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The lieutenant's eyes glanced over to the Marques twins, and the two men realized at that moment that they were caught. "Clever use of non-verbal communication, Cadets Nero and Sanro," she noted as she walked right up to them, before she leaned closer towards them, adjusting the rim of her glasses with a single finger. "But I won't tolerate idle chatter in my presence, whether it is in words or in eyebrow wiggles. You won't get a warning next time. Understood?" She asked.

Regardless of the two's response, the lieutenant pressed a key on her device, and a faint tone rang out briefly from the pilots' personal devices. "Your devices have now been linked to the Solaire network under my flag. I will use the designated squad channel to hand out missions and other critical information whenever I am unable to do so in person. The network also allows sending messages, so report to me whenever the need arises."

As Elora was in the middle of listening to the officer's instructions, she happened to glance over to Minerva's direction, only to meet her eyes: to her, it seemed like she was giving an icy cold glare to her, though it was simply indifference on the latter's part. Nonetheless, as she felt the social dread rise within her, she wondered whether she should just walk right then and there to her cabin and bury her face in a pillow. However, she was suddenly startled by the touch on her shoulder. "Cadet Liu'un, concentrate! This is important information, and I won't be repeating myself." The lieutenant chastised her, and she saluted back with a trembling hand. "Y-Yes, ma'm!" The officer then continued speaking of various less important matters such as daily meals, laundry and so on, while Elora glanced over to see that the well-dressed brother gave a thumbs up. She subtly nodded back, surprised by the gesture.

More expressions of kindness came her way, as Zane suggested using a breathing technique to calm herself down. She nervously complied, and managed to recover enough to stop shaking, placing a hand on her chest to measure her breathing rhythm. The tanned man of the group, David, also reminded her that the mission was non-lethal. Ved, the largest pilot of them all, also chimed in, reassuring her that the practice mission was meant for estimating piloting capability and was an opportunity to improve safely, assuaging her worries with a smile full of teeth.

Even Rose, an alien, seemed to try and lift her spirits; even if it came across as a little strange, Elora sincerely appreciated it, and a small smile began to form on her face. It was about then that Ritsu had finished her instructions. She nodded with an agreeing smile as Rose, the Rosnian pilot of the group, expressed her enthusiasm...Or as close to such an emotion as a member of their species is capable of, what with every word of theirs coming off as enthusiastic and full of energy. However, this didn't seem to mind the lieutenant. In fact, Rose could tell that for a human, she was surprisingly acute in sensing the Rosnian's demeanor past her voice and verbal signalling. "That is what I like to hear, Cadet Rose. It also seems like your family agrees," she noted upon looking down at the two smaller Rosnians. "However, do not let yourself be distracted while on duty, Cadet," she reminded the short alien in an unusually mindful manner.

"Anyway, those are the basics," Ritsu concluded. "The training schedule will be handed out at a later time. I will leave an prepare for the practice mission now. I suggest you also prepare. Dismissed." And with that, the lieutenant turned, and began to walk away, the clack of her heels echoing over the vast hangar, soon drowned in the clamor of workers and heavy machinery. Elora took in a deep breath, and then gave a bow to the other pilots. She felt like she had to say something. "M-My name is Elora Liu'un," she began, and bowed politely.
"I'm going to do my best, so...I hope we can get a-along. Thank you." And with that, she picked up her bags of luggage, and then started walking away, though it resembled more of a flustered half-sprint towards one of the corridors.

Once she reached the women's side of the pilot quarters, Elora prepared herself mentally for the mission as she unpacked what little personal belongings she had, and looked at the open locket on her palm. "Mom...Dad...I won't let your deaths be in vain. It's scary, but I will get through this...I will." For the rest of her time, she wandered Solaire uneasily as she first went to take a look at her Framewerk, Logic Diver. She approached the front chassis of the titanium titan, and laid a hand on it in contemplation. "It might be in virtual reality...But I'll still be piloting you," she spoke softly. "I just wonder if you will receive any of the data from that mission...Probably not. Anyway, see you later, LD."

