The Crew of [i]The Pinned Seal[/i] is coming together nicely, a very lively crew indeed... thrilled to be starting Chapter 2. of Winds of Fate. The party has been a blessing and I couldn't be happier.
Just wanted to say how pleased I am with my campaign, and all the players in it. I couldn't be happier…
4 yrs ago
Loving the cast in my current campign. Couldn't be happier. Nightlands will be quite entertaining as well. Kudos to @Kino End. Well done...
Likes, Interests, and Dislikes-
Hello.. I am always looking for new Rp'ers and writers to help fill in gaps between my posts in Rp's that I am currently participating in. I love to create new characters, realms, worlds, all very displayed. I am an artist so I like to add a bit of visual stimuli when I have the time. I try very hard to make it all very immersive. I have a few characters listed below along with my interests and other info...
My likes and interests are Medieval, Low-medium Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Ancient, Steampunk, Pirate/Swashbuckler, Dark, gritty themes (18+), Modern, Sci-fi, Future, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Slice of life, Romance (with plot only), Mystery, Military, Mech/Mecha, Western, Colonial, just to name a few. I like play by post, or chat as well. Large group, small group, 1x1.
My dislikes are Fandoms, High School, ANIME, anything with FUR.. Did I mention fandoms? and fur, already?? I really prefer to play original Rp's and original charatacters for the most part, and I am always looking for new and engaging people to write with. If interested please feel free to PM me.
Writing Style-
Literate, descriptive, multi-para to novella posts. Mature and well written, with grammatical and punctual prowess, and I expect the very same from my partners. Please do not waste my time, and I will do my best not to waste yours.
Winds of Fate- A Thief's Adventure (Writing Sample)
@Atrophy Thank you for updating your CS, it looks great! Also, kudos on another wonderful post. Very pleased with everyone so far.
For everyone.. Once this story gets rolling here in the next few posts we will begin to start utilizing the roll system during the game, as you will be traveling and will be required to make certain rolls periodically to obtain extra information from your current environments.
Awareness Rolls- will be utilized to search for things or scan your immediate surroundings for clues, or to get a jump on any encounters.. The locating of traps and hidden items or clues, descriptions of environments, hidden routes and passages, etc.
Willpower Rolls- will be done to determine whether or not your characters can withstand certain forces within the game, and is basically the measurement of your resolve to see how you will act under pressure. Things like resisting certain statuses like sickness, sleep, starvation, hexes and curses, thought reading or mind control, etc.
Intelligence Rolls:- will be rolled to determine if your character is smart enough to decipher codes, read and understand various languages etc. The ability to learn new things, and the ability to retain information.
Wit Rolls:- will be utilized when trying to outsmart an opponent or encounter, your ability to reason with, or get one over on another individual. To outsmart the other party involved.
Charisma Rolls:- will be rolled when bartering, or when trying to be persuasive with another NPC or neutral encounters. It is a representation of how likeable your character is, and how well you can sway someone in your favor. It can lead to better prices when buying items or services, or win you favorable odds with the opposite sex in particular.
Attack Rolls:- will be rolled in combat along with your Dexterity Mod (or skill mod if applicable) when fighting with weapons, or with your Strength Mod for unarmed combat. Note: Each player may have 2 attacks as beginning players unless they are equipped with a shield*. This negates one attack.
Armor:- Armor rolls will be used as a saving throw against taking wounds. Your final saving grace against combat wounds. If blocking with a shield you will roll for it's mod, and if this fails you may then roll for your armor.
Luck Rolls:- as the name suggests, luck is luck. Roll this if all else fails and maybe, just maybe, the god's will shine on you.
I have added this info to both Zero Posts. Each player will be responsible for doing the initiative rolls, and will be necessary for obtaining certain avenues of interests within the game.
@Blitzy Possibly. This RP has gotten a bit thicker than I anticipated originally.. What sort of character did you have in mind, if you have something festering, that is? This RP is going to be fairly extensive and involves some dice rolling as well. I could maybe squeeze another player in though. Post a CS here and we'll see what we got when we get there.
