alongside the two lovebirds. Their twittering was as obvious as his wife’s pious nature. “Dearest Sister, if you would perhaps disengage yourself from your flippant discussion to the fact we are being visited by our esteemed uncle?" His voice was dry enough to have replaced the scene of the Riverlands for Dorne. “Ser Bertrand is welcome to join us," The silent so long as he were to behave hung in the air. Leaning closer to his sister he spoke in a undertone of great disapproval. “Sister you throw yourself at him as a common woman. You are of House Tully."

Westeros Skies

On the way to the Westerlands

Collab with @Almalthia, @Apoalo & @Vanq

“Good." A rumbling laugh passed from the man. “A good sign to have some fight in you." He took the offered skin and pulled the cork away with his teeth. Baekyn took a long whiff of the firewine and wrinkled his nose in response. “That's good stuff, might need a nip of that myself," he glanced back down at the woman laid out, “after you've had yours." The lad’s leg would need some attention but he'd worry about that after.

The knight cradled his arm beneath the woman’s neck and brought the firewine to her lips. “Just a little now." He didn't let it press long to her lips, enough just to warm and dull her. He splashed some out to a balled up scrap of his tunic and rested that carefully next to him.

“Alright, here we go." Ser Hogg pushed her hands away with one movement and tugged away the already sliced fabric. He could not tell how deep it was but that she was alive and talking had him hopeful. With a dry piece of his tunic he wiped away as much blood as he could, there was less seeping from it now, another good sign and he sighed with some relief. Above any screams or cries he talked to himself, loudly enough that his audience and patient could hear. “A clean cut, that's good." And with it cleaned up even as little as he had managed he was able to see that while deep, it had been a glancing blow only, deep enough to weep an ugly amount but not enough and her innards were intact. “And I think you'll even be keeping your guts inside." He flashed a knowing smile for what was to come.

“Ready yourself." he grabbed the firewine soaked cloth but gave her no time to respond. He pressed it against her left side, against all edges and length of the wound. He held it, pressed it to her firmly, no matter if she thrashed or wailed. Baekyn looked for the longer strips he had prepared and laid them across her. As her body calmed from the shock and pain, he shifted her, to weave them over the wound and under her body, to tie them off and hold the makeshift wound pack in place.

The knight stood slowly, admiring his work before his attention shifted back to Castor. “You'll need something to help you walk. Keep an eye on her for now." Baekyn tipped the wineskin to his lips and took a gulp for himself at last. He hissed in response at the heat down his throat. “Good indeed."

He hummed his continued approval as he stood. His hands were red with blood but he paid that no mind as he walked back to where he had first stopped and knelt at the dragon’s arrival. A small bough from a tree had been his walking stick across his lands, he retrieved it from where he dropped it. “This should do well enough for you." He indicated to Castor. “I can get a better look at that and see if it's broken or not once we're comfortable by a fire."

He closed the gap again and offered it to the man. “Lean on me if you wish as well, but it'll be best for me to carry your sister. Need to keep that gash as still as possible."

Taking a sip of the firewine Pheynix hissed at the potency. She knew what the rest was for and she could not say that she liked it. Watching Baekyn with intensity as he readied the once shirt now bandages. Sucking in a breath as he pulled the cloth away she hissed out.

Tensing and fighting the tightening of her muscles Pheynix breathed out a shaky breath as he confirmed what she already knew. “Guts inside. Good good."

The pain that came with the action of putting the firewine soaked cloth was swift and Pheynix's eyes went wide as she swore that the dragon had charred her to a crisp. Her jaw locked in stubbornness to not actually scream. Whole body as taut as a bow string silent tears running down into her hair at her temples; her shallow gasps and a whisper of a whimper the only thing heard from her.

She composed herself as he assisted Castor. “Shall I suppose you have a sister or a nurse perhaps that is about your size so I can keep my maidenly virtue intact when I bathe? Not all this blood is mine." Pheynix snarked because if not she was going to moan, scream or swear. None of which were acceptable in her book. Tears were fine. Noise? No. Never.

Hissing out of her teeth Pheynix continued her snarking and looked at Baekyn out the side of her eye as he picked her up. “You look the type to be able to get a woman with child merely by looking at her unclothed. I was pushing my luck letting you treat me. Hoping you did not see too much flesh."

Melyssanthi’s face blushed at the topic. “Nix! Seriously!?" She sputtered and turned to Fyresong. “Go on, go hunt. No cattle, or sheep, or horses." She dismissed the dragon for the time being. The dragon in question burbled in such a way that it sounded like he was complaining. But he was a good boy and went off to hunt. Spreading his wings carefully he took off as gently as he could.

She turned to Castor with an expression of embarrassed horror. “Better that you lean on me if you need it. Your sister is starting to worry me."

As the Knight worked, Castor just watched and put to memory the various movements and techniques. He almost felt like he was back at home being taught some sort of life skill in preparation for their trek to Westeros and if he had been present at the medical portion of things he might have already known how to do all of this and actually be useful in the situation instead of just stating like a dumb lump of armor.

But as it was, a dumb lump of armor he was. It wasn't until he heard Nix shifting and almost could feel her pain that he snapped out of it and regardless of the pain in his ankle dropped to the ground and grabbed his sister's hand, squeezing it tightly as she attempted to hold back any sound. After the worst was over Castor wiped her tears and placed a hand on her shoulder and nodded to Baekyn as he left for a moment.

He wondered briefly what his parents would think seeing the two of them and of what decisions they had made. Without really thinking about it they had thrust their family into a side in the upcoming conflict, unless they could find a way to remain neutral and say that killing the guards and Kingsguard was self-defense, which was technically true. Blah, politics wasn't his thing. For the time being that didn't matter…

When Baekyn came back with a walking stick, Castor nodded and struggled to his feet, refusing help. As he stood straight he accepted the stick and looked straight ahead towards where they would be traveling. “I'll be fine. Let's just get there and get my sister to a relaxed location. Thank you, Ser, for your assistance and offer of lodging."