With that, as the hour came to a close, it was finally time to suit up. She went to the women's locker room, dreading the prospect of putting on the uniform: the last time she had to wear one, it was meant for an older and more mature pilot, resulting in the front sagging and flapping like some bizarre poncho as she walked. She shuddered at the memory of it when she opened the locker and took her uniform out. To her surprise, the lieutenant had ordered for her to receive a new uniform: not only was it more protective, with advanced nanotechnology weaved into the Carbonox plates, it also came with a wrist-mounted display with and inbuilt small processing unit. She gasped as she saw that there was even a game installed to it: Definitive Daydream XXI, the very latest role-playing game in the hit hologame franchise.
While nervous about putting the suit on, the promise of gaming pulled through, and Elora gained the courage to change clothes.

When she was ready, she looked at herself in the mirror, and sighed: the suit fit her properly this time, though that came with problems of its own too. I don't think anyone's going to beat the lieutenant... She thought to herself, and headed towards the virtual training room:

The room was shaped like a donut, with the circle housing the open virtual reality pods the pilots were to enter, and the center a command station where the handlers for the virtual reality mission program were located. The pilots would be immersed completely in a sense-overriding chemical compound as they entered their pods. According to the pilot's manual Elora read, the chemical was highly oxygenated, allowing the occupant to breathe the liquid as if it was air. The compound's main function is as a neural mediator, allowing the pilot's nervous system to be electro-chemically interfaced with by sending specific electric signals from a central computing unit running various simulation programs. In other words, it could perfectly simulate any kind of reality directly into the occupants' nerves. Whatever they saw, heard, smelled, touched or even tasted could be controlled...And the occupant wouldn't know the difference.

Elora gulped, once again letting her body tremble. But then, she remembered what the other pilots said and showed him: she wouldn't be the only one diving into this simulacrum. They would all share the same virtual reality, and the same mission. People would count on her, and she wouldn't let them down. With newfound courage in her heart, she laid down into the pod. As the pod's lid closed, and the electro-chemical compound started to fill the pod, she closed her eyes, and let herself dive mentally.

Soon, she found herself sitting in a cockpit which was very familiar to her: it belonged to Logic Diver, her trusty metallic companion. Beyond the machine's optic detection system, she saw other Framewerks around her, like Rose's Senko-san to the left of her, and Zane's Goliath Buster to the right, among others. They were all situated in a grassy clearing, surrounded by a vast forest full of gigantic trees: they were tall enough to cover even a Very Heavy Framewerk, though Super Heavy Frames like Ved's Reaver were tall enough to see past the treetops, witnessing a sea of green leaves that seemed to stretch to the horizon in every direction except one, straight ahead. There, Ved saw what looked like a forest glade. A blue sky hung above, with only scant few clouds drifting across it.

Elora turned the ignition key, and heard not only the rising roar of Logic Diver's engine, but also the various computer systems booting with beeps and boops, accompanied by subtle flashes of opening screens and displays. She heard Lorenzo coughing in the command channel of the communication system, followed by words:

"Cadets, wait for further instructions. System checkups and communications are permitted. But If I see anyone deploy their Framewerk prematurely, they will be penalized immediately. That is all."

Even if they were permitted to deploy, Elora would still have waited until the the rest of the squad was ready. She checked her systems, and they were all green. She then opened up the Combat Analyzer, and set it to limit its environmental data processing to forested terrain, speeding up data processing. She added LD's data to the map for cross-referencing. It was easy enough to do, the Combat Analyzer being a state-of-the art supercomputer that could be customized up to the finest details, though Elora didn't touch on anything more than was necessary. She leaned back on her seat once she was done setting up a shared communication channel between her and the rest of the Framewerks, and then contacted them once they were in their Framewerks: "Testing, testing, do you read me? It seems the mission will take place in a forest. I'm already detecting at least three pathways large enough for all of us to pass through, but I'll set us up with a better map once we get moving." She then switched to the command channel. "Umm, ready for deployment."

