Avatar of Arkitekt


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Current Am I back?? I think I'm back...
3 yrs ago
The Crew of [i]The Pinned Seal[/i] is coming together nicely, a very lively crew indeed... thrilled to be starting Chapter 2. of Winds of Fate. The party has been a blessing and I couldn't be happier.
3 yrs ago
Campaign is going great, couldnt be happier with our first bit of combat! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Just wanted to say how pleased I am with my campaign, and all the players in it. I couldn't be happier roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Loving the cast in my current campign. Couldn't be happier. Nightlands will be quite entertaining as well. Kudos to @Kino End. Well done...
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Likes, Interests, and Dislikes-

I am always looking for new Rp'ers and writers to help fill in gaps between my posts in Rp's that I am currently participating in. I love to create new characters, realms, worlds, all very displayed. I am an artist so I like to add a bit of visual stimuli when I have the time. I try very hard to make it all very immersive. I have a few characters listed below along with my interests and other info...

My likes and interests are Medieval, Low-medium Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Ancient, Steampunk, Pirate/Swashbuckler, Dark, gritty themes (18+), Modern, Sci-fi, Future, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Slice of life, Romance (with plot only), Mystery, Military, Mech/Mecha, Western, Colonial, just to name a few. I like play by post, or chat as well. Large group, small group, 1x1.

My dislikes are Fandoms, High School, ANIME, anything with FUR.. Did I mention fandoms? and fur, already?? I really prefer to play original Rp's and original charatacters for the most part, and I am always looking for new and engaging people to write with. If interested please feel free to PM me.

Writing Style-

Literate, descriptive, multi-para to novella posts. Mature and well written, with grammatical and punctual prowess, and I expect the very same from my partners. Please do not waste my time, and I will do my best not to waste yours.

Winds of Fate- A Thief's Adventure
(Writing Sample)

Winds of Fate - A Thief's Adventure


Other Resources-




Most Recent Posts

Y'Vanna was just finishing her last horn as Solange nudged the glass of wine towards her. She took one look at it and scowled.

"Eww... wine, I never touch that stuff... hate that shite..." she said, slamming her horn down on the table and swiping for the glass of wine. She took a healthy sip before she continued. "Well, a sailor we may have, and aye, ye sound confident in your own right, but just how can ye be certain things will run so smoothly, eh?"

She could feel the warmth of the alcohol flooding her face and belly, oh the sweet embrace... A dance she had danced nearly every night for as long as she could remember. The bluntness of her speech was a dead giveaway.

"I mean, eighty kilometers is a good bit of distance to be traveling with people I just met, and to be trusting them takes it even further out to sea for meself... Especially when I'm to me making deal with Vargas... or his business partner either."

Y'Vanna had barely got the words out as Vargas came through the open doorway and into the room. Percival followed him in as well with a broken look about his face and his shoulders sloping off in a sulking manner. Vargas's attire was well over the top, A beautifully gilded royal blue frock with gold threading, exceptionally tailored. His shoes and gloves, both of black leather and very well kempt. His mustache and facial hair was waxed and groomed, and that smell... she couldn't put her finger on quite what it was but it stung at the nostrils. The room fell eerily silent for a moment, the only sound was the hardened leather bottoms of his shoes as they fell on the planks below. Even the ambience of the tavern seemed to muffle slightly.

"What's this I am hearing about a proposition, hmmm?" he said, placing a gloved hand to his face inquisitively. "It had better be lucrative, whatever it is. I don't take kindly to intrusions... especially at MY OWN TABLE!" he said rather loudly in Percy's direction, but did not turn.

"Well, then ye're gonna love this one Varg- Lord Vargas." Y'Vanna said with a bit of a shaky voice. "I was just telling your business partner-"

"Partner?" Vargas said abruptly, cutting her off before she could continue. He looked to Solange as Y'Vanna was gesturing at her when she spoke. "Oh, right.. aheheh.. Yes indeed, my partner." He said, a warm smile gathered on his face as again locked his gaze on her. "Please, do continue. It's no secret that my associate and I are quite fond of the prospect of making a bit of money... Percy, get your worthless ass downstairs and get us a few rounds for everyone. I'll foot the tab if this takes to my liking" he said, snapping a finger before moving to take his chair, which he graciously eased into. He clasped his hands in front of him on the table, eager to hear this tale.

