Avatar of Arkitekt


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Current Am I back?? I think I'm back...
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The Crew of [i]The Pinned Seal[/i] is coming together nicely, a very lively crew indeed... thrilled to be starting Chapter 2. of Winds of Fate. The party has been a blessing and I couldn't be happier.
3 yrs ago
Campaign is going great, couldnt be happier with our first bit of combat! roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Just wanted to say how pleased I am with my campaign, and all the players in it. I couldn't be happier roleplayerguild.com/topics/…
4 yrs ago
Loving the cast in my current campign. Couldn't be happier. Nightlands will be quite entertaining as well. Kudos to @Kino End. Well done...
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Likes, Interests, and Dislikes-

I am always looking for new Rp'ers and writers to help fill in gaps between my posts in Rp's that I am currently participating in. I love to create new characters, realms, worlds, all very displayed. I am an artist so I like to add a bit of visual stimuli when I have the time. I try very hard to make it all very immersive. I have a few characters listed below along with my interests and other info...

My likes and interests are Medieval, Low-medium Fantasy, Fantasy, Historical, Ancient, Steampunk, Pirate/Swashbuckler, Dark, gritty themes (18+), Modern, Sci-fi, Future, Dystopian, Apocalyptic, Slice of life, Romance (with plot only), Mystery, Military, Mech/Mecha, Western, Colonial, just to name a few. I like play by post, or chat as well. Large group, small group, 1x1.

My dislikes are Fandoms, High School, ANIME, anything with FUR.. Did I mention fandoms? and fur, already?? I really prefer to play original Rp's and original charatacters for the most part, and I am always looking for new and engaging people to write with. If interested please feel free to PM me.

Writing Style-

Literate, descriptive, multi-para to novella posts. Mature and well written, with grammatical and punctual prowess, and I expect the very same from my partners. Please do not waste my time, and I will do my best not to waste yours.

Winds of Fate- A Thief's Adventure
(Writing Sample)

Winds of Fate - A Thief's Adventure


Other Resources-




Most Recent Posts

DR Stanton's Building - 8:17PM

"Thanks Russell. That's a good idea keeping everyone occupied. I'll talk to the police when they arrive before they can harass anyone from group, though I'm sure they'll definitely want to talk to Linda." she said as she turned to Russell.

She was genuinely glad that she had someone else to rely on in this situation. Russell's voice was rather reassuring to Serena, finally having caught her breath. She nodded and smiled at his words. She studied the room for a while before focusing on on the good Doctor's corpse. She knelt down, her boot and knee becoming lightly soiled by powdery substance, but it was necessary for her to examine the note. The paper was uncommon but without a proper analysis an identification couldn't be verified. Communion Ends, disperse... The message seemed to imply that whoever was responsible for this would have an intimate knowledge of Dr. Stanton, and furthermore, the group. Serena felt a growing concern in her belly for the safety of the others. Could they be targeted in this as well, or possibly even the targets themselves? Her thoughts begin to spiral into descent in the most vexing of ways. Then there was Linda, the assistant. Her sole presence in a seemingly empty building with a murder scene as it's centerpiece? This too was odd, she thought. Some suspicions arose but she knew not to assume anything, and besides, she had chased the perp herself...
She had not been extremely close with Dr. Stanton but she was having a hard time detaching herself from him in this moment. She rose to her feet, dusting her kneecap off, trying to expel as much of the sooty material from her jeans as possible. She shook of the grim feeling she was having. Not now, Serena, gotta be strong for the rest of them for now, she thought to herself. She was trying to muster the necessary courage and backbone required to go through the motions of giving a statement. Something she was usually on the other side of. It was a bit later before the police would arrive, along with Russell's old partner Bill. Russell was quick to introduce them as to keep collateral damage imposed on the group to a minimum. Serena did her best to divulge whatever information she could to Russell's old partner, given her expertise in certain aspects she picked up from the scene, but it was still a short conversation.

"Detective Henderson." she said "Lt. Gomez from the NYPD, technically I'm on leave..."

Serena spent a brief bit of time with the detective discussing a bit about her background, and the technicalities of her being on medical leave, and the incident that led to it and also mentions the delicate nature of the group and that she would appreciate it if they would do whatever they could to be as gentle as possible. She also made him aware that everyone might not give a statement and that was okay. She then described the scene as it had unfolded to them, as a group. She then began give her statement on the pursuit...

