Avatar of Andreyich


Recent Statuses

11 days ago
Current no fucking way
1 mo ago
while tru, quantity != quality, the fact is there's enough good writers out there with diverse enough interests to fit most niches apart from the unrealistically specific i.e. kitten beheading RP
1 mo ago
srsly it seems the ppl having trouble finding RPs are by and large the ones that either dont have a thread asking for partners or inversely never contact anybody else and wait for ppl to come to them
1 mo ago
why dont u make ur own and hope people reply
4 mos ago
Chris Chan's girlfriend is pregnant. If he can find love and family you have no excuse!!


If you enjoy my posts then consider pressing here to see my 1x1 interest check. Now listen to the tale of a man far from home longing to see its greens again.

About me:
Where do I begin. I'm from Belarus, and fairly proud of it. I've been RPing about a decade starting mostly with chat stuff and some LARPs/reenactments, doing the stuff of this site for maybe half a decade now. I'm a former serviceman, and while I was conscripted I make sure to stay in related circles. As a day job I'm a programmer letting me usually work from home even when we don't have coronavirus forcing us to do so and thus I got a lot of time for RP.

Most Recent Posts

Tempted to join, might do a Drell

If you can provide the goods I'd be happy to be the incubus tempting you over the edge and into our little gang. If you jave any questions to help you decide I am here to answer them.

-Co-GM @Lauder Captain Sosa’Numos nar Suram, Captain of the Weiro
-GM @Andreyich Eustace Dar Adal, Mission Control & Crisis Management | Dreklei Harahn, Shuttle Pilot
-Co-GM @Lucky Seraph, Pilot of the Weiro
-@KillamriX88 Amynta T'Vete, 404ERROR
-@Auz Takaror Korr, Shock Trooper
-@DrRtron Urdnot Shephurd, Pointsman & Engineer
-@Dog Samuel W. Bridge, 404ERROR
-@Theyra Nethel Niol, CQC Specialist
-@KaiserElectric Osino Kael, Engineer, Sentinel
-@Aquia Azulethan ‘Zul’ Ledanari, Infiltration Specialist
-@Naril Severin (Rin) Zahir, Chief Medical Officer
-@Monochromatic Rainbow Anderson McKenna {REDACTED}

Welcome! I'm @Andreyich but they call me Andy. For a considerable amount of time I have been thinking of hosting a roleplay set in the Mass Effect universe. Sadly I never got around to it because quite a few things were stopping me. But with the recent announcements of a Mass Effect trilogy remaster as well as a new game worked upon in the setting by a veteran team my excitement and inspiration for the universe has put me into overdrive to bang out this beauty. I have been on this site for about four years now but have been RPing for more than thrice that. I've had my fair share of DMing, and I have found I very much like to help people immerse themselves in the situation with things like visuals and music. As such, have a listen to this for some mood stuff while reading what is below.

This RP is set more than 100 years following the events of Mass Effect 3 (the start date is January 3 2299), the Galaxy finally having recovered more or less in entirety from that disastrous conflict. However, everybody knew that peace following the destruction of the reapers was a dream at best. The century of reconstruction was able to prevent Galaxy-spanning hostilities for a short time, but if anything this only allowed resentments and hatreds to fester like an untreated wound. A few decades back when it seemed the world before the reapers was restored one could already see inklings of hell starting to be let loose. Conflicts began one after another and soon the galaxy became a place where might made right.

But there were reasonable voices, ones who found the ongoing conflict to be… artificial. Previously unpopular rabblerousers were found to have fortunes donated to them from no apparent source, while inexplicable malfunctions in navigation equipment lead to many an accidental skirmish. Old research and records were investigated along with testimonies taken behind closed doors from the comrades and memoirs of Shepard, the Galaxy’s hero. The same hidden… organization that pooled funds to create the Andromeda initiative had found itself another problem worthy of its attention. Having found sympathetic ears in some members of the Citadel yet more cash was diverted, and suitable people assembled such that the Milky Way might be free of what malicious leviathans might be manipulating it into suffering.

Though officially the Spectre program was discontinued many years ago there has been a quiet movement within C-Sec and other organizations to restore it such that the world might have one more force pushing for sanity in this dangerous time. You are to join one of the crack teams to investigate the many rising threats to the galaxy, foil the shadowy puppeteers and hopefully let all of the Milky way see it peace once more. Officially you are C-Sec officers with their mercenaries, nothing more. Your power is limited to that which people give you by their respect and any of your actions are a black-op.

