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The light, shining intensely, was sudden, and washed up over Lily's eyes like a tide of brilliant yellow, causing her to cover her eyes with her forearm. She felt slightly groggy, as if she had just woken up.
Why is it so bright, and hot, and...Huh?
She blinked, and sat up from the yellow and blue towel...Wait, a towel? Despite her confusion, she could immediately tell that she was no longer in Penrose. Then, as she took in her surroundings, she understood; she was on a beautiful tropical island, with a bright sun hotly illuminating the sparkling, clear blue ocean that stretched into the horizon. She sunk her fingers into the sand; it was fine and clean, with no rocks to be seen. Behind her, she could see a jungle, with lush green vegetation. However, this was not any boring tropical paradise one would find in the Caribbean or Hawaii; the sky was different, with shades of blue that seemed to change, like the hues of the northern lights, not to mention the various planets and moons that could be seen with the naked eye. The jungle also seemed slightly unnatural, with blooming flowers as wide as palm leaves, and coconuts as huge as volleyballs.

"Whoahhh, it's so pretty, but...Where am I?" She attempted calling Ixion, but it was no use; she couldn't feel her Patron's presence at all.
She turned to look to her side...and she blushed heavily, her heart beating fast, as she saw someone familiar; it was Alex sleeping on a beach towel...and he was in a pair of swimming trunks.
"Th-this...This is a dream right?" She looked at herself, and blushed even further; her appearance had also changed drastically.

"B-But I'm transformed...I should be a magical girl, so...Why am I in a swimsuit?"
She asked out loud, causing Alex to wake up. In response, she covered herself up with her hands, looking like she might faint at any moment from how embarrassed, yet happy, she was feeling.
"A-Alex...When I suggested a date...this wasn't what I meant. This is, like, advanced dating!" Alex would note that her swimsuit was actually more modest than her dancer outfit as a regular magical girl.

Then, other girls on the beach began waking up on similar towels, and Lily saw that everyone else also had swimsuits. She realized she only recognized one among them; she had seen her rescuing some magical girls after Justine's defeat. But back then, she was dressed modestly in a classy suit; in contrast, her bikini hid little of her mature and voluptuous body, causing Lily to grimace a bit in envy. Nonetheless, she needed information, and so she had to confront the attractive woman.
"Um, excuse me miss, but do you know where we are? And am I dreaming? Wait, don't answer that."
She pinched her arm, and scrunched up her face, before she opened her mouth in realization.
"Oh! I'm Lily Lightning, by the way. We met in the sea outside Penrose, after Justine was stopped. I think I didn't get your name back then."

Veronica was sitting in a beach chair, looking more fabulous than anyone with her awesome bikini, transparent shirt, socks combo. She was sitting in the shade thanks to a parasol behind her chair. Veronica didn’t move much as she listened to Lily prattle on. It was evident that she wasn’t too pleased with the current situation.

”Not another inch!” Betty dove between Lily and Veronica with her hand on her katana. She might have been easier to take seriously if she wasn’t wearing the tiniest frilled swimsuit.

“We have no enemies here Betty, put that thing away before you hurt someone.” Betty lowered her head, but followed her orders. Veronica’s chair seemed to slide closer to Lily. “I am unfortunately no more enlightened than you are. All I can say is that we do not appear to be in any immediate danger. These swimsuits seem to offer the same amount of protection your outfit normally would.” She squinted her eyes. “Most people tend to forget my face. The fact that you remember it is… Disconcerting.” She glanced at the other girls on the island before looking back at Lily. “Regardless, I am the one they call Vermillion Veronica. Ignore any connotations that name might have to you. The magical world is changing, and so is my role in it.”

”Normies got nothin’ on my swimsuit game.”

— Tetrad

It finally happened.

Her memories had been erased, that was the only explanation. Waking up on a beach with no memory of how she had gotten there. The dread she felt was similar to the time her friends had abandoned her while serving the puchuu. Only it was different this time. She hadn’t been set up, she just made a large gamble that didn’t pay off. She let down Veronica, Trixy, and the rest of the cradle by almost allowing their deepest secrets to come out. But no harm was done. She had been inflicted with amnesia to protect the Cradle’s secrets. It was just disappointing that 2 weeks into her new job and she had already managed to screw up again.

But wait.

If she had amnesia, then how could she remember everything save for how she got here? Tetrad breathed a sigh of relief and stood up. So long as she had her memories, there was nothing to worry about. Tetrad probably just had one too many rum and colas before going to bed. Not that it had ever been a problem before. But how often do you wake up in a race-themed swimsuit that you don't remember buying? It seemed like the appearance of all of her accessories changed to fit the look. Pretty snazzy!

”I’m on a beach, and I look pretty damn good. Only one thing to do here.” She looked at everyone around herself. ”Hmmm, Alex seems to be friends with Lily. No point getting involved with that.” Tetrad took a few steps away from Alexander before spinning on her heel and marching back towards him. ”Hey stud, Need help getting up? Heh, interpret that however you want.” She offered him a hand. ”I’m Tetrad. Who might you be?” She knew his name, but decided it was better to let him think she didn’t anyway. ”Also anyone know what's with the reception in this place? I can't get anything with my tablet.”

Helga woke up with a great yawn and stretch of her arms, followed by rubbing her face with the back of her palm.
"Oh man, it's sweltering in here. I guess I should change to a Chinese dress, like Su wants...Wait, whoah."
She noticed something very peculiar, and felt her twin drills.
"Why is there a flower in my hair?" She looked at the yellow decoration, and then down the rest of her body; she wasn't fazed at all.

"Must be part of this swimsuit. Huh." She looked around, and a big smile formed on her face. "Wait, does this mean-" She immediately leaned over to touch Su's shoulder, and slightly rocked her back and forth.
"Hey, Su, wake up!”

”Mmmmmm.” Su had been taking the night shift, and was rather appreciative of her beauty sleep. Typically, being woken up early would annoy her, but a gentle shake from Helga was one of the more pleasant things to wake up to. Su stretched her arms over her head with a yawn. Half way through her yawn, she realized that a few things weren’t right. Namely the temperature, that she wasn’t wearing her pajamas, and that was Helga’s hand on her bare shoulder. ”Uh!” Su forced her eyes open, only to reveal very quickly that the situation was a lot different than what she was picturing. She turned her head to look at Helga. ”Where are we?”

“We're on a beach! Boteg gave us a vacation!" Helga stood up and went to Mika, waking her up too.
"A vacation, Mika, Lupa! A vacation! Woo-hoo!"


"Yeeh...Keep the *yawn* racket down...will ya?"

The ghost twins mumbled in their sleep, their forms still transparent despite their change in wardrobe.

”The ghost twins too?” That was when Su noticed that everyone was in swimwear. She was pretty sure she was transformed, but when she looked at herself, she was wearing a black bikini with red accents. Her hair ties were missing, but that was alright. She felt she looked more mature without them, and was considering ditching them for a while.

“He did?” Mika sprung to her feet. “He gave us swimsuits too?” Mika looked over her cat-themed bikini before hugging herself. “Hey Lupa! What did Boteg give you? Let me see!”

“Huh?” Lupa was also wearing a black bikini, but it focused on having exotic cuts instead of interesting material variations.

“You mean the Popsicle? It was laying in the sand. I just kind of rinsed it off. Did you want some of it?”