“Worry not, my lady." He had chuckled at the allegation. “I only have a brother, but my mother and her mother will help with your bathing needs and keep your virtue intact." With the dragon having taken to flight again, a sight Ser Hogg did not hide that he stopped to watch intently, and Castor situated with his walking stick, Baekyn knelt over the Volantene woman once more.

“I promise to not look too closely at your flesh while we walk, your body is in no shape to fall pregnant." He joked as his arms slid under her, one beneath her neck and the other under the bend of knees. Baekyn lifted her as if she were no more than a baby. He shifted her as he straightened, brought her head against his shoulder and her legs pinned in the crux of his arm. He took slow and steady steps until he was sure that she would not be jostled too much.

He gave her a wink and turned his whole body with her to the princess and Castor Rahl. Princess Melyssanthi seemed scandalized by what her companion had said, but perhaps as a princess that was to be expected. He’d certainly never met one before. “Even with your injuries, I’ll have you safely behind our walls before morning is done."

He set off, leading the way across the even green lands. Occasionally, he pointed out some barely noticeable landmark or sight of importance to his family or to that of their liege, House Hayford. When it seemed that Pheynix’s eyes closed too hard for too long, he belted out a scandalous tavern song.

So listen, you scoundrels, with pockets of lust,
Her petal's not open to coin or your thrust.
Be gentle, be kind, be a fiddle so sweet,
And maybe, just maybe, you'll earn a whispered treat.

His voice was round and deep as he sang through verses, each more bawdy than the last, and finished with great flourish when they at last drew close enough to Sow’s Horn that their party was noticed by an aged woman yelling at a small flock of chickens.

“Grandmother!" He bellowed across the remaining distance.

The woman’s eyes squinted at the group. Baekyn had not been wrong about how long the journey would take, the morning had not yet been overtaken by noontime. “You have brought more back with you? Isn’t our table full enough of your..." The diminutive woman stopped in her tirade as they stopped before her.

“Princess Melyssanthi and her companions will need to rest for a little bit, grandmother. This is Pheynix Rahl," he lightly shifted the woman in his arms, “and her brother, Castor, from Volantis." He spoke with the same ease as if he was only announcing their liege-lord’s arrival.

Grandmother sucked at her gums and attempted a curtsy, as much as her old bones would allow. “Like Queen Rhaenys returned, I swear it. I saw her once, I did."

Smiling at Grandmother Hogg, said grandaughter of Queen Rhaenys, Melyssanthi nodded to the lady. “Thank you Grand Lady Hogg. I would love to hear about Grandmother back when you met her. I did not get the chance to meet her. Grandfather did talk about how I reminded him of her. He said I was impish like her." She stepped toward the lady and gently clasped her hands. “But I believe if you have a fine seamstress my cousin has need of her, or him if you have a surgeon possibly? A maester?"

Noting the fact that no one was meeting her eyes, Melyssanthi nodded. “Ah. Well seamstress it is. I have read a bit about what the maester’s learn about in Citadel so we will manage with the help of Ser Baekyn of course since he so brilliantly started the process of healing my cousin, Pheynix."

Unable to fall asleep like her body wanted to Pheynix listened to the bawdy song that Ser Baekyn had sung. “Had I enough blood to blush I believe I would at that tune Ser." As Melyssanthi took charge and showed what a Princess of Blood and Fire who was beloved of the small folk could do. It made Pheynix think about what this Princess was going to have to do. She could not bear to have this girl fall to her Uncle as the Maester on Dragonstone had fallen to Maegor.

Maegor who was a friend of Vhandyr. Vhandyr her Prince. She had made the decision to read the fire in Melyssanthi correctly and not ignore it. Maegor was in the wrong. Perhaps he was being influenced by his mother or those other women. Pheynix was not a fan of Aly’s grasping ways and Tyanna was cut from the same cloth just worse. She imagined this was what happened to girls whose father’s did not say no, ever.

“The smaller the stitch the better, Great Lady." Pheynix responded after Melyssanthi chimed in.

While his grandmother attended to the Princess and guided her inside their keep, Ser Baekyn could do little but shake his head. That woman would talk and spin tales all day, if he let her. And he would, even if she had the habit of embellishing from time to time. Ser Baekyn followed after them, with instructions that his grandmother did not acknowledge but did all the same - in taking them all into their open hall.

Sow’s Horn was no grand keep or castle. But it was sturdy, and the hall was warm if sparse. The straw across the cold stone was fresh, at least, and fires crackled invitingly. The knight wasted no time in laying Pheynix down on a wooden table. “Stay there." He offered with a wink, as if she had any other real choice. He pointed at a well worn bench, “Castor? That seat will do for you, until I can have a look at your leg." It was near enough to his sister, and to the warmth of the fire.

A young boy poked his head in. “Ah! You!" Baekyn bellowed. The lad stopped short at being seen. “Tell Robb to ride, hard, for Hayford, and bring their Maester back with him. We have guests in need." Just as the boy was backing out of the room, the knight stopped him again with a whistle. “And have your sister bring us some clean linens and honey."

With instructions given, Baekyn realized his guests from the night prior were still here. Good. Two women, both from a nearby village, stood at the opposite corner of the room, their eyes full of questions, their mouths agape. Another figure entered, a woman older than the two slack-jawed women but younger than the grand lady who was busy jabbering away at the Princess about Queen Rhaenys. Baekyn’s mother stopped near the two younger women and tapped them roughly, as if to shoo them not just from the room but from the keep itself. The knight rolled his eyes.

“Mother, let them stay and help." Baekyn chided jovially. “They have more nimble fingers than any of us would. And surely they'd like to help their princess’s friend." The women looked at each other and blushed but eagerly agreed.

Lady Hogg seemed caught off guard but quickly regained her composure. “Your brother left after you this morning for King’s Landing." She looked at Melyssanthi as her voice fell quiet. Grandmother was patting and squeezing the girl’s hands. Seven help her, what trouble had her son brought home now. “There has been…troubling…news but he's a fool if he's off to get himself in another war." She glanced at the princess and bit her tongue.