The aim of this RP is to create a galactic adventure exploring all the many different things that made Mass Effect fun, hopefully providing the full “Normandy experience” where relationships are developed on the ship being as important as each individual mission.

Now I'm sorry to cut the fun, but I have to post some bureaucracy that will apply to the RP


They are for the most part obvious stuff.

1) When OOC don't be any sort of bigot, troll, bad-faith critic, or otherwise some kind of dick. There’s good fun poking a joke perhaps even at the expense of someone else but there’s obvious limits; RP is for fun and I just don’t have the patience to deal with troublemakers by any means but a ban.

2) You get 20 days to post, slightly less than three weeks. Failing to post in that timeframe gives you a strike. Two strikes and you’re out, but four consecutive posts without delays well let you lose your strike. If you genuinely cannot make it, your character would have nothing to say, or you have another good reason not to post please contact me and we’ll work something out.

3) Interpersonal problems are best kept outside of the RP environment. As said above I do this for enjoyment and don’t want any undue stresses; if you refuse to keep your quarrels from elsewhere out of this I am afraid I'll have to boot you from this.

4) I as GM am your God, but of course a benevolent one. If you have any grievances I will hear them out and if you disagree with something I have done and at least half plus one of the gang agrees with you then I will submit to your will.

5) The RP is advanced and you must post at the very least three paragraphs per post (though contribution to the beloved “collab” format will obviously have more nuance and counts for the post/20 days rule).

6) Don’t metagame or control other players without their consent and all the other typical elements of RP etiquette. If you really need clarifications on this you probably won’t fit in here.

7) Be 18+. The same mature shit we see in the ME series will be on full display here. That said don't take it too far out the other end.

8) Try to stay true to the lore. Obviously we're all doing this for fun, but we're trying to keep some internal consistency with the Mass Effect setting; this isn't some fanfic where Whatever with a capital W happens.

Some of the above rules may seem harsh, but I have been on this site for four years and I have come to understand the necessity of a little tough love. Most RPs I see on this site die after the first two or three post cycles. I shan’t tolerate such, I’m in this for the long run; I want to see this RP last years to come.

With that out of the way the following is what I will expect from a character sheet of most players.

The code for the CS can be found here, you are free to change up the formatting so long as you keep all the relevant elements.

On power and abilities:
Your character can be quite powerful but there's obvious limits. I'm not going to make any sort of formal caps on it but if you're thinking "Hmm, will Andy let me have this?" then the answer is most likely no so don't even bother. Further, the greater the supposed capabilities of your character the greater the assignments they receive will be. That is to say if you describe your character as being a super epic biotic ripping Makos in half then the first enemy I will throw at you will be either a Krogan Battlemaster or an Asari Matriarch that will lift your helpless ass in the air and rip it in two. You are all clad in plot armour and armed with Chekhov's gun but that isn't always enough.

On technology
Over the more than century that has passed since the Reaper war there has not been much in the way of cutting edge innovation, most efforts focused upon rebuilding and restoring rather than researching and improving. However progress is inevitable with the advancement of time. For the most part this has just been in the form of incremental improvements to existing technology, or the reduction in scarcity of technology previously available only to the elites of society or armed forces. The previously all but unheard of thanix systems have become the standard ship armament. Biotic implants are far safer for the individual and are slightly more effective. All medigel is now effective across species barriers and improvements in software have made almost all technology marginally faster and more accurate. Ultimately though, the life of a person in the early 24th century looks very similar to that of a person in the late 22nd.

On Character Death:
It can and will happen. Don't be a baby if it happens. For myself, I promise we as GMs won't kill you just for the lulz and it will only happen either if you do something outrageously stupid or ever so heroic. If you've been a good player and there's nobody on a waitlist to join up I will gladly take another character from you.

On races:
The races I will readily accept without any questions asked are Humans, Asari, Turians, Salarians, Krogan, Drell, Quarians.

The following races you can play but I will have much more scrutiny and skepticism, demanding a more rigorous CS and more discussions in DMs: Tank-Krogan, Vorcha, Batarian, Volus, Geth.

Anything else such as Elcor, Hanar, Ardat-Yakshi, or the even more eccentric options will only be permitted if I know you to be a God of RP.

On Citizenship:
I will gladly accept anyone from the Systems Alliance, main Krogan space, the Turian Heirarchy, the Asari Republics, the Salarian Union, the Quarians, or the Union of 2201 without questions.

I’m going to need some big effort from somebody who wants to be from: Krogan Rebel Clans, the Terminus System Pirate Realm, Cerberus (though this isn’t exactly a government), the Batarian Hegemony, an autochthonous Citadel Dweller, the Geth and Synthetic life designates, or any other independent government.

