Avatar of Andreyich


Recent Statuses

17 days ago
Current no fucking way
2 mos ago
while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
2 mos ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
2 mos ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
4 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts


S a n d o
E v e n i n g

“Ironfist. A good name. Archetypical but bold. Fitting.” Amidst the masticating and drinking August paused for half a second, raising an eyebrow as the word “disgraced” came to play. But as the dwarf went on there was context and while not wholly mollified, the urge to spit left the Knight. While he knew the Engineers as venerable warriors and tinkerers he didn’t know too much about their ethics and it could well be that an ostracization by them is in truth a testament to one’s character. Or it could be that Torvin was simply a greedy bastard of course. Either or was possible. Though it somewhat irked August he might once more have to sacrifice his morals if he was working alongside a weasel - a thing he joined the Sunrunners to avoid - he had trained himself such that he more or less didn’t care about this one instance. He snapped out of his dozens of trains of thought some seconds after Torvin asked his questions with his eyes swerving towards him from the meal.

“Aye. This will be my first true assignment in the guild. Mine is the way of faith and the sword. I will cleave through all in my… and the Guild’s path.” As if to demonstrate he placed his bag on the table and loosened the string holding it shut. First things to emerge to the light were a bone with something brown on it and half of a humanoid’s ear — both had words carved into them. This didn’t at all seem to ruin the Knight’s appetite as he went right back to eating. August frowned slightly when the Dwarf announced that it was time to get to the job. He shoved as much as he could in his mouth and then downed it with his drink before tying the rest in a cloth for later while leaving the smallest piece he had for the establishment in thanks given the meal was more than satisfactory. He stood up and after ramming his helmet back on his head he followed the Dwarf feeling somewhat awkward given he was letting Torvin lead; when your legs are so much longer one has to shuffle to let a Dwarf be at the front.

Ironfist asked August about his armour, and for some dozen seconds he said nowt. “No.” he said, and as far as he was concerned that was that.

They walked for some time, eventually getting back to the stables. By now a much larger group had assembled, a crew far more motley than it already was between the people he had previously seen. He gave each of them a quick look from the pitch black interior of his helmet, before returning to his usual thousand mile stare. The Paladin was about to ask about the quest they would be undertaking, but the bug-man came first with the speech of its kind that in his many years still felt odd to Augustus. Regardless, the important question was asked and so the man simply stood motionless waiting for a response.

H e a l t h :
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E f f e c t s :
None (?)

W i t h :
Sunrunner party

N o t e s :

Agent Donald Hayes

Male // 37 // Badger

Badger AKA Donald Hayes was born to a fairly affluent family in South Carolina. After finishing university education the man spent a year working in his father's law firm, until deciding to join the Army Airborne troops. After a tour of duty he returned home, but he felt a civilian life wasn't for him and joined a Special Weapons and Tactics Unit in New York. A spotless record along with a purple heart for bravery insured insured he was hand picked to become and Agent of the Strategic Homeland Division.

When the money virus spread it was no coincidence Don heeded the call to arms immediately joining with other operators of the Division to due his duty to the nation.

Badger is noted for being a particularly calm and collected operator. In his professional life the individual is noted for being of very words all of which are softly spoken. Often this has lead to the man being mistaken for being indecisive, subservient, and non-confrontational. Only the latter can arguably be considered true in practice, his operating seemingly very aggressive but strictly by the books. Though only an average commander he is noted for excellent speech, his collectedness noted in many scenarios like hostage negotiations or politics with other state servants when matters like jurisdiction come in.

The warrior is notable for at times being far too violent with those he considers evildoers, many investigations launched into criminals of all sorts being found hurt at times fatally under dubious circumstances.

- Grip
- 3.4x optics
FN Five-seven
Contact Lenses
Smart Watch
SHD Issued Equipment
- Body Armor
- Masks
- Gloves
- Backpacks w/ go-bag
- Knee Pads
- Holsters
SHD Tech
- Ballistic Shield
- Sticky Bomb
- Medkits

@LordOfTheNight I'm fine either way, I guess just appending Torvin's post to include moving us into the stable would move us on faster if we're eager to get to the real shit

Hello there! I'm Andreyich, you may recognize me from the constant shitposting on the status bar. Anyways, with current events I am once again looking for 1x1 partners to hopefully form long term RP connections. Well then, lets get into it.

Now with all the bureacracy out of the way, let's get to the fun!


And what shoulder, & what art,
Could twist the sinews of thy heart?
And when thy heart began to beat,
What dread hand? & what dread feet?



Plots and Prompts:

Please note, I am vaguely open to a reversal of roles in all of these options, as long as the idea is interesting enough.