Make sure to update your CS's to the accommodate the new additions I've made. Level is to be up top along with Armor, and I've added a ton of skills that you may add to your skill list. You may have more than 5 but not less, and can only distribute the original 20 points. Level is explained in Character creation hider on zero post in OOC, and Armor rating mods are found in the purchasable goods under the Weapons and Armor hider found there as well. +1 for regular clothes, +2 for leather and studded leather, +3 for chainmail, and +4 for plate. (add a +1 if you have a cloak that is made of durable material like leather or thick cloth). You can look at Y'vanna's sheet as a reference as to how the sheets should be now with the current updates applied.
I will be adding some general encounters and antagonists today and they can be found in the Character Sheets board on the zero post under the Antagonists hider. I have taken a good bit of time yesterday trying to streamline the Zero posts so that they are easy to navigate and as collapsible as possible. I hope that it isn't too difficult to use..
Also, let me know what you guys think so far on all of this. I'd definitely like some feedback. Try not to get overwhelmed by the items and stuff, as they are just for use as guidelines in the RP for general services and goods, and what the average pricing is for referencing when writing so let me know what you guys think, and also if you have anything that you'd maybe like for me to add I'd love to hear either..@Kassarock@Finris@Atrophy@Jarl Coolgruuf@Fetzen
I have also added Brothels and Priest/religions to the services. I will add more as I continue to think of stuff, or if you have any additions to add I am all ears.
I have added a good bit to the items that will be available for purchase. I have added provisions for long term travel, Horse and Tack and stabling prices, feed, etc. Barrels of food for sea voyages, things like that, food items. A bit more gear. I also will be planning to add a Services Hider for various services like stables, rooms for rent and how much they are, Room and board, etc, all average fees and fares of course.
Here is the full list as is so far.. some hiders have hiders too.
Here is a list of regular services and the average fees for them. Not all services will be available at every location, and will vary in cost depending on location, quality, and availability.
Bath: 1g (proper bath) Clothes Washed: 30b (washes personal clothing, freshening up.) Single Room: 2-3g (per night. Average room includes storage chest or armoire, bed, and wash basin. Inns and Taverns, etc.) Room & Board: 5-6g (per 1 person/day. Includes average room, and 2 meals, a bath) Double Room: 5-6g (per night. Same as average room, with 2 beds) Party Room: 10-15g (per night. Same as average room, with 4-6 beds, extra storage)
These prices will vary upon location, availability, and quality of service, as well as quality of stock. Tavern drinks and food items may also be available depending on the establishment. Rates for rooms are more costly, but they do provide discretion, and will not give away your location or information. In fact, discretion is their number one rule. You will definitely rest better here than in an inn or tavern with a cold bed to sleep in..
Bath: 2g (lavish sponge bath, with help..) Cheap Whore: 2g (per go), 4g (per/hr) Seasoned Whore: 3g (per go), 6g (per/hr) Madame's Best: 5g 9per go), 10g (per/hr) By the Night Rates: Vary Average Room: 5g (includes Average room, wash basin, storage chest or armoire, and discretion. Does not include company.) Lavish Room: 7g (spacious lodge, plush furniture, private Lavatory, hearth, and extra storage, discretion. Does not include company.)
Items that are fabricated will vary in price depending on item, quality, and the amount of resources required.
Repair Tools 1g Repair Weapons: 35-55b Repair Armor: 2-3g Farrier Services: 4-5g (Shoeing Horses) Fletching Services: 1g (Arrow and fletching repair, per 10) Restringing: 1-2g (Provides new string for bows, custom made) Maintenance: 1g (Grips, wraps, silencing, etc. A good looking over.) Tack Repair: 2-3g (bit and buckle, saddle, strap, and buckles.)
Prices will vary upon location, quality of service, and availability.
Feed & Water: 10b (includes hay and water trough) Stable Fares: 55-75b (per night, average. includes hay, salt block, and water) Grooming Fees: 15-25b (includes a wash and a brushing, cleaning of shoes/hooves)
Apothecary's range in a wide variety goods and services. These services include visits to determine ailments, as well as the creation and distribution of salves and tonics, ointments and cures, for all types of ailments ranging in the common rash to mold exposure, and even cures for those nasty venereal diseases. Maybe next time you'll think twice before you do the hokey-pokey, eh?
