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Opinionated nerd for hire.

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"Franklin!" Kori exclaimed with a bright cheerful smile, gracefully weaving between classmates in the crowded hallway of Jump City High, her feet not even bothering to touch the ground. A few months ago, this would have sent students running in panic and confusion, but by now the super-powered alien girl was old news. While Kori certainly still drew plenty of attention, it was now of the more mundane variety: guys ogling her body as she passed, girls whispering salacious gossip or muttering jealously about her looks, and more than a few doing vice versa.

"Oh, uh, hey Kori," Frankie Crandall said with an uneasy chuckle as the orange-skinned beauty floated towards him. "Uhhh, what's up?"

"A relative direction signifying an increase in altitude," Kori answered, tilting her head to one side. "I was led to believe that Earth children were taught what the 'up' was at much younger ages. Should I explain the 'down' as well?"

Frankie stared at her blankly for a moment, blinked a few times as if to restart his brain, then shook his head. "Ah, no no, I was just saying, y'know, how are you doing?"

"Doing what?"

"No, I just..." Frankie sputtered for a moment, then shrugged. "Don't worry about it."

"Then I shall have the worries no more," Kori smiled, before taking the boy in a tight hug and nuzzling her cheek against his. "I am with the great happiness to see you."

"Oh, yeah, uhhh....me too," Frankie said, growing increasingly aware of how many people were staring at him.

Frankie Crandall was the Senior Class President, as well as the first-string QB of Jump City High's football team, the Titans. He'd come from a rich family, was the alpha-male of his group of friends, and he'd had nearly every girl of any kind of social status in their school drooling over him. Throughout his junior year, he'd used his charm, his Abercrombie & Fitch looks, and his influence to get to at least second base with sixteen female students....and two teachers. It was no surprise, then, that when Junior Prom came around, he was the shoo-in to become Prom King, and his opposite number, Kitten van Cleer, would be Prom Queen. And they'd go into Senior Year as an unbeatable power-couple who would have their way with anyone and everyone.

Except Kitten wasn't voted Queen. In a surprise democratic uprising from the normies and nerds, Kitten lost out to a new student, Kori Anders, or "that hot alien superhero girl" as many of the ballots had said. While Kitten was humiliated by her freak loss (or in her words, her loss to a freak), Frankie didn't think it was all that bad. If dating a rich girl would cement his reputation, imagine being the first guy at Jump City High to go all the way with a superhero....

"I have been doing much thought," Kori said, her emerald eyes twinkling, "Of activities in which we can participate on the ending of this week. We can read the poetry together, or make the walking together in the park, or perhaps go to the theater of moving pictures! We could view the latest film, the Top of Gun!"

That was how he'd thought at first, but over the past few months, it had started to get old. For starters, as much as she fawned over him, gave him gifts (usually weirdo alien gifts that he didn't understand), there was no connection there; they were literally from two different worlds. Worse, his rep didn't get nearly the boost as he'd wanted, since almost nobody saw him as the alpha male anymore, the king of the Titans; now he was just "Starfire's boyfriend." And while Kori was very affectionate and tended to be quite 'hands-on' when displaying that affection, she always stopped just short of doing anything really fun. And it didn't help that any time he tried to convince her to go a little further, that goth emo sidekick of hers would interrupt and ruin the mood.

He had to admit, the drawbacks of dating an alien were really starting to outweigh the benefits....

"That sounds, uh, sounds great, Kori," Frankie said as he tried to free himself from Kori's embrace, "But, uhh, I kinda...already have plans this weekend? You know, the uh, the big party Friday night? The one that Kitten's throwing? On her dad's cruise ship? You're, uh, you're coming, right?"

Kori blinked in surprise as she released the hug. "Oh, no, I was....uninvited."

"Oh, that's...aw man, I'm sorry," Frankie tried poorly to conceal the relief in his voice. "I mean, I was really hoping you'd get to come, but I mean....you've probably got superhero stuff to do that night anyway, right?"

"That...is a possibility," Kori nodded as her feet finally touched the ground. "But if I do not have the super-heroism to perform, then perhaps we could--"

"I mean, I kinda already told Chaz and Kyler that I'd see them there," Frankie said with a pained expression as he backed away. "And I mean, Kitten said there was gonna be a big surprise for everyone there, so....you understand, right?"

Kori's eyes started to well with tears. "You are...you are giving me the dumping?"

"Well, that is, I mean, it's just.....we're two different people, right? I mean, like, I'm a guy, and you're from outer space, and it's like, whaaaat? You know what I mean?" Frankie began to stammer, before a slim blonde girl nudged her way through the crowd and slipped an arm around his waist.

