Avatar of Arista


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2 yrs ago
Cataract surgery happening today...send good vibes/well wishes, please? I'll be back soon~
5 yrs ago
Officially 27...getting closer to 30 xD happy birthday self!
5 yrs ago
"In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. That is the meaning of inner strength." Uncle Iroh
6 yrs ago
That moment when you plan an RP and get the first post up and then your partner deletes the OOC PM thread and doesn't answer... ~_~
9 yrs ago
The moment when you're having a Disney movie marathon and you regret nothing. Not even caring that your parents are looking at you funny because your singing along ^^


Enter at your own risk~

Hello, hello!

I'm Ari~ An adult who loves video games and my pup equally, I'm a dork who loves watching the shows I adore and then ranting about them until I get all my Feelings under control.

I'm a veteran when it comes to roleplay, I've been doing this long enought to know I'm better suited for 1x1's then Group Rps. My level is at the high causal to low advanced, once I get really into an RP its on my mind in a way that I don't mind. Feel free to send a PM with plot ideas or pairings, the most I can say is no thanks, which is rare and unlikely to happen~

Thanks for dropping by!

Discord: Aristacratt

Most Recent Posts

Neither of them were in the mood to leave.

They'd arrived hours ago and had immediately been ushered into a room, Madam Isabela waiting for them with a smile. Her crimson hair was tied neatly atop her head, her grey-blue eyes warm and inviting. Now they were laid out on the carpeted floor, a warm fire dancing merely in the stone fireplace. Kieran was content to bathe in the affection of the older woman, Ryanair seeming to share his feelings.

“I'm gsd you came to visit. It's been awhile since you have, I thought you'd forgotten me.” Kieran lifted his head enough to regard the vampire seated in a cushioned armchair. Ryanair shifted under him and spoke with a frown clear in his tone.
“We haven't Gran, we've just been busy and have lost track of time. We'll visit more, right Kie?” Kieran nodded and laid his head back down on his fledgling’s stomach. It wasn't a lie, they'd been busy dealing with separate projects that included remodeling their home and teaching the kids within the town. He felt bad now, she always welcomed them with open arms and yet he hadn't made time to come by. Ryanair’s hand rested on his hair and began to soothe though his bangs, Madam Isabela chuckled softly and sipped her cup of tea.

“It's fine pet, I know how busy you've been busy. I'm glad to see you whenever you visit, how are the kids doing?” That topic had Ryanair talking about the kids that came by, they weren't teachers but the kids loved hearing their stories. Their visits usually ended with story sessions that had the kids napping on the carpet of their study. Kieran nodded off and awoke with a soft sound of annoyance, A cool hand soothed across his forehead soothingly.

Lifting his head and then sitting up, Kieran yawned and stretched. An aged hand fell on his cheek then, waking Kieran up fully. Madam Isabela stood before him, her head tilted and a smile on her painted lips. His head tilted to the side in silent question, Madam Isabela lifts a pale finger and Kieran tilted his head to follow it. Ryanair was fast asleep, his head tilted to the side with a smile on his features.

“We'll take our leave now, Ma’am. We'll visit with the kids next time if we can.” He said with a smile tugging his lips up, Madam Isabela nodded and smiled in amusement. She reached forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek, her nose wrinkling when she glanced down at Ryanair.

“I'm glad you chose him, Kieran. He's a good boy, and he seems attached to you. He asked me to ask you if you'd be willing to teach him hand to hand.” Kieran blinked when the words had a memory filtering across his mind. He nodded and lifted Ryanair until he was half-upright, Madam Isabela deeming it the proper time to kiss his cheek as well.

“He's asked me before, it just slipped my mind. We'll visit soon Madam.” With those words, he lifted his fledgling into his arms and rose to his feet. Exiting the room, he made his way down the stairs and towards the main door. Ryanair only shifted once as they exited into the cool night air, Kieran adjusted his hold before jumping. Reaching their home, he opened the front door by shifting a hand free and kicked it closed behind them. Kieran slipped his own shoes off, before moving to go to the second floor. He had no desire to go the distance to Ryanair’s bedroom, so he headed to his own with his charge still asleep in his arms.

Setting Ryanair on his feet, Kieran opened his bedroom door and ushered the other inside. Too tired to protest, Ryanair allowed Kieran to guide him to the bed. Fingers working quickly to shed them both out of their clothes, Kieran shifted Ryanair into the middle of the bed. He closed his door after tucking the other in, his fingers finding the light switch and turning it off.