Su was not quite as relaxed as everyone else who was surrounding her. She couldn’t help but feel something was off about this entire situation. Su had a mental link with boteg, but was unable to contact him. Moreover, she found that she was unable to shift into the overcity from here. Her magic still worked though, as she was able to summon a breeze. ”Interesting.” She approached Helga. ”Yellow looks good on you.The flower’s a nice touch too.” Su really didn’t want to incite panic, especially with everyone enjoying themselves already. But she needed to figure out what was going on. ”I don’t remember buying this swimsuit for myself, Is that one of yours?”

Lupa and Mika ran up to the jojos other strangers on the island. “Watch this Lupa! I’m going to wake them up!” Mika pounced onto Joanna’s stomach. Helga giggled, and decided to also jump; she jumped up a ridiculously tall palm tree, and peered into the horizon. "Looks like we're on one of several smaller islands surrounding a bigger island; it looks like a star!" She stuck her tongue out as she squinted. "Central island might be a bit too far to be jumped from ashore, but it's easy to swim." Then she looked down. "Ooh, what's that?"

"Wh-hah? An island?" Sylvia had already walked away from the group as the rest of the Beacon girls woke up, examining the surrounding perimeter with her hands on her hips.

"I don't have time to spend on a stupid vacation! I have so much work to do. And the Beckoners won't answer me! There's the project wrap-up, the distribution and PR, and-"

"Relax, boss! The world doesn't end even if you're away from it all for a little bit!" Sally hugged the shorter magical girl from behind, pressing her unforgettable assets against the back of her neck.

Her smile then turned to a duck face.
"Well, maybe that wasn't the best choice of words, now that I think about. But I'm sure everything's going to work out. I mean, maybe we're here because I won a magical lottery prize for a vacation or something?"

Sylvia looked unamused, and her hands dropped to her sides, making no effort to remove herself. "There is no such thing like a magical lottery. Besides, you didn't even enter one."

"That is true, huh." Sally looked around with her finger against her lips in a quizzical expression.
"Still, this doesn't look like we're in danger or anything. What do you think, Kimble?"

The catgirl was on all fours while peering over Alicia, looking worried until she woke up.

"M-Mistress, you're alive!" She wagged her tail happily with a cat smile, and glanced back at Sally.
"I like it here! It's warm and sunnyah!"

Sylvia sighed. "Well, it could be worse, I guess," she stated, and picked up Tabitha from the sand; she had fainted as soon as she woke up, with blood trickling from her nose.

Sylvia placed Tabitha on one of the numerous beach chairs lined up. "Well, let's start exploring already, see if we can find anyone else here. And..." She bit her lip.
"If it's safe, I suppose we can hold a small break." It was then that she discovered something. "Wait, something's written on this..."

Rina was the first to wake up out of her group, and just like on other islands, found herself in a tropical climate with the appropriate attire, but no explanation. However, she soon found a mysterious sign. It resembled the kind used at holiday resorts, with colourful lettering and a cartoon dolphin wearing a sombrero.

"Welcome to Isla Paradiso! For more information, visit the help desk at the central island. For every participant who reaches the help desk without getting wet, you get a prize!" There was a similar sign on every other islands as well, and on every island one could not reach the central island by jumping without ending up in the ocean due to the distance between islands; clever use of magical powers would help in solving the simplistic challenge.

Thalia woke up in a shaded jungle, on top of a makeshift bed of palm leaves. There were colourful, exotic flowers growing everywhere, from the bushy ground to the very canopy.
"Hello there. Have you woken up?" There was a young woman kneeling next to her; the mysterious magical girl spoke to the monster girl with a voice she would recognise.
"I am Cindy Ford. I remember you from the time I made my declaration in Penrose. You wished to be my subject, correct?" She offered a giant coconut to her; it was opened, and the smell of fresh coconut juice wafted in the air.

"Here, take it. It's delicious." She then stood up, and peered behind a large tree at the distant clamor going on at the beach. "We should move on; when I was exploring this island, I saw a bigger island surrounded by smaller islands just like this one. According to that sign over there, maybe we can find answers to our current predicament there." She offered her hand.
"Do not worry, for I will protect you and guide you to freedom; that is my duty as leader."

There was a vast sea. The sound of flowing waves hitting the beach sounded over the area. Palm trees fitted the island perfectly content on providing the most tropical of sceneries. On this beach, several children ran happily barefoot in the sand, laughing among themselves as they passed a ball between one another. Two were out floating and resting in the waves, while another was seeking down within the oceans waves for what she might find while one stood on lookout for her, the floating girls coming with unhelpful comments as they did. One girl was simply sitting in the grounded part of the water, staring out into the distance and enjoying herself. One was trying to keep track of the others, while another was sunbathing and resting as if life in general had been exhausting.

And, in the shadows of the tropical trees sat their mistress in a beach chair, resting with her attendant standing to her immediate left, and another girl in a similar chair not too far to her right.

‘Yah!’ Victoria shouted out, lobbing the beach ball towards one of her companions.

‘CHA!’ Jelena jumped into the air, and smashed it down with a metal arm towards the third of their number.

‘Woah!’ Mayra made a noise as she missed the ball with her fist… but then hit it with her tail!

‘Hey! No fair! No using limbs you have, but we don’t!’ Jelena complained, frowning as she caught the returned ball and glared at Mayra.

‘Hahahahahahaha! Sorry~!’ Mayra grinned and stuck out her tongue a bit, smiling at the two of them.

‘… Hm. Hold on. Mayra. Aren’t you…’ Victoria suddenly paused, examining their companion. ‘… A whole lot less dragon and a whole lot more human than usually?’

‘Huh, I am?’ Mayra asked, and looked down at herself.

‘Haha, I guess I am!’ Mayra commented with a smile, inspecting her arms. Most of her dragon-scales had been replaced with human skin, and she was wearing an extremely small black bikini on her tanned skin, though she still had the horns and tail of a dragon.

The two other girls squinted at the unperturbed dragon girl, when Victoria’s eyes drifted over towards Jelena. ‘Speaking of which, aren’t you supposed to be limbless?’

Jelena grinned viciously and postured with her body. ‘Feast your eyes! I am Jelena 2.0! No longer having to build my own limbs from metal, I have had a robotic body built for myself! This, combined with this one-piece swimsuit, means I can enjoy the beach like any other of you!’ Jelena boasted.

‘… You’re gonna sink like a rock,’ Victoria blankly commented on the metal body.

‘Yupp, yupp!’ Mayra agreed happily.

‘Hmpf!’ Jelena made an unhappy sound, looking at Victoria. ‘Compared to us, you’re…’

Victoria took a step back, putting her hands behind her back and pushing out her chest a bit, showing off the red bikini she had ended up in. ‘Mmm. Sorry for being normal.’

‘Huff. It’s okay. I’d prefer to be normal, too,’ Jelena commented, when suddenly Mayra stole the beachball and the two others had to blink awake.

‘Enough of that! Let’s play, let’s play!’ Mayra called cheerfully, and the two other girls skipped the issue and ran after, continuing their game.

Meanwhile, a bit away, in the water.

‘I must say…’ Suzette said, lying on her stomach on a floating banana filled with air, her limbs in the water below, staring at Josefin, who was standing with her ankles in the water, staring down with a worried look into the sea. ‘I didn’t expect you to expose so much skin, Jose. You might actually be able to seduce some guys like that. Some guys that doesn’t mind the trip to jail, anyway,’ Suzette said, ending with a smirk.

Josefin stuck out her tongue at Suzette.

‘I’ll have you know I’m way older than I look. I am, on the other hand, not in the slightest surprised by your look! You look like you eat boys for breakfast!’ Josefin playfully accused back, to which Suzette merely held up two peace-signs with her fingers and stuck out her tongue in return.