"Aye, yer partner was saying that she could get us a ship to Gnok island, some eighty kilometers west of here." Y'Vanna said as she tore through the glass of wine.

"Oh, and Percy. Fetch Nora for me while you're at it." Vargas added "Please, continue."

Percival nodded and took his leave, and not soon enough after what he had just endured...
Like, I was literally just thinking about this today.
I was just thinking about a character that I think I had made for this the first time around but I didn't get a chance to join. I'd like to join again but I'm currently running a campaign of my own and I'm also in another campaign as well. But I have been dying to play her... like seriously itching. It just looks like a lot of commitment, as you clearly have a lot of content. I'm teetering on giving it a go anyway. I would most likely change her back story slightly, and possibly make her an independent contractor instead of 101st.

Here she is, if you remember her CS. I was rather proud of her...

Gunn, Margaret
A.K.A.- "The Raven"

Age: 28
Gender: Female
Weight: 57kilos
Faction: 101st Infantry
Occupation: Pilot
Callsign: BLACKBIRD-765
Personality: Cold, stand offish, cynic, unpleasant.
Motivation: Currency, fame, and an unbridled devotion to her trade.

Mech: Marauder MkII

@Zoey Boey smells like something good is cooking over there...
Very glad I checked the general boards... this is going to be great, and like @Prosaic mentioned above, I am very glad you are all very well written. I couldn't be happier about that. I am looking forward to this immensely and I am loving the pace too. I hate waiting so much on here, the only real drawback to play by post in my opinion. Very glad to be here with the rest of you.

@Zoey Boey Emily is awesome! Definitely a wonderful contrast to the rest of us too.

Y'Vanna chugged at the grog in her horn. This was all happening so fast. She hit the bottom and slammed it down on the table, wiping the froth from the corners of her mouth with her arm. She didn't slam it hard enough for it to make much of a sound, or come off as abrasive or anything like that. She had only been there for less than an hour and the prospects were already piling in. She had seen Neh'Miah around the tavern before on several occasions. She hardly knew much about him, save for his tendency to get a big head about himself... but other than that he seemed fairly straightforward and harmless. The other she still didn't know at all, and the fiery redhead... well, Y'Vanna still didn't know how to receive her.

"Aye, there be no guarantee on the loot but if it's there it'll be enough for us all to get good and square on all our affairs or endeavors." she said. "But we're pressed for time, it's a fact that as sure as I know about others do too. Now, it was just discovered a few days ago and I got the tip-off from one of the crew that came back to pick up the crew that would oversee the project, sure enough. So, we don't have a lot of time... and again, eighty kilometers is a good swim no matter who ye be."

Her tone was a bit more robust and coy, now that the grog had slithered it's way into her veins. She would need every drop of courage the foul liquid could offer. Not only was the task at hand going to be insanely difficult logistically, she would also have to make sure that she could survive the rest of them as well... for the sea was no place for the meek, especially amongst bandits and cutthroats. This was to be a treacherous trial by fire if she had ever seen one.

"It's Neh'Miah, right?" she said, gesturing with her arm to take a seat. "Don't suppose ye be with a ship, do ye? Can't expect us all to float on that big head of yours now." she said with little filter as she poured the last horn from her pitcher.

She hoped that Vargas would end his rant on Percival in a timely fashion so that he could render her another one. She could see them both through the latticed wall separating the room from the hallway. Vargas with his hands up in the air gesturing wildly, his face turning several shades of rouge as he began to work himself up good and proper. She finished pouring and tried to set the pitcher on the table with little success, as it toppled over and rolled slightly about.
DR Stanton's Building - 7:54PM

The group was ending it's formalities and greeting as Serena approached, her fingers clutching at the heat that resonated from the foam cup of coffee. She nodded and afforded them all the faintest of smiles or a nod to those that made eye contact or gave any gesture. She thought it was very strange that Dr. Hopkins was greeting them prior to the group session. She had only seen Linda a handful in her four months with the group, and it was usually only in passing or briefly during group. She took another sip of her coffee as she followed the group inside. She was quite eager to get out of the cold and she was welcomed with a dense blast of warm air all over her face from blowers above the entrance.
The building was fairly large and well maintained. The floors were nice, but not overly done, as was the rest of the aesthetic of the main lobby. It was a mix of classy modern design, fairly minimalistic, with a clean and open flow of traffic. The Lobby was extremely quiet tonight. Oddly so, she thought to herself, as she passed by the front desk that was void from any receptionist which she also noted, sipping her coffee as they passed. The group piled onto the elevator like it was a carnival ride, at least it seemed that way to her. She was never weirded out by elevators or anything like that, but riding one with a group of fundamentally fucked up individuals had given her perspective new dimensions. She piled on with the rest of them as they enjoyed the short but awkward ascent to the fifth floor.

