Ninty Bat
Ninty rolled her eyes, ‘Jester’ was indeed a very fitting nickname for the man.
“Indeed, my dear Syfa.” Ninty too put on an air of ‘sophistication.
She cast her gaze to the group beind as she continued, keeping an eye on who was were just in case anyone got left behind or couldn’t keep up with their employers surprising pace. Admittedly Ninty felt her feet starting to burn in protest. Surely, he hadn’t been rushing this much yesterday?
“I too find their performances at times rather qua-OUCH!” Several much stronger words then followed.
She had walked right into a low hanging and a rather sharp twig had narrowly missed jabbing her in the eye. Stopping to rub her sore eyelid Ninty finally took notice to their change of surroundings; thorny bushes were beginning to appear either side of the twisting path by their employer, who forged ahead without a care.
“Oi! Timothy! Oi.” She called out to him ahead of them, and another branch caught hold of her hood. “Oh for crying, OI Timothy slow down!”
“Ya smarmy git.” She mumbled only just loud enough for Bran and Syfa to hear. “Leading us all on the damned wild goose chase.”
Ninty tugged hard against the branch, snapping it at the wrist, and she stumbled over a gnarled root towards him. Despite their quality, sharp stones prodded through the soles to her feet.
“Where in Gods name are we?”
She flinched when the birds stirred overhead.
Birds, of course there were birds. Their caws had drawn her gaze snapping up towards them hopping in the branches above with black eyes. Ninty hated birds, not so much that she didn’t like them but that they didn’t like her. A white smear suddenly appeared on her shoulder and she shuddered in disgust.