while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
2 mos ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
2 mos ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
4 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!
If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.
About me: Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.
@Andreyich I dont recall the mention they still have the nails either. Besides, the nails protruding from Angron's skull are no more than a iconic part of his aesthetic. If he so chose, I imagine he'd be able to manifest without them... Y'know, being a daemon and all.
Again, the question remains-- would the nails even continue to function at all?
In Emperor's Gift he still had the nails. Regardless, you're doing a whole lot of speculating when really there hasn't been a single instance of mutations removing the nails.
Mutations or not we don't have evidence that you can lose your nails. Angron still has his even though he's a giant lizard Daemon now. None of the other former world eaters in Daemonhood have any mention of the loss of their nails.
Then you clearly missed the entire part about warp-feckery; I'm well aware of how the Nails operate, as I am about Angron etc, the thing is that he reshaped his entire body - yet it is the Butcher's Nails that are the problem? Nor is he a 'random marine', otherwise I imagine he'd have been dead centuries ago. TL;DR they weren't 'removed', they were obliterated with space-magick by a deity.
I don't go by first-come first-served. If you've got a character idea feel free to run it by us here or simply dive in and toss in your character sheet. Should enough characters be good enough that we need to accept more than five, I'll ask if anyone is interested in serving as Co-GM. It's better to me to have a strong cast than to keep to a specific size.
I'm not the GM, but from what I know you can't really remove the nails. The Emperor tried on Angron and failed, I don't think you could just cure a random Marine of it.
Date of Birth: Born on the 2nd of January 2264, Daniel is 20 years old.
Sex: Male
Appearance: Daniel has a colouring of mud-brown hair and eyes of more or less the same shade, along with fairly pale skin the pale off-white used in white paint. He is typically well groomed with moderate length hair and a clean shave. He has fairly small ears and nose, but shapely though not exactly strong chin and cheekbones. Daniel has a fairly muscular build, every part of his body thoroughly worked to have a competitive edge over the low life of the wasteland. He is well above the malnourished and irradiated height of most of America's current denizens but more or less average for a member of the Brotherhood.
Place of Birth: Lost Hills bunker.
Path: Knight
Rank: Knight
Equipment: T45 Power armour - not the most comfortable or protective power armour accessible to the Brotherhood, it is also very slow but it is the easiest to maintain, while providing much strength to help in combat, and be a pack mule of sorts for the squad. The selected modifications for it are lead plating and a targeting HUD, though Daniel hopes he can find more in the wasteland.
M14 Rifle - A classic chosen for its great potential at long range, not particularly high maintenance, and even the ability to be a squad automatic weapon when Daniel loads larger magazines into it, ignoring much recoil thanks to power armour. Furthermore, it has many modifications that Daniel has brought along, including a bipod, optics, and a silencer,
Recharger Pistol - A parting gift from family, it is a laser pistol that's light on the logistics.
Gatling Laser - the real squad automatic weapon, the Gatling laser is in the right hands enough to suppress whole raider bands, ruby red streaks frying men to ash. It is of the pattern found in the Capital Wasteland.
Logistical bags - these are filled with everything from ammunition, to food, to water purification tablets to medicines. In a long haul these can save many a life.
M112 C4 Charges - while the Knight has no use for bringing along his own grenades instead preferring to take those he finds in the wasteland, C4 is a uniquely useful tool. From demolishing buildings, to collapsing caves and tunnels, to breaching vaults, to making defences, the plastic explosives are even useful as tools of barter should the squad need something in particular from a trader.
Combat Knife - a nasty chopper, if a man in power armour hits you in the flesh with this you're probably dead.
Rucksack - A very large thing in which most of Daniel's equipment is carried, it towers well above his head and helmet with all the things in it.
Holster - placed at his hip for the recharger pistol
Reckon armour - worn below the power armour.
Fusion Cores - carried to make sure his armour never runs out of charge.
Doctor's Bag - always useful on the frontlines
Weapon and armour repair kit - when you're wearing power armour and carry three guns, these are a must.
Classical Guitar - He's not the greatest with it but it calms the lad's nerves.
Books - Similar to the above, for now he's going through Henry the Eighth.
Notable Talents:
Drilled to all hell: Daniel's life has been very regimented since he could walk, having daily excercise, education and practice with arms. He can shoot, wrestle, cook, maintain gear, even walk his power armour without a fusion core: anything a soldier might even in the most remote of situations have to do.
Knowledgeable ... For a grunt, anyway: While born with intelligence perhaps at average plus or minus a point on the SPECIAL scale he has been privileged to have access too much knowledge in his youth in addition to parents that forced him to accumulate it. Though he isn't going to be researching plants of the wasteland any time soon Daniel has a great many things stored in his head and will look for pre-War books in any environment he comes upon.
Eager and quick to learn: Daniel gets the hang of new ideas fairly quickly. But one demonstration of a new weapon will be followed by calm use of it; no instruction has to be repeated twice to him.
Laughable Failings:
Greener than a supermutant: The Knight has in spite of his best efforts not accumulated any practical experience of Knighting in the field. He has never shot at let alone killed a man. On paper he is a top of the line soldier, in practice....
Sheltered: Quite literally almost thirteen years of his life were entirely in a bunker, but even inside it he was even then fairly separate from other children. Daniel has never in his life experienced significant trauma. Similarly he has never dealt with any other excess emotion like rage, his life being almost sterile. He is trusting and most lies will go right to him, all this of course reflecting on his personality.
Baseless: Daniel is an idealist, which while not in and of itself bad is quite a flaw in his situation. While he is a good thinker, it can be very much argued he can't think for himself. Too often he looks to leadership for guidance, and will rarely if ever take initiative.