He climbed into bed and instantly had an armful of Ryanair. He huffed fondly and curled around the other male, the blonde humming softly.

Kieran didn't respond for a moment, his gaze shifting to the dead body and then away. With a sigh he pulls away and moves to collect their bags, they had someone to visit after all. With his free hand, he gently pushes Ryanair until he's walking. He half-turns to face his first fledgling, an unreadable expression on his face.

“Maybe, then again I know you want to kill me. So I'm not keen to stay too long with you, good day.” He bows before turning to follow his blonde companion, his strides quick and calculated. Reaching his fledgling, Kieran pats his back before turning to the left and down the street. He ignores the bond that buzzes at the back of his mind, he didn't have time to ponder it now.

“Will we go and see Gran, now?” Ryanair asks after their a distance away from the alleyway where the dead body lay. Kieran answered with a silent nod, his gaze glancing down to the hand he'd used to kill the male. He didn't much care for humans, but he did wonder from time to time how the remaining family members must feel. He shook his head and cleared the thoughts, turning a corner he focuses on his next destination. The person they're about to meet was an old friend, she had been asking him to visit for awhile and he had been putting it off until today. Madam Isabela was like a grandmother to him, and Ryanair as well when he finally met her. He didn't mind the babying as long as she was happy, a plus was Ryanair relaxed around her as well.

A tune begins to fall from his lips as he walks, Ryanair glancing over with a smile. It was a sign that he sire was happy, his shoulders relaxed as he joined in with his own tune.
His opportunity came in the form of his first fledgling. Tired and irritable by then, Kieran stepped forward and with little thought raised his right hand and tailed down the front of the male's chest. The male was still and seemed to have a hard time in deciding who he should focus on, Kieran sighed softly and rolled his shoulders. Ryanair stood where Kieran had been, his head tilted and a grin spreading across his features.

Now the question was if he should kill the man or not. With a flex of his fingers, he pressed them into the indent that separates the lungs and heart. The sound of heels echoing in the air has both sire and fledgling glancing to the left as one. A chesnut-colored woman stood frozen in the alleyway that led to another side-street. Her hazel eyes were wide and her heart hammering in her chest, Kieran really had had enough.

“Ry.” He breathes the name as he steps away from the male, he can tell they both need to blood pulsing through the female's veins. With grace that made the older vampire smile, his fledgling dropped the bags and lurched forward. Rolling his neck until his bones crack pleasantly, he appears before the woman within the span of a second.

He wasn't even thirsty if he was being honest. Though he felt drained and he knew this little snack would give them both a boost. Fingers trailing along the pulse-point in the woman's neck, Kieran bit into the tender flesh. The woman stilled and he felt the moment Ryanair bit into her neck as well.

Her blood was sweet and coated his tongue like strawberry jam. Ryanair hummed softly and Kieran smiled at the pleased sound.
It had been a day or two, with little effort Kieran pulled away and crossed his arms. He allowed Ryanair another few moments, before stepping forward and wrapping his arms around the other. His fledgling didn't offer much of a fight, Ryanair huffed a breath but relaxed against his chiest.

The woman blinked and turned on her heels, her face blank and confused-looking. The good thing was she wouldn't remember and the wounds would heal.
Stepping out of their fourth store, Kieran offered a wave and a smile towards the shopkeeper. Ryanair followed behind him with a soft scoff and follow his emerald eyes, they'd been running errands since their departure from Lady Esther’s mansion an hour ago. Kieran moved down the cobblestone sidewalk and scanned the shops with his sky-blue eyes. These weren't things he'd usually buy, but the elder thar had asked him the favor was a friend and he couldn't deny her. Shifting the bag in his hands, Kieran rounded a corner and slowed his pace.

He found feel it, though it was thin and slipped between his mental fingers. The half-bond he held with his first fledgling, it was like an itch he couldn't scratch. The feel of fingers tugging on the loose ends of his hair, has Kieran blinking to clear the haze his mind had slipped into.

“Are we almost done?” Ryanair asked after they'd entered the street ahead of them, the elder of the two tilted his head in thought. His mouth opened as if to reply, only to close when something is pressed into his side. He can feel the hiss escaping from Ryanair’s lips as Kieran lifts his gaze drom the other and focuses it on the threat. It was a rather tall man, skin bronzed with brown eyes narrowed. The gun was pressed firmly into his side, sure he could use his speed and dodge the bullet but that would lead to problems. He was more worried about Ryanair then himself, the blonde had great control but still needed his guidance to remember his sanity.