Baekyn scoffed as he made his way back to Pheynix. “Jon and I fought for King Aenys against some rabble. Lucky for you, lady, you will not have to suffer my fat fingered stitches as he did." He motioned for the women to approach. “Tiny stitches, like she said, honey and any herbs you think good, and then clean linens atop it. After that, you'll help her bathe. I'll carry her to Jon’s room but you two can take it from there. For her modesty." He winked again even as he gripped each woman at his side on their hips. “Thank you, ladies." He gave each a kiss on the cheek before returning to Castor to check his leg.

In the light of the fire, he knelt and propped the man’s leg on his own. Tenderly, he ran his fingers down to the ankle and pressed and prodded. He hmm’d about, feeling for any sign of bone out of place. “Sorry about this." He grabbed the man’s booted foot and bent it to the left, to the right, up and down. No matter the pain that surely inflicted, Baekyn let out a contented hmmph. “Not broken I wager, but it will be sore. You'll need to keep weight off it, and a soak after your sister is done will do you well."

Westeros Skies

On the way to the Westerlands

Collab with @Almalthia, @Apoalo & @Vanq

The familiar thrill of being on dragonback rushed through Melyssanthi and she turned Fyresong to the West. She smiled without warmth thinking about those who had brought out the fire in her blood. Ageon and her father’s killers; one in the same for Aneys had collapsed after hearing that some rabble had attacked and killed his son. Her father must be rolling in his grave since her brother, her uncle, had usurped the throne from Viserys. The thought came to her as she realized it could work. Rhaena. Rhaena would need to be Queen. She’d need to be married to a large house to back her claim. Too many people would use Viserys and mother doesn't have the constitution to not be pushed around in a Regency. Visenya is not to be trusted. She helped Maegor. No one that assisted that travesty is loyal. Rhaena has to be Queen.

The rage in her boiled and she had to catch her breath as she felt Fyresong growl. The chill pulled her from her thoughts. They needed to land and soon so that they could change clothes. The char on Castor did not escape her notice. Nor did it pass her by that the armor he had was hanging on by a thread and no longer usable. It could be refashioned and parts replaced but as a whole it was useless at present. With the storm having cleared, Melyssanthi was able to see the stars and guided Fyresong to what she hoped was a straight shot to Casterly Rock. Even knowing that she knew that they would need to stop. There was no way Fyresong could do that distance without stopping at least once but more like three times so that they could sleep. “I’m coming, Rhaena. Hold on just a little longer." She whispered but still felt like her sister knew she was coming.

Shivering and vision narrowing Pheynix clung to the dragon trying to draw warmth from the beast. The only part that felt warm was where she had been stabbed. Leaning back into Castor using the last of her will to stay awake Pheynix said. “Left side. Sorry brother." Having said that, she passed out.

As Melyssanthi looked behind her and watched Pheynix pass out in the gray light of predawn. “Damnit." There was a noble house not too far from where they were at, as far as she recalled. What was the name of that house? Hayford? No. Ho…Hogg? YES!! Hogg! We can set down there. Guiding Fyresong lower Melyssanthi landed right outside Sow’s Horn, the seat of House Hogg.

“Hello! Will you in the name of your Princess Melyssanthi please inform Ser Hogg that he has guests?"

“I am a Ser Hogg, Princess." A man spoke, hulking even at the knee he had taken. He rose, his trousers covered in dust and dew. He did not look like a knight at the moment, he barely looked more than a smallfolk who found irony in using the term small. Above the dirty trousers and well worn leather boots, he wore a tunic, the ties across his chest left open, a hard day's work already started evident in the sweat that ringed around the fabric’s neckline. It was still chilly but labor put the chill out of his bones and his mass alone was enough to keep him running hot.

“Ser Baekyn, at yours and the crown’s service." He approached, an unnatural ease to him no matter that a royal on dragonback had descended on his lands before dawn as he returned from an early check on fencing and flocks. They were landed, but House Hogg still knew their land and the working of it.

He’d never seen a dragon up close before, just glimpses of them in flight. “Sow’s Horn is still a short distance away, please, allow me to escort you." He offered no apology for the state of himself; taller than half a head of most other men and as broad as two, a princess could be forgiven for second-guessing his status or nature. He was unclear on how exactly one dismounted a dragon, and not fool enough to get too close to such a beast, no matter his curiosity, he extended his hand outward. “Or if this magnificent beast will allow it, I will assist you and your companions down." He noticed now, two additional bodies on top of the creature. His head tilted, in further curiosity, but it was not his place to question who a royal brought to his humble lands.

Sliding down as Fyresong lowered his head, Melyssanthi was sure she looked a fright. “We appreciate it. This is Castor and Pheynix Rahl from Volantis. They are my guests. We… Pheynix is in need of a healer… I think. Castor, her brother, needs to be looked over as well. Please? If that isn't asking too much?" She took in the fact that she seemed small compared to Ser Baekyn. It was a feeling she was unused to and it flustered the Princess. She was a tall woman looking most men in the eye or having to tilt her head down to look them in the eye. This man wasn't just tall though he was broad. She wondered if he plowed his own fields without the aid of cattle and forged his own weapons and armor.

“Castor pass your sister down. You were limping earlier. Can you get down?" Melyssanthi added in a wry tone. “Without hurting yourself?"

It was absolutely phenomenal. It was almost like Castor had meant to be Targaryen. The thrill of the flight, and feeling of the Dragon's muscles underneath him as it flew, the air buffeting him and sending his charred clothing flying behind him. It felt right. What didn't feel right was the way his sister suddenly leaned back against him. He had felt her shivering and had simply put it down as the cold from the flight but when she spoke he moved her hand which had been blocking the wound and he made a few choice Valyrian curses which he assumed Melys heard as she began a descent.