"What he means," Kitten van Cleer said with a triumphant sneer, "is that he wants to spend some time with some real people, instead of fooling around with the space-princess freak-show."

The crowd surrounding them erupted into ooohs and aahs; the un-crowned queen of Jump City High was making her play for the throne.

"Isn't that right, Frankie-poo?"

"Kitten," Kori growled, her eyes glowing and fists beginning to charge with green plasma. "I knew this subversion of our love was your doing! What have you done to him?!"

Kitten's tittering laugh was like nails on a chalkboard to Kori. "Oh, it's not anything I did to him. It's all the things I'm going to do with him this Friday, while you're spending your night pulling cats out of trees or fishing people out of vats of poop."

The blonde leaned towards Kori and pretended to sniff the air. "Ew, and speaking of which, you still smell like the sewage plant."

"That is untrue!" Kori shouted with outrage. "I have cleansed any and all residual sewage from my body and made certain I no longer have the smelling from it!"

"Ohhh, I'm sorry," Kitten mockingly apologized. "My mistake; that must be how you always smell."

This brought a chorus of laughs from Kitten's followers as Kori seethed with rage. "You....you are nothing more than a malfing g'norz'plaft!"

Kitten put a hand to her forehead and acted wounded. "Oh noooo, a g'norz-whatever, how can I recover from such a horrible insult?"

Sheepishly, Frankie tried to back away from the two feuding girls and lose himself in the crowd, but made the mistake of making eye contact with the humiliated Kori.

"Franklin," she pleaded, "How can you do this? Why would you bring the dishonoring on yourself by coupling with this doer of evil?"

"I, uhh, well, you know," Frankie shrugged. "It's, uh, it's not you....it's me."

Again, Kitten laughed, making Kori's blood boil.

"Oh, he's kidding," she said, hooking her arm around Frankie's and pulling him close, "it's totally you."

As the two turned and left, Kitten's entourage of suck-ups and hangers-on let out a chorus of cheers, jeers, and laughter, leaving the red-haired alien girl stammering.

"I...I do not understand..." she said quietly, as her eyes welled with tears.

Starfire was a hero, a champion of Tamaran and a protector of the people of Earth. She was all but unbeatable on the battlefield, and a tireless foe of the forces of evil.

Kori Anders, though, was a misfit, the weird foreign girl who kept finding out the hard way that she didn't belong. She had trusted someone, had loved him, and that someone had tossed her love aside for someone as vicious and vindictive as Kitten van Cleer.

She had failed, just like she had failed on her home planet.

Once again, evil had triumphed, and she had been powerless to stop it.

"Azerath......Metreon....Zinthos...." Rachel chanted the mantra quietly in the far corner of the Jump City High library, her legs crossed in a lotus position as she levitated a couple of feet off of the ground.

Orbiting around her like moons were three books, their pages spread open and turning as their knowledge passed in and out of her mind.

The first was an old worn hardcover copy of Magick: Liber ABA, the seminal work of the notorious occultist Aleister Crowley. Technically, given her half-demon nature, Rachel didn't need spells and incantations to perform supernatural acts, but she found that they were a useful framing device. Much like how one can better express complex and nuanced emotions through the rhyme and meter of a poem, or the lyrics and melody of a song, Rachel often found that working with the subtle and dangerous workings of otherworldly powers was best done by framing it with sigils and runes and magic words.

The second was a more modern paperback, called Time Loops: Precognition, Retrocausation, and the Unconscious. It was mostly new-age pseudo-science attempting to put some air of credibility onto what amounted to spoon-bending and parlor tricks, but Raven found it useful to frame her thinking. When she was younger, she would have terrible nightmares, only to see them come true on the news a few days later. It was only recently that she learned that she had the gift and curse of precognition, her half-demon soul able to project into time as well as space. Her visions were still...messy, however, too cryptic and obtuse to be useful.


As she chanted, the pages turned, channeling more knowledge into the purple-haired girl's mind. Rachel was hoping that by combining the older framework of traditional occultist magic with the quasi-rational mindset of the pseudo-scientists, she could get clearer, more accurate--and most importantly, more actionable-- information out of her premonitions. These two books together, she hoped, could help Raven and Starfire save lives.

The third book, which circled around her in a faster, more urgent orbit, was her Algebra II textbook. She had a test next period and hadn't had the time to study last night.


Rachel dropped to the floor, the three books thudding on the floor around her as she clutched her head.

She'd been trying to focus her precognitive abilities, to get more out of her premonitions.

She had effectively gone fishing in the proverbial deep waters, and something just bit.

