Avatar of amorphical


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3 mos ago
Current Going through a very rough patch will reply when able QQ
4 mos ago
Interests in bio now updated.


I am experienced and over 18+. I prefer original pairings and concepts. If you have an RP idea please PM me. We all have lives outside this site I am no exception, any other questions please PM me.

1x1 fxf mxm
slice of life with twists, Gotta have twists!

Concepts /worlds willing to explore
*the Expanse
beast star /anthro
D&D *ravenloft
*Original concept [TBD]

**all OC only, retyping the script is not interesting
Thanks for stopping by.

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I can always make you one.

That would be amazing! Would you really? YES please!
...coughs getting under control

I mean, cool. Thanks.
God.. my post header looks so bad compared to the rest QQ

Sorry for borrowing the header I panicked.

Dawn Haven _ “The eye of the Beholder.”

Open for Business

Olivia sat there at the table furthest from the hearth. Her bear cloak with the thick fur hid her more slender figure and milk skin beneath. She could feel it like a snake coiling in the very pit of her stomach. The time at her fathers keep had been a blessing in disguise as she freely fed from wrong doers and those overcome by grief and yet now it had taken its tool on her. Not a day after her rebirth was with out something, or rather someone. There was also Jaylen to keep her in check yet now it was as she had been cast out into the wilderness to fend for herself. The long five day journey with nothing and now to be in the midst of an inn was almost a cruel joke.

Reaching the lady moving through the Inn and throwing another log and another on the large fire pit that burned, the brightness was not most comfortable but they needed warmth and light did her customers. Syraeia was more practically dressed in a hooded cloak over more practical clothes with boots and a treat to herself she had insisted on taking a small base metal charm of a decorated smith's Hammer rested around her neck on leather cords. “Hello, my name is Syraeia, this my Inn, Food, Drink? We have a spiced stew, ale, wines and a few rarer items in stock.” Eyeing her up that she looked like had more money than the laborer's and builders.

The red eyes… well Syraeia knew exactly what those meant, but also knew the price that those took on you, your life and your soul. Letting her hood slip a little to expose her cyclopiam features to the woman alone and giving a small nod of attention. “My best guest room is available still, this is a safe place for our kind” Adding that barely as a whisper to the woman.

“Now, would you like to start with wine, ale or something more exotic” Syraeia said deliberately louder projecting her voice. “The salted venison is fresh in, and of quite refined quality.” She said, more confident than she felt at times, but coins… she had been poor, she had been destitute. She would not be, and would run a successful Inn.

So when the tavern lady came by to offer food she nodded. She was so very hungry! Reaching within her cloak to return her hand and a sack of coin. "Yes. I need two rooms, a..." Olivia stopped mid sentence to gaze on the woman's features. The baroness nearly cried. Never had she imagined to see another blight born always thinking it would be terrifying and a fight in some animalistic territorial battle. Yet when faced with a woman whose eye shone brighter then the moons reflection on a still lake she could barely contain her awe. "So beautiful." Her voice a soft breathy whisper. The woman's words of 'exotic' echoed in her heart. The two red rubies staring up at he for only a second before being crested by her own hood like a cloud drifting over the sun. She would take a deep breath and let out a sigh before continuing. "A room for my two coachmen. And I will take the best guest room for myself." She gave in to desire and gave another cute glance out from behind her hood before retreating. "We will need food. The stew, some ales, salted venison and wine for myself. How much would that come to?"

Whatever the price she paid it freely and a very generous tip to total nearly half of the price. While time passed the woman in her cloak would be glancing at the tavern hostess. She couldn't help not to. There were a million questions flying about her head Olivia felt desperate to ask her. They were like stars that shined in the nights sky orbiting her each with their own questioning flicker of light. It was hard to focus on anything else. Even when the two guards entered after stabling the horses and staging the carriage her mind was far from the inn and coiled about the other blight borne woman.

Soon entered the inn two men stopping briefly to look about before they pointed to the bear cloaked figure and walked in a line to her table. One man had dark reddish hair and full beard. He was tall and fairly strapping. Wearing common clothing and a short blade at his side. The other man clearly related to the first except with brighter copper hair and a short growth about his face."My lady." His voice had broken the spell for now as she turned to face him covering her eyes. He could tell she was being kind and yet felt there was something off about her mannerisms. To his knowledge the lady had never in her life left her fathers lands. Nobility had a way of getting anything they wished delivered. He coughed. "Forgive me, The horses are stabled."

