Lost, forgotten.
Donny never really got a break. Born to Brazilian immigrants he did alright in school with most of his marks coming from gym, the arts and languages. He was just old enough to see the Vietnam war in its peak but didn't quite get the chance to participate in the thing army recruiters so romanticized.
He got into university and performed acceptably if quite far from excelling in his chosen degree of English. He signed up as a reservist in the military after finding some difficulty in getting a good job and eventually decided to become a proper soldier. There was peace for a while, until the Gulf-War rolled around. He served faithfully receiving a purple heart after taking several bullets. The wound healed but the mind didn't as was the case for so many soldiers out there. He was made to seek psychiatric help, which ended up being a Doctor who he fancied to put it lightly. Only with her help could he make some semblance of recovery and reintegration to proper society, but alas it would not be; on the way to work one day she was hit by a bus before his very eyes no less. Already this was for more tragedy than any one man could properly handle, and from there the degradation began. Donny didn't go outside, didn't clean himself, didn't get a job prompting him to be fired. When Afghanistan rolled around he couldn't get back into the armed forces, and that was the nail in the coffin of a good citizen.
Now Donny roams the streets, trying his best to forget without melting his brain with booze.
Physical TraitsAn old man with a beard now white with age. Donny is quite tall at 6'2 but is often at least somewhat hunched, often bringing him down to a mere five feet. He tries to keep hygienic but with his lifestyle this is usually in vain, and one can see the marks of dirt and grime upon him. His clothing will usually be in various states of disrepair depending on the last time he moseyed over to a mall for something new to re-appropriate. Often his clothes will be mismatched like a beaten top hat in conjunction with basketball shoes, swimming trunks over long-johns and a plastic rain coat.
Full NameSebastian Donovan Barretto
EthnicityWhite-Hispanic (Branco)
SexualityA hole's a hole, am I right or what eh?
Age60 years old; Date of birth 13/2/1960
MotivesDon is driven by the desire to live, not just survive. This is particularly difficult for someone with no disposable income or home but he manages. Be it showing strangers the way around town, finding some other veterans to reminisce with or some amazing discarded nudie magazines it is the little things that really matter, right? To some who have lived in the area for a while he may even be seen as a sort of local "celebrity" frequently seen making people passing by laugh and appearing in a youtube video or two giggling madly as "that creepy old guy" having jumped on the back of a teenager that thought homeless abuse is funny.
However with the passing of time it is harder and harder for him to truly do so as he finds it harder to provide for himself and the chance of his final days being spent in a proper home get slimmer by the moment with suicide being ever more enticing.
OccupationHe has no job, he survives going around the streets telling stories to people that might pity him, stealing from malls, he is not above eating stray animals particularly in the winter.