Prices will vary due to location, availability, and quality, as well as potency, and the rarity of certain ingredients.
Priests and temples, or Holy establishments may provide certain goods and services as well, and depend greatly on the type of religion it is. These services are varied, and so is their success in terms of execution. Oracles, Psychics, and Witches, may provide various trinkets and medallions, that may offer protection or wards to help along your travels.
Lighting a Candle: 2b (Lighting candles in remembrance or prayer can lift the spirit, and sometimes negative effects) Blessings: 5g (Blessings are performed by priests on things such as personal items or apparel, voyages and travels, and may or may not provide boons to both if successful.) Anointing's: 10g (Anointing's are also performed by priests on people. These anointing's may or may not provide certain boons to individuals if done correctly. They may also clear any negative effects, heal wounds and sicknesses as well.)
Fortune Telling: 50b (looking into the eyes to foresee the near future for an individual) Palm Reading/Tarot: 5g (in depth and lengthy reading to foresee one's destiny.) Divine Guidance: 10g (an attempt to find a person, place, or object by psychic guidance.)
There are various means of transportation in the Nines. These range in a wide variety and can provide local or long distance means of travel.
Human Cart: 1g (district transport w/ personal gear only.) Horse cart: 20-35b (district & local transport w/gear) Coach: 2-3g (district & local transport w/gear. Long distance rates vary with location) Ferry: 1g (per person) 2g (w/horse or gear) Boats & Vessels:Rates Vary (local & long distance transport w/gear)
Prices will vary per the item's quality, and by vendor and location. Prices shown are the average prices for average quality steel-grade weapons.
Spring-loaded Dagger: 5-8g (forearm contraption) Cane Sword: 5g Linked Chain Sword: 7-10g (rare and unruly, expensive and hard to master)
Prices will vary per the item's quality, and by vendor and location. Prices shown are the average prices for average quality steel-grade weapons. Sling: 8b Slingshot: 15b bolas: 1g Crude Bow: 15b Hunting Bow: 1g Short-Bow: 3g Longbow: 4g Recurve Bow: 8g Composite Bow: 10g
Prices will vary per the item's quality, and by vendor and location. Prices shown are the average prices for average quality steel-grade weapons. Also note that Armor ratings suffer a -1 mod to their score against bludgeoning damage, and normal clothing has an Armor Rating of +1.
Alchemy items: range in a wide variety of elements and minerals and vary in price and availability. Some items may be sparse or unavailable, and can be extremely costly.
Steel Ingot: 1g Leather Scrap: 1g Pitch/Tar: 10b (jar) Other items may be available. Ask if you have a personal request.
These items are heavy and require additional means to transport them. These items are bulky, and require a pack mule, a wagon, or shipping vessel of some sort to move them, and are intended to feed party members for long periods of time.
Draft Horse: 14g (work horses, war horses - 15g) Warm Bloods: 12g (medium weight horse) Thoroughbred: 13g (medium weight, well rounded) Gaited Horse: 14g (Light horse bred for endurance, speed) Pack Mule: 10g (mule used for transporting equipment)
Stabling & Supplies:
Stable Fares: 55-75b (per night, average. includes hay, salt block, and water) Grooming Fees: 15-25b (includes a wash and a brushing, cleaning of shoes/hooves) Farrier Fees: 2g (blacksmithing and leather works, re-shoeing, fittings, fabrications, etc.) Salt Block: 15b Feed Oats: 15b (per day's rations) Hay bale, Small: 7b (per bale)
Saddle: 4-7g (depending on quality) Tack Gear: 3-5g (depending on quality)
Small Pull-cart: 4g (rolls behind horse for the transport of personal gear, small) One Horse Wagon: 6g (single axle) Two Horse Wagon: 9-10g (double axle) Four Horse Coach: 12-15g (double axle, extra storage, enclosed. Carries 6)
I think that's the last of it for a while.. Very sorry for all the extra stuff, but I feel like it is all necessary for character growth so it had to be added.. again, my apologies. Both the zero posts have been updated and you may look to the character creation Hider on the OOC zero post for all the updated info.