Images flooded into her mind, all at once.








Blood everywhere.

Drowning in it.


Lungs filling with salt water.

Familiar faces, their skin peeling away.

Screams from all sides.


No. Not hell.

Yo can't die in hell.

And people are dying.

Dying all around you.

Death surrounds you.

Engulfs you.

Takes you.

Takes h--

"NO!" Rachel shouted, and the library trembled, spilling books from their shelves.

Dozens of students looked up from their studies and stared at the pale-skinned witch girl. While she never really cared for the opinions of her classmates, she also didn't care for being looked at like a circus act.

"I'll, ah, I'll clean up in a second," she muttered, before hurrying out of the library and heading for the nearest bathroom. A few students whispered to each other under their breath, drawing some derisive laughs. Superhero or not, most of them had never really stopped thinking of her as a weirdo, a freak. Little episodes like this certainly didn't help.

In the girls' room, Rachel stood in front of the sink, turned on the faucet, and splashed a handful of cold water on her face to try and bring herself back to reality. As her heart rate slowed and her breathing returned to normal, Rachel slowly felt the panic subside....

....leaving only the certain, awful dread that now sat heavy in her heart.

"Something evil is coming," she finally spoke, her premonition now a prophecy. "No....a lot of somethings. All those people, they're all going to die..."

She looked herself in the mirror, and steeled her nerve. "....unless I do something about it."

Rachel Roth may have been a freak, a weird little goth loser whose only friend was the equally weird space-girl who didn't know any better.

But Raven was a superhero. Raven could stand up to the forces of hell itself and send them packing.

And if something evil, or a lot of somethings, were really coming, then she would be there to stop it.
In Titans 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I was gonna respond with a YJ Robin gif about being whelmed, but trying to share pics on my phone without signing up for some garbage-ass app is nigh impossible.

But anyway, yeah, I'm down for running as Robin. Expect an application soon.
I just post my stuff, then correct the typos after the fact and hope nobody notices.
<Snipped quote by AndyC>

My personal theory is that she was rescued by a roving band of interdimensional wizards and is now spending some much needed time just being a kid in a realm ruled by benevolent fairies.

Dude, spoilers!
Yoo I liked queen Perdita because of young justice. Don't do me like this bro..

To be fair, I did leave it ambiguous as to what actually happened to her. Maybe she got dusted, maybe she's sitting in a dungeon in Castle Doom. Depends on how nice or mean I'm feeling.

Victory Square, at the foot of Castle Doom
Doomstadt (formerly known as Hassenstadt)

Six Months Ago

"My brothers and sisters," Lucia von Bardas began as she approached the podium, "After the long, bitter fighting that has seen so many suffer needlessly, we have at long last toppled the rotten, clapped-out regime that had been afflicted upon us for so long!"

A thunderous din of triumphant cheers rose from the throng of loyal followers before her. Next to her on the dais, a haggard, beaten man was forced on his knees, trembling and crying, a pair of green-armored DoomBots flanking him on either side.

"Vladimir Vassily Gonereo Tristian Mangegi Fortunov," she addressed her prisoner, drawing out his long name in almost mocking tones. "Former Prime Minister of an illegitimate government. For nearly thirty years, you danced on strings pulled by NATO, propagating their lies and their deceit. Time and time again, Latveria has been given empty promises of autonomy, of 'greater standing in the international community,' of free and fair trade, only for more restrictions and sanctions to be placed upon us! Time and time again, you signed away land that rightfully belonged to the Latverian people, for the benefit of NATO and EU pet projects that have only done us harm! And each time you tell us to swallow their tripe, each time you tell us to settle for less, you line your own pockets with their dirty money!"

The tens of thousands in attendance roared with boos and cries of anger.

"The people of Latveria have said no more!" Lucia bellowed. "We have seen the way forward, and it is not dancing to the tune of the Western pigs. The way forward is that promised to us by one of our own, the genius who brought us onto the world stage, who made the White House and the Kremlin tremble! This is the way of destiny! The way of fate! The Way of Doom!"

Lucia paused to bask in the cacophonous applause, before turning back to the beaten man.

"And your doom, comrade Fortunov," she said, drawing a pistol from the inside of her jacket, "is sealed."

The gunshot rang out through the air, followed by another deafening roar of triumph from the crowd as Fortunov's body slumped forward, before falling off the dais and into the crowd, who proceeded to stomp and tear at the corpse until there was nothing recognizable left.

