while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
2 mos ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
2 mos ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
4 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!
If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.
About me: Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.
@Lo Pellegrino I'm going for a hella green BoS born Knight. Aced all his training so he thinks he's hot shit that can take on the whole wasteland because he earned himself some T45 but boy is he in for a surprise. Sound cool?
Name/Titles: As an Alpha Legionnaire, he has any amount of names including Alpharius. Though he was born with the name Mannfred Skorzeny, the alias he goes by is Laszlo Octavius.
Denomination: Chaos Undivided(?)
Appearance: Laszlo is particularly short for a Space Marine at little more than two meters, a trait that has helped him to at times masquerade as a human. His facial appearance is not memorable, and many who witness him will give varied descriptions on his appearance. From a shaved head to long hair and said hair being from blond to jet black. His skin has been described from being pale as Valhallan snows to the dark shade of Vulkan's sons, whilst his eyes can be the same or Ultramarine blue. All of this is in truth is largely thanks to surgeries performed by one of Bile's students. He has no outwardly visible mutations or other marks of Chaos, for all intents and purposes being a normal Astartes on first inspection, though given the current warband he is with being disproportionately Slaaneshi he makes sure to have a more handsome visage when sans helmet.
His armour is very similar, being seemingly ordinary Corvus pattern armour, well made and perhaps master-crafted without ornamentation of any Chapter to allow a quick re-painting of it for a new disguise and cameleoline often covering it to further aid in stealth. His weapons are likewise good but unmarked things, easily switched about. A combi-melta, a power-sword and a bolt-pistol all given to a Warsmith of the Iron Warriors to modify it enough so no Chapter affiliation could be cast upon it.
Personality: The Alpha Legionnaire's personality is difficult to discern for the secretive nature in his very genes. In truth, as a veteran of the long war in the Alpha Legion Laszlo is not quite sure of his very own values and beliefs, his personality likewise indiscernible even to those who have known him for long. He has become uncertain of the very things that define him having to juggle so many personalities from a Chaos Lord's sycophant to trusted advisor of a leading Imperial campaign. The only thing he holds dear to the depths of his heart is devotion to the supreme plan of his Primarch, which - he believes - he is still following most faithfully.
Perhaps one thing has come to characterize him across all of the personalities he enters, and that is disgust with the universe as a whole. Both traitors and Imperium alike have degenerated to such a miserable point, and for all his centuries in both the Empyrean and real-space he has "seen it all", so to speak, and he is not impressed. Though born with a nature neither violent nor impatient, the almost cyclical history of his existence has lead to some outbursts on supposed comrades — however, only after their purpose has expired in an attempt to moderate madness with professionalism.
Biography: Mannfred Skorzeny was born but a few decades before the beginning of the great Brother-War. As a child he was noted for strength and intelligence as are most candidates for the Legiones Astartes but in his case something stood out in particular to the Alpha Legionnaire. Though the boy was physically several standard deviations ahead of other children his age he was noticeably smaller. Whereas for most Legions this would have been an instant disqualifier, in the Alpha Legion this was almost a blessing. Though tall Marines were often required for the Alpha Legion to help ordinary brothers disguise as the Primarch, a short Marine was useful for infiltrating mortal realms.
Mannfred did not require a false-hood to be hidden in amongst newly found human worlds in the great Crusade, which was particularly useful when going through subterfuge in worlds with higher technologies where a false-hood could be detected.
But the Marine proved to have more than just size on his side. He worked well with firearm and blade, he played any given role perfectly, and he was an accomplished if not quite a great leader and commander in the field.
But a single squad commanded by the Marine who came to be known as Laszlo given sufficient time and resources would achieve the subjugation of an entire system. As time went on and the Horus Heresy approached, Laszlo ascended further and further into the circles of trust in his Legion, the Marine being informed of more and more complex schemes and webs of trickery in the Legion, much of what he knew or rather believed he knew proving to be false. But though he came into the Primarch's circle of trust, the very reason he was selected for service in the Legion became the inhibitor of his career's growth. Particularly, he never crossed the boundary of drinking the Primarch's blood.
Though he never acknowledged it nor gave any sign of it, this placed the seed of frustration and jealousy in the heart of the Space Marine. It was the eve of the heresy and the Alpha Legion was undergoing the long task of infiltrating other Legions and the Imperium itself but on the mind of Laszlo was only proving himself to Alpharius and Omegon.