:::The tone dings just before the doors open:::

Serena stepped out from the elevator and into the hallway. She gasps as her coffee falls to the ground. Something really fucked up was going on. It was either that or those oxycodone's weren't oxycodone, which wasn't completely out of the question but this... something strange was definitely going on. She walked the hallway with the others to the door which lay ajar. Russell drew his sidearm and prepared to breach the door.

"I'm with you Russell." she said in a firm, but edgy tone. She put her hand on Russell's shoulder as they stacked the door.

She also had a conceal carry in a slim holster on her belt but she refrained from pulling it. The incident had left her less keen on firearms than she had been before it happened, and she would only consider using it in a life or death situation. She followed Russell's lead as he opened the door to the Dr. Stanton's group room. Again, she could not believe her eyes. The horrendous sight was too much to take in all at once and it was extremely surreal. She stood motionless as Russell gave his phone to Linda, but her shock was broken by a rustling noise as she could see movement in the corner of her eye. A dark figure was briskly trying to flee from the room. Serena immediately sprang into action as her heels dug heavily into the flooring below. She bolted after them.

"Call the cops! I'm in Pursuit!.." she yelled vigorously as she began to pursue the figure. "and don't let anyone touch anything Russell!"

Her words fell audibly as she gained ground between herself and the group, her heavy footsteps pounded the hall floor as she approached the stairwell, just as the door was closing back on her, which she slammed into with her shoulder as she entered the stairwell. The sound of the door slamming open was deafening as it panged against the block walls. She looked over the railing and could see the figure a few floors down already and gaining. Her feet fell on the steps, just barely catching enough of them to keep herself upright and free from calamity. A loud booming noise bellowed in the stairwell as she jumps down to each landing, rounding the curve and onto the next flight below. She looked over the railing once more as she heard the door bursting open below. The sound in the stairwell made it sound as if the door had been liberated clean from it's hinges. She was still three flights up but moving as fast as she could.
She reached the bottom as the door is again closing on her. She slammed into it once more and straight out into the cold, snowy streets below. The snow was blowing wildly about and visibility was poor at best as Serena busted out into the streets. She could barely make out the figure as it was traveling southeast on West 89th Street. She bent and rested her hands on her knees she gasped for air, trying to catch her breath. It was abundantly clear that her excessive smoking had indeed taken a bit of a toll on her, and the shrillness of the night air wasn't helping either. She took a moment to gather herself before trying the door to the stairs to return to the group, which was able to auto-lock apparently...

"Fucking unbelievable." she said standing in the light of the floodlamp above the door.

She pulled her cell from her jacket and began dialing the police herself as she rounded the street corner to go in through the main entrance again. She knew that Russell had told Linda to do the same by now, but it certainly couldn't hurt for her to do so as well. She got off of the elevator and was just getting off the phone when she returned to the group.

"Yeah, I mean... that's all I got. Dark clothing going southeast on West 89th.... yep... mhmm.. you got it. Make sure you get forensics and the coroner here as soon as you can..." she said, looking over the group. "there's a group of um... witnesses here that are going to have a hard time not muddying up your scene... Alright... Mhmm.. The sooner the better. Yep, mhmm... thank you Sergeant." and with that she slid her phone to end the call and she placed it back inside her jacket pocket.

She blew on her fingers to warm them as she went to secure the crime scene. She could only hope that Emily hadn't fingered everything in the room before she could get back. Surely Russell would have done a decent enough job containing the rest of them while she was absent. She still couldn't believe that this was happening. The brutality of the scene was extreme and shouted occult, at least that's what Serena thought anyway. It was very ritualistic, full of symbolism. But why? Why would anyone have motive to kill the good Doctor? Besides the fanatical patient theory, there wasn't a lot to go on but this was so intricately staged that it would have taken a lot of planning and setting up to do. This was sophisticated in it's design. She looked to Linda and then to Russell, and then back to the statuesque Dr. Stanton.