"The Way of Doom has saved the people of Latveria, my brothers and sisters," Von Bargas beckoned, "but our work is far from over! There are many yet who still cry out under the lash of the corrupt and the incompetent. Our brothers and sisters in Symkaria, in Sokovia, in Pokolistan, we hear your call! Our friends and comrades in South America, in East Asia, we share your struggle! Even our perceived enemies in Russia, in China, in America....they, too, will see the way to that shining future! In time, all will know the power and glory of Doom!"

The cheers had grown so loud, the voices of the Latverian people shook the dais.

"Doom," she called out the now familiar chant, "does not beg!"

"DOOM! the voices chanted back in unison, "DOES! NOT! BEG!"

"Doom denies death!"




Von Eeden, Kingdom of Vlatava

Four Months Ago

"Come, my queen!" shouted Grieg von Krupp over the immense noise of the helicopter's engines as its rotors began to spin. "The Legion has breached the palace! We must get you to safety!"

Her eyes wet with tears of panic and confusion, a tiny young girl scrambled across the tarmac, clutching a stuffed bear as if her life depended on it. Flanked by heavily-armed bodyguards who harried her forward, Queen Perdita Vladek ran towards the waiting chopper as fast as she could, sobbing uncontrollably.

"M-make it stop!" the ten-year-old Queen wailed as the staccato bark of assault-rifle fire sounded from inside the palace less than a hundred yards behind her. "I w-want it to s-stop!"

Grieg von Krupp had been the bodyguard of the Vlatavan royal family for twenty years, and it was a job he took very seriously. All the more so after King Bruno Vladek had died from a stroke five years ago, and Queen Perdova succumbed to lung cancer two years ago, leaving the young heiress an orphan. For the past two years, Queen Perdita had been surrounded by political enemies, ambitious Parliament members and jealous nobles who wanted the throne for themselves. On more than one occasion, von Krupp had rooted out plots against the child Queen from her scheming uncle, the now-banished Count Werner Vertigo.

Count Vertigo vowed revenge for his humiliation at the hands of a child. And von Krupp had vowed he would see Vertigo dead before any harm would come to Perdita.

"You're almost there, my queen!" von Krupp encouraged her. "Just a little further!"

The attack had come like lightning, beginning only that very morning. After weeks of posturing against the neighboring nation of Symkaria, the Legion of Doom had revealed their sabre-rattling was merely a feint, launching a surprise offensive into the smaller kingdom of Vlatava instead. While the Vlatavan Royal Guard had been on high alert for months ever since the Latverian Civil War earlier in the year, the small nation could only mobilize a miniscule force, mostly outfitted with decades-old equipment from the days of the Soviet occupation. The Legion, on the other hand, seemed centuries ahead of Queen Perdita's forces, and had blown her army away like dandelions.

Bram Velsing, the now-infamous 'Dread Knight,' had issued the invasion at 8 AM local time. By noon, the Legion had reached the capital city.

A ear-splitting roar tore through the air overhead, as an old fighter jet-- a well-worn MiG-21 LanceR, its simple triangular wings and cylindrical fuselage repainted with the blue-teal-and-gold stripes of the Vlatavan flag-- swooped low above the palace, attempting to cover the royal family's escape by strafing the invaders with machine-gun fire from above. As it spewed bullets down into the mass of green-uniformed soldiers, however, the LanceR erupted into a dark orange fireball, the sudden wave of immense heat and percussive shock from the blast knocking the young Queen to the pavement.

"Come on, get up, get up!" von Krupp begged as he tried to pull the girl to her feet. "Just a little more to go and--"

There was a flash of red light, and the helicopter at the end of the tarmac exploded. In the split-second he had to act, von Krupp tackled Perdita to the pavement, feeling a sudden sharp sting in his lower back before everything became a blur of fire and pain.

Grieg was not sure how much time had passed--seconds, minutes, years-- before his senses returned to him.

The other bodyguards were strewn around him, some burning from being splashed with ignited fuel, others torn to shreds by shrapnel. As he fought through the agony that wracked his body tried to pull himself to his feet, Grieg realized he could not move his legs. A sharp, blinding pain drove him back down onto his face, and he fumbled with one free hand for the source of it, finding a long, jagged shard of metal lodged in his back.

On the ground in front of him, Queen Perdita clutched her stuffed bear, curled into a ball, her face stained with soot and tears.

"H-help...." she whimpered. "P-please....help...."

"D-d-do not w-worry....m-my queen," Grieg tried to console her through gritted teeth, fighting against the excruciating pain as he crawled towards her. "I w-won't let anyone h-hurt you..."

"A touching sentiment, von Krupp," came a familiar mocking voice from behind them, as a figure marched down the tarmac along a cadre of soldiers. "But I'm afraid it matters very little what you will and will not let us do."