‘How about you, miss actually-literally-eats-boys-for-breakfast?’ Suzette turned to look over at Ronja… and frowned a bit. Ronja was floating on her back on top of another floating thing… which just happened to be her own giant spider-butt. ‘You can float on that? … Besides that, did you usually have a crotch?’

‘Mmm, I wonder,’ Ronja stated, the monster looking up in the sky under a straw hat. ‘Still, it does allow me to be a bit more sexy than usual. Does this look good? I can’t really confirm with my own eyes, anymore, but…’ Ronja said, sitting up and stroking her legs together a bit, making Suzette jolt back a bit.

‘Yeah… sure. You look… lovely,’ Suzette told her, a bit unnerved by the appearance of her monster companion. Ronja giggled and sat back again, while Suzette sighed out and looked at Josefin, who was still looking into the water.

‘What are you looking for, Jose?’ Suzette asked.

‘Taihei dove into the water some time ago-’ Josefin explained. ‘-and she hasn’t come back. I’m getting worried.’

‘Taihei, huh…’ Suzette whimpered as she sounded out. ‘I don’t even want to imagine how she looks in a swimsuit. Heck, that monster doesn’t normally wear any clothes, anyway…’

‘Don’t speak too soon,’ Ronja said with a smirk. ‘She may have transformed to give her more appeal, just like me.’

‘Eh, I doubt it,’ Suzette said with a shrug. ‘With her luck, she probably somehow managed to become even more horrify-’

Then suddenly there was a splash, as a girl ascended from the water and almost knocked Suzette’s banana over, the girl swimming into the shallower area before standing up in front of Josefin…

‘Taihei! You’re back!’ Josefin said happily.


The blue-haired girl with fins sticking out here and there on her turned to face Suzette with a slight blush, acknowledging the statement.

‘I agree. I can’t believe it, either,’ Taihei replied.

‘… Eh?’ Suzette frowned, looking over Taihei’s much more humanoid than normal body. ‘Why’s there marks all over your body?’ the empath asked. Indeed, there was a red line around Taihei’s left leg, there were countless marks around her right arm, and her face was just all red.

‘Oh…’ Taihei said, looking down on herself. ‘So, I got my leg tangled in seaweed, which held me in place. While I was held in place, a shoal of clownfishes suddenly got exceedingly violent and started trying to eat me up, doing damage to me in the process. When I finally got loose from them, a stinging jellyfish crashed and got stuck in my face, so I had to get that off before I could get back to the surface. If I hadn’t been an aquatic monster, I would surely have drowned,’ Taihei said, blankly.

‘… I take it back. You’re definitely Taihei,’ Suzette said with an equally blank expression of dealing with what she’d been told.

‘Did you have to take on such a mission!? I was worried! You know what happens when you go off alone!’ Josefin pleaded to her friend. Taihei looked back to her.

‘I’m an aquatic monster-girl. It makes sense that I be the one to explore the bottom of this ocean for clues as to where we’ve ended up,’ Taihei simply stated.

‘I know, but…!’ Josefin pleaded, but eh, what can you do.

Meanwhile, on the beach, feeling like she had just changed to her one-piece swimsuit was Tullia, walking about feeling awkward.

‘Are you okay?’ Freya asked her from diagonally behind, causing Tullia to completely flinch and spin around on the spot, calming down first after identifying who had spoken.

‘Oh, Freya… You scared me,’ Tullia sighed out, and then looked over Freya. ‘… You look different. You have… feet,’ Tullia commented, and the monster-girl spoken to gave the slightest of a smile.

‘I do. Seems like whoever put us here wanted us monsters to be a bit more charming,’ Freya said, leaning on one of her legs that she usually didn’t have.

‘… You look good,’ Tullia commented with a smile.

‘Thanks. You don’t look bad, yourself,’ Freya replied.

‘I look plain. I was afraid of exposing too much skin, but, uh…’ Tullia said, and looked over at the green-haired girl sitting in the water nearby. ‘I guess that wasn’t a worry.’

‘If you’re speaking about me, I’m an immortal spirit with millenium on you who have no shame of my bare form,’ Lea said, leaned back and enjoying the water.

‘Humans do not have a long enough lifespan to realize the tvilialty of such things,’ the sprite magical girl continued, in a tone of superiority.

‘R-right…’ Tullia said, feeling uncharacteristically embarrassed. She was a monster-hunter who wouldn’t even flinch taking down the most enormous of dragons… yet wearing a swimsuit felt like it was among the hardest she had ever done.

‘Lea, any word from the outside world?’ Freya asked, bringing the subject back to their situation.

‘None. We are locked in this world. Overcity Shift does not work. I can’t contact Asengav. Frankly, we’re stuck here, for now. So I’m taking this rare moment to relax instead of devoting my entire being to my lord, thank you very much,’ Lea said, her eyes closed.

‘Hm, very well,’ Freya nodded, and then looked over at Tullia… who was looking over with wide eyes at where Victoria, Jelena and Mayra were playing. There was something sad in her look. ‘Tullia. Is something the matter?’ Freya asked.

‘… Before this mission, me and Victoria did everything together,’ Tullia started, looking over at them. ‘Eating. Fighting. Sleeping. I thought we had a good partnership going. Yet, since the start of this mission, she’s been hanging out with Jelena and Mayra way more than with me. I’m starting to wonder. Did we ever have a partnership? Was it just that we had been assigned to work together? Was all I thought we had just in my head?’ … So Tullia couldn’t help but wonder.

There was a multitude of things Freya could answer that with, she picked to sigh and slap Tullia in the back so she stumbled in surprise in the direction of Victoria. When she looked at Freya in surprise, Freya smiled back at her. ‘C’mon, let’s join them.’

‘Y-yes, ma’am!’ Tullia stuttered forward, and the two ended up running over towards the three younger-seeming members of the group, and compliments about how they looked were immediately exchanged and the atmosphere was good…

Good, huh.

Mariette sat silently on a beach-chair in the shadow of a tropical tree, staring at her playing companions while holding onto a black stuffed bunny. She looked down on the swimsuit she had been put in. She’d never have picked to wear something like this herself, yet here she was, wearing it.

She looked to her left, where Eli stood. Eli shivered to somewhat, looking a bit different than usual. She wasn’t a harpy right now, just in the shape of a regular young (slime-)girl in a kid’s swimsuit…

… So, the questions were of course, why are they here, and how did it happen?

‘It seems we’re trapped. I can’t communicate with the outside, and my instruments within here are highly limited,’ said the girl in the beachchair to Mariette’s right.

‘Is it the act of someone who wishes us ill?’ Mariette asked.

‘Not necessarily us, specifically. I’m picking up signals indicating that most of the Magical Girl population of Penrose have been summoned here. Could be that it just took everyone it could find in an area,’ the girl replied.

‘Despite this, whatever it is clearly knew to group us all together, something very few should have been able to know,’ Mariette considered.

‘Indeed, that is strange,’ the girl pondered.

‘I would have understood if it was just me and the rest of the girls, because we were all staying in the mansion… but you,’ Mariette asked, and turned to look at the girl next to her. ‘Why are you here?’ she asked, frowning at the girl.

‘Oh, I don’t know. Maybe…’ the girl said with a smirk, before turning her back somewhat towards Mariette and suggesting with a sultry tone. ‘Maybe I just wanted to show off my swimsuit?’

‘… Hmpf,’ Mariette sat back in her beach chair again. ‘The rest shouldn’t even know you exist.’

‘That’s right. And seeing how my abilities are more or less useless here…’ the girl said as she stood up and stretched for a bit. ‘I guess I’ll go get myself lost in the forest before I become associated with you,’ she told.

