Avatar of Andreyich


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11 days ago
Current no fucking way
1 mo ago
while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
1 mo ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
1 mo ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
4 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

Writing Ellis but still undecided on if hes the best guy

Starring: @Lucky@Lauder

"Miss Sosa'Numos nar Suram, why is it that when I wake up in the morning that I half expect your file to be placed on my desk?" the voice of a turian came from the other side of the cell. This caused the quarian to turn her head from her position, laying upon the seating bench and only giving a laugh to the C-Sec officer. This particular officer had grown to see the mischief maker that was Sosa'Numos quite often during his time upon the Citadel as of late, each offense being strange and requiring a mind-numbing amount of paperwork.

"Maybe it's because you like me?" Sosa responded with a giggle, as she lifted herself from her laid down position. She sauntered over the glass wall, hands behind her back as if to indicate a proper lady was hidden beneath the mask. Her head cocked to the side before she asked, "Do you not miss me when I'm away?"

"The only time I like seeing you is when you are walking through those doors and getting away from me," the turian replied, sighing at the Quarian. His eyes went to the floor as he rubbed his temples out of the annoyance that this woman brought along with her. The officer took in a breath before finally meeting Sosa's gaze, his emotionless stare all to prevalent for Sosa's liking. He knew exactly what her game was, knowing that she would try to persuade him into letting her go with a slap on the wrist just so he would not have to deal with her.

"That said, it's your lucky day. Your bail has been payed," the officer said, his face contorting into what Sosa would have to guess to be a smile. Though, the words were the biggest shock to her as she had never had anyone pay for her bail as she'd always have to transfer her own money over. Curiosity began to envelope her mind, wondering who would be trying to get onto her good side by helping her.

"But who-," she started.

"I'm sure you'll find out. You do like finding things out yourself, right?" the officer teased as the door opened, allowing the Quarian to go free. As she exited, the officer gave a sly line of words, "Remember to gather your things from Simmons on your way out."

Standing in the front office is the imposing figure of a silver and blue statue; or rather, a Geth Prime waiting patiently for the arrival of a certain Quarian from detainment. Officer Simmons dutifully keeps busy behind her desk, though she can't seem to help glancing at the large robot that is respectfully keeping out of the high traffic area. With the slick hss of the door leading past the desk comes Officer Reban's recently-familiar voice. "Remember to gather your things from Simmons on your way out."

Expectantly, Seraph's head peers in the Quarian's direction, a quiet whir of servos for such an intricate and bulky being. There is a ring of smaller lights that encircle a singular large light, dimmed somewhat even in the sanitary-white structure. It doesn't even raise one of its heavy arms as it identifies Sosa'Numos.

"Sosa'Numos nar Suram," its gaze is fixed on the Quarian as she moves, turning its body with her approach. "A pleasure to see you healthy in captivity." Enough dealing on the Citadel has allowed Seraph to pick up on the pleasantries for ease in social interactions. The comment is not meant to be tongue-in-cheek.

"Sosa'Numos nar Suram?" The Turian behind the desk takes initiative on retrieving the bin that holds her personal effects as the Quarian is released. She places it on the surface and slides the bin beneath the security window with a tablet for sign-out. "Please gather your belongings before you leave," she says with practiced manner.

The Quarian stopped, looking at the large figure of the Geth Prime that had stated her name. It was clear that Sosa'Numos had a more than confused face behind her mask as it took her a moment to process the presence of the Geth. She looked over towards Officer Simmons motioning to the Geth to find answers, but the C-Sec officer merely shrugged in response.

With a huff, Sosa'Numos looked back to the Prime before finally asking in a semi-annoyed tone, "Do I know you?"

The Prime turns ever so slightly, its head mimicking a slight rotation. Its joints all begin to bend as it lowers its body to be as close in height as it can Sosa; at this point it looks like it is fully sitting in some crouched position.

"You may recognize my designation: Seraph." Its tone has no deflection, only reverb.

“Seraphim... Seraphim,” Sosa’Numos contemplated the name, snapping her fingers as she said the name to try and force a memory to come to her. She looked directly into the Geth’s eye before she would repeat the name one last time, her voice inflicting a bit of happiness as it came out of her mouth.


It had been a fair bit since she had to remember the name, and it had been much longer since she had anything to prompt such a memory. The Quarian put her arms behind her back as she went to speak, though her eyes did look towards Simmons and she could only give a small laugh.