Soon enough they were landing next to a rather large man who introduced himself as Ser Baekyn and while first impressions weren't everything Castor was truly starting to hate the minstrels who really misrepresented the image of a Knight. It was an important lesson, and Castor sighed a bit as the last vestiges of his childhood burned away. But they had bigger issues. As Melys secured them safe conduct Castor was unstrapping Nix and when the Targaryen gave her wry question he just glared at her and slowly helped Nix down to her before sliding down himself, being sure to land and put most of his weight on his good side. It still hurt but he would not show too much weakness.

A healer? The knight watched them dismount, as it were, and shook his head with a wince. “We don't have a maester, Princess, but I'll have our fastest horse and rider sent to Hayford for theirs, as soon as we're to our keep."

He peered around the slip of a girl to the Volantene companions. Whatever had happened to them needed more immediate action than even getting to his keep. At least as far as the woman was concerned, even in the new light of dawn, her paleness and sweat deeply concerned Baekyn. “I’m no Maester but I've had to set bones and stitch gashes more than once." He offered an understanding smile, the creases of middle-age and sun only strengthened the expression’s warmth. “Would you allow me to check that first, and then we can be on our way?"

The knight wiped his hands roughly against his trousers. “We'll set her down, gently now, on the ground." From where she grasped at her side he had no doubt where the wound was and what he needed to do. But, kneeling beside her, he still paused and looked back up to both Princess Melyssanthi and Castor Rahl before turning his steady gaze back to Phoenix.

“I'm going to have to look at what you have under there." He laid his large hand over both of hers, enveloped them with a light squeeze. “It will hurt and I'm sorry for that." For his size, his voice was surprisingly gentle, soft even, like velvet. If only he'd kept the farmhand boy with him, he could use a second set of hands.

He released her hands with gentle pressure to indicate that she had not moved yet, and pulled at his own shirt. One smooth movement and he was bare-chested and tearing strips from the light wool tunic. It wasn't clean or even work, but it would have to do until he could get cleaner supplies. “Anyone bring water or wine on your journey here?" He had a small wineskin tied to his trousers but it was nearly empty already and the stream he'd intended to refill it from was too far for their current situation.

With Castor moving her around Pheynix gritted her teeth against a scream as her brother helped her off the dragon as gently as he could. Her face was pale and sweaty when she was laid out. Her eyes were glazed with pain as she heard the big man tell her he was sorry. Pheynix swallowed and in a voice husky with pain, gritted past teeth she hissed. “Surely it is not as deep as a well nor wide as a church door that I would meet the Maker yet." She attempted a smile that turned into a grimace.

Pain glazed eyes of a golden green watched Ser Baekyn take off his tunic and start ripping it asking for wine or water. “I may actually scream if you pour that on me. Wine is better inside than out." Watching him carefully and intensely as she attempted to clear her mind. “Where's the Myrish Firewine when you need it? Or perhaps an Arbor Gold? Did I mention that may make me scream?"

“She's rambling. That can't be good." Melyssanthi looked between the three; Castor, Pheynix and Ser Baekyn. Her expression worried.

“I will be fine, you ninny. Just get the man some wine. The faster it gets you pissed the better." People around held their breath as the Princess raised an eyebrow and Pheynix ignored her.

“People don't say that to me because-” The wry slightly irritated Princess stated.

“You have a dragon, and, because of your status. You're not my princess, just my cousin." She smirked and laughed which pulled at the wound causing her to groan softly.

There were times when as a brother you simply had to take a step back and allow others to control the situation. Castor didn't particularly trust anyone from Westeros, the Princess included, but right now in this moment he didn't have the ability to simply find someone else and while his mother had tried to teach him medicine, Castor could visualize clearly skipping every lesson for military history and tactics with the Ghiscari. It was something Castor planned to remedy as best he could but for now he would have to grit his teeth and accept that Nix was out of his hands.

At the call for Firewine though, Castor grinned and rummaged through his pack that had been hastily packed. Aha, there at the bottom was a bottle of the substance that had planned to be a prank of Nix one evening. He grabbed it, and then presented it, stepping back and trying not to hover or get in the Knight’s way. As he moved the twist would be more obvious, especially to the Knight who would no doubt understand.
Yavin IV

A temple dig site

Collab with @Almalthia, & @Ruby

Hours later Jaslyn stopped and a memory of her mother intruded in the silence of her mind. “Caught without armor? You might as well be caught without clothes. Cortosis is precious and could save your life.” Her words rang as Jaslyn looked at the speeder and opened the compartment pulling out her original pack and took out the cortosis weave armor. The deep gray material was not as decorative as it would have been if she had stayed with the Jensaarai but that suited Jaslyn just fine. Slipping the shawl from around her waist and setting it aside Jaslyn then unbuckled the belt and buckles. She slipped out of the hooded vest clad in only her undershirt, a thin white linen that molded to her curves. Her finger trailed lightly over her sabers as she placed them on the shawl she had set aside. 

Pulling on the Jensaarai armor was like putting on leather and it molded to her body like a second skin. The designs in the armor allowed for flexibility especially in the elbows, knees, under the arms as well as the groin. Pulling on a specialized utility belt Jaslyn placed her sabers at her sides and reached for the boots that went with the armor. The armor was layered and covered from neck to wrist and neck to feet. The Jensaarai from the youngest to the oldest knew the value of the armor and as they grew their armor became more complicated and layered. She grew up knowing how to make the armor and had taken years to put this together. She was proud of it and it was the least “Jedi” item she owned. She felt like it was a nod to where she had come from and a stepping point to where she was going.

Finally Jaslyn plucked up the shawl and folded it and put it in her pack; which she then put in the container in the speeder. The pull was getting insistent and almost irritating in its consistency. It would only let her ignore it for a few minutes at a time. Jaslyn rolled her eyes and drank more water and climbed back on the speeder. Kicking it into gear and again opening up her senses she turned the throttle up dodging trees and debris by trusting in the Force.

After a discussion on her not needing to kick anyone out of their pre-fab with Iizia, reassuring him she’d be happy to share, and thus not kick out Professor Megalyn Tu of the lodging she’d been at since the camp was struck, her tour began. Most of the lodgings were closer to the exterior than the interior, with about a ‘dozen’ local militiamen being paid to act as community outreach and security for the dig.

