Avatar of Aristocles


Recent Statuses

1 yr ago
Current Still alive. Sorry for the delays. Still have that new job, but I'm (gradually) getting another one. Current one is too slow.
2 yrs ago
Starting a new job in June. Wish me luck!
2 yrs ago
I truly wish I didn't have to type this, but RIP Jason David Frank.
2 yrs ago
Still a little sick. Some sort of cold. Hopefully not the flu. Getting better but it's slowed me down.
1 like
2 yrs ago
That's a good point. Classics like The Little Mermaid were basically perfect the first time around and any remakes can only be worse. Remakes of the bad Disney movies are a second chance for them.
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Hi there! I've been roleplaying for years, mostly in fantasy-type RPs. I don't like giving out too much about myself, but I am a man living in New York City (that's in the Eastern time zone, if you don't already know), over 18. Recently, I have been busy working, although I graduated from college and grad school a while back.

Most Recent Posts


Would fantasy or modern fantasy be of interest to you? Or something modern with fantasy elements but no magic per se?
Giving this a bump, as I don't want to clog up the page with new interest checks.

Welcome! I'm also into fantasy, as you might have guessed. Should I send you a private message? We call those PMs around here. Perhaps we can set up an RP.

Welcome to the guild!

Welcome to the guild!
@Vanq Welcome back!

Welcome back!
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