@Master Crim @bluetommy2
Mephistopheles looked over to its master, and quickly dashed over - nosing Malacoda's side, and producing the closest thing it could to a whine - sounding more like a wailing spirit than anything else.
Outside of the building however, inside of the mind of the desert beast - Malacoda realised that his power was leaving him. He still needed to find that bloody bomb. He called forth another burst of mental strength, before making the darkness fade around their entwined consciousnesses. Instead of a vast emptiness there was now a vast plain of fire - a mere memory made into an image for the other. "This place, where my parents now dwell - without such things as time and space, where no god of earth had ever even considered trespassing - this is where I could send your mind. Where I could have you stay until such a time as I felt you worth saving. I won't do it however. I can't. I realise that you are a sentient being. I realise that you have agency and reason. I realise that you have been taught to the best of your people's ability. I realize that nothing you have done, or nothing that you contemplate could ever justify this punishment." The flames and light vanishes - and the darkness seemed to start cracking around them.
"I need you to realise that while you might think yourself vastly beyond all of them - the people of this world, even the most common ones are more informed about the world than the richest among your people. We have learned to afford them the courtesy and dignity you would have afforded the best of yours - because that same ability to reason and understand - we believe makes them deserved of making their own choices... Please realise that you are not wrong - but neither are-" His mind suddenly vanished from the other's and he awoke again in the building. He coughed up blood and he he felt his hound whine next to him. Shit. He left too soon...
Dr. Malacoda Zatanna
Uptown Central - In front of the Gotham Law Library. Gotham
Mephistopheles looked over to its master, and quickly dashed over - nosing Malacoda's side, and producing the closest thing it could to a whine - sounding more like a wailing spirit than anything else.
Outside of the building however, inside of the mind of the desert beast - Malacoda realised that his power was leaving him. He still needed to find that bloody bomb. He called forth another burst of mental strength, before making the darkness fade around their entwined consciousnesses. Instead of a vast emptiness there was now a vast plain of fire - a mere memory made into an image for the other. "This place, where my parents now dwell - without such things as time and space, where no god of earth had ever even considered trespassing - this is where I could send your mind. Where I could have you stay until such a time as I felt you worth saving. I won't do it however. I can't. I realise that you are a sentient being. I realise that you have agency and reason. I realise that you have been taught to the best of your people's ability. I realize that nothing you have done, or nothing that you contemplate could ever justify this punishment." The flames and light vanishes - and the darkness seemed to start cracking around them.
"I need you to realise that while you might think yourself vastly beyond all of them - the people of this world, even the most common ones are more informed about the world than the richest among your people. We have learned to afford them the courtesy and dignity you would have afforded the best of yours - because that same ability to reason and understand - we believe makes them deserved of making their own choices... Please realise that you are not wrong - but neither are-" His mind suddenly vanished from the other's and he awoke again in the building. He coughed up blood and he he felt his hound whine next to him. Shit. He left too soon...