She met the cook, briefly, as they chopped, and met some of the academic staff and specialists. Sela Ramallah was as niche a celebrity as it got off Charmath, but amongst the academia of archaeology, she was learning she had something akin to rock star status. Whether happy to thank her for her investment, or happy to meet her because they knew who she was, she spent most of the next hour gladhanding.

It made her glad about the most exciting work she did, no one would ever know about. Although having that kind of notoriety did make navigating dig sites a little easier, and in this case, a lot easier. Towards the end of the tour the senior staff of the dig, not already in the temple, as they worked three shifts around the clock and only two shifts were in camp at a time or not currently working in the camp, met inside the main building with its holoprojector in the center.

The Temple of Yavin 4 came to life in light projected to a hologram, and Selene got a good idea of the progress they’d made. Iizia began the presentation:

“As you can see, we’ve spent most of the beginning of the dig getting through Imperial left-over. A lot of equipment just left, tagged for salvage and destruction by the New Republic, which is one of the reasons the government was so keen to allow us to come and do this.”

Sela thanked the graduate student who brought her a cool drink, as sweat already began to bead and work its way around the base of her hair, “Sounds like what our dreams are made out of.”

The sarcasm elicited laughter from the assembled field academics, including Iizia, short and portly as he was, his thick cheeked face held rather animated expressions as easily as most people looked bored, “Well, with the boring work of that done, we’ve moved on. We’ve taken some interesting Rebellion items, but most of the teams have begun going down as fast as the engineers will allow us.”

She saw the line of their progress, motioning to the hologram of the Temple cutaway with a free hand, “Lift shaft towards the center of the structure? Smart, more likely to be structurally sound than most of the peripheral descents.”

“And cluttered with deadlifts we’ve had to cut through to keep going down. Whatever the power system is, our engineers have had zero success in getting anything to work. Maybe they’re all Force activated, who knows?”

The assembled scholars snickered at it. Right, like there were Force users around. Ha.

“Two days ago, we reached this,” the man focused the hologram of the Temple past the prior lift shaft stoppage, “sensors discovered an adjacent tunnel, and this one doesn’t share the same metallurgy as the rest. It’s older, and shares readouts shared by other Jedi Temples in the Outer Rim around the High Republic era. Very slow work, we’ve attempted to assist the engineers as much as possible, as well as reached out to colleagues at the university. Meanwhile, we catalog what we’ve already been finding from Imperial and Rebellion, including an intriguing cache of Clone Wars era armor, but sadly our goal is the lower structures we believe are still there. There was an accident a day ago, one of the junior engineers fell, and one of our researchers assisting him passed out, unfortunately. We’re not exactly sure why.”

“Doing what you can,” Sela smiled, Selene’s mind instantly narrowing on the accident—she’d have to quietly inquire about it, careful as she went. She felt a juxtaposition of the Force, darkness and light, but in chaos, nothing resembling the natural equilibrium. “I’ll spend the evening looking through reports and poking around, before I devise a plan.”

One of the fellow senior field academics laughed, “Just gonna find a dark hole to jump down?”

“Yep,” Selene said, before taking a sip of the chilled tea, entirely serious, with more than a few people present staring at her in response.

There was a foreboding as Jaslyn drew nearer to the source of her curiosity. She saw on the ridge just above the top of the canopy the top of a structure that sent a shiver along her flesh. She knew right where it was.

Jaaaasssslllllyyyyynnn… The presence was stronger now and was so cold it burned. Jasly’s breath fogged as she maneuvered around a line of trees. It was male and steeped in the darkside. Not that it really bothered her but it was just good to be wary of things that were too far to one side or the other. Fire could warm and it could kill.

Do not listen, child. Your focus determines your reality. A warm voice that Jaslyn thought she should know but could not place from where soothed and calmed her mind. Both presences left her mind but she could still feel them. She put them out of her mind and continued toward the temple, the speeder facing the sun as it started its descent to the horizon.

The late afternoon brought her to a clearing where Jaslyn pulled up sharply as the full impact of the temple made itself known. It was old and massive and… chaotic. There was no balance here; there was an ebb and flow in the Force. Jaslyn’s eyes darted around trying to look at everything all at once. There was almost too much to focus on. Staring and just taking it in for what felt like hours but was really only minutes Jaslyn felt the tug so insistent that it made her gasp. 

Throttling up the speeder Jaslyn began to see people at the temple as she got closer. She throttled down and sighed as she realized she was going to have to interact with others when all she wanted was to find what or who was at the end of the quest. There was a man who gave off emotions of irritation and discomfort; likely due to the heat and humidity. Not everyone could use the Force to keep themselves comfortable. For those with the training the environment didn’t pose as great a threat than those that didn’t have the training.

“No visitors. This area is off limits, joint venture of the Wetyin Colonial Authority and the University of Coruscant. Turn around.” The man held up his hand as Jaslyn tilted her head.

“I’m sorry but that won’t  be a possibility. Let’s not make this unpleasant…” Jaslyn tapped his surface thoughts. “Lucas.” She waved her hand. “You will allow me to pass because I belong here.” The Force flowed through her and tapped the man’s mind. She soothed his emotions as he waved her through.

Jaslyn parked the speeder next to another heavy speeder. She looked at the people who looked at her and as she looked back at them if the puzzle didn’t fall into place she moved on. Finally she entered the main building. Jaslyn was led by the Force to a room as she tasted cold tea just as she opened the door.

“You.” Jaslyn stated as she stared at the woman with ink dark hair and blue eyes. She was pale and slender but not without being womanly.

A thousand thoughts and one entered Selene’s mind when the door opened and a voice reached out to grab her. She was partially through a sentence about the differences in atomic structure between High Republic and Late Republic Jedi architecture when that voice came, and with it brought sudden silence to the room that held Selene, and Professor Megalyn Tu, with whom she was currently sharing a lodging with, and who was inescapably perplexed at the sudden entrance and word of the newest arrival.