"Count Vertigo," Grieg spat out the name like poison.

"That would be King Vertigo now, worm," the blonde one-eyed man in formal attire corrected him, his tone full of triumph. "I have suffered the indignity of serving under this miserable brat for quite long enough. The time has come for a change in Vlatava. I see a new way for the kingdom, and my new allies have been so very helpful in bringing this new way about."

The roar of rocket engines filled the air around them as another figure approached from the sky. An enormous figure in thick purple and black armor, its helmet shaped and painted to resemble a stylized skull, the Dread Knight made the ground tremble with the impact of his landing.

"Queen Perdita Vladek," the Dread Knight's voice boomed from his suit's external speakers, "For generations, your family has held back your subjects, clinging to the outdated notions of kings and nobles. The Way of Doom has no place for these relics."

"N-never," Grieg von Krupp sputtered, fumbling for his service pistol. "I-I'll die...before I l-let you h-hurt her!"

The Dread Knight turned his death's-head mask to the crippled man, and held out an open hand.

"Yes," he said, "That is precisely what you will do."

”Please, no….don’t….I beg you….”

Velsing snorted with derision. ”Doom does not beg.”

For a split second, Grieg von Krupp saw a flash of red light, and felt an intense flash of searing heat.

Then, he neither saw nor felt anything ever again.

Markovburg, Principality of Markovia

Two Months Ago

"Everyone take cover!" Brion Markov bellowed out orders amidst the gunfire and explosions. "I'll hold them off!"

With a strained grunt, Brion thrust his right hand up, motioning like an uppercut punch at the column of advancing tanks. The thunder of shifting stone rang out as the earth heaved upward, tossing the dark green tanks in all directions.

After Vlatava had fallen, the other satellite nations near Latveria fell like dominoes. Akenbourg, Barania, Kasnia, and Modora all capitulated within two weeks of each other. Transia, Alberia, Attania, and Nrosvekistan were soon to follow. In some instances, the Legion of Doom had poured across the borders and crushed their opposition like the fist of an angry god. In others, the government would simply roll over and capitulate without a shot being fired. Little by little, one pocket-kingdom and rump-state at a time, the bloc of nations that had broken away from the Soviet Union in the 1950s and 60s and sworn allegiance to Viktor van Domashev were being brought back into the fold.

The Principality of Markovia had been next on that list. But the Legion of Doom would find this country to be made of sterner stuff.

"You dare to come to my country," Brion growled, ripping boulders out of the ground and hurling them at the Doomist soldiers, "threaten my family, my people! And you have the gall to call our ways backwards, while peddling the well-worn lies of a long-dead madman!"

As a Legion VTOL drone launched a rocket at him, Brion stomped his foot into the ground, sprouting up a massive wall of stone around him. While the rocket blasted the rock to pieces, Brion stood unharmed, then with a wave of his hand, launched the rubble into the sky to fill the air with flak that perforated the invading drones.

"So long as I stand, Markovia stands!" he bellowed, a one-man earthquake, crushing his enemies with flying boulders, swallowing up others with huge fissures in the ground. Brion Markov stood against the might of the Legion of Doom, and for a time, stopped them dead in their tracks.

But only for a time.

"Your tenacity is to be commended," called out a voice, seemingly from all directions at once, "but this battle is over. The Markov family has ignored the pleas of its people for years; do not presume to act as their champion and protector now that their liberators have come."

"Liberators?!" Brion scoffed. "I have seen the type of 'liberation' your Legion brings. You have prisoners shot, hanged, or impaled in public! You round up populations like cattle to be brainwashed in your camps!"

"We remove the dross of society," the voice retorted, almost condescending. "Corrupt officials, gangsters, murderers, rapists, the predators and parasites that their old governments ignored or empowered. And yes, those who we have liberated must then be instructed in the Way of Doom, only so that they may find their new purposes, their new destinies. There is no place for mere 'cattle' among us."

"Spare me the propaganda," he sneered. "You and your jack-booted thugs are no different from every other tin-pot dictator to prophesy some brave new world. And you will collapse and die just like the others."

Brion felt a sudden sharp sting in his neck, and within seconds, his limbs began to feel numb.

"Oh, I believe you will find us quite different from the failed philosophies that came before us," came the calm, almost academic voice of Kristoff Vernard as he materialized next to Brion, a now-emptied syringe in his hand. "And we do not plan on dying out any time soon."

As Brion's senses blurred, he felt his body fall forward, only to be caught by powerful mechanical arms.

"After all....Doom denies death."