Even now he can feel it, the cyclone of emotions that sing through his mind. The human hasn't moved, though the gun is pressed deeper into his side nonetheless. He'd never been one to back down, so with a tilt of his head he arched a silent brow and waited.

His mind sending comforting waves through the bond in an attempt to calm Ryanair. It works and Kieran almost breathes a sigh of relief, until the humans mouth opens.

“Follow me and keep quiet.” He demands after a moment, his head herrington the side. Kieran reaches behind himself to grab Ryanair’s hand, before doing as told and moving forward. The gun was normal and probably only had regular bullets, Kieran had been shot with enough of those to know that much. Ryanair presses himself against Kieran back, his face nuzzling into the fabric of his coat. He was calm and that was a good thing, Kieran continued to follow the human his mind working double time.

Just the thing he needed. To be taken hostage by a human. When he let his guard down, Kieran would strike. For now he'd play along, his main concern was keeping Ryanair in control.
Kieran was at his wits end. He smiled as Lady Esther continued to talk, though the expression was tight and forced. The blonde noble didn't seem to notice of care, her musical voice continuing to fill the air of the small room they'd been led to. Ryanair could feel the growing tension in their bond, he shifted his left hand until he could touch his sire’s arm. Kieran stilled at the touch, glancing to his right with a crease in his forehead. Ryanair made sure to keep his movements slow and under the folds of gray silk Kieran has worn that day. Fingers trailed up his spine until they settled at the nape of his sire’s neck, Kieran relaxed at the touch.

“Do pardon me, lady Esther. I hate to bring this fascinating discussion to an end but I have other things to attend to today.” His voice was hard and he didn't regret it, Ryanair hide a smirk as he removed his hand and returned it to his lap. Lady Esther blinked her hazel eyes as the words processed in her mind.

The flashing of her eyes had Ryanair tilting his head. He remembered their last encounter, the sting of her palm against his cheek. He'd overstepped his boundaries by questioning why she seemed to fascinated by his sire. Kieran hadn't said anything other then they'd return another time. It had been when the bond was settling and Ryanair was still learning his new fate, Kieran had led him out with a hand on the small of his back. Lady Esther remained silent except for the brightness of her now petal-pink eyes, Kieran rose and Ryanair followed suit.

Lady Esther rose and moved toward them, her face expressionless. She paused before them and after a long moment, she reached forward. Instead of slap them like Ryanair thought, she kissed their cheeks before stepping back.

“I'll send a message later with the information I've aquired about the Moral family.” At the mention of the name, Kieran atiffens and grits his teeth. Ryanair moved toward his sire and quietly took his arm, the name rung a bell but a faint one. Kieran allows himself to be guided out into the corridor, his posture relaxing when it's just them and silence. He sighs and takes the lead, his strides quick and quiet has he navigates through the mansion. Reaching the main doors, he pushes them open and strides forward, Ryanair matching his pace. They reach the carriage and slip inside, the horse moving as soon as the door is closed.

They really did have other things to do.
Morning brings with it daily routine. Both hop into separate showers, dressing in their best clothes before heading for the front door. Kieran is at least awake enough to halt Ryanair’s half-awaked walking. It was only seven and yet the sun was already up, the carriage the pulled up was a welcomed relief. Moving forward and slipping inside the darkened carriage, he glanced over when Ryanair slipped into the seat beside him. Knowing that they'd be stuck within the smell compartment for an hour at the most, Kieran reached for his fledgling and guided him until he was flat on his back.

Glassy emerald eyes blinked up at him quizzically, Kieran offered no response as the carriage lurched into notion. He simply began to card his fingers through drying blonde hair, Ryanair humming softly at the continuous motion. Soon he was asleep again, his head resting comfortably in Kieran’s lap. By the time they arrived at the Myanmar mansion, both sire and fledgling had managed to sleep for a few moments. Upon exiting the carriage both were led forward by a maid, neither saying a word as they followed. They came to a stop at a familiar set of oak doors, the maid bowing her head before turning on her heel and walking down the corridor. With a sigh Kieran opened the doors and stepped inside. The weight of someone latching onto his left arm has him tensing, the over-priced perfume that fills his nose has him shuddering. Lady Esther giggles happy and presses herself against Kieran, Ryanair looks away and rolls his eyes.