If you like what you see please send me a PM. Posts here will just be taken as bants. We can continue on there or move on to discord. While I'm cool with open ended PMs I'd prefer it if you mentioned what overlap of interests you have found between us + a bit about yourself just so we can get the ball rolling faster. Please don't post here, I will ask any posts here to be removed and I probably won't be eager to RP with you if you do so. I'm open to hearing any ideas you may have though please at least engage with mine to some degree. If none crossed your mind but you think we'd vibe, at least rationalize this. Too many times I've been asked to RP by people who have no interest in any of what I was looking for and are just looking to have me fill some niche.

FINALLY, if you message me, I beg of you to be as precise as possible as to what you want to RP and do in it, the vibes, etc. I'd rather none of us coming out of left field for the other.

@LordOfTheNight hmmm not a super great amount for me to write, mind if I wait for the post moving Torvin & August to the stable?

S a n d o
E v e n i n g

A horse was truly a rare sight in these days. Indeed save a few wretches working mines where the sun and other elements couldn't get to them they were all but extinct. But Bobby was special and the sight of him was likely far more responsible for people knowing about August. Truth was, that somewhat irked August as much as he tried to repress the injured pride. "That bloke with a horse" is after all not a very grand designation. Still the days when he even noticed that were long gone with the very last bit of youthful innocence of the Knight. Cloak trailing behind him this consideration lasted about half a second for August, the sight of Sando in the distance relaxing the warrior. As it was close enough for him to see individual people he slowed down to a trot and eventually to a walking speed. He had been to the city many times before looking for work or respite but this was one of the few times he had come here in his infant career as a Sunrunner. An interesting call, that. He wasn’t really sure if it was for the best. It was certainly steadier work, and far less often would he have to turn aside qualms about whatever his task was. Of course the pay wouldn’t be as good, but it would be far more reliable and there would no doubt be “perks of the job”, so to speak. At last as the stables were in sight he dismounted, leading his horse over to rest and feed. Once inside he saw a group of strangers which didn’t take particularly long to be identified as his colleagues. “Hmmmm.” he grunted, rasped and respectfully. The man accompanied the noise with a half-bow, before leading his horse into the depths of the building to be taken care of. He made sure to make a mental note of all the people he would be travelling with in his head, before once more half-bowing and exiting the scene.

Ahh, the city. With all its sights and smells and sounds, life was pathetic in this desert era but it could still be in a strange way beautiful — this was particularly notable after one was weary of seeing the desert over and over again ad infinitum. A child tugged with its greasy fingers on his cloak and with a sigh he flicked the youngling a coin before moving on. Careful not to get his helmet’s horns caught on anything, August made his way to the Tavern where supposedly the Dwarf fellow would be. The little folk were rather interesting in the eyes of the Paladin. Hard working spirit contrasted with greed, ingenuity contrasted with drunkenness, so on and so forth. They were paragons of both sin and virtue much like humans, but they had a greater peak and trough in these it seemed. Very curious indeed. The Paladin thought similar thoughts largely to distract himself from what he saw around him. Poverty and the likes didn’t particularly trouble him and there wasn’t much here anyway, the city was far from the poorest of the land. But there were all sorts of disgusting things offered on the streets, and he didn’t want their mere existence to sour his day. It was perhaps rather ironic then, that August headed for a tavern. But he was thirsty and hungry and so he’d rather go there as a meeting place than a stable where one would… inhale dust? Truly seemed an awful meeting place to him.

Stepping into the tavern he momentarily scanned its denizens. Many were scum of the sort that rather recently he’d be paid to fight for or with. As always many were simply there for the sense of danger that gave them a childish thrill. With his gleaming full plate it was no surprise that his lone gaze was soon returned by many, but he ignored them as he went to the counter. The place was shorter than expected, by the name and demographics being obviously marketed to Dwarves if not quite to them exclusively. His guess was confirmed when a winged horn tapped a chandelier. Sitting down, he ordered a little ale and whatever fried or roasted dish the place would be famous for. At last he took his helmet off, smoothing down his hair as he set it down in front of himself on the table. While the inverse was probably also true, to a man most Dwarves looked the same. Short and bearded, the colour of hair, skin and eyes along with a few other personally selected cosmetic differences were the only things to go off of. While in theory this was much to go off of, it was not in practice particularly when there were double digits of Dwarves present. Still, eventually August believed he was able to pick out the one he believed to be his desired stunty. With his helmet under his armpit and his nourishments in his hands he went to sit beside the Sunrunner. Too busy eating to formally introduce himself, August began only with a professional nod. After his third or fourth swallow he wiped down his hands still in gauntlets and extended one for Torvin to shake. “Hello. My name is Augustus Olav Tahlen. But you may call me August. I am pleased to meet you.” Very little inflection was used, and having said that he returned to eating for some time regardless of how long it took Torvin to respond, the man seemingly in a mental world of his own. Returning to the here and now, he stopped eating and studied Torvin momentarily. “I recognize that tattoo, Master Dwarf. Tell me why it is crossed out. I would have believed it to be a badge of honour, even if one is no longer in the ranks of the force. I sense that there may be an interesting story to tell before we begin this job, if it is not too much to ask of you.” His interest was quite sincere. Dwarves were a prideful lot from his experience, so to so readily try erase something from history without doing it in such a way none could learn of it (admittedly, with a tattoo this is somewhat harder) was atypical. Then again, August knew one wasn’t likely to find the typical in the Sun Runners. This Dwarf for example seemed more sly, more underhanded, more devious, more… slippery than the many of his kinfolk that August previously met. Torvin was a leader amongst the Sunrunners, and if he was a leader then he could only wonder what sort of strangers he’d meet in the guild. Of course the fellows he saw at the stables weren’t your average joe, but they didn’t seem very extraordinary either. Time would tell, the man supposed.