“Let’s get out of here before catching up,” Sosa’Numos said, walking past Seraphim to gather her effects from the patiently waiting C-Sec officer. It was not much, in fact it little more than restoring her Omni-tool, making sure that it was working properly after being confiscated after an unknown number of times. The Quarian signed the tablet before turning and walking towards the exit of the precinct with a light skip in her step.

The massive unit stands to its height as the Quarian leaves, giving only a single nod in response to her suggestion. Its gaze stops on Simmons as it turns, though shortly it begins its following of Sosa. It hunkers down some as it crosses the doors out of C-Sec's waiting area, precisely low enough so as not to bump or scuff its pristine white. It allows a pause as they make some distance from the office, gait and stature stoic and purposeful. Most pedestrians quickly step aside, fearing that the behemoth would not see or care about stepping on them.

Finally it speaks, "Sosa'Numos. According to my research on the ExtraNet, your adventures have led you, once again, into the confines of Citadel Security. This seems counter-intuitive to the way you exercise your free will."

"They just don't know how to have fun, Seraph," Sosa'Numos stated with a light-hearted chuckled as she looked onto her omni-tool, typing in a few words before the orange hue of the tool disappeared before she would look up. Her walk showed that she knew precisely where she was going, being on the Citadel for quite some time since she had settled down from her time galivanting around the galaxy of an information broker, not that she technically stopped since she still needed money to live that is. However, she kept it small-scale and legal, doing her best to avoid eyes despite her constant in and out of the C-Sec holding cells. Of course, there was very little that she knew she could before she would be shipped off to some penal colony so she made sure that what she did could be taken as a prank just so she wouldn't get thrown behind bars forever.

She continued walking, though she spoke to Seraphim, "So, how have you been, Seraph? I see you finally have a body now that you aren't maintaining my suit environment!"

"Affirmative. I tended to your kind's suits for four years after we parted. Additional VI were allocated to my platform as I was assigned to be a liaison of sorts to the Citadel. This is a recent development." Seraph simply walks alongside the Quarian, in a manner of following wherever she felt like leading them. He watched her as she did some inputs with her omni-tool and decided it irrelevant for the moment.

"I am in a refurbished Prime platform. The exact reason is unclear, although I suspect that it is related to my releasing you from detainment." As they walk, his head is rarely turned from her. An almost unnerving amount of staring, some may say.

"That reminds me," the Quarian started, looking over the Geth as the two walked, "How exactly did you get the credits to pay for my bail?"

"To be able to act independently, one must have a sum of credits. I have never worked a job, unlike most organics, but the collective has entrusted with me with funds to do what I need."

"I didn't think the Geth even have credits," Sosa'Numos murmured, wondering what the Geth did to get credits, regardless, she swept the thought away as the two walked. The smaller of the two stopped, thinking to herself for a moment before inquiring, "Would you need help acting as a 'liaison'?"

The Geth opted not to comment on her murmur, assuming it to be a moment of reflection rather than a direction question. Seraph stops his gait as soon as Sosa'Numos does, his head fixed on her and his body turning to match. His ocular panel watches expectantly until she speaks.

"Affirmative. I sought you out as I have been requested to find a suitable companion. Our past experiences together, as well as evidence collected on the ExtraNet, inform me that your skillset will prove beneficial."

Sosa’Numos went silent for the moment as she took in the words of the Prime. Her gaze went up and down amongst his form as she silently pondered his words. The Quarian nervously began to tap her foot upon the ground before the words nearly burst from her mouth.

“How much do you about me?” The Quarian asked with a nervous breath the tapping of her foot quickening.

"Only your public record, courtesy of Citadel Security, and our time together on Rannoch. In fact your lack of additional information has helped me come to the conclusion that your incognito work has been in play for as long as you have been around. Again, a valuable asset."

The platform is motionless as it allows for the answer to sink in, a brief pause. "Also the local restaurant proprietors have few positive reviews on your character."

Sosa'Numos let out a laugh, "What can I say? There wasn't any secret ingredient in the ramen. I had to out them at that point. Also the one Volus had it coming, wanting to bill me for a wrong order!"

"You have been blacklisted from thirty-seven eating establishments upon the Citadel, and one on Irune." It seems to rotate its head in a manner of needing clarification. "I was not aware that you have been to Irune, Sosa'Numos."