War began, and the Alpha Legionnaire sought out the aid of a renowned Emperor's Children Apothecary. Alas, he could not find Fabius Bold himself, but he did get ahold of one of his greatest students and as time went on this was perhaps for the best. Over the course of the heresy a long course of surgeries was performed on the Legionnaire, from the sonic resistance and screams that characterized proto Noise Marines to augments in his body allowing him to readily change its structure and appearance (with even the potential of augmenting his height) to general physical surgeries. He passed tests of loyalty when his brother Legionnaires under the guise of foes capturing him tortured and interrogated him but his only response was an attempt at suicide using his betcher's gland.
Yet in spite of all this, he was still not granted the honour of drinking the Primarch's blood for the banal reason of his height, and as the heresy ended it became apparent he would not ever now be given the chance to ascend into the ranks of those who became as the Primarch himself.
With the great scouring and the very nature of how traitors operated changing, Laszlo travelled across much of the Galaxy. He lost the Cruiser under his command at the siege of Terra as per plans, but others in the Legion failed to uphold their part of the scheme and so he found himself alone, and vulnerable.
He went with some members of the Sons of Horus, they who soon became the Black Legion. He travelled with them for a very long time, at many points once more crossing with other members of the Alpha Legion with whom he would soon once more travel with.
But first, he needed the aid of the Black Legion in finding the same Emperor's Children Apothecary for final augments to himself. He came upon him, in a port more than a millennium after the Horus Heresy, but the fellow had changed beyond recognition. An attempt to speak with him and ask for more was quickly halted when it became apparent the Apothecary wanted to experiment and ply far more dark sciences than those of the past on one of his previous works and it seemed he wouldn't take no for an answer.
Laszlo carefully manipulated his new Black Legion comrades into going to war with the warband of the Apothecary turned Slaaneshi Sorceror. He was killed after a year of exchanges in both realspace and the warp, and thus the warband outlived its usefulness to Laszlo.
He once more travelled the Galaxy, this time in search of perhaps a final vial of the Primarch's blood. The Marine met now grand members of his Legion across the Galaxy like Occam himself, along with many upstarts born long after the Great Crusade and ignorant of the Legion's ultimate conspiracy.
After travels of several millennia in real space the Legionnaire decided it was time for a different approach. He once more joined with the Black Legion, travelling the Galaxy with them on his strange quest.
With his new comrades his service was quite long, centuries perhaps, until he ended up on a world that would change his prospects for a long time. From his intelligence it was a suicide mission, but he learned the slain Apothecary of his past was not in fact slain and he decided that - for this case - he would make an exception to reason. The Marine after fierce battle with rival cultists was believed to be dead on the world, and left stranded upon it.
Fate led him to a son of the Night Haunter, whom he initially believed to be one of the foe. But an understanding was swiftly reached, one based upon neither Marine wanting to die but quickly growing to a sense of trust. It was a slow transition born of necessity, growing out of the mere alliance of necessity it was at first. The Marines were very different, but their skills almost perfectly complementary and together they were able to hijack a ship off of the world.
With a vessel controlled only by a Captain under duress, the two knew they had a weak grip on their predicament at best, and after some thought they decided to head to Skuberrima. It was a vile den for sure, but such was an environment both would thrive in.
Other: Though he is a Veteran Alpha Legionnaire with all the prowess that entails, much of Laszlo's might comes from a series of surgeries he received from a student of Fabius Bile. He can shout with blood boiling volume even without a helmet to amplify his voice, feeling nothng of such sound's effects. But volume is not the only thing he has control over, a wide selection of intonation available to him. He can with some effort change his facial appearance, and with time that of his whole body. Further, he has better smell borrowing what the Apothecary learned from dead Space Wolves and resistance to the elements borrowed from Slamanders all of which is in addition to a general step towards the "perfection" that the Sons of Fulgrim aimed for.
@Bloodrose More or less, yes. Have you read "Fulgrim", by chance? It has a good example of what I'm trying to describe. In it the Emperor's Children long before the official start of the Horus Heresy are fighting some psykers, and one of the Emperor's Children is being simultaneously held in place and mind being burned away at by one of the enemy psykers. Whereas some other Marines were powerless to such treatment the guy in question did a grand scream that was enough to daze the psyker for a few moments, enough for the playing field to be levelled so the Marine could go shoot and stab the fellow as Marines do.
Name/Titles: As an Alpha Legionnaire, he has any amount of names including Alpharius. Though he was born with the name Mannfred Skorzeny, the alias he goes by is Laszlo Octavius.
Denomination: Chaos Undivided(?)