"What... the actual... FUCK." was the only response she could muster, still panting from the run. "Is everyone... alright?"
@Rapid ReaderLove it! Go ahead and move her over to the CS board and post at your convenience. Very well done.
New York City,
Upper West Side - 7:43PM

The cold had never really been her thing, it had always always been something that she loathed. But the snow, oh that snow. Now there was something that she did find some joy in. Just look at it, so peaceful. Serene. Hardly seemed worth it though. Harsh winds always pounding whatever small portion of exposed skin it could find, sharp like tiny needles. It had a knack for infiltrating even further into the warm crevices between flesh and clothing, igniting damp, sweaty skin like blankets of blazing napalm. The stinging hands, the numbness, burning feet. Wet socks... those were the worst, and the city breeds potholes like it does rats. Like a minefield of tiny muddy disasters, all primed and ready to destroy your best jeans and shoes. She was rather careless when it came to things like that, clothing and such, extremely hard on shoes though.

She had been there for about ten minutes before anyone had showed up, and she was already on her third cigarette. A habit she had always done, but prior to her being put on leave it was more of a social habit done over drinks, but that had been almost four months ago. Now she smoked all the time. Come to think of it, she drank all the time too. It was definitely not any kind of secret, that was for certain. Another habit that worsened after the incident. Four months ago... had it been that long already? She hated therapy, always had. That's one of the reasons they had put her in the group with Stanton. Not only did he come highly regarded as did his program, but the good Doctor thought that perhaps she would do better in a group environment, and of course, he was right. She had stopped along the way at Levain's Bakery on West 74th Street to grab a cup of coffee before coming to group. A ritual that she apparently adopted since her attendance at the group had started. The coffee was cheap and not too bad. Plus, it wasn't too far from the meeting so it was fairly convenient for her to do so and she would need the caffeine to help her suffer through the session.
It wasn't anything personal. Serena just hated therapy. It made her feel inadequate and quite broken... at least that was her perception of it. She took a sip from the foam cup to beat back the cold as she watched the others as they begin to gather. It was all so very awkward. Prior to the incident Serena was a healthy, mentally stable young woman in her prime. She was never ailed by anything like some of the members who attended Stanton's group. Things change I suppose. She was still trying to come to terms with everything that had happened, and trying to cope, or find adequate ways to attempt to do so. Group was supposed to be temporary. She had never imagined that she'd still be here after all this time. She hadn't really thought much on any of it really. She was too busy self medicating to dull the world around her. Emotionally empty, save for brief moments of bitterness and contempt, that is.

She always tried to keep a bit of distance from the group, like a circling vulture she would often come drifting in after the others had flocked together. She had to kind of slow drip into it. To say that she was close to any of them would be a severe overstatement, but she did rather enjoy Russell. He was a P.I. so they had a good bit of things in common. Well, maybe not in common, but they had a lot of things that they could relate to given their fields of employment. She had never met him in the field but she had dealt with many P.I.'s while on the job, most of which were all characters to some degree or other. But not Russell, at least she didn't see him that way. Sure he had a nostalgic style to himself in his own right, but he wasn't one of the douche-baggy kind of guys that she always seemed to run into at work. She also admired him for how genuinely kind he was when dealing with Bernard. He was very kind. She caught herself trying to form a smile and quickly thwarted it as she began to make her way over towards them, like a lone pigeon waddling ever closer on the paving stones.
She noticed that the Doctor's assistant was meeting with the group outside a bit early. A peculiarity that immediately sparked an inquisitive thought process. She had been with an off feeling in her gut for a few days now. She was always a bit melancholy and overly anxious, but this was different. Something was off and she hadn't any idea as to what it could be but she knew that something wasn't right. A cop's intuition... Maybe. She nodded to those that made eye contact but didn't say anything as she approached the group, eager to see what was going on.

I will post when I get home from work tomorrow. Been a late day at work today. Reading everything now and if anyone needs to mention Serena she has been by the monument, she got there early but she hates group things, and being social. She'll be coming over after everyone gets the awkward informalities out of the way while she finishes her smoke. Will definitely post after work. I'm on US EST so it'll be about 8 before I get home.
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