Avatar of Animal


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11 mos ago
I am sports entertained.
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11 mos ago
It's been said the easter bunny hates capitalism, yet he participates in it.
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11 mos ago
[@Punished GN] I already got a haircut.
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12 mos ago
1 yr ago
When my time comes, I wanna be buried face down. So everyone can look at my butt.


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@chukklehed Three aliens attacked multiple cities, we pretty much neutralized them at this point. A scientist and his werebeast attacked in another city too, but I didn't really pay much attention to that part. Mrs.Pickles took care of him though, oh and he also finished off an alien with an elevator. xD We're just wrapping up whatever is left and moving on, so it would probably be a good time to start off from there or...

If your character can absorb aura/energy of different properties(?), is it possible for him to absorb the pain/damage from others so we can save Dreadlock? She needs medical help xD
@SpookySquid God, Mrs.Pickles is going to get one hell of a promotion lol.
Well kill Gastro, but we can continue the RP depending on how many people want to continue .

@pkken Congrats on the job!
Praise CoGm-Sama, or should we call you GM-Sama now? xD
Nobody is controlling Gumbo at the moment. I'm guessing we're just wrapping up all the fights and see where it goes from there.
Apparently since he has been gone for over a month xD
@Natsu Villain time! :D

<Snipped quote by Animal>

Kidnapped medical team.

I just imagine it like:
> grabs ambulance

That's pretty much exactly what happened. xD
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