‘…’ Mariette simply aimed a stare at the girl as she turned to walk.

‘Don’t worry. My knack for staying out of trouble should still work here. I’ll return if there’s any trouble. Stay safe,’ the blue-haired girl said, and then she wandered off.

… Very concerning that she ended up here, too.

‘Mistress, what do we do?’ Eli asked her. Mariette sighed out, and looked over her forces, who seemed to all be playing right now…

‘I’ll let the forces take a break. With my portal abilities and your Darkness magic, we’re the superior information-gatherers of this group. Eli. Let’s go,’ so Mariette said, confirming she could still open portals to look over the island they had landed on. Eli simply smiled at her, for regardless of the situation, her mistress was always so calm.

‘At once, mistress.’

Helga's eyes blasted open as she screamed again, yet no sound could be heard. To someone with Sound magic, it was both terrible...yet somehow, eerily serene. She clutched at her throat, and calmed herself; she remembered Su tell her of this ability, and understood that it worked similarly to her sound-sealing technique that she had used while on assassination missions for Justine. She focused, and used the spell to seal her body, granting her protection from the vacuum. The Beacon girls on the other hand were mostly knocked off their feet, except for June; she charged at Su with thorny vines erupting from the ground.

It was ultimately for naught, as no sooner had she finished casting that magic that Su shifted again, the vines coiling around themselves in a futile tower. "Dammit! They escaped! Shift again!" She growled, but the shifting girl shook her head. "Let them go, June. Our main objective is to retrieve Summer. Besides, they looked weak; we can catch them later." June sighed in an irritated fashion, and swept her palm down her face. She glaned at the pirate girl, and then turned away from her, having decided to ignore her. "You're right, and I hate it. SUMMER!" She screamed at the top of her lungs, and one of the other girls pointed towards what looked like some rubble; Summer was there, still barely conscious, but too weak to move. The small girl knelt next to her, and placed her hand on the blue-haired girl's forehead. "It's all right, Summer. Mission accomplished. Let's go home." Then, the Beacon girls heard a creaking sound, like a great ship had hit the ground, but when they turned, they saw nothing.

Back in the Overcity, Helga puffed her cheeks, and then exhaled loudly as she saw Jenna take a breath, and finally fell down on her butt, her legs having given up. "PWAAHH! Why did you shift again? I'm so tired of all this bullsh-" It was at that moment that a familiar sound could be heard from the distance. Helga grit her teeth. "Crap. We gotta go." She turned to run, glancing back one last time to see Sophia appear. She gnashed her jaws, and then whipped her head away, letting Mika lead the way from the graveyard.

I have a feeling...We'll meet again... She left her thoughts scattered, like a whisper carried by the wind.

Lily smiled weakly, and nodded to Alicia as she watched a squad of Beacon girls chase after Chloe around a street corner; she kind of felt bad for the girl, yet didn't, because she in her eyes, she seemed evil.
"In that case, I'm glad I can count you among them," she answered with a hesitant clutching of her fist. Her expression then turned sadder.
"It was my fault too; back then, I was prone to fumbling up my magic. I don't carry a grudge...But I think Alex does. You should stay away from him; when he gets mad, he turns a hundred times stronger." She emphasized the last word with a spread of her arms.
"Anyway it was nice to talk. I hope we'll see-" Suddenly, she felt a pain in her chest, and clutched at it.
"Lily, there is no time! Evacuate the premises!" Ixion pressured her, like a crackle of lightning that bounced inside the walls of her skull. A few seconds later, sounds of police sirens could be heard, coming from various directions.

"Nyaa! We gotta go, mistress!" Kimble clutched at Alicia's arm with her ears drooping low, and pointed to June's squad; they had Summer, and they were already running off.
Lily ran towards Alex, jumping into his arms as she clutched at his neck with a pant.
"I can't run all the way home, so..." She blushed.
"C-Carry me." She then looked away, biting her lip; she had never felt so embarrassed as in that moment...Followed by a sneeze as her nose happened to sweep over his furry wolf ear. Soon enough, every other magical girl jumped or dashed off, leaving nothing but a very confused force of police and firemen.
Accepted. Her beach wear is in the fringe of decency, but it's passable for the character.

Lily's smile turned into nervous one upon hearing how concerned Alex had been for her; it made her heart beat a little faster, and she averted her eyes fro sheer embarrassment.
"I-I was looking for you too, dum-dum! Besides, I almost didn't recognize you if you weren't shouting my name." She hesitantly lifted her hand up his back to touch the extended hair he now had, only to immediately stop as Alex moved on to ask about the current events.
"I also fought a brainwashed girl," she responded as she removed herself from him, and stood back up.
"They're apparently Beacon girls. We managed to save one, but I haven't seen any of the others...Well, not that it matters with all these Beacon girls on the scene. I think we can leave, but..."

She looked around, and bit her lip.
"Lily, why are you hesitating? You need to leave before the police arrive," She heard Ixion pressure him, but she turned the mental voices down as she noticed Alicia looking in her direction; it has been a long time since she's seen that girl, way back at the hospital when she had arrived in Penrose. Since then, the both of them have changed; Alicia had angelic wings befitting her as a Beacon soldier, and Lily's costume has changed to a flashier one. More importantly, Lily had learned secondhand that Alicia had been part of rescuing her, and she felt guilty for never having thanked her for that.

"I want to talk with Alicia first. I hope that's okay with you." She didn't have the confidence she had as a magical girl, feeling very conscious about her mundane self. Still, she approached her, step by step.
"Hey, Alicia, right? You went to the Overcity to save me, right? Um, thanks for that. You Beacon girls...Are doing a good thing."

Kimble purred as she was petted, her tail flicking back and forth in pure joy. "I'm so happy you're safe, nyaa~" She softly spoke, before she let go and watched as she conversed with June. The short girl herself nodded her head, causing her balance to shift just enough to cause a disgruntled sound to come from the girl carrying her on her shoulders.
"You never can, Alicia. Never." She squinted menacingly with her words, a clear hatred of Horrors burning in her gaze.
"We have won this day, but you can never tell when they attempt to strike again. So we must stay vigilant."

When Alicia pointed to Jenna and Serenity, June's eyes widened in surprise. "You're right...I can sense the Spark in her too." Murmurs of awe and wonder spread among the Beacon troop. One by one, they began looking reverently at Alicia.
"You are truly blessed, Alicia; your arrows can even sanctify the damned, and bring them to the light." She hopped off from from the lower girl's shoulders, and made a curtsy.
"As expected of the Seraph. Now, let's search for our lost girls." She then turned to Janet, alarmed by the revelation about Divina.
"Chloe! She's a civilian-murdering witch! After her!" She ordered, her teeth grit in a ferocious expression. The other girls hesitated. "But June, what about Summer!" June's fists clenched.
"Summer is still in the Overcity, right? Prepare for an extraction, shifter squad! The rest of you, go!" She commanded loudly with a point of her finger.

Helga saw the pirate girl's mouth open, about to speak, but she never heard any words escape her mouth. In fact, she had disappeared before her very eyes, spirited away by none other than her best friend, Su. She could only stare at the empty space, even as Mika came over and tended to her wounds. If this was any other day, she would have picked up Mika into a big hug. But now, only a scream surfaced from deep within her:


She looked around frantically, trying to do something, anything...But she couldn't do anything. She wasn't a shifter, and had to depend on others like Sonia or Mariette to deliver her to the magical world. Panic started to swell up within her.
"Oh god, Su's gonna kill her! I'll never find out about Amby! Oh crap!"