Personality: Daniel is an idealistic individual, a pair of rose tinted spectacles undeniably bolted to his face. While he isn't exactly arrogant he has never had anything to truly test his skills, and so can't imagine anything that his training wouldn't prepare him for. He is quite frankly an aimless and unambitious, he expects nothing of his life with no ultimate goals save for simply advancing up the hierarchy of the Brotherhood. He doesn't expect to become more than Paladin, long since making peace with the fact that while he will become a leader, Daniel shall never stop being a follower.
The young man has much faith in the mission of the Brotherhood of Steel, synths, ghouls, supermutants and all other filth of the wasteland unconditional subhumans to him and as an aptly described Knight it is his duty to liberate the world from them. Daniel is a very cheery and almost annoyingly polite individual, even in tense situations maintaining formal address.
Short Background: Daniel Estevez was born in the lost hills bunker to a family that can trace its origins back to the founders of the Brotherhood of Steel. Both of his parents were Paladins, each dedicated to their cause and instilling the same zeal in their four children.
From the day he and his siblings could speak Daniel was told that - one day - he would become a Paladin, or a Senior Scribe. He was subject to much learning and already began to have a military like schedule when his years were still in the single digits. Most of his adolescent speech and relationships were almost adult with Scribes and Knights, some occasional time spent with his brothers and sister.
The years went by quite uneventfully. Daniel's brothers went on to become scribes and his sister a Knight, and it was soon time for him to take a path. It was slowly but surely becoming clear that while he was most certainly a well educated boy Daniel would take after his sister. He wrestled and shot far better than he could debate or write.
The time came and he became an Initiate, all of he previous life rigorously preparing him for the experience. Short time passed before he became a Senior Initiate, gaining further training. He learned to use power armour and stealth boys, first aid, maintenance of equipment and chain of command. With flying colours he went on patrols to hunt molerats and radroaches, even managing a radscorpion. He became a Knight shortly after, earning his first suit of power armour.
Now his patrols became regular, he provided first aid to ailing wastelanders and he even fought ghouls. But beyond stopping men at gunpoint, he never saw any real action. He longed for it and yet could not come upon it, until recently an opportunity came up. A squad was being assembled to go to the commonwealth, for which he instantly volunteered. With a quick nepotistic recommendation by two Paladins and a show of his skills he was promptly added to the team.
The Brothers Castigus and Laszlo were fairly recent arrivals to the world of Skuberrima. They had come after a recent failed engagement in the Black Legion's name forced them to hijack a ship and after some toying with the Captain they ascertained the location of the pirate colony. Knowing the crew formerly serving the two under duress would be vengeful the moment they were free of their shackles the two Marines left quickly leaving no trace of themselves on the ship save a few crewmen missing. Had they even been aboard? Perhaps it was void-sickness of some sort, being too long in space and the warp did nasty things to one's memory....
It did not take either of them very long to learn the things the Captain of their previous vessel skipped when telling the two Marines about Skuberrima, and they very soon learned of a certain Eromulus Krynne. He was on a quest to find artifacts at the very heart of the planet which Laszlo knew he could make better use of. But he also knew he wouldn't get to them himself, and so he'd swallow his pride and go with Castigus to take this as a job. They were for the moment without friends, funds, or time. Thus they quickly made contact with the Pirate Lord and informed him that they would be promptly joining his warband.
But though they took this job they did much research. The asked about him, gaining information to make sure this wasn't the sort of man to double or triple cross the Astartes. They needed to make sure that the man was sane and competent, rather than one that would send them to their deaths in a giggling fit.
Eromulus Krynne proved at least vaguely trustworthy, however. His reputation wasn't impeccable, but in the realm of Chaos such was impossible. The Brothers would have to watch their backs of course but they didn't have to keep a blade drawn at all times.
Time to meet their employer was approaching, and as was the nature of both Legionnaires they came aboard unseen, unknown. Not a single crewman would witness the arrival of the Marines, the few who came close would be given a tap on the head for a nap. Prowling through the ship they made sure they found out the layout of it, learned all they could of it lest they might need the upper hand upon the merchant. It was... interesting to find out that clearly a servant of Nurgle had occupied a part of the ship, evidence of his victims present left and right.
But they couldn't linger trying to find secrets of the ship, at least not yet. They went to the lounge where they were to meet the pirate Lord but they maintained secrecy. They went inside, still sticking to the shadows and moving right by the guards. It was quite the motley crew assembled. They were individuals of varying abilities, shapes, sizes and of course competencies. Forth came the apparent Nurglite fellow, whom they listened to. He finished his speech with a question and before it could be answered Laszlo stepped forward from the shadows behind two of the heavily armed Guards. Where did he come from? How did he hide the damn brightly glowing eyes of his helmet in the shadows, surely one would be able to see the two big green flares? The Space Marine did not give a chance for these questions appearing in everyone's head to be properly pondered, speaking up. "Brother Laszlo - Black Legion - at your service." he introduced himself, having painted his armour black beforehand but making sure he did not use any of their heraldry. The looked to Castigus, letting the monstrous Night Lord introduce himself.
If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/182042-andys-hunt-for-kin-spirit-dreggs/ooc]here[/url] to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.
[u][b]About me[/b][/u]:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;">If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing <a href="https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/182042-andys-hunt-for-kin-spirit-dreggs/ooc">here</a> to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.<br><br><div class="bb-center"><iframe src="//youtube.com/embed/0KGRMiYBi7k?theme=dark" frameborder="0" width="496" height="279" allowfullscreen></iframe></div><br><br><span class="bb-u"><span class="bb-b">About me</span></span>:<br>Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP. <br><br></div>