She felt relaxed and at ease while she was sitting in front of a computer; she was truly in her element now. Elora was quite adept with computers for her young age, and was thus chosen to pilot a Framewerk reliant on expert technical skills like Logic Diver was. Unlike the outside world which was full of hate and malice, inside Logic Diver she felt like she was safe from all that. It was comforting, almost as if she was held in her own mother's arms.

But she shook her head.

I can't think about things like that. The mission comes first.
The opening post has been posted, and the first event has begun. Feel free to make introductory posts as you see fit. If you want to, you can have conversations during the shuttle journey. Also, do let me know if there's anything you'd like me to edit or add.
[Post moved to OP]
I have created the Character list for the CHAR tab's OP. Let me know if I made a mistake there.
Status Report coming in

Accepted. You can post the sheet to the CHAR tab.
Status Report coming in

*-Turtle(one of the Utility Drones): Is it okay if I say that Turtle drone has one Energy Wing (and an appropriate energy source to keep it running) so it can work as a point of origin remote from the framewerk itself?

The Turtle Drone can be equipped to utilize one of the Energy Wings that come with the System and deployed at a farther range thanks to the drone. However, this comes at the cost of reducing the effectiveness of the Energy Wings if the drone is destroyed/incapacitated. Also, the drone can't be re-equipped to perform other roles in other events.

Good sheet, with nice references for the Framework. Once you add the Framework type bonus (enhanced armor, speed or weapon damage), the sheet is accepted.
The OOC is now up:


Players with accepted character sheets can post them to the CHAR tab. Please check that you have added any missing information to them while doing so, for example the bonus (armor, speed or weapon damage) from your Framework Type of either Frontliner, Backliner or Specialist.
The roar of an engine could be heard humming in the background. In the depths of space, a shuttle took off, bearing a curious shipment of passengers. Various soldiers, engineers and other crew sat in the crammed vessel; some were sleeping, other playing cards or quietly whispering to one another. In the corner, a gathering of short but stout silhouettes could be seen, having taken distance from the rest: anyone could recognize them as Rosnians by their long ears. While largely integrated into the Galactic Federation, and now living among humans, there was still a tinge of awkwardness and unease that permeated between the two species. After all, the Heavyworlders, as they were known, were originally created as an invasion force against Earth by their former masters, the tall and slender Homweworlders. But that is now but a memory of the past, and nowadays, even the two sub-species are on fine terms, both with each other, and even with humans.

A motley crew of pilots were also assembled, breaking up the monotonous crowd with vibrant personalities; one of the older Rosnians was happily chatting away with a younger member of the alien species. A pair of twins sat at the back of the shuttle, seemingly engaged in some sort of brotherly competition. A tanned, svelte man was sitting next to a bookish, purple-haired man, different as night and day. A large man had crammed himself into a seat, but still blocking some of the walkway due to his size. An elegant, yet stoic woman sat at the front, patiently waiting for the journey's end. One couldn't have imagined this congregation to not only be pilots, but to have a shared destiny ahead of them in the near future.

In that tight space, holding her palms against the window and peering apprehensively into the depths of space was a young girl with short brown hair and bright blue eyes wearing a fancy silver-embroidered green-and white dress jacket and skirt, complete with an insignia on the left chest: a sign of her being a graduate of the military academy Toivonhuippu, or how it's better known, Toivo. It was an establishment once known as a place where the initial research into Cruxi tactics and the ways to counter them were taught began in earnest, and where many veterans started their careers. However, nowadays the school's reputation has taken a dive, as rumors of corruption and the prevalence of upper class wealthy elites, especially those whose parents had bought their way into the place rather than through any merit of their own, had become increasingly common.

Still, even if the rumors were true, Elora didn't seem like the standard, snobbish spoiled brat that one would expect to graduate from such an academy at first glance, seeming more like a middle-class worker's daughter. In fact, she didn't seem to fit in the gaudy clothes.
She looked nervous, and flinched as a passenger walked past her to retrieve something from the luggage in the back. For the rest of the trip, she held her hands on her knees, looking down and trying to remain composed despite her anxiety.

It didn't take long before the shuttle reached it's destination. Beyond the windows, a colossal ship could be seen: Fortress Ship Solaire.

