Avatar of Andreyich


Recent Statuses

20 days ago
Current no fucking way
2 mos ago
while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
2 mos ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
2 mos ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
4 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

@Delphio ah, I thought the gripe was it wasn't uploaded, I thought animated was only preferred rather than needed. Well, how about this?

@Delphio moved it to imgur, good to move to characters?
@Delphio for your perusal

Fabios Odyssean

Location: Cenarius Glade

Fabios gave a light laugh as Heda proposed reciprocity on what was done: "What, you're going to stop me napping when its possible we're in danger? Oh I'd be glad my dear lady!" With one firearm loaded he placed it in the rightful holster, promptly getting to the next one. The Knight was somewhat cheery, eager to once more go at the throat of foes but he was also very wary of... well, everything to be frank. Hadn't he lost? Sure he'd taken a lot of damn knife ears with him but as far as he could remember he got walloped in the head before going down. Turning his attention back to Heda momentarily he shrugged. "Damned if I know, we're probably quite close because I don't feel any older so we were only out for the usual couples of hours, so we couldn't have been taken very far - assuming we're not important enough to be taken to some nasty portal."

Continuing in his preparation for a fight he paused the loading of his pistol to snugly return his helmet to where it should be, remembering the recent cost of being caught off guard without it. However, an eyebrow was raised as Heda seemed to get an idea of where they were. "Ye? You know last time I thought some forest buggers were my friends was not too long in memory. Some centaur lasses aren't going to look very good to me in the near future, I'll be frank, so I'll keep a sword close to hand for the bastards if you don't mind."

The Paladin's words were cut short, as in the periphery of his vision he saw something quite massive approaching. He looked up, mouth beginning to frame "oh shit" as he saw Cenarius in his full majesty He kept quiet for now, looking to Heda to speak considering it was quite likely that Cenarius would not have the best impression of the man at the moment. Instead he would stay near the Vrykul, looking suspiciously at the provided foodstuffs with his hand darting to his blade as from nowhere more dryads came. He wouldn't eat right away, only trying things after Heda had them, for you never knew with elves and their ilk. Of course, someone like Cenarius would clearly be able to see what Fabios was doing, but he felt a little certainty he wouldn't start coughing up his molten kidneys was more important than dignifying who he was with.
tbh I don't see much incentive to play non-immunes, since the only ones who can actually avoid getting infected are military who are locked out. Perhaps restrict military to non-immunes?
Do we play immunes @Delphio?
I'll try for something today, yesterday I was just playing catch-up with me other RPs.
As Horacio noticed the amount of onlookers, he momentarily felt nervous when so scrutinized, but this quickly only stiffened his resolve. If he didn't show these arse clenching bastards what for then the slow descent to heresy was all but guaranteed. A grim face came upon him swiftly as he more seriously looked upon the Diokletian fellow. He made a mental note to not partake in the fizzy wine, for who knew exactly what something so tenderly described would contain? No, there wouldn't be funny chemicals in store for Horacio today oh no!

Just a single bead of cold sweat rolled down the pudgy Priest's neck as it was mentioned that he had a weapon upon him. Just as the man would begin to leave, Horacio would speak, hoping he'd be too busy to reply and thus making his... interepretation the one that other listeners would get. "Weapon? Oh no dear governor, this business? But a ceremonial toy!" He said, pointing to the truly ceremonial, if nonetheless face splattering maul. "Worry not!" He'd emphasize.

Still, the gag was up in many ways and atleast some nobles present here would be disillusioned from the image he found it best to build in such situations. Thus, he scoffed at Victorine's suggestion. "Well, if you insist." Horacio said, waddling off uncomfortably. Between height, girth and apparel one would be able to quite tactfully say he was larger than life. Still, he felt he could do at least some measure of intentionally unintentionally overhearing conversation. Likewise, this would allow him to search for some sharp knives - preferably of the mono-molecular variety - to further augment his small arsenal.

Still, he also made sure that he always had sight on each of his Sisters at the same time. Odd business was happening here, this reception more and more felt like a diversion and with how they were splitting up to mingle and speak Horacio could not help but feel that the small troupe was falling right into the hands of some malign force that was orchestrating this business. However, Horacio didn't have enough supporting evidence or concretely framed thoughts to actually share with Victorine, so for now he could do nothing but stew in his suspicions.
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