“Good morning Lady Esther.” He offers in greeting, subtly moving out of the grip the woman had in him. Ryanair kept a smirk off his face as Lady Esther frowned, their host sighed and turned to lead them further into the room. It was well carpeted and had a fire going in its stone fireplace, Kieran and Ryanair moving forward hesitantly. Cups of tea were sitting on the mohagany table before them, steam wafting lazily into the air. Both vampires took a seat and watched as Lady Esther took her cup, before lifting their own.

Now, how long would she last? Ryanair thought with a blink of his eyes. Kieran remained quiet but took a sip of his tea, the young heiress taking a sip of her own tea. She'd been silent for thirty seconds so far, a new record if Ryanair remembered correctly.

“So, shall we begin?” Her tone is overly sweet, Ryanair taking a sip of his tea to keep his mouth busy. Kieran nodded and set his cup down, his hands folding across his crossed knees. It was time for business then, Ryanair set his own cup down and leaned back against the cushions.

“Yes, let's begin then.” Kieran responded with a tilt of his head. He'd rather finish this before it took up the rest of his day, he had other plans and don't want to waste time.
At the contact of Clara brushing passed him, Ryanair tensed. Kieran watched her go with a tired expression on his face, glad that it was over if he were honest. Glancing down at the necklace, his pale fingers curled around it before he placed it in his pocket. At the question, Kieran glanced at Christian and offered a shake of his head.

“We live further away from here, I doubt she'd be willing to go that far for this. I'll try another day, if you'll excuse us I have a meeting to attend to in the morning.” He bowed his head, Ryanair following his action with a stiffness that he knew well. The other had told him how he'd ended up dying on a rainy day, he's been taken from his home and beaten to death. He'd had no enemies as far as he knew, though that incident had left scars. Kieran knew the signs and dealt with them because he felt an attachment to the male, now it was time to go home. With little effort, he spun them both around and took off. Ryanair shaking off the old fright as they moved away from the town, Kieran smiling softly as exhaustion and gratefulness that filled their bond.

Arriving home had never felt so refreshing. Entering the front door, both took their shoes off and made their way upstairs. Their home was a simple two-story brick building, with a balcony. It held two bedrooms, a library, and kitchen. Moving to his door, he felt Ryanair pause before his own room, the elder rolled his head and opened his arms. Ryanair stepped into them and took a moment to relax, his nose coming up to touch the left side of Kieran’s neck. Kieran sighed softly and returned the gesture with gratefulness, his own nose touching the mark he'd left on the right side of Ryanair’s neck. Pulling away he patted the blonde head before entering his room and closing the door. He managed to shed his clothes before slipping into his bed, his eyes shut as he head touches the pillow.

Ryanair closes his own door, moving to his bed with measured steps. He slips out of his clothes and lifted a hand to the side of his neck, his fingers caressing the mark there. After a moment he laid down and curled up on his side, sleep tugging at his mind. They both had to wake early if they wished to keep Lady Esther happy, though he knew his presence alone would bother her. Emerald eyes closing as a yawn escaped his lips, Ryanair pushed the events for tonight out of his mind. Tomorrow was another day, and hopefully this time he wouldn't end up with a slap to the face and a fuming sire after their meeting with Lady Esther.
Manners alone had Kieran shaking the others hand, Ryanair following his example with a stiff smile. “Kieran McCain at your pleasure.” Ryanair shifted and after a moment opened his mouth to offer his own name.

“Ryanair Dyes” He offers before returning to his position behind Kieran, his posture tense. The older of the two offered Christian a small smile, he could see the sky around them lightening above him. He raised the necklace with a blink of his eyes, he really just wanted this over. The buzzing in his mind that belonged with him and Clara wanted him to get closer still. He forced a smile and jiggled the necklace once more, the mocking tick of the clock from his room beginning in his mnd.

“I fear we've gotten off on the wrong foot here, I've come to return this to Clara and she refuses to take it when I know it's important to her.” He offers softly, his fingers twitching at his side as he waited for something to happen.

Hopefully they'd resolve this without a fight, so far it hadn't gone so well. Fingers tugging at the loose ends of his hair had Kieran sent a calming wave through their bond. He was glad both of them had eaten the night before, he had no intention of leaving Ryanair behind when he went to see Lady Esther come morning.