Here is my sheet so you can see what it should look like now.
Y'Vanna is a lush, heavy drinker, and also addicted to various intoxicants. It could be said that Y'Vanna is wild, and she is a bit reckless because of it. She likes to have a good time maybe a bit too often and is partial to the "Dust". A highly addictive stimulant that can be very detrimental.
Y'Vanna comes from a port city called Avondyllac, which is located in the southern most regions of the Lands of the Nine. Her father was a merchant and skiff sailor there in Avondyllac, and was murdered when she was 17. She had no one else to care for her, and shortly after his death she took on with a band of pirating sailor merchants who were less than honorable. She remained with them for the better part of a decade before she was caught and charged with multiple acts of piracy, and was incarcerated and branded, but she managed a hasty escape which has brought her to Guillan, the Empire of the Nine's capital city and the seat of the High King.
She would make a suitable deckhand or sailor, and often takes a sailing job when she can. These positions are not often easy to come by for a woman though so work is sparse. She more often than not takes to pickpocketing and petty thievery to scrape by, and that's just what she does.. Scrape by. She often forgoes a dry bed for the grog and doesn't seem to mind it very much, as long as her cup stays full that is..
Personal Effects:
High quality cutlass (Obviously stolen) Scabbard and 2 belts Stiletto dagger, leather sheath (fair in quality.. also probably stolen..) Small caliber flintlock pistol (crude) Small powder horn Leather, studded leather armor, +2 armor protection Small set of picks leather Coin-purse Small leather Satchel Bag Light leather Hooded Cloak A small piece of leather scrap containing a small vial of "dust", powdered stimulant, mood altering drug which is also highly addictive.
Also I would like to add a level to your character sheet as well. I plan on rewarding everyone throughout the story with experience and each time you level up or learn a new skill I will provide you with new skillsets and points to disperse in your respective preexisting lists as well. Everyone's character should be level one, and should fit into one of these categories:
Rogue, Cutpurse, Burglar, Strong-Arm, Bodyguard, Apothecary, Alchemist, Forger, Pirate, Bandit, etc.. and everyone should be considered either a novice or apprentice level to start.
I also updated the skillset list, to give you an idea of acceptable skillsets your character might have. I also changed it so that you may have more than 5 skillsets, but no less..
Skillsets include: Pick-pocketing, Lock-Picking, Stealth/Subterfuge, Scaling/Climbing, Disarming Security Devices/Traps, Pilfering, Shadow-Bending*, Swimming, Heightened Sense of Sight, Heightened Sense of Hearing, Illusion, Evasion, Stealthy Blow, Silver Tongue/Persuasion, Pan-handling, Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Gambling/Cheating, Throwing Weapons, Ranged Weapon Proficiency, Scheming, Parry, etc..
I am open to other skills as well but I prefer these simpler types.. Please make sure your inquiries aren't too lavish.
In regards to character sheets everyone's sheet should now resemble this now. There is a list of attributes as well as skills, and now an armor slot at the top with currency and ammunition. If anyone has any questions I will be happy to help.
[center][h3][b][color=fff79a]Likes, Interests, and Dislikes-[/color][/b][/h3][/center]
I am always looking for new Rp'ers and writers to help fill in gaps between my posts in Rp's that I am currently participating in. I love to create new characters, realms, worlds, all very displayed. I am an artist so I like to add a bit of visual stimuli when I have the time. I try very hard to make it all very immersive. I have a few characters listed below along with my interests and other info...
My [b]likes[/b] and [b]interests[/b] are Medieval, Low-medium Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Ancient, Steampunk, Pirate/Swashbuckler, Dark, gritty themes (18+), Modern, Sci-fi, Future, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Slice of life, Romance (with plot only), Mystery, Military, Mech/Mecha, Western, Colonial, just to name a few. I like play by post, or chat as well. Large group, small group, 1x1.