At that moment, her robotic twintails lifted up, mimicking an animal's ears: she heard someone mention the Overcity, and shifting there. "Wait!" She screamed, and ran towards the gaggle of Beacon girls. They lifted their weapons in response, but Helga had lifted her clawed palms up. "Take me with you to the Overcity! Please, I beg of you!" She bowed her head rapidly, and June walked to her, looking pissed. "Ugh...Fine. But you will surrender afterwards...Former Elite of Justine's Army."

Helga gasped, but shook her head. "Anything's fine, just shift already!"
June then snapped her fingers, and a girl in the back lifted her staff, drawing a circle in the air that divided the line between this reality, and the one to the Overcity, tracking Su's shift right to her position. The moment Helga saw the two of them, with whirling winds raging around, she ran towards her, shouting: "SU! STOP! DON'T KILL HER!"

Accepted. I look forward to the Crusade memery.

Helga could not believe the chaos that met her when she reached the center. As the former officer of a mad witch, she has seen her fair of magical might in her time. Still, seeing a giant dragon fight against the Engine of Destruction, and winning, was nothing to scoff at. It wasn't even the worst thing, as the sky itself ripped apart, Soth's presence filling the air with dread. And Amber was at the center of it all. "No...NO!" She ran forward, having shut her ears from the horrible cacophony, no longer going to listen to any of it. She was tired, her battle with Divina and Metamorphosis having taken the majority of her mana, but she couldn't stop. As long as she could still draw breath, she had to fight. She jumped at the dragon, only to get slammed by its tail. Still, she didn't give up. She launched a sonic blast, and breathed heavily; she was turning woozy from the blood loss.

It was then that something happened to the ritual site; a part of it had disappeared as Summer got to it, shifted out of this reality. And with all of their attacks combined, it seemed they succeeded in stopping Soth. Still, the dragon was left. Then, she saw the dragon's eyes flash, and she recognized her from her time as Justine's servant; she had seen her as she stalked the city.Just then, she drew the smoke surrounding them, and covered herself with it. "REGINA!" She shouted amidst her coughs, bracing against the winds. "I'll find you, and I'll avenge AMBY!" And then, she was gone. Helga ran to the ritual site; she needed to see Amber, make sure nobody else would try and desecrate her body. But as she went closer and saw who rose up from the sheet wrapped around her, she slowed down to a walk, having opened her ears. "Where...Where's Amby?"

Lily had become nothing but a spectator, so shocked by the carnage that she was paralyzed, despite lacking any ability to produce electricity from her magic. She saw familiar faces around her, but she didn't have the will to greet them, or even flash them a smile; she jumped and spun, avoiding the collateral damage as heaven and earth was uplifted. And then, it was all over, and Lily had dropped to one knee, barely holding on to the last vestiges of Ixion that still blessed her.
"Geez...I could really use a vacation..." She murmured.

"Lily, I believe you should run now", she heard her Patron's voice in her heart. "The Horror has left, your duty has ended for today." But she shook her head, and managed to lift her feet up. "No, there's still...Someone I need to find..." She then heard a voice that carried over all the others, and turned to see Alex in the distance. "Alex? ALEX!" She also kicked off the ground at incredible speed, also wanting to reach him as soon as possible. However, it was only mid-kick that she realized his velocity. "Wait, maybe this was bad ide-AAAA-" In a comical fashion, the two smacked against each other, and Lily loosely hugged him, slightly reeling. Still, she managed to smile, having turned back to her regular form in his arms.
"N-Next time...I'll wait for you, ehe~"

Cindy's group and Beacon had finished up clearing out the area of Imps when the smoke had dissolved, allowing them to rush in. Silhouette had the opportunity to enjoy a raucous crowd around her, reminiscent of an audience at an idol concert, before it soon turned into confused blabbering. "Hey, where is the Horror?" June asked, having ordered to ride on the shoulders of a taller girl so she stood out from the crowd. "Did you repel it, Alicia? Good job!" The vertical duo approached the Seraph, and June held her hand out for a handshake. Kimble also arrived, floating down with a flutter of her jacket. "M-Mistress Alicia!" She cried out, and hugged her excitedly. "You're my hero, nyaaa!"

Cindy herself crossed her arms, and flashed the tiniest smirk in recognition of the deeds carried out that day.
‘I suppose I was too late this time. But I assure you, my subjects, that I won't repeat this mistake.’ And then, she left coolly.
‘Showoff,’ Julia once again commented from high, her breathing strained.
‘We used a lot of magic, Julia. And the Deceiver still won. Was it really worth it, with Amber's body now...like this?’ Jillian asked with her hands to her hips, an eyebrow raised as she glanced down at the pirate.
‘She won't accept the delivery anymore. What are we going to do now?’
‘Don't worry, Jillian,’ the softly-spoken girl responded, and pressed her cheek against her Twin Soul's.
‘I still know of one who holds her life force.’ The both of them giggled, and vanished into thin air.
Zim felt a great tremble in Black Star's inner systems, followed by the sound of metallic parts bashing against each other; it lasted only a couple of seconds, but it was enough to cause 3% worth of damage to the Werk's internal systems. What was alarming was the location for the damage; it was in the torso section, close to where a human's heart would be located. His Synch rate with Black Star seemed to also waver, fluctuating at a 2-3% ratio. For the first time, Zim could sense that this was intentional, as if Black Star had meant to behave in this manner. However, the Framewerk's system stabilized as Zim's rage rose. In response, the Frame seemed to throw off the Cruxi Beast's massive palm aside with a flick of the Thermal Scythe on its own, scattering it aside like the uncertainty that the pilot had.

The Cruxi CWM squad at J7 was hunkered down behind a sturdy bunker, ready to intercept any direct assaults with counter-fire. However, by performing a circling sweep Zim managed to buy a bit more time before they caught on. Due to the high gravity, performing a flanking dash was difficult, as there was more inertia involved in the Framewerk's velocity that required more force to redirect. However, Zim's high Experience proved its worth, as he knew to shift the Framewerk's mass towards the inner circle, helping to keep the momentum for just long enough to reach behind the squad. Of course, the Cruxi managed to land shots on Black Star before he closed in and strike the first CWM down, easily slicing through the metallic armor with the symbol of death.

The damage incurred was partially absorbed by an Orbital Deflector, which ended up breaking when one of the Cruxi landed a point-blank strike with a new type of melee weapon; it was disguised to look like a Plasma Cannon when closed, but it packed tremendous punch as it launched with the three-pronged blade. The CWMs didn't get a chance to take another shot, as their vertical halves fell to both sides, four pieces one after the other. The rest of the shots landed to the shoulders and chest, having incurred 8% exterior damage in total. Were it not for the protective drone, the damage would have likely been multiplied. Elise's face popped up on Zim's HUD. "Come in Black Star! Our long-range Frames can't get a dent on the turtles while those mechs are blocking the firelines. Approach discreetly, and eliminate them given the opportunity. Over and out."

Ojo readied the Hoshizora, and aimed the rifle down at the Cruxi Beast, slightly trembling as it was hit with the EMP-inducing payload. However, as soon as Ojo turned, the Beast lunged like a zombie from a horror movie, and gripped the Framewerk's ankle; it only seemed to turn even more frenzied as the cybernetcis in its brains were fried, its muscles bulging grotesquely. At that moment, if the Beast was undeterred, it would have easily torn off the limb. Fortunately Katya was there to save Elizabeth; using Caretaker's Artemis Attack Droids to their full potential, she used them to deadly effect as they attempted to cut off the Beast's head. The Beast let go of Ojo at that moment, and grabbed one of the Droids, slamming it down on the ground and destroying it; frighteningly, it was still capable of attacking even while it's head was leaning to the side from being cut, like Nearly Headless Nick. Before the Beast could repeat the move on another one, the Drones backed off to launch ranged shots, finishing the job and severing its head off of it's broad shoulders. High-pressure blood then splattered on Ojo, not unlike when Irina decapitated the Beast grappling Ana's Frame, leaving a terrible mess. Ojo did not escape completely unscathed; it's ankle had been damaged to the point of no longer being able to support the Frame's standing.