H e a l t h :
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E f f e c t s :
None (?)

W i t h :
None(?) - Torvin

N o t e s :
Bakker sat quietly for a moment or two, silent in his contemplation. The masks handed about as part of the uniform made the squad members look unsurprisingly similar but it was nevertheless simple to note who said what and remember this for the future. He looked at Mr. Gill who shrugged, in a way that said “don’t do anything stupid” without any words. Karmyle pitched in immediately after, suggesting caution/ “Wasting time if we don’t find our VIP in the West sounds imprudent. Let’s go East, if we don’t find our man there then going West we’ll then be going right to our destination.”

Wilhelm was distracted momentarily by something the sniper muttered, but not quite discerning it with his attention in the discussion he shook his head and returned his mind to the scene. The field manager more or less agreed with the majority of the team and then turned to the Afrikaner assuming he would understand his Dutch: “Nee, ridder.” was all he offered with a shrug. “We head East. Hector spoke wisely, we’ll head East and check out Ahaggar National Park. Even if we don’t catch some of these Bedouins we’ll easily find some people who will… if threatened by a gun anyways.” Bakker looked at the screen of the drone but he was unable to make anything out before the sharp speech of Coghan hit him.

MG mounted on a Ford? The Marine jogged his memory considerably. These sort of modern tachankas were very, very popular in North Africa to the point Russian and some NATO forces were even adopting and developing such vehicles. But the Bedouins didn’t really have proper machine guns to mount like that. Civilian weapons, low grade black market shit and the occasional assault rifle handed over by a corrupt officer, that was all. Unless of course they were growing faster than previously believed, a thought that momentarily frightened the warrior. If they were going to go against geared criminals pelting them with 12.7mms rather than thugs with scraps that would jam half the time....

“Stay put, keep your eyes on them and don’t make a move.” he ordered the sniper, hoping to have her as a little ace in the hole against whoever these people were. Wiping his brow once again Bakker brought the drone to the ground and turned off its screen trying to get his eyes readjusted to the darkness as fast as possible. “Spread out, the Nimrs are good cover.” Cursing the fact that they couldn’t get models with top-mounted HMGs of their own, the Dutchman hopped into one and turned it such that it would be slightly off-parallel with the dune they crossed. Pulling back the bolt Brick made sure his carbine was full and once satisfied he left the thing and hid using the engine for cover.

“Just waiting now.” the man remarked, tightening his helmet. Neither it nor the vests handed out would really stop anything save a pistol but they still gave confidence. He could hear the cars approaching now even if they did mad things to the mufflers to silence themselves as much as possible. The ford with the HMG crossed first which was at this distance easily recognizable as a DShK. Old of course, but that didn’t matter if the .50 hit you anywhere. Soon the other two cars followed, with the front passenger seat of the jeep opening and a man in athletic calling out in Arabic from it. To the speakers of the language it would be easy to tell what was said: “Why are you Satans here? Did you not fucking listen on the phone?”
Bakker was confused, but he didn’t want to hesitate. “After the gunner is down we give them everything. Hypatia, get him.” The moment the sound of SVD discharge would spread the Marine would lean out with his SKS, shooting thrice at the driver of the Ford. He missed the man but it was enough to get him to duck and drive erratically. He stopped, and as the PMCs followed in suit shooting the arrivals began to do likewise. A man replaced the gunner while two more dropped down from the flatbed with their own AKMs. From the front seats bursts of 9mm would come from a pistol and SMG. These were certainly some other goons than the Bedouins as the ones in the jeep had plate carriers of some sort and ARs too hard to identify in this light. Only one of them disembarked, two firing from within their vehicle indicating they were either stupid or pertinent to the knowledge it was more durable than a civilian variant.The lada meanwhile drove along with an SMG firing from either window closer to the group of PMCs whilst the opposite side had men with FALs opening fire.
I thank you for your concern. I don't know if you've served yourself but I did two years in the Belarusian armed forces and when you're covered in a lot of equipment covers of all sorts most definitely do help, even if they do add weight and more friction to give some more heat of their own. This is a magical land with magic affecting every variable along with being one by itself. I also suggest you read more of the sheet for context. But again, thank you for the thoughts.

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