Port of Los Angeles, California


"--claim credit for the bombing in Nairomi, making this the fourth time in just as many weeks that an insurgency in the third world can be tied to them. And make no mistake, folks, the People's Liberation Legion is very much a terrorist organization, designed to spread instability around the world to make it that much easier for their puppet-masters in Doomstadt to scoop them up later! The regime may be new, but their methods are the exact sort of stuff Doctor Doom himself was carrying out during the Cold War. Latch on to the fringe groups of society, then marginalize, disenfranchise, radicalize, and weaponize them! Have them do all your dirty work, softening up your targets for the bigger war to come!

"And while all this is going on, pundits on both sides play the same tired old blame game-- the Right throws them in with the Marxists, the Left lumps them in with the Fascists. And this only lets the Neo-Doomist movement recruit from the extreme ends of the aisle equally! Joining me tonight to discuss what exactly makes this dangerous movement so seductive to the loonies and losers of the world, my guest--"

"Uhhh, hey boss? I think you might want to take a look at this."


Harbor Master Bill Warrant switched off the small TV on his desk, and looked up at the stevedore who had come into his office.

"Something wrong?" he asked.

"I dunno, maybe," the stevedore answered, approaching with a tablet. "The Green Harvest finally pulled in, and delivered her cargo manifest, and....and it's all blank."

Bill frowned. The Green Harvest had been a publicity nightmare for weeks, after getting stuck in the Suez Canal for several days, making both the Harvest itself and hundreds of other cargo ships incredibly late with their deliveries. The company had been made a laughingstock by one captain’s astounding incompetence, and things weren’t helped by tinfoil-hat types claiming they had seen other ships approaching the Harvest in the middle of the night, unloading its cargo and replacing it with other containers. A blank cargo manifest wasn’t going to help those wacko rumors.

”Right,” Bill sniffed, getting up from his chair and getting ready to tear the captain of the Green Harvest a new behind, ”If this dumbass can’t even steer a boat in a straight line, I guess filling out his paperwork is going to be too much for him to bother with too. Gimme a minute, and I’ll be down there to give this guy a piece of my mind.”

Several minutes later, Bill stormed out onto the wide loading dock where the enormous cargo ship was moored, cranes having already unloaded a dozen shipping containers before he arrived.

”Hold on, hold on, what the hell is all this?” he yelled to the workers who seemed to ignore him as they went about their tasks. ”Nobody told you to start unloading the ship! Get this stuff back on until—“

”Excuse me, Harbor Master Warrant?” a distinctly European man called him by name as he approached.

Bill raised an eyebrow, growing wary. ”….yeah, that’s me. How did you—“

”I was instructed to meet with you upon our arrival,” the blonde man answered. ”I believe I can provide some answers to questions you must be asking yourself.”

”Boss, what the hell’s going on?” the stevedore asked, growing uneasy himself. ”I don’t recognize any of the crew out here.”

”If I may?” the mystery man asked, before turning and shouting. ”Lazlo! Franz! The container!”

With crisp, almost mechanical movements, two of the deckhands put down their work and approached the nearest container. Undoing the latch, the two of them swung the steel doors wide open. Inside the container were row after row of black rectangular crates.

The deckhands then pulled one of the crates out of the container, setting it down before the Harbor Master. Typing in the pass code on the crate’s keypad lock, they lifted the lid to show its contents.

”H-hey now, this isn’t—“ Bill stammered. ”…oh my God, it is…”

Inside the crate were a half dozen state-of-the-art military-grade automatic rifles. Bill had heard about these on some of the chat groups he frequented. Using electromagnetic rails instead of gunpowder, they projected bullets at hypersonic velocities, allowing a 9mm round to hit with the force of a traditional .50 cal, and did so without a muzzle flash and barely a whisper. What’s more, they could be fitted with any number of modifications, from increasing the rate of fire to that of a conventional minigun, to increasing the distance to rival those of the leading sniper rifles.

Given the size of the container and how many crates were in it, there must have been nearly a thousand rifles in the single container alone. And considering how many containers were aboard the Green Harvest….

”Jesus Christ,” the stevedore muttered. ”You could set up a whole friggin’ army with—“


The stevedore fell to the concrete, a hole punched straight through his right temple and out the left side of his skull.

Harbor Master Bill Warrant lowered the smoking pistol, and turned to the blonde stranger.

”It’s really happening?”, he asked, sweat beading on his brow.

”Very soon, my friend, very soon,” he answered. ”The day is very nearly at hand, and you will be one of the heroes who helped bring it about.”

Bill struggled to catch his breath, then finally drew himself up, and put his right fist to his chest.

