Name: Laurence (Laurie) Alexander Mathieu
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Appearance: About 192 cenimetres in height, Laurie has dark hair on the border of black and brown, swamp green eyes and peach skin near-permanently tinted rose by the sun. He has a wiry frame, insuring he has only somewhat more muscle than ordinary in his lean build, his feet and hands covered in scars and calluses. His right thigh has a quite nasty scar from an alligator bite and a somewhat deformed navel from a gunshot that landed in it. His hair will generally be in a mess with a vague attempt to comb it down and cropped but noticeable sideburns going down either side. The Ranger has somewhat shapely ears and an ever so slight cleft chin.

Agency/Organization: Park Ranger Five
Education: Bachelor's in data science with a minor in environmental technologies, dropped out from law school.
Laurence was born to a fairly affluent family of Louisiana French, his Father a lawyer with a firm that did well caring for the many local hillbillies with law problems and his mother an accountant helping her husband and the very same hillbillies.
Throughout early school years Laurie did okay, but often found his mind wandering, more interested in whatever was happening outside or with his siblings than what was in class. He progressed in that "okay" in a fairly uneventful youth just about managing his bachelor's degree. He had taken a course in data science as it satisfied his father's hopes that the lad go work in his firm later, while also satisfying the young man particularly when his environmental technologies minor was added.
But as he afterwards went to law school, both he and his father gradually came to terms with the realization he wouldn't become a lawyer along with his dad, even if his father was disappointed with the fact he dropped out just as he was about to finish.
After that he went straight to the Park Rangers, more than happy with the barely minimum wage he started with. But, he took to his job and progressed in the first year from Range I to Ranger II, and so on and so forth.
Though his first year was uneventful, that was because he was given the easier trails to cross. It was not much time before he was given worse routes and he saw strange things. He got accustomed to having to chase away moonshiners, but he could never get used to the doll candled shrines, odd voices, and dark figures he saw at times. Usually he chalked it up to the amount of time he spent alone in the swamps and woods, but at a certain point it got weird. He wasn't particularly frightened of them, but he felt it disturbed his work.
Laurie decided to be a ranger in a different state, and moved to Utah. Sure, the place had them Mormons who were pretty creepy but he could at least escape all the big-foot and cult style shit he saw back home. But his visions didn't escape him, in fact they only got more frequent. Particularly annoyed, he moved to New England and then to California, both of which still annoyed him with this shit, shit that was more annoying than getting into shootouts with drug cooks and getting attacked by animals.
Yet recently he got a bit of relief it seemed, for he got contacted by some odd fellers in suits. Now he apparently works for some higher-ups in the government, pretending he knows what the fuck is going on.
Personality: Laurence is a funnily little individual. Periods of perfect calm will be interspersed with rambunctious spots of feeling adventure and mischief. He's generally suspicious of his fellow man, but to those he befriends he'll value as a mother her babe. He isn't particularly comfortable in big cities, but as with his other dissatisfactions he has over time learned to mask this. Laurie will also generally behave to others as they to him, only being erudite and polite with the good old Southern hospitality to those who show him some. If he doesn't get it, then he will show them the nasty redneck he could be stereotyped as. Much of this is also influenced by the fact Laurie is a Roman Catholic, becoming fairly devout as time went on. Furthermore, the man doesn't have any sympathy for soldier types. While he very much considers himself a good old patriot, the idea of going to bully illiterate brown people under the pretext of help while your own country is in the shitter is quite nasty to him; while he will respect their prowess and skill he'll readily joke about whatever PTSD and similar shit they might make up.
Family, Friends, and Associates: Laurence has a quite large family. Both grandparents on both sides are alive and kicking, as is his mother father. He also has two brothers and a sister, but he only maintains much contact with his grandparents, all of whom he makes sure to visit at least bi-monthly on absolute minimum. Still, his father is friends with big figures, important judges, a senator, and other folks he meets in country clubs.
Likes: Pretty girls, folksy music, a good wad of tobacco, honesty, nature, good honest work and virtue in general.
Dislikes: criminals, vice, lies, and general absence of virtue.
Fears: Laurence is not a little pussy, he'll state that to anyone and he'll have much to verify this claim. There isn't really anything one could think of off the top of their head that would get him to be frightened. But that's because most people couldn't think outside the box for his case. What frightens Laurie is that which is unknown, and that which cannot be understood. Ghosts, aliens, the undead, whacky human experiments, all wouldn't phase him. But the idea of something that there are no words to describe, the possibility that something one cannot wrap their heads around exists gives him the chills at any time of the day.
Gifted: Awareness, SERE
Adept: Marksmanship - Long guns, Marksmanship - Handguns, Hand-to-Hand
Average: First aid, Marksmanship - Sniper, Tactical Driving
Novice: Computer Science, Crafting, Engine Mechanics, Subterfuge
Languages: Spanish, French (somewhere between proper Parisien and Louisiana French), Latin
Weaknesses: Laurie has steel hips, resulting from a particularly nasty alligator attack. In addition, Laurie has admittedly mild ADHD.
Off-Duty Clothing/Equipment: Laurie likes the perfect centre of the venn diagram of comfort, appearance and practicality.
Clothing: Depending on the weather and occasion, anything from a polo-shirt with shorts, to a confederate-flag adorned leather jacket with jeans, to a swanky three-piece suit.
Weapons: M1911 with a spare magazine, multitool knife, hand-taser.
Tools/Equipment: His phone, his watch, a compass, with variance and bits of his on-duty equipment should he feel it could be useful. He will often also carry bits of first aid equipment, snacks and water with himself in a bit of paranoia and mall-ninja over-preparedness for any situation. In his vehicle Laruie might also carry more on-duty equipment for similar reasons. He will also often carry a rubik's cube and other small things to keep his attention taken when needed.
Operational Clothing/Equipment: As a Park Ranger in some more remote areas of nastier states, Laurie has to deal with quite a wide variety of bullshit and must be prepared for all of it. Lost tourists, moonshining hillbillies, drug cooking Mexicans, camping Klansmen, alligators, bears, coyotes, and more. As such, he in his backpack or his ride will have to carry a very, very large amount of things.
Clothing: Much like his off-duty clothing, this will heavily depend on where he is. But more or less omnipresent is a set of heavy engineer's boots with steel caps, and either a wide-brimmed hat or a baseball cap. Sometimes motorbike gear or joint and other pads depending on terrain.
Weapons: .357 Python, a choice of Winchester 1897 shotgun or M14 Rifle (potentially scoped) usually with enough ammunition for two to three reloads for these weapons, hand-taser.
Tools/Equipment: His phone, a radio, first aid kit, several water bottles and granola bars, a watch, a compass, a map, head-flashlight, a heavy flashlight, stationery, a swiss army knife and a heftier knife. He'll also carry several batteries of different sizes, rubber gloves, repellents for local animals and bugs, a lighter and fire starter kit, sometimes a "really cool" stick he walks with, quite a bit of rope and often a sleeping bag and/or tent. All of this is generally in a fanny-pack around his belt for quicker access and in a rucksack for things less immediately needed. Will carry two spare tiers, a canister of gas and tools to fix up a car in whatever his ride is. He will also often carry a Bible, mp3 player, rubik's cube and other small things to keep his attention taken when needed.