The Quarian, unbeknownst to the Geth, was blushing under her visor as she remembered her time on Irune. She turned away from Seraphim as she contemplated as to answer why she had been to the Volus planet at all. Eventually, she’d let out a sigh as she turned towards her old friend, staring at him for a few more silent moments.

“I, ugh, I had gone there to... with Rar’Jilan,” she stammered, looking down to avoid the Geth’s singular eye, “I don’t know if you know him.”

"I am unfamiliar with Rar'Jilan." Seraph watches her as she looks away, though it does turn from the Quarian as she continues not meeting his gaze. Its body stepping heavily as it faces a new direction, it begins their walk again; this time toward the promenade. "Is that an acquaintance of yours?"

Sosa'Numos was hesitant to answer, "Of sorts."

She looked back to the building behind her, then took her gaze the Seraphim where she shifted her weight to one side. The quarian walked towards the Prime, looking up at his flashlight of an eye before holding up a hand to Seraphim. It was clear that it was a sigh for a handshake, even a simple Geth program would understand that.

"It was good to see you again, Seraphim. If you need me, I live in these little hab-spaces. I look forwards to helping you!"

Having observed norms for greetings and farewells over the many years, it is simply second nature to the Geth. It lowers itself a few feet to make the gesture more comfortable for Sosa and takes her offered hand. With a firm and careful shake, it nods its head.

"Mutual feelings, Sosa'Numos nar Suram. We will interact again soon." With this, it retracts its arm and resumes its full height. Seraph simply turns and walks away to some other part of the Citadel.
Alright, would you say Ellis from Left 4 Dead would be a better one?
<Snipped quote by Andreyich>

Your first assertion is correct, although be aware that I made an exception for Geralt who's originally from a book. A character simply appearing in a game is not enough. No Patrick, no Goku, no Sam and Max. In fact, even original characters from licensed games for non-game properties are not eligible, like the main character from Star Wars Fallen Order, for instance.

Very well then, would a villager from minecraft be okay? Got a few other ideas but this is the main one
<Snipped quote by Andreyich>

Hey there, glad to see you're interested!

Your character can be lighthearted, but must be both a character and a character that originated from a game, so all the examples you listed would not qualify. It's difficult to qualify what exactly makes a game (for instance, saying digital media for entertainment purposes that necessitates interaction from a player would no doubt have loopholes), but I can go on a case by case basis if need be.

To clarify, this means that the first ever appearance of the character must be originally in a videogame rather than the character simply appearing in a videogame? Or would the iteration of Patrick Star from Spongebob: Battle for Bikini Bottom work? Or the Linux Penguin from Tux Racer?
How light hearted and/or meta can we go with this i.e. could I be Patrick Star or a deck of cards from solitaire, the Linux Penguin, etc. And indeed what constitutes a game? I.e. would clippy or bonzi buddy count? Or the computer of Zork? Regardless fairly interested in this and once some reading is done and questions answered I will work on a sheet this weekend
WIP but I wanted to stick my foot in the door since I did have a mostly fleshed out concept. I'll finish the little stuff when I can. You know... like... a name...

If you have any advice or input on what I've put down so far, please feel free to throw it at me.

Hey there, a few comments. I know this is a WIP so perhaps you have plans to iron this out for the final version but I'll for now relay the thoughts of the GM cabal in its "as-is" state.
She has been discovered to have prodigious biotic strength, even for an asari
Is a very dubious thing in our opinion. I would like to refer you to the element "on-power level." of the above. I don't want to be a hardass but its not very interesting when a character in the team can just do whatever the hell they like with their biotic fiat. Now of course that's a very vague thing and it may not be as OP as we are imagining (after all, most Asari choose to not pursue the further development and practice of their biotics and in contrast to them any practiced biotic is a prodigy) but at the same time its hard for us to not go for the worst case when we don't see an actual quantification of the power. In the inventory you should I think expand a little more as your character most certainly isn't just carrying their firearms; mention armour (light, medium, heavy, or none will suffice) and such. Also, in regards to the history/backstory it is long but it doesn't feel like it touches in-depth look at the character and how they turned out the way they did, it was a deep dive into a few formative events rather than a deep dive into why those events were formative; it would be nice to stuff like how she and her family dealt with the rising bigotry to Asari following the cursed year and it would be nice if we got names to the individuals in her life. I think there is a great amount of potential here but it needs to do some refinement.

I also highly recommend joining the discord as it would make clearing this up a heck of a lot easier
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