A great feat of engineering, Solaire was a reminder of the Galactic Federation's resolve in the face of the war against the Cruxi. The common colonist could only imagine the size of the shipyards and number of workers required to build such a behemoth: it is to Framewerks what battleships are to humans in terms of sheer scale. And based on the rumors, more were in production: a sign of desperation.

Soon enough, a a rectangular hatch opened, exposing the airlock that was reserved for smaller spacecraft. The shuttle landed into the hangar as the airlock shifted into place with a groan of metal. The shuttle's landing ramp descended, and the passengers walked out, the soldiers in file, and the engineers and civil workers in a chaotic formation behind. The pilots were the last to arrive: a rag-tag bunch of both younger and older individuals. While the initial grouping of pilots seemed normal enough, soon the strangeness became apparent in the arrivals, including such visible oddities as an artificial human who was wearing the symbol for the Olympus Project, and even a representative of the diminutive Rosnian species who led a group of her own and took the hand of what presumably was her offspring, though she struggled not to be overshadowed by the hulking mountain of a man who stepped out after her.

Elora was one of the last ones out of the shuttle, not daring to stand in anyone's way lest she incur someone's wrath for being being an obstacle or moving too slowly. Thus, she peered her head out from the shuttle's entrance before sighing and stepping down the ramp. As the crowds dispersed, the pilots were met with the sight of the side hangar of the Fortress Ship: engineers and other crewmembers paced back and forth as cargo was delivered back and forth into and out of larger military ships, leaving a lasting impression on the young pilot.
In the distance, she saw as a younger Rosnian ran right up to Rose and hugged her, causing her to smile.
"Aww...They're so cute," she mumbled to herself, having never seen a Rosnian before.

"Pilots!" A sharp gaze of a woman wearing the Solaire Framewerk pilot uniform accompanied the clearing of the throat, her posture perfect and her movements practiced and controlled, with an air of authority about her. Based on the insignia she wore on the left shoulder, the pilots with a military background recognized her rank as lieutenant. Elora blinked, and a blush grew on her cheeks; not only was she taken aback by the officer's harsh tone of voice, she was also beautiful, with a stunning figure that was only emphasized by the uniform.

"On behalf of the Galactic Federation Fleet, welcome to Fortress Ship Solaire; home of the Framewerk Project XJ9." The woman spoke to the group as Elora looked down, glancing down at herself in depressed contemplation. The officer took out a personal device resembling a tablet from a pocket. "I am Lieutenant Ritsu Kaname, and as of this moment you will be taking orders directly from both myself and-"

"Oh-ho! So these will be our newest batch of fresh meat!" blurted another voice as a gray-haired, frail-looking scientist with a hunched back practically shoved her aside, leaning on a shaky walking stick, startling Elora. "What a group of misfits! My, we've even got a Rosnian," he said as he leered at Rose with his single eye in an unwholesome manner, as if eyeing her up.
"A Heavyworlder, I see. They seem to be coming more and more commonplace these days. Such a curious case of divergent biology, yes. Though I must admit, I've only seen Homeworlders once before, and that was in a brothel. The ones here mainly work in microgravity, so I've never seen those. I suppose the exotic nature of them draws enough people for even a species as elusive as them to appear in human worlds..."

"A-hem!" The lieutenant scoffed at the inappropriate remark with a hint of a blush on her cheeks. "With all due respect, Executive Officer, I am conducting the introduction to the Framewerk Project, sir! Please leave any inappropriate remarks out of it!" She was visibly holding back the urge to ball up her hands into fists. However, the old man didn't seem too bothered as he blinked and glanced aside at her interruption.
"Huh? Oh, my bad, Ritsu, I didn't mean to interrupt. I was so excited to see the new recruits that I could barely contain myself, hee hee!"

The lieutenant sighed. "Anyway, Executive Officer, shouldn't you have more pressing matters than to welcome the new pilots?" The old man smiled. "I do...But I can spare a moment to see what we got to work with. Besides, I'm interested to see what they can do already." As he spoke, the professor began to walk in the direction of the main hangar. Ritsu began to follow him, and gestured with her hands for the pilots to join them.