Appearance: Laszlo is particularly short for a Space Marine at little more than two meters, a trait that has helped him to at times masquerade as a human. His facial appearance is not memorable, and many who witness him will give varied descriptions on his appearance. From a shaved head to long hair and said hair being from blond to jet black. His skin has been described from being pale as Valhallan snows to the dark shade of Vulkan's sons, whilst his eyes can be the same or Ultramarine blue. All of this is in truth is largely thanks to surgeries performed by one of Bile's students. He has no outwardly visible mutations or other marks of Chaos, for all intents and purposes being a normal Astartes on first inspection, though given the current warband he is with being disproportionately Slaaneshi he makes sure to have a more handsome visage when sans helmet.
His armour is very similar, being seemingly ordinary Corvus pattern armour, well made and perhaps master-crafted without ornamentation of any Chapter to allow a quick re-painting of it for a new disguise. His weapons are likewise good but unmarked things, easily switched about. A combi-melta, a power-sword and a bolt-pistol all given to a Warsmith of the Iron Warriors to modify it enough so no Chapter affiliation could be cast upon it.
Personality: The Alpha Legionnaire's personality is difficult to discern for the secretive nature in his very genes. In truth, as a veteran of the long war in the Alpha Legion Laszlo is not quite sure of his very own values and beliefs, his personality likewise indiscernible even to those who have known him for long. He has become uncertain of the very things that define him having to juggle so many personalities from a Chaos Lord's sycophant to trusted advisor of a leading Imperial campaign. The only thing he holds dear to the depths of his heart is devotion to the supreme plan of his Primarch, which - he believes - he is still following most faithfully.
Perhaps one thing has come to characterize him across all of the personalities he enters, and that is disgust with the universe as a whole. Both traitors and Imperium alike have degenerated to such a miserable point, and for all his centuries in both the Empyrean and real-space he has "seen it all", so to speak, and he is not impressed. Though born with a nature neither violent nor impatient, the almost cyclical history of his existence has lead to some outbursts on supposed comrades — however, only after their purpose has expired in an attempt to moderate madness with professionalism.
Biography: Mannfred Skorzeny was born but a few decades before the beginning of the great Brother-War. As a child he was noted for strength and intelligence as are most candidates for the Legiones Astartes but in his case something stood out in particular to the Alpha Legionnaire. Though the boy was physically several standard deviations ahead of other children his age he was noticeably smaller. Whereas for most Legions this would have been an instant disqualifier, in the Alpha Legion this was almost a blessing. Though tall Marines were often required for the Alpha Legion to help ordinary brothers disguise as the Primarch, a short Marine was useful for infiltrating mortal realms.
Mannfred did not require a false-hood to be hidden in amongst newly found human worlds in the great Crusade, which was particularly useful when going through subterfuge in worlds with higher technologies where a false-hood could be detected.
But the Marine proved to have more than just size on his side. He worked well with firearm and blade, he played any given role perfectly, and he was an accomplished if not quite a great leader and commander in the field.
But a single squad commanded by the Marine who came to be known as Laszlo given sufficient time and resources would achieve the subjugation of an entire system. As time went on and the Horus Heresy approached, Laszlo ascended further and further into the circles of trust in his Legion, the Marine being informed of more and more complex schemes and webs of trickery in the Legion, much of what he knew or rather believed he knew proving to be false. But though he came into the Primarch's circle of trust, the very reason he was selected for service in the Legion became the inhibitor of his career's growth. Particularly, he never crossed the boundary of drinking the Primarch's blood.
Though he never acknowledged it nor gave any sign of it, this placed the seed of frustration and jealousy in the heart of the Space Marine. It was the eve of the heresy and the Alpha Legion was undergoing the long task of infiltrating other Legions and the Imperium itself but on the mind of Laszlo was only proving himself to Alpharius and Omegon.
War began, and the Alpha Legionnaire sought out the aid of a renowned Emperor's Children Apothecary. Alas, he could not find Fabius Bold himself, but he did get ahold of one of his greatest students and as time went on this was perhaps for the best. Over the course of the heresy a long course of surgeries was performed on the Legionnaire, from the sonic resistance and screams that characterized proto Noise Marines to augments in his body allowing him to readily change its structure and appearance (with even the potential of augmenting his height) to general physical surgeries. He passed tests of loyalty when his brother Legionnaires under the guise of foes capturing him tortured and interrogated him but his only response was an attempt at suicide using his betcher's gland.