My [b]dislikes[/b] are Fandoms, High School, [b]ANIME[/b], anything with [b]FUR[/b].. Did I mention [i]fandoms[/i]? and [i]fur[/i], already?? I really prefer to play original Rp's and original charatacters for the most part, and I am always looking for new and engaging people to write with. If interested please feel free to PM me.[/color]
[center][color=fff79a][h3]Writing Style-[/h3]
[i][b]Literate, descriptive, multi-para to novella posts. Mature and well written, with grammatical and punctual prowess, and I expect the very same from my partners. Please do not waste my time, and I will do my best not to waste yours.[/b][/i][/color]
[h3][b][color=fff79a]Winds of Fate- A Thief's Adventure
(Writing Sample)[/color][/b][/h3]
[url=][b]Winds of Fate - A Thief's Adventure[/b][/url]
[hider=Male Characters]
[h3][color=fff79a]Medieval, Fantasy, etc-[/color][/h3]
[b]The Pinned Seal, Merchant Ship & Crew[/b]
(Winds of Fate ~ A Thieves' Adventure, Advanced)
[b]Jonathan Marrows[/b] (Medieval, Low Fantasy)
[b]Galvennius De'Voiles[/b] (Medieval, Low Fantasy)
[b]Cyril Vandenberghe[/b] (Medieval, Low Fantasy)
[b]Captain Slade[/b] (Steampunk, Fantasy)
[b]Vallec Von Brandt[/b] (Medieval, Low Fantasy)
[h3][color=fff79a]Future, Sci-fi, etc-[/color][/h3][/hider]
[hider=Female Characters]
[h3][color=fff79a]Medieval, Fantasy, etc-[/color][/h3]
[b]Marie - Claire Thibodaux[/b] (Colonial, French Quarter)
[b]Abigail O'Connell[/b] (Colonial, French Quarter)
[b]Cherity Von Brandt[/b] (Steampunk, Sky Pirates, Fantasy)
[b]Y'Vanna[/b] (Medieval, Low Fantasy, Fantasy)
[b]Delilah Rose[/b] (Steampunk, Fantasy, Western)
[b]Patience Dawn McCray[/b] (Western, Gunslinger, Outlaw)
[h3][color=fff79a]Slice of Life, Modern, Military-[/color][/h3]
[b]Lt. Serena Gomez[/b] - (SWAT/LAPD)
[b]"Stacey" Wikaya Broken-Sky[/b](North Dakota Barfly)
[h3][color=fff79a]Future, Sci-fi, etc-[/color][/h3]
[b]Margaret Gunn, The Raven[/b] (Sci-fi, Mech, Future, Military)
[h3][b][color=fff79a]Other Resources-[/color][/b][/h3]
[url=][b]WINDS OF FATE- D20 System[/b][/url]
[url=]CS BLANKS[/url]
[url=]1d20 CS BLANKS[/url]
[url=]1d20 FANTASY ITEMS LIST[/url]
[url=]RELIGION BLANK[/url]
[url=]MY IMAGES[/url]
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><div class="bb-center"><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b"><font color="#fff79a">Likes, Interests, and Dislikes-</font></span></div></div><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><font color="#fff79a"><span class="bb-b">Hello..</span><br> I am always looking for new Rp'ers and writers to help fill in gaps between my posts in Rp's that I am currently participating in. I love to create new characters, realms, worlds, all very displayed. I am an artist so I like to add a bit of visual stimuli when I have the time. I try very hard to make it all very immersive. I have a few characters listed below along with my interests and other info...<br><br> My <span class="bb-b">likes</span> and <span class="bb-b">interests</span> are Medieval, Low-medium Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Ancient, Steampunk, Pirate/Swashbuckler, Dark, gritty themes (18+), Modern, Sci-fi, Future, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Slice of life, Romance (with plot only), Mystery, Military, Mech/Mecha, Western, Colonial, just to name a few. I like play by post, or chat as well. Large group, small group, 1x1. <br><br> My <span class="bb-b">dislikes</span> are Fandoms, High School, <span class="bb-b">ANIME</span>, anything with <span class="bb-b">FUR</span>.. Did I mention <span class="bb-i">fandoms</span>? and <span class="bb-i">fur</span>, already?? I really prefer to play original Rp's and original charatacters for the most part, and I am always looking for new and engaging people to write with. If interested please feel free to PM me.