In a low voice she spoke to not be over heard. "Quiet Alex, There may be others about. You need not draw such attention to me... yet. I ordered food and ale for you both. I also took the liberty of making lodgings for you and your brother as my thanks for the service."

"Please my, " He cut himself off from repeating past mistakes. "...it was our pleasure. I am sorry to be so intrusive but it seems you are not well."

She leaned back into her oversized cloak. Taken by his notice, "I am ...hungry." Her voice grew dark. "I will need to see you both after dinner in my room." She turned to Alex, "I need you to get drunk, very drunk." Olivia was so very grateful to be hidden under her cloak as she felt her face become slightly feverish.

Alex looked nervous and nodded. "As you wish." He turned to his brother Jones. They had done it only once before yet it felt strange to hear her ask again. He recalled on their journey they had tried, pulling the wagon over as the lady groaned and thrashed inside her carriage. When it was night of the third day. The lady looked thin in her face. Her eyes gave a slightly reddish glow like they had never seen before. Together they came up with a plan he recalled with a pale blush.

John would be the safety holding her cloak as Alex stood there a good distance from the carriage. As the door opened revealing the dark interior it was almost terrifying to behold. The ladys eyes glaring from the dark pit of the interior. Her hands reaching out from that darkness as she slowly emerged. Alex could feel his heart beating in his throat. He wanted to run to scream for help even after having seen it for nights in her inner chamber. How she fed it was another thing to be experienced! By the time she had reached the half way distance between the two, his legs gave out. He could start to feel it. The pull on his... fear. It only made the event so much more terrifying. To be afraid, to have your mind screaming at you to run and yet feel calm as a hiker might realizing the impending avalanche was unstoppable. In the moment Alex consigned himself to the fate of being devoured.

John rushed from behind in the moment he had counted her steps and watched the ethereal creature he called lady cross the halfway point. At the last moments when he wrapped her within the thick bear cloak ending the spell she had cast on his brother he could hear her shrieks of anger. He thrashed with her thanking the gods he was strong enough to do so. As they collapsed to the ground he held fast quickly to be joined by his brother. They pinned her down until she was breathing hard. With knowing glances at the other they had done it.

"I am all right." she grunted keeping her face in the cloak she reached out and patted someone's back, or maybe chest. Olivia couldnt see, and was thankful for that. It was barely a meal and certainly not the full courses she was accustom to. Still it would tied her over for the rest of the trip. At least that was her idea. The blight born had never had to ration like that. Being her first time she didnt let on how nervous she felt about the rest of the journey.

The brothers laughed slowly releasing their charge. The carriage continued to Dawnhaven.

Now again the brothers looked at each other knowing the risks and in a much smaller space it felt dangerous. Like stepping out over a frozen lake. Neither of them knew at that time just how thin the ice truly was. Their fears would wait it would seem as the table filled with the smell of food. They glanced nervously at the lady as she sat there like a wolf in her cave. During the meal they watched as the tavern woman cloaked as their lady was gave the pale hand two room keys, and she in turned gave one of the keys to her companions. Alex gave a hard swallow knowing their time was near. Both brothers knew little of their lady's actual abilities beyond what they had seen in the audience chamber. How could she possibly be terrifying in a room? What would she do to stoke their emotions they sat and wondered having no reason to guess what the night would hold.

So.. its not 18+ but Olivia needs to feed. Not the type to induce unnecessary fear would it be okay to hint at another act to stir emotions?
@Tally Dor

I'm very sorry for the wait it seems I just don't have the space for this. It is my fault entirely especially when I looked up after your post not realizing it had been 5 day! Im sorry for making you wait and its not fair to you to keep you hanging like this. So I am afraid I have to close this. Again all my fault for over extending myself. QQ
@Mole I like your fish ^^
Insulting someone out of post jealousy?

I repeat again, "bad dog."
@Shadrack Nor
Banned for being a sexy color red surrounded in a black cherry background making me want so many cherries.
I wish I was getting that amazing hug!
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