Ryanair watched the other two with a mixture of suspension and curiosity. He'd have rather stayed at home, though he rather be with his sire then staring at a blank wall. Clara was a mystery as well as an open book, he could piece information together. She was the girl his sire had bitten, he couldn't deny she was beautiful. The calming wave though their bond had Ryanair rolling his shoulders with a nod. He wasn't new to situations like these, Lady Esther always put him on edge.

A flex of his fingers had the blonde remembering he wasn't weak, he just felt comfortable with Kieran protecting him. The other had helped him when the world had left him to die, he'd do anything for the one who'd kept him living. He shifted his attention to the new male and felt the power coming off of him. They matched in power and probably age as well, he'd forgotten how old his sire was. He waited for the other to respond, his gaze lifting up to the sky.
“He has, shrimp. I know who you are.” Ryanair stated with a bland tone. Kieran half-turned to his fledgling and blinked, their bond flooding with pride and amusement. Ryanair stilled and relaxed slightly, his head tilting to the side. Kieran focused on his first fledgling and signed softly and answered with truth coating his words.

“The bond was calling me here. I was out for a walk and all of a sudden the itch and pull to see you lead me here. Ry followed me and so here we are, also I don't wish to get that out of my possession so I don’t have to deal with you again.” He said blandly, mimicking her words with little effort. He really just wanted to go home now, Ryanair’s fingers probing the center of his back had Kieran relaxing slightly.

His control wasn't weak, but the adrenaline and unease of this place had him really wanting to leave. He had a meeting in the morning and keeping Esther waiting would only end with him suffering. She wouldn't hurt him no, she'd just complain and demand his attention for the rest of the day, something he couldn't afford at the moment. The feel of someone else joining them as both of the males tensing, the continous breeze brining with it the scent of another vampire.
They really should of gone home. With a click of his tongue, Kieran positioned himself before Ryanair.


Esther moved through the quiet of her home, her bare feet silent on the wooden floors. The nightgown she wore that night billowed as she turned the corner that would lead to her own room. The slow heartbeat just out of reach tempting her resolve, reaching her room door she tugs it open. A familiar figure sits on the edge of her bed, Esther smiles and enters her room. Her blonde hair falls freely down her back as she reaches the figure, her eyes shifting to pink. Turning the slender neck to the side, she bites and begins to drink. For tomorrow she would need the energy this feast would give her, being out in the sun didn't hurt them, it was more of a discomfort.

Hopefully her prey wouldn't bring his shadow with him. The blonde male was snappish and remained beside Kieran like a lost puppy. She would marry him, she'd decided that much when she'd found him years earlier. The blonde fledgling would become her plaything when the wedding was finished. Though to be fair, Kieran hadn't seemed interested in her advances….teeth sinking in deeper, Esther drank further.

She’d marry him. No matter what. She was rich and got whatever she wanted, and what she wanted happened to be Kieran.

After taking a moment to enjoy the sound of crashing waves, Kieran moved forward with Ryanair behind him. When he came face to face with the person the bond was pulling him toward, he stilled and tilted his head.

“I came because I wanted to, shrimp. He doesn't need me to battle for him, though I wouldn't mind-” Kieran halted Ryanair’s words with a click of his tongue. Kieran watched the girl before him, his eyes slowly blinking as he tried to comprehend the blurry memories racing in his mind. She seemed familiar and yet a stranger to him, he tugged out the necklace from his pocket and held it out. The crashing waves brought with them the smell of sea-water, he sighed and answered after a moment.

“You know who I am so I won't go about introducing myself. Or I think you might know me...I wasn't really myself at the time.” It wasn't a lie, he remembered every other time in his life with crystal clear clarity. This part, the moment he met this girl and bitten her, it was all a haze. Ryanair shifted behind Kieran, their bond flaring with a mixture of concern and uneasiness. He could feel it now, the need to run and not give a damn why he needed to. He'd managed to hide away from the family that had been chasing him, with a sigh he holds out the necklace with a shrug.

The nagging in the back of his mind, settled as he unconciously listened to the two hearts in front and behind him. His body relaxed slightly as his eyes scanned the edge of the ocean, the feel of the wind around them bringing with it the blurry memories. He'd been on the run for the longest time, only taking breaks long enough to feed and move on. He never really fed until he was full, with the family of hunters right at his heels. He'd come across the small town after three days of running non-stop, his control waning and body aching. The rest refused to make sense, Kieran gritted his teeth and raised a hand to rub at his temples. The necklace felt like a brand against his skin as he waited for it to be taken.

He wanted to go home now. He didn't want to deal with anger.
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