"Yes, that's correct. I pursued the perp down the stairwell and lost visual about a block to the southeast on 89th street." she said "Nope, couldn't be sure exactly what he was wearing, just that it was all dark. Some kind of hoody I think, but I couldn't be sure."

She answered him as honestly as she could. Details were always the hardest things to remember. She now had a newfound respect for those people she had taken statements from or questioned in the past. She could now see why they had such a hard time remembering what seemed like it should be an easy task. It was not... She decided not to mention any suspicion of Linda to Bill, she would keep that to herself for now. She did mention to the detective that the entire building seemed vacant, and that there was no receptionist and that they hadn't seen another soul, save for the perp... and Linda. It wasn't her concern anyway. They would want to talk to Linda extensively anyway, being the only clinically sane one there. Anything on the odd would come out there, she supposed.
@vietmyke I switched the faction, and in regards to her being nuts I meant she is really reckless, she doesn't talk to walls or lick windows or anything. I already added the flares as I thought they didn't count, but I was wanting to add a stealth drive. SHe is mainly built for cqc mas to mas or infantry and small armored vehicle engagements. Her Mech will be black, special paint coating that further deteriorates it's signature. And then I'm done, I will switch to RAVEN as my callsign as well. Weapons will be an HPK 115mm Salvo artillery cannon, some sort of ballistic machine gun, some sort of plasma edged blade, and some sort of small missile system capable of engaging single or multiple targets.
@vietmyke I believe @Jarl Coolgruuf and I are working on a bit of common history, his character will possibly be her CQC Instructor and current CO (or comparative superior) in the 101st, and one of the only people to have seen her record. If that flys? Also may I have an extra Utility system to go with the two allotted ones since she is going to be ACE - veteran status? It's going to be an SOC Medium chassis built for CQC and close to medium range engagements with multiple targets.

Designation: SOC
Role: Raipid Response - CQC, Close to Medium range engagements, Infantry
CHASIS: Medium

Smart-Target AI: Upgrade to the standard MAS computer with a Smart Targeting AI, this MAS can rapidly acquire multiple targets simultaneously, making 'blind firing' more accurate and providing her an edge in close ranged combat.

Sonar Stakes: Special stakes are attached to the MAS's legs, and when deployed, drive themselves into the ground, both locking the MAS to the ground, and providing a detection distance 5 times that of the standard MAS. Note that it cannot be used in Space, and can only detect targets on the ground

Countermeasures: Flares (5x5)
would it be possible for me to gain one more utility system than the two allotted for a medium chasis? Being that she is an Aced Veteran for the 101st?
No mech yet but this is what I got so far, I really want her to be super elite. She is batshit nuts though.

Going to post shortly. Where exactly is the dr's room in the building? I pictured the stairwell on the southside so thats the way I went. I'm just curious as to which side the windows would be on (if any) so that serena could see when the cops arrive, I mean they will probably hear sirens and all that but she will most likely be looking for them too.

I feel like the southwestern corner (closest to the monument, so stairwell would be southeastern corner) would be a good spot so that they could see both the front and 89th, but it's up to you.

NOTE: The marker I have placed was the last known location of the perp she was following. That's where she lost sight of him.
@vietmyke Yes there are several versions of her, I've swapped her around a good bit to fit other things, but I definitely recall your name, and the 101st, and all of the lore and stuff. I can switch her around again and give a more thorough version with a mech sheet as well. I just wanted to express my interest even though I am about full up on campaigns currently so I'm still trying to decide if I can make space enough for this one.

Here is the three versions I had, but I will definitely remake her because I dont want her back story any longer and I may go independent/mercenary if I do join. I do want her to be an elite pilot though, she is absolutely nuts. Gun for hire, extremely effective.

The Raven
I like slice of life nuances this gives off too. I usually do the medieval low fantasy or sci fi stuff. I definitely enjoy these sort of elements that focus on daily life and mundane habits and things like that. It's a nice switch up from what I mainly do.
@Zoey Boey yeah that is kind of cool. Very nice touch indeed.
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