</font><br><br><div class="bb-center"><font color="#fff79a"><div class="bb-h3">Writing Style-</div><br><span class="bb-i"><span class="bb-b">Literate, descriptive, multi-para to novella posts. Mature and well written, with grammatical and punctual prowess, and I expect the very same from my partners. Please do not waste my time, and I will do my best not to waste yours.</span></span></font><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b"><font color="#fff79a">Winds of Fate- A Thief's Adventure <br> (Writing Sample)</font></span></div><br><a href=""><span class="bb-b">Winds of Fate - A Thief's Adventure</span></a><br><img src="" /><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b"><font color="#fff79a">COMPENDIUM</font></span></div><br><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Male Characters">Male Characters [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><img src="" /><br><div class="bb-h3"><font color="#fff79a">Medieval, Fantasy, etc-</font></div><br><span class="bb-b">The Pinned Seal, Merchant Ship & Crew</span><br>(Winds of Fate ~ A Thieves' Adventure, Advanced)<br><a href=""></a><br><br><span class="bb-b">Jonathan Marrows</span> (Medieval, Low Fantasy)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Galvennius De'Voiles</span> (Medieval, Low Fantasy) <br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Cyril Vandenberghe</span> (Medieval, Low Fantasy)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Captain Slade</span> (Steampunk, Fantasy)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Vallec Von Brandt</span> (Medieval, Low Fantasy)<br><a href=""></a><br><div class="bb-h3"><font color="#fff79a">Future, Sci-fi, etc-</font></div></div></div><br><div class="hider-panel"><div class="hider-heading"><button type="button" class="btn btn-default btn-xs hider-button" data-name="Female Characters">Female Characters [+]</button></div><div class="hider-body" style="display: none"><img src="" /><br><div class="bb-h3"><font color="#fff79a">Medieval, Fantasy, etc-</font></div><br><span class="bb-b">Marie - Claire Thibodaux</span> (Colonial, French Quarter)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Abigail O'Connell</span> (Colonial, French Quarter)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Cherity Von Brandt</span> (Steampunk, Sky Pirates, Fantasy)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Y'Vanna</span> (Medieval, Low Fantasy, Fantasy)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Delilah Rose</span> (Steampunk, Fantasy, Western)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">Patience Dawn McCray</span> (Western, Gunslinger, Outlaw)<br><a href=""></a><br><div class="bb-h3"><font color="#fff79a">Slice of Life, Modern, Military-</font></div><br><span class="bb-b">Lt. Serena Gomez</span> - (SWAT/LAPD)<br><a href=""></a><br><span class="bb-b">"Stacey" Wikaya Broken-Sky</span>(North Dakota Barfly)<br><a href=""></a><br><div class="bb-h3"><font color="#fff79a">Future, Sci-fi, etc-</font></div><br><span class="bb-b">Margaret Gunn, The Raven</span> (Sci-fi, Mech, Future, Military)<br><a href=""></a></div></div><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div><br><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b"><font color="#fff79a">Other Resources-</font></span></div><br><a href=""><span class="bb-b">WINDS OF FATE- D20 System</span></a><br><br><a href="">CS BLANKS</a><br><a href="">1d20 CS BLANKS</a><br><a href="">1d20 FANTASY ITEMS LIST</a><br><a href="">RELIGION BLANK</a><br><a href="">MY IMAGES</a><br><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="">FANTASY MAP GENERATOR</a><br><a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener" href="">FANTASY GENERATOR +</a><br><div class="bb-h3"><span class="bb-b"><font color="#fff79a">Notes-</font></span></div><br><a href="">LAPD SCANNER CODES</a></div><br><div class="bb-center"><img src="" /></div></div>