Valéria's scans confirmed the kill on the Cruxi Beast before her, with the additional information that the rapidly shot lasers managed to hit the beast right between its natural armor plates; as a result, they pierced its lungs and destroyed some cybernetic implants linked to them, causing the Beast to drop dead near-instantaneously. At that moment, Elise opened a comms window at the corner of Redeemer's HUD; her eyes were constantly flicking back and forth, as if she had over six different screens that she tried to monitor at the same time. "Good job scanning the bogey, Pilot! Downloading database, over and out."

Redeemer proceeded to join Black Star in getting up and personal with the enemy. However, unlike the flanking maneuver that the more lighter Frame performed, Valéria's hulking juggernaut smashed right through the defensive cover that the CWMs were using with a hammer strike with Judgement, sending rubble flying in all directions. The Two of the CWMs immediately began shooting, clearly surprised by their sudden loss of cover; Redeemer's heavy build absorbed most of the Cannon shots, incurring only a measly 10% damage to its armor before one of the CWM's was sent flying by Judgement smashing into them, their chest caved in to the point the Frame doubled over itself. The third CWM, who was located behind her, grabbed on to the larger Frame's back, and shot a three-pronged blade into the back at point-blank, managing to punch into the armor deeply enough to become lodged in, allowing the Cruxi mech to ride on Redeemer's back by using the blade as an anchor.

Krieg deftly moved to cover to avoid the Cruxi War Machine squad's plasma fire, using the Cruxi's own artillery weaponry's size against them. That turtle had just finished firing, and now became aware of the enemy unit right next to it. It's weapon systems switched on the fly, the large cannon having switched to a pair of Plasma Gatlings, identical to the ones the other turtle had attempted to use on Krieg. The rotary cannons began spinning, but Dietrich bid his time, waiting for the right moment. As soon as the turtle began firing, Krieg flipped over the turtle in a parkour of extreme agility, the turtle unable to turn it's cannons fast enough to hit it. The CWMs were too late to realize their mistake, and stood completely still the moment Krieg struck with Helles Messer; as the CWMs were Medium-armored foes, the blade sliced halfway in before it bounced back up, followed by a sweep kick that Dietrich seemed to perform almost instinctually, sending the machine down. The other CWMs seemed to finally get out of their stupor, and lowered their guns. However, this wasn't a case of surrendering; one lunged forward with a shot of a three-pronged blade that Krieg deflected with the sword, causing sparks to fly between the two, before slashing the arm off the Cruxi, while the other attempted to flank around.

Maria took position, steadying Neo Angel's aim for a shot on the Cruxi turtle in the west, using a rifle with emphasis on range and accuracy. She successfully hit the Cruxi Turtle several times, punching holes in the turtle's shell and causing the cyber-biotic monstrosity to cry out in pain. As before, tentacles rose up from it's back, and began repairing the damage that it sustained, with smaller tentacles squirming inside the holes. The CWM squad in B4 incurred damage from Tayna's antimatter rifle, and one shot managed to tear off a leg from one of them, causing them to fall. In response, both that squad and the one in C4 began shooting counter fire at Tayna; they were not successful in hitting her despite launching a volley of plasma, as she launched herself in dodging maneuvers with her charges, avoiding any damage. But as much as she wanted to be a distraction, it wasn't enough...And war showed it's true face.

The turtle shifted it's aim, and with a mighty sound shot another immensely powerful shell.
Maria had not taken cover, nor did she prepare for evasive maneuvers, so it was too late when Neo Angel attempted to leap out of the way before it was partially caught in the blast radius; an intense light burrowed into her eyesockets, followed by burning heat and agonizing pain. When Maria next opened her eyes, she saw a vertical world; the Framewerk was lying on it's side. Based on the data, she was blown back to A10.
Most horrifically, the Frame's entire left side was burnt and broken down, missing an arm and a leg. Maria herself felt a trickle of blood coming down her nose, and noticed how her own left side felt numb; due to her extreme Synchronization, she had to struggle to move her arm and leg, feeling like the bones in them were broken. "Caretaker!" Elise popped up, looking shocked. "Neo Angel has sustained critical damage, and needs repairs!" The entirety of Squad Sigma was now witness to the threat that the Cruxi turtles imposed upon them.


Irina saw what happened to their fellow comrade, and scoffed at Anastasia's resentful threat.
"See that?" She sent the visual feed of her Frame to Ana, showing Neo Angel's torn arm and leg lying in a crater.

"That could have been you."

With those cold words, she shut down the communication channel between them just as Sköll readied GAR, and took fire on the turtle. Her shots failed to hit the turtle, as the CWM with the broken leg jumped to intercept them, before it blew up. "Damn. No choice but to cut them up, huh?" She cursed under her breath, no longer as calm as before. Her vision flashed back to Neo Angel's remains. "Why...Why does it still hurt?"

Hou-Yi dashed across the battlefield, it's many legs suited for traversing the rough, cratery grounds. As such, when it reached crater, Krista had enough time to identify an enemy unit, and proceeded to launch a shot from the ditches. However, she didn't have time to calculate the shot trajectory, and so the impact zone erred to the side; it only managed to hit a single Cruxi mech, destroying half of it in exploding plasma. In response, the Cruxi units at E5 and F5 retreated while shooting at Paladin's shield. Paladin took the opportunity, and blasted apart two Cruxi mech that were lined up, destroying them completely, before it advanced further into the battlefield, seemingly ready to take on the turtle before it. The CWM unit at G5 proceeded to advance, and opened fire on the Redeemer, causing 10% more damage to its armor bombarded by plasma.

The turtle in the middle, having seemingly decided that the new arrival on the east would no longer be a threat, aimed down the middle, aiming to destroy both Paladin and Caretaker with a single shot. Once again, Elizabeth's Ojo managed to redirect the shot that was aimed at them. However, because of her unfortunate meeting with a berserk Beast, the shot ended up landing right in the Yeager's way. Fortunately, Yeager managed to outspeed the impact radius, but the resulting explosion's knockback sent the Framewerk flying; it ended up landing at C2, farther away than Roger had planned to. Having experience with high velocities, Yeager only ended up making a light tumble before it was already back up, ready for combat behind enemy lines. The CWM unit at C4 at first aimed at him, but then lowered their guns and charged at him with claws and a Punch Blade.

However, Roger soon realized he wasn't alone.

A raucous sound seemed to come from west, similar to a demonic roar, and squad Sigma saw imposing Framewerk come charging in at unnatural speeds, aiming right for the Cruxi turtle in the west; it seemed to be able to move four grids in one move. Elise looked confused, and managed to open communications. "Come in, Framew-" In return, she got a pleasant response.
"GO TO HELL SHELLHEAD!" The Framewerk lifted it's arm up, and a giant glowing blade suddenly appeared, glowing with energy. He slashed downwards, and with an earth-shaking slam, cut the giant Cruxi turtle in half. Numerous tentacles popped out, attempting to pull the halves back together, but the Framewerk's shoulder-mounted cannons lifted up, took aim, and unleashed hell on the two sides, obliterating them to ash.

