Avatar of Andreyich


Recent Statuses

20 days ago
Current no fucking way
2 mos ago
while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
2 mos ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
2 mos ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
4 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

The elderly man walked along the street, muttering to himself. What the fuck was going on these days. People going around biting each other like they were lunch, what the hell could it be? Don felt he had a pretty safe wager it was some sort of drug making people like this. Kids were snorting all sorts of shit these days, and while he appreciated a bit of irony himself it seemed that they worshipped it nowadays. He heard from a worker at one of the shelters that for a joke kids were snorting condoms. Now that did sound like something that people his age made up to be pretentious to young folk but the more he saw the new generations the more he felt like joining in the pretentiousness. There was also that drug, what was it now... it made you eat people or something like that. Kids, eh?

As he walked along he nearly tripped on a pair of street urchins. Wait, what the fuck? This was twenty-first century America, street urchins don't exist! Donny looked down at the offending kids and sighed in recognition. The Chalky boys, they ran away from home and miraculously managed to both avoid getting taken back, and dying in an alley to someone not quite right in the head.

"Jesus Christ kid! Watch where you're going."

"Not our fault you're a blind old fag!"

Don's arm shot out at the neck of the younger of the two, quite tight on his shoulder.

"You're asking for an ass whooping, children. I'm going to give you three seconds to apologize before I give you a spanking TV shows give the eighteen-plus for violence label for. Then I'll give you to the cops so you can get back to whatever the hell it is you ran away from."

Vague mutterings with the idea of an apology came but he felt like he deserved more.

"What was that? Speak up, louder if you please."

"Sorry." Came the response from both boys.

"Well how about that. Now why the hell is there blood on you, you've been hanging out with the rest of the bums right?"

"Some old guy got bit!" One of the kids shouted, to the anger of his brother. He was about to silence his sibling until Don gave him quite the nasty stare. Assured internally he wouldn't be interrupted, Don looked back to the Chalky that spoke with an encouraging nod.

"I... I don't know much more than that. He had a dog and he looked fucked up. Got bit or something, maybe his dog got in a fight with another dog. I don't know. He's with that doctor guy now but he got blood everywhere."

"Fuck." Was all that Sebastian Barretto could muster. An old guy with a dog? Maybe this was one of his older friends Patrick. He hadn't seen him around lately but if that was him it would be shit to see him die to a bite. A lot of homeless folks had dogs, they helped fight off some fucker who thought he had a claim on the bottles you gathered for one, and they were like portable radiators when you came right down to it. Besides, as a homeless gentleman you didn't have to clean up their turds.
Nobody talked about it, but you could always eat the poor things.

Still, now was not the time to think about the hobo economy: now was the time to see what the fuck was up. The old vet sprinted as best he could which was admittedly not very well until he reached the camp. He stood for a minute or so catching his breath but his respite was cut short — somebody had started screaming. Again he took to his feet, hearing the all too familiar squelching noise of tooth upon flesh. "Do something you prick!" He shouted to Sean, running over to shove the old man away for at least a little safe room to be made.

Fabios Odyssean

Location: Dreamscape - Cenarius Glade

Fabios looked about, opening and closing his fist a few times and rolling his neck to test the false reality of the dream world. It seemed his intangible captor had something to say but he didn't really listen to her nonsense, instead momentarily thinking about past, present, and future of when he would at last wake up. Coming to a few conclusions he knew he'd soon be using, he spoke up to the voice.

"Shut your mouth, whore." He stated quite simply. "Shut your mouth. My dreams don't have some witch breed spouting nonsense. If this is my dream then be gone from it, if its your world then I hereby claim it for the Glory of Kul'Tiras and the Light - therefore it's now mine, and you will get the hell out. Or at least leave me be." The man said, genuinely just wanting to be left alone.

It seemed his wish was granted, yet only momentarily as he left the world of dreams and once more went to the land of now. He sat up, growling faintly as he rubbed his helmeted head. Cenarius was quite clearly unhappy with him, but Fabios was ready for the stag-man.
The Knight stood taking off his helmet, brushed himself off and then placed the piece of armour back on his head once he was yet again dignified. "Do you think I'm an idiot? I know you, and your... your slimy kind. You'll see what I give willingly as a sort of test, before forcing the rest out of my damn brains. Send me to interrogations, don't, say whatever the hell you like. I don't know know what happened to that stupid Vrykul, I fell down unconscious after stepping out of your pansy circle to go help her, or one of the stag lasses anyway." He said, pointing a finger to the Dryad behind the tree. "I help one of you animals and all the thanks I get is a threat to be turned over to some sadistic elf bastards. Well so be it, I wouldn't mind the last thing I do being spitting in their smug faces."
hmm, actually moderately interested in this, a Dwarf Engineer going around on a Gyrocopter cool?
I'm going to guess by the ping you're hoping to start very soon, in which case I probably won't be able to get something out on time.

Fabios Odyssean

Location: Dreamscape

The old soldier raised a foot to leave the battlefield but already his destination was before him. He wasn't an idiot, and noted upon this but right now his goal was just to once more see his beloveds. Running forth the man laughed, falling to his knees with both hands going upon his red hair. They went down across his face to wipe grimy tears until either palm fell to his heart. His adorations were interrupted quite quickly however, as there was death and destruction around him.