Yet in spite of all this, he was still not granted the honour of drinking the Primarch's blood for the banal reason of his height, and as the heresy ended it became apparent he would not ever now be given the chance to ascend into the ranks of those who became as the Primarch himself.
With the great scouring and the very nature of how traitors operated changing, Laszlo travelled across much of the Galaxy. He lost the Cruiser under his command at the siege of Terra as per plans, but others in the Legion failed to uphold their part of the scheme and so he found himself alone, and vulnerable.
He went with some members of the Sons of Horus, they who soon became the Black Legion. He travelled with them for a very long time, at many points once more crossing with other members of the Alpha Legion with whom he would soon once more travel with.
But first, he needed the aid of the Black Legion in finding the same Emperor's Children Apothecary for final augments to himself. He came upon him, in a port more than a millennium after the Horus Heresy, but the fellow had changed beyond recognition. An attempt to speak with him and ask for more was quickly halted when it became apparent the Apothecary wanted to experiment and ply far more dark sciences than those of the past on one of his previous works and it seemed he wouldn't take no for an answer.
Laszlo carefully manipulated his new Black Legion comrades into going to war with the warband of the Apothecary turned Slaaneshi Sorceror. He was killed after a year of exchanges in both realspace and the warp, and thus the warband outlived its usefulness to Laszlo.
He once more travelled the Galaxy, this time in search of perhaps a final vial of the Primarch's blood. The Marine met now grand members of his Legion across the Galaxy like Occam himself, along with many upstarts born long after the Great Crusade and ignorant of the Legion's ultimate conspiracy.
After travels of several millennia in real space the Legionnaire decided it was time for a different approach. He once more joined with the Black Legion, travelling the Galaxy with them on his strange quest.
With his new comrades his service was quite long, centuries perhaps, until he ended up on a world that would change his prospects for a long time. From his intelligence it was a suicide mission, but he learned the slain Apothecary of his past was not in fact slain and he decided that - for this case - he would make an exception to reason. The Marine after fierce battle with rival cultists was believed to be dead on the world, and left stranded upon it.
Fate led him to a son of the Night Haunter, whom he initially believed to be one of the foe. But an understanding was swiftly reached, one based upon neither Marine wanting to die but quickly growing to a sense of trust. It was a slow transition born of necessity, growing out of the mere alliance of necessity it was at first. The Marines were very different, but their skills almost perfectly complementary and together they were able to hijack a ship off of the world.
With a vessel controlled only by a Captain under duress, the two knew they had a weak grip on their predicament at best, and after some thought they decided to head to Skuberrima. It was a vile den for sure, but such was an environment both would thrive in.
Other: Though he is a Veteran Alpha Legionnaire with all the prowess that entails, much of Laszlo's might comes from a series of surgeries he received from a student of Fabius Bile. He can shout with blood boiling volume even without a helmet to amplify his voice, feeling nothng of such sound's effects. But volume is not the only thing he has control over, a wide selection of intonation available to him. He can with some effort change his facial appearance, and with time that of his whole body. Further, he has better smell borrowing what the Apothecary learned from dead Space Wolves and resistance to the elements borrowed from Slamanders all of which is in addition to a general step towards the "perfection" that the Sons of Fulgrim aimed for.
Hope this is cool by you both, I rolled with what Gallows wrote and "expanded" upon the mutual bits.
@Ollumhammersong I was agreeing with you, in the sense your dude wouldn't make our group suddenly take out terra. But maybe keep the ship to just an escort, idk, even a single macrocannon or lance can fuck up whole IG regiments
well tbh two space marines and a dude with their own ship wont matter much when say, a Strike Cruiser of Paladins rolls up and starts teleporting shipt to ship kicking ass and taking names
Hmm, interdasting. What restrictions do we have to make a char? Does up an coming heretics mean solely just bog standard men? Or could we be some sort of psyker, heretical Astartes or even just a mercenary going as far as a hired Ork? apologies, I am blind. I'm willing to work a bit harder to make an Iron Warrior or an Occam-style Alpha Legionnaire
If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/182042-andys-hunt-for-kin-spirit-dreggs/ooc]here[/url] to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.
[u][b]About me[/b][/u]:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing <a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/182042-andys-hunt-for-kin-spirit-dreggs/ooc">here</a> to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.<br><br><div class="bb-center"><iframe src="//youtube.com/embed/0KGRMiYBi7k?theme=dark" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe></div><br><br><span class="bb-u"><span class="bb-b">About me</span></span>:<br>Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP. <br><br></div>