By the time Tu looked at Selene for an answer, the Queen of Charmath had her path forward: the twist of her lips into a crooked smile, the glint of mischief in the darkness of her eyes, and the utter ease of the mirth in the whisper of a chuckle that escaped her pale lips, “Jilted lover. Please inform security of a breach, have them raise the alarm, and ask them to question the sentry about this mistake.”

Even if Selene knew the answer to that particular one, already.

Vu was short, curly purple haired with a look of having missed a wash for the last handful of days—life in the field, after all, but there was a quickness to the manner in which the metallurgist snapped to and left the room, her eyes wide in anxiety and fear as she took a step towards the entrance in which the sudden appearing red haired woman stood, before deciding to leave through the other door.

“You scared her,” Selene said, her voice thick with gratification at the fact, even as her attention and eyes went back to the metallurgist’s reports on the small screen next to her, on the other side of the large circular room filled with desks orbiting around the holographic projector in the center, and of course, as with any dig site, a large coffee machine against one wall. “That’s…not good.”

It was a reaction to something on the screen, not of the woman, the woman whom Selene suddenly twisted on a heel to face once again, a grand smile and great width of her suddenly wide eyes opened to regard anew, “you’re about to be very popular,” wryly spoken with a dalliance of a shrug, “not that it matters. Bigger fish for the barbie, and all that. There’s a spirit in this camp…I can obfuscate myself from it as easily as I obfuscate myself from other Force users, for now, but you and all that…bright, sparkly Light-sidedness?”

The emphasis she put on the last three words were melodical, playful, as if it were all some great game, even as she began to make her way closer to the woman, and closer again, like a predator closing the distance on entranced prey, her body’s movements so fluid, so easy, it was too easy to miss the truth her body language whispered behind every act:


“Sit down,” she instructed in a voice that gave a command as easily as most men breathed, motioning to the chair closest to the woman, “and tell me just who you are, and how you know the Queen of Charmath, Assistant-Dean of Xenoarchaeology, and very generous late investor to this dig, Sela ir-Ramallah Vitaal,” she paused for a beat, before adding, “the Seventh of her name. Just a simple, exceedingly wealthy, exceedingly politically connected, socially reclusive girl living out her heart’s desire of ancient things and ancient cultures as a leading scholar in her field.”

Nope. No Force using here, no sir-ee.

“I don’t know you. I just heard you, felt you. I can’t explain it more than I had to be here.” Jaslyn sat down still reeling from the reaction of her world tilting on its axis. She smoothed her hair back from her face; the strands that had come loose from the braid that fell to her waist. “Until I saw you I had the idea that I was seeing the future. Now I have no idea what is going on.” 

Leaning her head into her hands Jaslyn scoffed. “Being a good person shouldn’t be laughable but you make it sound dangerous. Which has to be the biggest joke in the galaxy. I didn’t mean to frighten anyone.”

Lifting her head Jaslyn smirked. “Simple? Queen? And the Assistant-Dean of Xenoarchaeology? Does Leia even have that many titles? Well I suppose if we are trotting out names and titles Jaslyn Dayne, daughter of the Saarai-kaar. I suppose something of an equal rank?” She snarked with a grin.

Selene never did stop stepping forward. Even with each word the woman spoke, even with that grin, Selene just got closer, and closer…until the woman spoke of ‘equal rank’, to which Sela the Seventh barely, hardly, inched a smile at, instead being so close her dark, perfectly straight hair, tickled at the woman as Selene leaned down to this Jaslyn Dayne’s ear, and whispered the kind of whisper that quivered souls and left goosebumps on skin:

“…who said I was done?”

Selene’s body perked straight as a knife, her head tilting sharply to the side, like she was some dark-haired bird of prey. It was the sound of the word, she knew it, she’d heard it, “Ancient Sith word…”

Her fingers snapped as she found her answer, and her eyes tumbled back onto the woman once more after a quick upward drift as her mind thumbed through the encyclopedia of her memory, “I read about your lot from Inquisitor records. Interesting story, if ironically humorous in a twisted way.”

What the woman said before that was even more interesting in the moment, but Selene wasn’t about to let that be tipped off at the moment—not that it mattered as the door beside the woman opened. She expected security, but instead got a stunned looking Andrejo. The Co-Director of the Dig looked stunned, pale with shock, and dizzy enough to be sick.

“…Doctor Lergo, my Co-Director…was murdered down in the shafts by one of our senior post-grads. More details as they come, security is bringing up the body and the murderer now, then they’ll deal with…well, her,” he said, looking at Jaslyn for the first, and last time, before walking back out again, as if he were simply floating through it all, too phased to be phased.

Selene simply nodded, before turning her attention back to Jaslyn, and smiling, “I do hope you came prepared for the show,” then it happened, as the façade broke and Selene came through, as intense and serious and genuine as any one soul could be, “it only gets worse from here.”

She then, quietly, reached towards her waist and turned off the safety of the blaster at her side.

In a fit of madness, or rash impulsiveness that was unusual for her in multitudes rarely seen, Selene tipped her hand, “I think the spirit brought you here. If it used me, it may know about me,” she sighed the last sentence, unsure of what it meant, and hating to be unsure of what anything meant, “and if it knows about me…”

She just trailed off, going back across the room, and returning her attention to the reports. 

“Sounds like you have it all figured out and that the rest of them are all… at best along for the ride? You know better than to turn me over to security. If it gets worse than a murdered Doctor you could use my talents.” Jaslyn stood and studied the holo of the temple. “So where do we start this little detective drama?”

Jaslyn turned to the door with a look of expectation. “I am no Xenoarchaeology major but I am observant and,” She looked back over at Sela. “I am ready for the show. Too curious for my own good really. Spirits don’t scare me Queenie.”

Stress boiled as Selene felt her thin fingers comb through her black hair, and push back, hard, against her scalp until her fingers were free, and the moment of tension was momentarily behind her. The look Selene gave the woman now was blank, like the expression of someone who’d been through enough pain to come out of the other side numb.