"YEAHHHH! EAT IT, FILTHY FUCKING BUGS!" The squad heard him announce on a loudspeaker system installed in the monstrous Frame.

Elise was irritated, yet a bit relieved; after all, the mysterious new pilot managed to destroy one of their targets. She opened up comms with everyone. "We got a rogue unit. Give it a wide berth, and take out the two remaining turtles!"

Lily managed a weak smile of relief as Abigail seemed to come to her senses, glad to see that they succeeded in saving her. If it was someone else, they might have gone through with killing the poor girl outright. But as difficult as it was, that was the way it should be...Just like a magical girl.

"No worries it happens to the best of us," she happened to quip in.
"I know what it's like to be forced into bad stuff by a meanie, even though I was lucky and was sleeping the entire way through."
She had a concerned look as Janet suggested she wait for help, and stood up from the ground.
"No worries it happens to the best of us," She averted her eyes, and bit her lip.
"And Alex is still fighting...I can't just-AGH!"
She braced with her arms as the mana beast blew up, causing her to be lightly sprayed by magic-infused mist.
She pinched her nose with shut eyes, and waved the air before her in a frantic manner. "E-EEWWWW! I got farted on! This is the worst!"
She then glowed a bit, and she blinked.
"Wait, huh? Can I..." She concentrated, and soon enough, her form was enveloped in yellow, sparkling light, soon to emerge back as her magical girl state.
"I got just enough to turn back...But no spells or arrows, huh..." She nodded to herself.
"I need to find Alex. He must be worried! ALEEX!" She screamed as she followed the others, hoping to find him at the very center of the conflict.

Cindy did not hesitate as she made a dynamic entry, shocking hordes of Imps by ramming right into them with her fists outstretched like Superman, leaving nothing but arcs of blue electricity behind her alongside the ashy remains of her opponents. Joined by the rest, the large group fought in what looked like doomsday, with monsters continuously popping up from dark portals spawned subconsciously by Soth's slow but gradual awakening.
‘It seems the Beacon is also here,’ she commented.
‘Give them a wide berth, and don't hesitate to strike back if they dare to touch any of you.’

In response, June scowled, and turned her nose up at the monster girl.
"At least you know where the priority lies. Sisters, time to bring out the big guns! Magdalene, activate the UV Cannons!" A magical near her nodded; she was wearing a mechanical suit inspired by Penny, with large spotlights fitted on the shoulders. She dropped down to one knee, aimed at the black smoke, and then activated them. As a result, the black smoke began fading away, vanishing by the heavy concentration of magical technology.
"Hahaaa!" June exclaimed in triumph, her eyes gleaming. "Beacon's magitech is the best in the world!"

"Braggart," Julia softly spoke, her cheeks puffed up in an annoyed expression. Jillian patted her back.

"It's all right, Julia. Let the lanternheads have their fun. Besides, they're quite useful to us. In fact, they all are after I've given them some encouragement." Soon enough, Jillian's Power of Friendship wafted down in a similar fashion, emboldening both the Beacon, Cindy, and even the few unaffiliated fighters in the far reaches, giving them the strength and will to persevere against the darkness.

Helga smiled Sue as she kept chasing after the fleeing monoliths, finding relief in the fact that she had forgiven her for her anger management issues.
"No way; out of the two of us, you're the cool-headed one, Su."
She complimented her, and then nodded at her warning as Divina launched one last attack.
"Got it. If she turns on us, you'll need to go save Amby; I'll hold her off." Her claws extended in a fighting pose, the monster girl grimaced as Divina transformed into another example of a magical girl corrupted to their core.

"Geez..." She muttered between grit teeth, and tensed up as Chloe spoke to them. It turned out that Chloe had no intentions of initiating hostility between them, and decided to leave. "Sure, go ahead," she spoke back, still a bit wary. "Thanks for all the help out there. And...I'm sorry I called you an exhibitionist. I used to wear next to nothing in the past too, and seeing you was a reminder of it. You honestly don't look half bad like that. So, yeah...Bye." After Chloe left, Helga to let out a big sigh out of both relief and slight anxiety.
"Whooo boy, that could have turned ugly in a flash." She put her fists to her sides, a slight smirk on her lips.
"If it weren't for that crystal crap, I might have taken her up on her date offer." As she looked back at Su, she happened to spot a silver line in the ground, now revealed as the black smoke began slowly losing its thick composition thanks to Beacon's efforts. "You reckon this leads to Amby, Su? Let's follow it!" She ran with her arms stretched behind her, claws readied as she already heard what sounded like a titanic struggle beyond, preparing herself.
"I won't let anyone touch you, Amby! Not anymore!"

With sparks of electricity fizzling out, Lily turned back to her normal state, feeling like she could pass out. Once again, she was sloppy with her time magic, and ended up burning all her mana out. As she fell down, she could only sigh, unable to feel anything else but the harsh wind. When she opened her eyes, she realized she was held in a bridal carry by one of Aurelio's clones, and she blushed; getting rescued by cute boys seemed to turn into a habit for her. When she was set down on the ground, her feet wobbled a bit, but she managed to keep standing as she took support from the magical construct.
"Thanks, Clonerio," she softly spoke, and then covered her bright red face with her hands, having realized she was not looking the most presentable she could.
"I mean, did we get her?"
She looked as Jenna ran up to Abigail; it seemed they won. She slumped down, her feet apart as she sighed heavily.
"Phew...She was strong. I hope Alex is okay..."

Cindy listened to what Shion had to say, and ended up with another raised eyebrow, her hands on her hips. Her offer was, based on her initial asking rate, absurd, and it took a lot out of her not to roll her eyes. It may have been an attempt on the girl's part to scam her, or a misunderstanding about the true value of Magical Coins, but 30 silvers bi-weekly was a fortune. Not that she was going to pay her in the first place.
‘Unfortunately, that is an unreasonable proposition. I offer protection, and a community where one can share and solve problems; not coins, magical or material.’ She crossed her arms.
‘That said, I can accept a mutual agreement of non-interference.’

Cindy then turned to listen to the other two girls, and smiled a bit. Their explanation did give a bit more insight, and they seemed genuine with their claims of change. Besides, she felt like she might want to improve her unusually low luck that has plagued her career.
‘Very well then. I accept them.’ They seem to be accepting that she rules the city, so she decided to show them some goodwill. She turned to look at Julie, who accepted Faith's whispering with a somewhat genre-savvy cross-armed demeanor, and gestured for her to collect the coins.
However...Isn't there a situation demanding her attention nearby that she's been distracted from? She noticed the ominous winds of magic spreading over Penrose, carrying a sinister aura on it.
‘Enough wasting time! Penrose is in dire strait, and it needs us now! Let's go!’ And with that, the female personification of lightning blasted off towards the graveyard, engaging the Imps around it.

Others also arrived as Soth's influence spread over the city. Swarms of Imps were obliterated by fire, ice and spiky roots impaling from the ground as Beacon sent a task force to deal with the quickly emerging monster masses. At the head of it all was June; having managed to recover from her traumatic experience in Justine's castle, she had fully embraced the Beacon's edict of purging the unclean, and had become more ruthless as a result.
"Carpet bomb that area!" She directed commands upon her sisters of battle. "Blast the smoke with light magic! We have sisters inside who need us!" She now looked different, her dainty, flowery appearance having gained a few thorns wrapping around her shoulders and waist as she carried a flag of Beacon's symbol, waving it by using a wooden pole intertwined with daisies.
"Leave not a single monster standing in your way!"