”Doom is supreme,” he said, barely able to contain his excitement.

The blonde man grinned. ”Doom is supreme.”

Political Radical Sect / Terrorist Organization ♦ People's Democratic Republic of Latveria
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:

"Doom does not beg! Doom denies death! Doom is supreme!"

In the wake of the Second World War and the end of the first wave of costumed super-humans, most were all too willing to turn a blind eye to the far corners of the world for the sake of returning to some semblance of normalcy. While organizations like the Strategic Science Reserve led investigations into the JSA, behind the Iron Curtain a new power was rising.

Viktor van Domashev, a high-ranking member of Stalin's inner circle from the Soviet satellite state of Latveria, executed a stunning coup in the wake of the dictator's death. Espousing a radical totalitarian philosophy referred to simply as "the Way of Doom," van Domashev effectively split the Soviet Union in two, converting millions to his radical ways and defending his new empire against the forces of the USSR and NATO alike with a menagerie of technological horrors. By 1960, Nikita Kruschev and Soviet ICBMs seemed like a quaint annoyance compared to the threat posed by the man the American press had named "Doctor Doom."

While many feared that an invasion from Doomstadt was imminent, even a mind as formidable as Doctor Doom was not without equal. The brilliant Reed Richards quickly rose to prominence in the West, and he and his family of misfit adventurers dubbed the "Fantastic Four" (a team of "adventure scientists," a name carefully picked to avoid connections to the controversial super-heroes of the 1940s) would stymie Doom's attempts at global domination time and time again. In 1966, Viktor van Domashev and the Fantastic Four engaged in a final battle, with all vanishing in the aftermath, seemingly destroyed. Without the brilliance and charisma of Doctor Doom at its helm, the Latverian Empire quickly came undone, and was reabsorbed back into the USSR. Despite being written off as dramatic but ultimately brief distraction in the wider history of the Cold War, many still believed in the philosophy of the Way of Doom, and Neo-Doomist militias and terrorist cells would crop up over the next sixty years, typically put down quickly by organizations such as SHIELD.

In recent years, however, while the eyes of the world have turned to the likes of Superman and other colorful personae in the West, a new movement has begun in Latveria, Viktor Van Domashev's old seat of power. An extremely well-funded, well-organized, and well-trained paramilitary organization has begun a civil war against the corrupt and incompetent NATO-installed government. They offer stability, security, and national pride in exchange for obedience and service to the Way of Doom. What's more, they boast weaponry and technology that puts all but the most advanced Western technological firms to shame. As neighboring governments try and fail to undermine this radical movement, more and more people become drawn to its cause, seeing a future where they can not only stand on equal footing with the super-heroes of the West, but make them kneel.

What was dismissed as a fleeting bad dream has returned as a new nightmare. The Legion of Doom marches again.

C H A R A C T E R M O T I V A T I O N S & G O A L S:

For starters, I wanted to have a sort of 'universal villain' that absolutely everyone can run up against. I figure we have more than enough shadowy organizations carefully working on secret machinations behind the scenes, so it would be a nice breath of fresh air to have one that's so brazenly out in the open about what they are and what they want to do. It'll hopefully give the heroes some fun material to work with as well, since most of the people joining the Legion have legitimate grievances against the Western-centric super-community, and hopefully this can lead to some stories with interesting real-world parallels without just beating people over the head with heavy-handed social commentary.

I've also just been on a nostalgia kick for the old Command and Conquer games lately, so this is at least partly to live out my dreams of leading the Brotherhood of Nod.

N O T E S:

The Legion of Doom is operated by a triumvirate of Ministers, who maintain a delicate balance of power between the three of them:

Lucia Von Bardas: The newly elected Prime Minister of Latveria, Lucia proudly displays the scars and cybernetic augmentations she acquired during the bloody civil war that ousted the previous government. Wildly popular among the Latverian people, she is the public face of the Legion, frequently seen making speeches and public appearances to portray the Way of Doom as the path to liberating the downtrodden from the yoke of their old imperialist oppressors. Behind the scenes, Lucia also operates the Legion's vast media network, altering and censoring data and spreading indoctrinating material in the name of "combating misinformation."

Kristoff Vernard: Latveria's Minister of Science and Culture, Kristoff sees it as his duty to carry on the brilliant work of Viktor van Domashev. His inventions have catapulted Latveria to the forefront of the technological world, while his printed works expounding on the Way of Doom have convinced countless disenfranchised and disaffected people to join the cause. Many are quick to condemn Vernard's many gruesome experiments on human subjects, but he is always quick to quote his hero, stating "only Doom dares to dream, all others serve."