“Then you’re a fool. Come with me.”

Selene left out of the exit on the far side of the woman, her pace quick and her walk determined as she cut a line through the heart of the site camp, past work buildings and past communal bathing set-ups, past lodgings and make-shift kitchens, past utility and storage areas, past transport ships put to ‘bed’ and awaiting power up, past the farthest reaches of the camp and towards the very heart of the temple.

It was there that the secret lifts had been uncovered. Selene hadn’t had the time, or the heart, to tell the assembled academics that they had just been wrong: the subterranean levels they had found weren’t Jedi, they were Rebel. Her suspicion was that the adjacent shafts weren’t even lined with metal, but a mix of metals native to the moon, and stone from the same source…which made their origin far more obvious than it had any right to be.

The crowd formed a semi-circle around the hidden lift, one clearly meant to be hidden, carved out of one of the giant cylindrical support beams of the temple that had been reinforced by Rebels, hinting at its purpose. The screaming started before they even got close, but by the time they were close, several of the dig staff were either looking away, or too staring, disturbed, or in the case of a handful of them…crying. The sound of the screaming was raving madness, and the post-grad student who’d been handsome and daring and bright was now pale and howling, blood still upon his hands, still around his mouth. His arms held down by members of the security team, his trousers and sleeveless top stained, soiled.

The Co-Director, Doctor Lergo, a man Selene had attended more than a few classes and talks of, was bone white, a chunk of flesh missing from his neck, and dark red dagger shaped punctures from his neck to his navel.

“I’ve done this my entire life, and I’ve never seen this,” was the whisper in the ear from Selene to Jaslyn, the very smell of the darker woman, some mix of spice and floral, intensified by the stress of the moment and sheer closeness of their bodies.


The scream came guttural and hoarse, the shoulders of the killer popping and cracking as muscle and bone shifted like serpents under a thin sheet of skin, twisting itself free from the firm grasp of militia security before throwing them free in either direction. Most worryingly to Selene, the scream came the moment the killer’s eyes, bloodshot and yellowed, set their sight on the Jensaarai.

The way it lunged and parted through the assembled crowd caught everyone unaware, and made security hesitate to shoot—what if they hit someone in the crowd? Dayne would have felt a firm shove, before hearing the roaring whine of the K-16 Bryar Pistol come to full, devastating, charge to fire its entire power source in a single shot. Selene waited the half second until the killer was nearly on them before she stepped in front of Jaslyn and fired, blood and brain and scalp and hair flying behind the charging madman, littering some of the crowd and some of the security force with it.

Yet the killer still fought to grab and claw at the woman who stood between it and the Jensaarai, forcing Selene to bend down and take the heft of the blaster pistol to bash at the remaining brain and skull of the post-grad worker until it stopped so much as twitching. A heavy sniff, and a slow stand to full height, Selene flipped her hair back behind her shoulders, and began to catch her breath. She gave the red-haired woman a single glare, before she simply walked away towards one of the communal wash areas of the camp.

After having met the Dameron family Jaslyn knew that she would have to find a place to live. The lush jungle was so different from Dantooine where she had lived on the plains quite a ways from the city. The press of the minds and emotions within a city would quickly become oppressive and affect her negatively. She would need to see if there was by chance a dwelling that was abandoned by someone or even one that she could rent or purchase. Pulling out a datapad she punched in the information and found an acceptable place. It was on the large side but she couldn’t complain since it fit her requirements of being away from the hub of activity and fairly isolated with the nearest neighbor being more than three kilometers away. It was described as being two stories with the second one built into the ground. She located the place she was going to so that she could claim the dwelling. This would take up most of her funds so she hoped that it was at least serviceable.

Walking out of the office a new home owner Jaslyn sighed at the fact that she was going to have to buy a speeder and likely one that was on its last leg. Shifting her pack she trecked over to where the last owner had told her the speeder shop was. As she entered a Chadra-fan squeaked out in Basic “Be right wit’ ya.”

“No rush, friend.” Jaslyn responded looking around at the brick brack and hodge podge of parts mixed in with fully functioning items. There were what looked like add ons, upgrades and other things that you might use to tune a speeder. “Just looking to get a speeder that will get me from point A to point B.”

A grunt and some things clattering was the answer that Jaslyn received before a long pause and a shout. “Nothin’ fancy then? Boring but I can have it ready in a couple of hours. Come back then.”

“Thank you.” Jaslyn exited the shop and in no particular hurry started walking. She had no where in mind and found herself in a cantina drawn there not knowing why exactly. Out of the corner of her eye Jaslyn saw something. She turned toward the object in curiosity and blinked not seeing it. It was like it vanished.

Walking up to the bar Jaslyn ordered and paid picking a seat with her back to the wall as well as in a dark corner. Sitting down she passed the time by sipping on her drink and reading about ancient history. The story was about the schism that started the division of the Je'daii in the Jedi and Sith order.

Jaslyn. A dry hoarse unused voice whispered like a snake sliding across dry dead leaves.

Looking up and around the empty cantina Jaslyn saw no one but heard soft male laughter that matched the voice that called her name. The bartender was a woman. Jaslyn locked back at the datapad and saw something very different than what she was on previously.

Information about Yavin IV, a map of temples. A slender pale finger tipped with a long polished nail painted a deep violet tapping on a temple that was hours outside the colony, if you took a speeder or transport of some kind. “Here.” The voice was rich, crystal and chime-like and very clearly female. She blinked and the datapad in her hands was again the history of the Je’daii.

Suddenly Jaslyn put down the datapad on the table and spread her hands flat with fingers splayed wide as the sound changed around her, sending her head spinning. She could hear a heartbeat that was not hers. A throbbing pulsing insistent beat that was much different from her own. Her’s was racing she could tell. This one felt… different. She felt her heartbeat slow to keep time with the one she could hear. When her heartbeat synced up with the one she could hear something in her shifted and with a wave of intense vertigo the world righted itself and changed fundamentally.

