Avatar of Apoalo


Recent Statuses

4 yrs ago
Current Lets change this status for once. Still always down for potter stories, but branching out! Started a new year with a new writing journey. Should be interesting.
7 yrs ago
I'm sort of an addict for Harry Potter. If you ever want to do an RP... I will be down almost 99% of the time. :D
9 yrs ago
RIP Alan Rickman, best actor for the best character.


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Most Recent Posts

Hah! Thanks.
smarty. Do you still want me to have another char? If so I can.
Would be interested in a Percy Jackson sort of RP.
Name: Casyn Ellison
Age: 12
Grade: 7th
Personality: Curious, always wide-eyed, and constantly looking to improve his knowledge of the world. Cadyn is a imaginative child who wants to know how and why things work. Curiosity can sometimes get the best of him but he holds by his philosophy of try anything once. One might think that such a thought process would make him a bookworm but it's actually the contrary, he loved sports and being active his favorite sport being baseball.

Bio: Casyn is the child of one of the filthy rich families in the town. He has never really wanted for anything in his life but he doesn't have the traditional ordinary i'm better than you attitude, on the contrary he's actually rather self-conscious about what others think about him and constantly strives to be a good person and friend to those he considers close. He can be very curious and rather mischievous. Casyn was brought up as any other normal child doing baseball, basketball, soccer, and sometimes even football. Overall Casyn gets along with most everyone and has the look and personality that makes everyone want him to be there little brother.

Plans for the GRAYZ: Find someone to be with, then do what he can to survive.
Freak or Normal?: Freak
If you're a freak, what's your power?: He has the ability to control Illusions and what people can see.


"I will survive the GRAYZ."
Hello iKo. I'm interested! Please feel free to PM me!
For sure interested!
Asher could tell he had made her a bit confused and he kicked himself mentally, making a note to make sure he didn't look and seem like an idiot from here on out. He looekd to Bastian and then to the high chair of the dining table and almost instantly 3 other Knight's surrounded them and prepared to escort them to the table. "It has been a long winter, but i've heard the stories of much longer!" He smiled and offered her his hand. The Knight's would then head to the dining table, the two high seats being reserved for them. "I'm famished, the dancing and constant talking of politics has me ready to eat an entire boar!" He chuckled to let her know he wasn't serious. A few page boys placed the first course on the plate and darted away, one making a longer look then usual.
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