"Very well then. Pilots, this is Professor Lorenzo, your superior in Solaire, and Executive Officer for the Framewerk Project as a whole." Lorenzo nodded. "Most of my work is classified, so don't bother asking about it. However, I'll be observing your progress periodically from time to time, and see how you're doing. I look forward to seeing how you'll fare...If you'll fare at all! Bwah-hah! Now then, let's see..." The group entered the main hangar, where an incredible sight met them: rows upon rows of Framewerks, each of them unique, stood on a lower level like statues depicting gods. Walkways on the higher level, where the group was located currently, passed by the upper chassis of these gargantuan constructs.

"Looks like all the Frames are accounted for, good," the professor mused, stroking his beard. The lieutenant turned to the pilots to continue once they were finished reacting to the sight. "You have all officially completed your pilot training in separate facilities with your Framewerks, and thus have earned the rank of Cadet. Some facilities seemed to have a comprehensive curriculum, like the one the representative of House Korrin had attended, or the one held by Project Olympus," she spoke, having let a slight approving smile towards Zane and Minerva. "The Marques also have an excellent resume," she added, "while others had a more...hands-off approach to their education," she noted, her stern eyes having turned towards Elora, who froze with fright, and then Ved, having to slightly crane her neck up to look at the large man's face. "Regardless of one's individual background, you have been individually chosen for the promising talent you have shown thus far, and for the potential to fully realize the goals of the Framewerk Project." She briefly looked down at her device.

"However, from now on here at Solaire, you will focus on developing advanced skills and training required not only to operate as a single cohesive unit, but also to realize your latent potential. Therefore, in one hour we will be holding a practice mission in the Virtual Training Chamber. This will not only be an evaluation to assess your initial capabilities, it will also determine a suitable leader for the squad. The objective of the mock battle is to work together as a single team, and defeat as many opponents as possible before your entire team is wiped out. You will be observed and then evaluated based on how you performed before and during the battle, so I expect each and every one of you to give your all. To attend the practice mission, you are required to suit up in the locker room with your assigned pilot's uniform, and then head to your assigned interface pod, and enter it as instructed in your pilot's manual."

Lorenzo pointed to a device with a bunch of red buttons he held in his hands. "The virtual space will perfectly replicate your Framewerks and the effects of damage they can incur. A pilot's virtual link will be remotely disabled once it has taken a certain threshold of damage, to avoid causing any brain damage, haha!" The professor grinned. "That's right, boys and girls, this is not like the VR games you played back at home: it's the cutting-edge in sense-immersion technology. What you experience in there will be about as close to reality as you can find in the galaxy, bwaha! The battle ends when the mission is completed, one Framewerk is left standing...or I get bored, whichever happens first, hee hee!"

Elora was trembling in fear, her legs shaking and her arms held close to her chest. She seemed to be out of her element as she desperately attempted to open her mouth and say something, but was unable to. She was like a lost puppy as she looked around her with a trembling lower lip, she if was going to start crying any second.
A...battle? Elora thought to herself. How could we do something like that? I just arrived here, I don't know what to do! I won't last a second! I feel like crying now... The young girl was visibly distressed as she looked down at the floor.

Ritsu hesitantly nodded, seemingly not approving of the intimidating explanation, and the reaction it caused for some of the pilots, but nonetheless she kept to her duty. "That is all. Unless there are any questions, then you are dismissed."
"Hoho, like so," grinned the professor as he looked at the Cadets. "Nonetheless, do well and try to get along. Introduce yourselves to each other while you prepare, why don't you? I for one am interested to see how this'll go..." However, as his eye wandered over to Minerva, the old man's jolly nature seemed to instantly shift, and what could only be described as a disgusted sneer appeared on his lips. He turned away. "Well, maybe not that interested..." He mumbled, and hobbled away, towards one of the corridors. Ritsu raised an eyebrow but stayed behind, seemingly writing something on her device as she waited for questions from the pilots.
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