Breathing deeply and reaching for a calmness that she didn’t feel Jaslyn blew out a shaky breath and felt a thread of a different presence. Her head turned to look out the window to the jungle and she had a feeling that the temple that the woman’s finger tapped was in that direction. Jaslynn stood and put the datapad back in her bag and waved at the bartender. She felt a pulse and tug within her toward that place in the jungle that had to be the temple. With the rest of her credits she bought survival equipment and food to take with her the pulse throbbing with an ache unlike she have ever experienced.

Coincidently it had been two hours and the speeder was ready. Jaslyn put her bags in the speeder’s compartment and started it up. The speeder kicked on and it took everything she had to not open it up and race into the jungle. She got to the end of the colony and opened herself up to the Force and followed the pull that got stronger with every kilometer. Dodging trees with the anticipation of the Force was child’s play for Jaslyn; her mind was on the growing presence she felt at the end of her journey.

No one had stood out so clearly as this and yet was shrouded in mystery. The dichotomy of it was so enthralling that Jaslyn could not pull her focus from it. Curiosity and passion had always been something that she could never really scrub from her personality and her Master never required it fully. She had heard tales of Obi-Wan, Anakin and Qui-Gon from the age of twelve and on. Master Thracia had never required it of her and told her that there were things that the Jedi Order got wrong and that predecessors had right. She even pointed out that some things the Jensaarai did they did correctly. Jaslyn slowed and stopped to eat and drink as she pondered what she was racing toward.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!
These were put in the wrong tab and by someone not involved in the RP

The hour before the Dantooine sunrise saw a tall, athletic woman in dark clothing, or at least it seemed dark in the early hour. Jaslyn Dayne watched the sky turn from deep indigo to gray to lavender to pink and orange then finally a light blue. As the sky lightened and the sun, Dina, rose she became clearer to view. Her coppery hair was braided and the pieces that fell out floated around a strikingly beautiful and very natural face. Arching coppery brows over a pair of light gray eyes lined with deep drown thick lashes. A nose that was delicate as well as the bone structure. Cheekbones that set off large eyes and a complexion that was like cream. A mouth that was a full delicate rose cupid's bow set in a calm unruffled fashion. 

Wearing a buff colored hooded vest that clung to her curves with an ivory scarf tied loosely around her long neck. As she walked along the black leather harness shifted and creaked softly. Arms bare save for the buff leather gauntlets that closed with ornate laces in a braided cord pulled taut. Her harness was attached to a wrap that, at the moment, functioned like a skirt and a belt. At present it covered her backside but was twisted up in front like a belt to keep her legs free. Black leggings clung to long shapely legs and tucked into black boots that eased through the native grasses of the plains.

Jaslyn’s steps were light, silent and rolled like a dancer's, or more appropriately a swordswoman. The breeze swept across the plains waiving the grass like a sea. Garang as in the way of cities was rather small but that was to be expected on an Outer Rim planet. Garang was also home to the only spaceport. And Jaslyn was leaving Dantooine behind.

While still early Jaslyn was not the only one that was out and about. The residents of Garang were also up and busy with daily tasks. Jaslyn bought passage on a ship going to Jaemus without much trouble under the guise of a hunter wanting to participate in the Battle of the Arena in Vespaara.

The trip to Yavin was, in a word, boring. Which Jaslyn considered lucky since it could have been one that they'd been attacked by pirates along the way, multiple times. The lambda, that she had caught a ride with for the last leg of the journey, touched down. “What is this place called?” Jaslyn asked as she looked out the viewscreen.

“Wetyin’s Colony.” Came the grizzled voice from the Zabrak pilot that was flipping off switches to fully shut down the lambda. He was an older man who had needed a few hands with the ship and Jaslyn could work a slicer deck. Without using the Force and playing her hand.

“Thank you Kelnar.” Jaslyn had kept her presence in the Force buried but she still felt the echoes of it like a cool hand on the back of her neck. Thinking about it she wiped a hand over the back of her neck.

“You keep an eye out if you go to Gully’s. There are too many sleemos there.” Jaslyn saluted Kelnar and gathered her bag and stepped off the ship onto the ground. And nearly fell.

The Force was an almost physical thing here and it took everything that Jaslyn had to keep her presence buried. Stumbling, she caught herself before she fell. Blinking Jaslyn analyzed the information battering her shields. She knew that if she continued to hold it then she'd have a crippling headache within an hour. Jaslyn lowered her shield and felt the aggressive rush of the Force. 

The hot biting wind that stirred no air seemed to cut through Jaslyn. It was malicious and powerful and…searching. Chasing that was a calm soothing presence that was like light misty rain in spring. Both were just as powerful as the other. Balance. But teetering on the edge. Jaslyn acknowledged both as she felt a third. Small but growing and it felt like shade from a tree on a hot day. That was something different. 

Feet moving without truly conscious thought Jaslyn walked around the colony. She stopped in front of a home that was a little farther on the outskirts of the colony. A sapling that was different from the other trees around. Jaslyn reached out and stopped as a young voice spoke. “Who are you?”

Looking over her shoulder Jaslyn saw a young boy probably not more than nine years old. “Jaslyn Dayne. Can I get your name? I was told not to talk to strangers.” 

The young boy nodded. “Yeah my mom says that too.”

“Yet here you are talking to me.”

“Well if no one asked for names no one would know anyone would they.”

Smiling, Jaslyn held her hand out. “Pleased to meet you…?”

“Dameron. Poe Dameron.” He shook her hand enthusiastically. The child's emotions flowed through him into her. Excitement, friendliness, curiosity, longing to be included, uncertainty, anger and loneliness. Such deep loneliness. But love. So much love for his parents and flying. Seems he'd gotten the flying bug from his mother who was a pilot.

“Very nice to meet you Poe. Are your parents around? Don't want you getting into trouble.” Jaslyn let go of his smaller hand with an ease that belied the inner turmoil she was going through. 

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