Floating above the black smoke, Julia pouted, looking displeased with what was happening.

"Hey Julia, are you alright?" Jillian asked her, having brought her bow out.
"Our target is inside. If we just go and-" Julia shook her head as she held Jilian's cheek.

"No...The Deceiver has woken. I already sense one who has suffered from His mind-warping power."

Jillian's eyes opened wide. "Are we too late?"

"No. There is still hope; there are girls fighting. We need to protect them."

She took her hand, interlocking her fingers with Jillian, and the other twin nodded.

"Let's go for it! We ain't letting any brain bullying past us!"

The ghost twins unleashed their psychic magic upon the graveyard, and an effect resembling the northern lights. As a result, they created a scrambling effect on Soth's power over minds, deterring the Horror from further placing visions on the girls fighting there, and protecting them from mental attacks.

Helga, in her attempts to redeem herself from her rage-induced idiocy, fully focused on protecting Su and Chloe from the monoliths around them. As the best close-combat specialist of the group, she had no trouble taking down the stone constructs, even using them against each other as she yeeted one. But even so, she couldn't thank Su enough for keeping them at bay with her stormy winds. "Thanks, Su! And sorry about losing my cool!" She shouted out at one point as she performed an elbow drop on a monolith like a wrestling champion. She grinned upon seeing the giant monster Chloe had summoned, knowing that without her precious monoliths, Divina had little she could do against it. "Because you ain't listening, you dumb skank!" She shouted mockingly at her question. Even so, she was shocked by Chloe's sudden attack. "Whoah! So that's what you aimed for all along," she commented, not even looking at the monolith she smashed to her side as she stared at the scene. "Big play."

Kimble's purring ended as she quickly realized Lea was not reciprocating the affectionate gesture. She then released her, giving her the classic cat smile resembling the number three on it's side.
"Eheh, sorry! I was really curious, so I couldn't help myself, nya. I hope you aren't mad."
Her eyes shot wide open, and her tails stood up straight as she heard Lea's suggestion. Her face then turned red, and she whimpered a bit as she held her tail, twirling the hairs on the tip.
"Y-You really think so? If I...Nhh...Confess...Will Mistress like me?"
She was thinking about it when Lea then questioned her presence.
"Oh no, you did! Sorry, nyaaaaaaaaa!" She left with a long meow. And as she continued calming the storm, the gears in her head started turning.
"Mistress...Can I show nya true feelings for her?"

"Success!" Lily screamed as her newly crafted sorcery brought Jenna across the graveyard in a flash. However, she also felt the punch in her mana; as she crudely matched two different types of magic together in an inefficient manner, she ended up casting one spell for the price of two. However, it didn't stop her from holding back the cultists with her arrows, managing to avoid counter-fire. Soon enough, she felt how both Aurelio's hope-magic and Jenna's Rallying Cry reinvigorated her, bringing her back up to full strength.
"Yes, now we can-Huh?"
Abigail disappeared, causing Lily to become frustrated.
"What, did she shift? But why?"
She got her answer when she returned, causing an event not unlike a meteor shower to fall upon them.
"Oh crap! AAAHHH!"
She ran around like a cartoon, avoiding pianos, sinks, safes and the like.

"ROODO ROLLA DA!" She screamed as the asphalt-flattening vehicle was the next to drop...But it was stopped in the air, cast in stasis by being hit with an arrow resembling the hand of a clock.
"Now I get it how Minnie did it."
Bolstered by the protective power of the Beacons, Lily had decided to pull out her own trump card.
"Aurelio, I'm going in! Give me a boost!"
She then sped up, and jumped up, dragging her staff behind her as it charged with bright, crackling energy. She stopped an Easter Island statue as it was dropping, and used that to propel herself up towards Abigail. She was aware of the repulsing field, but she wouldn't let it stop her. While she wasn't the smartest kid in school, she learned enough of electromagnetism to know that repulsive forces cause electrons to arc around the object, and accelerate. She would take advantage of this phenomenon, and took a gamble with her mana; she prepared for her Killing Blow, but accelerated its charging by combining time magic into it. Then, as she released the empowered Zeus' Wrath, she intentionally curved it around her repulsive field, so it would accelerate into energy so vast it would cause a giant electric discharge, with Abigail at the center. It wouldn't be enough to kill Abigail, or even knock her out; all she needed was to paralyze her momentarily, and allow the twins to fix her short-circuited brain.


Cindy's expression turned amused as Lotus was silenced by the yellow fruit, having only slightly dipped to disappointment when Faith denied her status as tribute.
‘I assumed as much,’ she commented, and glanced aside at Shion, aware of how long she has had to wait.
‘What is the real tribute?’
As it turned out, it was coins. And strange ones as well, with crimson color.
‘...Julie, what are these?’
Julie shook her head, and Cindy sighed. "Not something I've seen before," she answered, "but if they're anything alike the mystical coins I do know exist, they're able to grant magical boons, possibly with a price,"
Cindy put a hand to her chin, and gazed upon the coins; she sensed the magic in them so Faith was not lying about their arcane nature. However, they could easily be a trap to curse the user, or worse.
‘Give me a proper explanation, or demonstrate to me how it is used. While you make up your answer, I have another to address who has waited too long.’
She turned to Shion, a warmer expression now on her face.
‘Now then, as I recall, you sought my protection? Or did you seek to also form an alliance, like these two?’ She gestured to the two girls.

Helga dodged the laser aimed at her, only to be hit with rocks and broken pieces of tombstones from the ensuing explosion, sending her flying back, knocking out a few of her teeth, and causing more damage that she continued to ignore; she was not looking well at this point with her many wounds and battered armor; her lack of restraint quickly proving to be her undoing. She didn't even notice that she wasn't flying of her own power, forcing Su to directly confront her.
She struggled against the winds, trying to swim her way out like a dog, clawing at nothing. When Su demanded to look at her, she was met with Helga's grief-stricken gaze.

But then, as Helga saw Su's eyes, she saw someone who had been with her ever since Amber left her. Visions of their time together at her grave caused tears to fall down her cheeks, as she remembered her having spoken those very same words before.
"Re...Revenge..." Her screams lost their power, just as Divina cast a double strike with both flechettes and a monolith laser. Though the feather failed to hit her thanks to the wind barrier, the laser struck her right in the shoulder, causing her wing to be blasted off.

"AAAHHHH!" She screamed as she fell. She was reaching the ground fast...And then a hard bass sound reverberated throughout the area, and Helga flipped back to standing position; she managed to redirect her landing with her palm-based Sound Cannons. Her other wing also fell off, only to magically fade; she managed to shake off her Metamorphosis.
"That was nice, blowing of some steam," she spoke, and took a lowered stance. "But Amber wouldn't want me to avenge her like that. She would want us to work together. But now I'm like this, damn..." She glanced at Chloe. "I'll destroy her monoliths, so you'll be the one to end her, exhibitionist girl!" And with that, she got to work; using punches charged with high-frequency vibrations, she began demolishing whatever constructs Divina would summon. She would cast off her remorse and hatred, for she had no use for them. All that mattered, was that she could return with Su and Mika to a peaceful future.

"I am Kimble, silly Miss Frida!" Lea suddenly felt the cat-girl lean over her shoulder from behind her, giggling mischievously; it seemed that despite the distance, her sharp feline ears heard every word Lea spoke, and managed to sneak up on her when her eyes left her.
"Who are you talking to? Are they down at the graveyard with Mistress Alicia? She is there to protect Penrose, nya!"
She then rubbed her cheek against Lea's.
"She's amazing! If only she nyaticed me more!"
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