Bram Velsing: Also known as the "Dread Knight," Velsing is the supreme commander of the Legion's armed forces. Equal parts brash, cunning, and fanatical, the Dread Knight is a hardline believer in the Way of Doom, and especially in its ethos of 'peace through power.'

The People's Liberation Legion: An ever-growing collection of neo-Doomist militias and paramilitary groups, the PLL is a largely decentralized confederation with loose ties to the Legion proper. While LoD agents often fund, arm, and train PLL cells, each cell operates independently, fomenting revolutions, assassinations, sabotage, cyber-warfare, and other destabilizing actions in any nation the Legion of Doom sees either as a threat or as a potential asset. Currently, there are known PLL cells active in Russia, Sokovia, Bialya, Symkaria, Argentina, Japan, and the United Kingdom, and there are unconfirmed cells active in a dozen other countries, including the United States. While most if not all PLL members are volunteers who are devout believers in the Way of Doom, the Legion proper tends to view them as expendable.

DoomBots: the backbone of the Legion of Doom's armies, DoomBots refer to a vast array of robotic and AI operatives designed to carry out the Legion's will. The 'standard' DoomBot is equipped with nano-spring artificial muscles to grant it immense strength, a variety of laser and particle-based weapons, a layered magnetic and plasma shield system rendering it invulnerable to conventional weapons, and electronic warfare packages that allow it to penetrate the most robust defenses. Deployed correctly, a platoon of DoomBots can defeat a conventional army in a matter of days, and severely wound or even kill all but the most powerful of metahumans.

S A M P L E P O S T:

"My brothers and sisters," Lucia von Bardas began as she approached the podium, "After the long, bitter fighting that has seen so many suffer needlessly, we have at long last toppled the rotten, clapped-out regime that had been afflicted upon us for so long!"

A thunderous din of triumphant cheers rose from the throng of loyal followers before her. Next to her on the dais, a haggard, beaten man was forced on his knees, trembling and crying, a pair of green-armored DoomBots flanking him on either side.

"Vladimir Vassily Gonereo Tristian Mangegi Fortunov," she addressed her prisoner, drawing out his long name in almost mocking tones. "Former Prime Minister of an illegitimate government. For nearly thirty years, you danced on strings pulled by NATO, propagating their lies and their deceit. Time and time again, Latveria has been given empty promises of autonomy, of 'greater standing in the international community,' of free and fair trade, only for more restrictions and sanctions to be placed upon us! Time and time again, you signed away land that rightfully belonged to the Latverian people, for the benefit of NATO and EU pet projects that have only done us harm! And each time you tell us to swallow their tripe, each time you tell us to settle for less, you line your own pockets with their dirty money!"

The tens of thousands in attendance roared with boos and cries of anger.

"The people of Latveria have said no more!" Lucia bellowed. "We have seen the way forward, and it is not dancing to the tune of the Western pigs. The way forward is that promised to us by one of our own, the genius who brought us onto the world stage, who made the White House and the Kremlin tremble! This is the way of destiny! The way of fate! The Way of Doom!"

Lucia paused to bask in the cacophonous applause, before turning back to the beaten man.

"And your doom, comrade Fortunov," she said, drawing a pistol from the inside of her jacket, "is sealed."

The gunshot rang out through the air, followed by another deafening roar of triumph from the crowd as Fortunov's body slumped forward, before falling off the dais and into the crowd, who proceeded to stomp and tear at the corpse until there was nothing recognizable left.

"The Way of Doom has saved the people of Latveria, my brothers and sisters," Von Bargas beckoned, "but our work is far from over! There are many yet who still cry out under the lash of the corrupt and the incompetent. Our brothers and sisters in Symkaria, in Sokovia, in Pokolistan, we hear your call! Our friends and comrades in South America, in East Asia, we share your struggle! Even our perceived enemies in Russia, in China, in America....they, too, will see the way to that shining future! In time, all will know the power and glory of Doom!"

The cheers had grown so loud, the voices of the Latverian people shook the dais.

"Doom," she called out the now familiar chant, "does not beg!"

"DOOM! the voices chanted back in unison, "DOES! NOT! BEG!"

"Doom denies death!"




P O S T C A T A L O G:

Coming Soon

<Snipped quote by AndyC>

I don't know if you're aiming to subvert expectations, or if you're the only honest one here.

You'll find out tomorrow ;)
Oh yeah? Watch this:

I'm not going to get a post up tomorrow.
People are dying while raven and starfire are getting lost in each others eyes, someone call some real help please

Hey now, they can multi-task!
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