Annabelle Irons

-Ritual Site Inside Crypt-
The Horror seemed to be amused with Amaryllis' words, giving a light chuckle as she played such 'games' with him.
'Hohoho! I believe this is an attempt to anger me to some end? Deride me like some mortal as mortals tend to do?
Frankly, you of all the puppets here would know the most about prostituting one's self and body out so freely, wouldn't you? And that blade of yours, such a pathetic tantrum it throws, for being abandoned like the garbage it is. It can't find any purpose but to kill, much like a worthless beast falls to instincts.'Soth seemed to try his hand at taking a jab back, though even the Horror's tone didn't seem to betray any sort of seriousness in the process. As he spoke, however, Soth went on the offensive simultaneously. Multiple eyes fired smaller magical lasers towards the lone Amaryllis (
@ERode) and Annabelle, whose power was greater than the smaller lasers of the behemoth at the stadium before, whilst tentacles stretched from the abyss to strike at them with lightning speed. A strong opening move, perhaps, not something to underestimate...but also not unable to be handled with help or the right strategy.
But shortly, it seemed, Amaryllis and Annabelle would not be alone in their battle.
Alicia (
@Flamelord) and Summer (
@DarkwolfX37), after entering the crypt and blitzing in the direction of the ritual chamber, would find themselves following a path of cultists remains and bloody bits splayed everywhere around them. This, as it were, was evidence of the Rose Knight that had plowed her way right through the entrance and opened it up for them. From here it was a simple trip, though, going down the long set of stone-carved steps towards the ritual chamber at the bottom...and trying not to slip on the bits of the deceased cultists and monsters.
The walls of this stairwell were also carved with dark sigils and twisted symbols alongside runes, many of these things unrecognizable as compared even to the abandoned school. But for such a thing to have been placed under a crypt in this area, it was nothing short of defiling for the dead that rested in this graveyard.
Upon finally reaching the bottom chamber, the two would be able to easily tell the scene that was before them. The partial manifestation, somewhat lazy in execution, of Soth that had appeared to protect his ritual and 'have fun' with the two magical girls in front of him. Speaking of the two, it would be easy to see the proud Amaryllis facing what was to be a vicious attack, and Annabelle behind her in...well, calling it a 'bad' condition would perhaps be an understatement to describe her condition. The void-touched girl's face had paled far more than was supposed to be normal, her body seeming noticeably a bit thinner, her eyes seemed almost like death, and her muscles in places twitched with each bit of pain that continued to rock the still-draining-girl's body.
The only saving grace was the small grin she had donned, trying to do her best to put on a good face for battle.....well, that and the fact her right arm was unraveling into a swath of dark chains. That was actually kind of badass, perhaps.
"Heh...hah..."Annabelle huffed aloud as she pushed herself, placing the palm of her right hand on the ground as it began to unravel into chains. Using the Soth-less magic in her right arm, maybe...maybe she had a chance to disrupt this. Her ties to the Horror were enough for her to be able to best feel the flow of magic in this area, though her own soth-given power and life were still being drained away. She hadn't much time, if she was going to do anything, to try to disrupt this ritual.
Well, it perhaps wasn't enough time to disrupt the
entire ritual, maybe. She couldn't overwhelm an entire horror's power, no one perhaps could dream of it for that matter. Yet like any war machine with a vulnerable point, this ritual had something she could feel being more
fragile than the other parts.
Soth's own connection to the altar and altered body. He could exert influence over this area with ease, he'd done that just for this occasion, but his ties to that body were thin at beast as she felt out the situation. That was why he was performing the ritual, after all, to solidify that connection and properly incarnate...and if he did it would be impossible to separate the two thing at that point. He'd have total control over the thing.
But, if that bond was severed, he couldn't "open the door" and go into the body at all. What would happen to it otherwise would be a mystery, if Soth didn't inhabit it. She had no time to question that, though, but if she succeeded it'd be horror-free at least in such a case. How much "juice", or magical power, she'd need to do this was in question though.
If she could get some extra fuel from help, she could probably do it!The chains of her right arm, or at least most of the chain tentacles thereof, dug into the ground and tunneled to try to get under the altar. Four stayed above-ground as Annabelle remained on one knee, to try to help protect her at least if anything got pat Amaryllis and towards herself. Not that she didn't trust the was that she didn't trust Soth to "play fair" in any of this and merely focus on the the Rose Knight herself.
One last thought did linger on her mind, however, even with her mind and magic going into full gear to try to do something about this situation.
'Regina...please, please be ok. I need you, here. I...i need to tell you so many things...' Annabelle thought to herself.
-Meanwhile, At The Ritual Site Exterior-
"Big Tony", as Sammy had dubbed him, was a seemingly fearsome beast indeed to be able to disrupt the barrier itself. Perhaps Soth had done a rush job on it, or didn't care if anyone managed to actually get inside? The mystery of that would perhaps be left to the annals of time, but more important than this was the fact this meant people could get inside at least! That much was perhaps a boon to the Beacon and other forces, and-
'Such a nasty beast to disrupt this barrier, but more guests will be entertaining.
It was so very cheap to set up, though....but to find truth is to also pay a price in this world~'Soth's voice psychically rang out in all of the heads of those just outside of the crypt barrier, before Big Tony seemed to stop in his tracks and go still.
Then the great tiger began to jostle and squirm, as if something uncomfortable had worked its way inside. He seemed to be reacting to Soth's voice in his head, that unnatural thing that screamed at one's instincts to run. But he had assaulted the barrier, and the Super Sleuth herself had ridden him in here without trouble. So what could be going wrong?
Dark veins began to form on the front of Tony's forehead, removing furn and spreading rapidly down his face and neck and body. The tiger began to 'freak out' far more strongly at this point, writhing and trying to claw at itself to get rid of the offending power filling its body like a cup. It roared in agony and terror, but the lines continued to spread and spread...until its entire physical form was covered.
The now mostly-furless body of Tony went still, lying upon the ground as if dead, its remaining tufts of fur offset by the now black-colored skin underneath.
'Let this be entertainment, until more of you try to get inside.'And then Tony's eyes opened wide once more, iris-less crimson red orbs of unnatural nature looking back out at the other magical girls. The body of Big Tony began to stand once more, the sound of cracking bones able to be heard from it. Tentacles and spikes of bone began to erupt from its body where fur had once been, and the beast bared its fangs and growled with a deep, guttural, alien sound that rang in the air.
Wait, did that thing have two more rows of teeth now too?! It seemed more powerful than the most basic goons at least, but it was a far call from whatever had been in that stadium by far. What in the world-?!?!
~Alert!!! Minor Lesser Horror Threat Detected!~
Type: Lesser Horror (unique)
Eldritch Tony, the Triple-Tripping Terrible Trouncing Tiger of Terror*
(*this trademarked name is not subject to change)
@t2wave@MadManMoon@Shifter_Master@Ariamis@PlatinumSkink@Vocab@FamishedPants@Flamelord@ERode@DarkwolfX37@Card Captor@BrokenPromise@DarkwolfX37@The World