Now, after ME3 a lot of things might have happened and anyone joining an RP set more than 100 years after the events of that game would surely have questions on what happened in that wide time frame. For a quick recap I suggest one simply read the general tab and the events tab. If you want a somewhat more in-depth history I suggest you read the racial lore tabs, and the widest understanding will of course be given if you read everything.

Thank you for your time my dear nerds. I am eager to see your applications. Though not mandatory I highly recommend you join the discord server. Herein a lot of very important communication as well as planning of collaborative posts will be made. When you have a CS ready please send it into a four way PM with me and my beloved co-GMs @Lucky and @Lauder. That said I'd liketo see some quick pitches of characters as soon as you have an idea just so I have a rough vision of what sort of a team will be made, and in turn what gaps need to be filled with GMNPCs. For now I will be accepting no more than four people for a "recruitment" introduction to the story, as with even two we might start to take too long to actually get into the grander plot elements.

Please, if you have any questions, comments, concerns, yadda yadda, feel free to drop them here.
End of December can't come fast enough.

Things have gone faster than expected so we are ahead of schedule and will start sooner
For the record my objection to discord is that the thing monitors every process on your PC ostensibly to "detect games" which means it basically records every program you run and sends that to a remote server. And I find that to be a gross violation of my privacy. The reason I say this now is because I just discovered that there is a web version and want to know if it comes without this "feature". If I can confirm that it does and does not in fact spy on me I would have no problem with using the web version.

The browser version cannot do anything of the sort, especially not without asking you in a prompt.
Hey there boys and girls just a status update, I'm here to introduce your home for the foreseeable future. Captain'd by the enchanting Quarian Sosa’Numos @Lauder and piloted by the most stoic Geth @Lucky who's sheets are well underway to get us speeding through the Milky Way, meet W-178.

The W-178 (originally the Weiro) is a fairly old ship, one of the many the Quarians donated to the Geth in exchange for the complete return of Rannoch and the colonies. Like most migrant fleet ships the Weiro had a combination of domestic and military elements but it was first and foremost a civilian ship. As time progressed and both Geth and Quarians started to construct new vessels the Geth began to retrofit their migrant-fleet era ships with the aim of selling them to in turn raise funds for their own ships that weren't constrained by many flaws of organic design such as windows.

Though manufactured long ago the retrofit given to it has made the W-178 fairly competitive in comparison to most other Frigate-sized vessels flying through the Milky Way. The growing commonality of Thanix batteries lets it house a fair punch and a few GARDIAN installations allow it to fend off at least the smaller raids by enemy interceptors and fighters. However it is not a dedicated military craft and it would not find success in battling anything else that is frigate sized or above. It is faster than many vessels of its kind but outmatched by almost the same amount. The most endearing features of the Weiro are its inconspicuousness, its rather massive cargo bay, large if unfurnished crew quarters, and its modularity retrofits leaving room for it to be upgraded into a cutting edge vessel such as those fielded by the most elite Geth or Salarian Marines. For now its denizens might find it barebones with not much more than apartments, a mess-hall like kitchen, a cargo bay and hangar, a bridge and command centre, and a Captain's suite. The apartments though giving far more individuality than a barracks are relatively small and entirely unfurnished for now save a bed and lightbulb. Officially it flies as under charter of Citadel Investigation and Research permits.
Is there any kind of statue or memorial to Shepard? Either be by the Systems Alliance or likewise.

Though I did not write it in this would be inevitable. They would be in more or less any planet Shephard touched throughout ME3. Tuchanka, Earth, the Citadel, Thessia, Palaven

I prefer not to touch much more on Shepherd though especially in stuff like statues because I want the players of this RP to be able to have their own headcanon working. Apart from the decision I have made explicit in the above lore stuff like the sex and appearance of Shepard, who they romanced, their "class", and many other options can be whatever you want it to be. This might be different between players and thats okay, it still works.
Rtron has booped me on this and it looks interesting!

What's the position on cybernetics, transhumanism, grumpy Scots, and combining the three into one drunken mess?

Cybernetics are common enough though oft redundant, transhumanism grounded in genetic modification is largely banned (though this hasn't stopped many parties) and Scotland has been obliterated by the Reapers whilst Scottish culture adherents weren't numerous enough to ultimately make a lasting imprint on the colonies but individual Scot families may yet live on ships, and a drunk doesn't sound like the type of person a renewed Spectre program would recruit, but if you can justify it and write it well enough you can do it.
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