A vile voice spoke to him but he didn't listen, looking down once more to the crossed palms before his heart, for now just kneeling. He ignored the speaker instead turning to his own inner thought, wondering just how to react to everything.

Transported to the birth of Solomon a light smile again came to Fabios as he stood up. The Knight stepped over to his wife pressing a hand to her cheek, running it down momentarily to calm himself and allow for a semblance of sanity to return. The Paladin then closed his eyes and inhaled deeply before looking to the sky. "I'm going to wake up, and I'm going to hurt you. However how much I hurt you can be reduced if you release me sooner. Tick-tock, scum." With that the Paladin again turned to his wife to make use of what moments of reunion he had.

Fabios Odyssean

Location: Cenarius Glade - Dreamscape

As the Paladin hit the ground his eyes closed, and a faint snore emanated from the man. He wouldn't be prepared for Heda's absence nor that of the dryad as his breastplate heaved up and down with great breaths and eyes moved rapidly with dreams.

Once more unto the breach.

The Tauren swung his totem and at this distance there was no parrying it. Fabios's sword flew out of his hand and he barely rolled out of the downwards smash. He jumped to a stand with plated fists outstretched, a display to which the bull man offered a laugh. "Your mistake, filth." A quick lunge let him land a punch to his foe's nose before he ducked under another wide swing of the totem. From his lowered position he made use of the Tauren's momentum to place both of his hands on his nose ring and pull as hard as he could. Fabios shuddered internally at the noise of the ring tearing out of the creature's face before he dived under the beast's left flank as it started swinging in a maddened rage. Seeing his opportunity the Knight hopped on his enemy's back wrapping one arm around its neck for stability. Satisfied with his grip he brought down the nose ring he was still holding into the depths of either eye, grinning as the bellows of anger changed to those of pain. Finally the vile thing collapsed with a glob of spit sent into its eye.

Fabios picked up his sword and turned to his next threat, a younger dark spear troll winding up to throw a namesake weapon. His long blade went to sever the weapon before a plated fist shattered the troll's right ear. Still alive the troll raised both arms defensively before his face, blood running down his cheek. "Please, mon! I just want to stop the fightin', I just want to go!" An amused look crossed the Paladin. The lad may or may not be genuine, but that didn't matter. He gave up the right to live the moment he stepped on the sovereign holdings of Kul'Tiras and Theramore. He squatted before the troll with a genuine look of mercy and sympathy as he would give to real people. Fabios smiled, before a swipe of his blade cleaved the invader in two. With that he went back into the melee, parries and ripostes, giving ground slowly to the endless invader. He turned at some point to see Lord Daelin fall, but there was no time for lamentation as a goblin explosive landed ever so close to him. The blast threw him aside and he lay concussed for a second or two to catch his breath. He arose, and met his first enemy, a quite large warrior of the new horde. The Tauren swung his totem and at this distance there was no parrying it. Fabios's sword flew out of his hand and he barely rolled out of the downwards smash.

He stopped, and everything stopped around him. The Knight took off his helmet, letting the more youthfully red hair he had in the dream world flow down on either shoulder. Well, he wasn't supposed to be here and he didn't want to be here. So, he could try to figure out why this was going on so damn long. The Knight laughed at this prospect and quickly unbuttoned the holster of one of his pistols. Gently placing the barrel to the roof of his mouth and pulled back the hammer. Fabios almost pulled the trigger, before he realized he had a bit of unfinished business here. Putting the weapon away, he decided to sprint towards his home. A chance to see the raven curls of Anastasia once more, the bright smile of Solomon.
I'll try to make a CS soon
You have me hooked, I was thinking of "the beer belly" a guy getting powers from drinking

Fabios Odyssean

Location: Cenarius Glade

Fabios sighed at Heda's reply, wiping his face down as he stared at the sky. There was an itch at the back of his throat at the same time a few nasty memories surfaced. He half-listened to Heda, mildly annoyed at her response coupled with the lack of some nectar to drown his sorrows lead to a feedback loop of frustration. Moments ago the Knight was in good humour, but the sudden change might give those with him at least some insight to his volatile personality.

He spun from his position snapping back a retort at the Vrykul. "Right, we go away, and prance off to find your damn dragons what folk never see actually doing anything. Run off to death because you thought you could cheat the plans of the universe. Or perhaps you feel cheated and think you can get fair? No Heda, I might be your 'sub-type' as you so colourfully expressed, but I'm a man who sees right — not a sub-Vrykul to give you prestige. Remember the damn lesson of the Drust." Fabios realized already that he had made a mistake by starting his tirade, but it was too late to swallow his words. "Prance off, I won't stop you. But I'm here and I will stick with what I know, fighting evil and doing my Fatherland proud; maybe I'll make a better future by actually trying."

Looking at Heda Fabios traced her gaze to see the Dryad, to whom he looked with an upraised eyebrow. She seemed startled at being discovered and went hit a tree. The Paladin shook his head with disdain and shrugged as she suggested going to help the stricken stag-lady. He stepped out of the flowers, or at least he tried. Quite quickly he was struck by magics - a work of Cenarius to keep his "guests" no doubt - making him recoil. He only kept standing through will-power a few moments, enough to look at Heda before falling to his knees and placing a hand on her shoulder for stability. "Wake me up before he gets back." he said quite simply, before falling at last with a heavy thump.
I'm around, just busy.

Arbites okay? Or maybe a death cultist?
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