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『 Hot takes. 』
Most Casual Roleplay threads are secretly Advanced. Not anyone's fault that Casual has 5× as many players in it.
Tables never look right on phones.
Your antisocial character is never antisocial enough.

『 Hello. 』
I wanted my username to be Andrias Cromwell but that's one letter too long.
I'm a bit ill right now, barely able to walk and taking 8 meds a day due to non-alcoholic fatty liver. I sleep too early and I'm in a timezone somewhere east of Asia. Just give me, like, a day to respond to things.

『 Current threads. 』
We are the good guys... right?

『 My own threads. 』
Test scenario.
The forum version of a teenager's sketchpad?

Most Recent Posts

Ludvig felt the coldness of that gaze. Oof, there went his chances. A wry smirk escaped his lips for a bit.

Ludvig "I wasn't going to ask, but now that you've mentioned it...
That does sound interesting. Rare to see an artifact I've never yet witnessed."

Halfway through getting up from his seat, he was suddenly not there, instead mere inches away diagonally behind Amaris.
Index finger up as if to shush Carmen and/or whoever else dared dissuade him.

Ludvig "Ah, ah- I'll be fine. Probably."

Steadily moves his hand closer, while asking Amaris.

Ludvig "May I?"

Before she could really respond, he lightly palms the back of Amaris' neck with his right hand, away from the sight of most others on the table. Just in case blood doesn't splatter all over the food.

If that has no reaction, Ludvig's palm starts glowing white, activating『 Heavenly Dragon's Inverse Healing Palm 』to see if it reacts to mana instead.
Ludvig walked around the table, opposite side from where Amaris was positioned, and sat back to his seat. Hearing Carnatia's words, he realized his own insensitivity and flinched a bit. Leaning forward with the Djinni's wide-brimmed hat blocking his view.

Ludvig "urk... I fear I also owe her an apology with my initial reaction.
Sorry. You seem like a good person."

Mana circling around Ludvig's arms, cleaning away spilled wine, as he pushed his cup away and felt some strange need to glance at Mirielle and correct himself.

Ludvig "I swear I'm not being swayed by her beauty right now. She's-
You seem cordial and well-spoken. Very amicable. You're doing great."

Realizing that he's rambling. Eager to switch the topic. Harking back to the strange veil draping Amaris' head, and the spikes jutting out of it. He's not one to knock others on their fashion sense, but he also felt there was something else about the veil. Sensing hints of mana connecting it and... somewhere in the Archbishop's direction, he couldn't tell from this distance and angle.
It may in fact seem rude, but someone has to bite the bullet at some point. Might as well be him.

Ludvig "By the way, what's up with the..."

Points above his own head, and shrugs with his hands.

Ludvig "Interesting headwear."
Tan-brown tailcoat with black trims, black vest with golden buttons, burgundy long-sleeved polo innerwear that matched his burgundy slacks, and black boots worn over the slacks.

In no particularly discernible instance, a seat at the Hall's table was empty, and its previous tenant Ludvig was on a corner of the Hall, checking out a painting.
A meadow. Blue sky, clouds, grass fading from golden to lime. Notable animal scratches on the frame of the painting. Tiny cursive watermark at the corner,『 hdg 』. Not ringing any bells.

Walked back towards the table, albeit on the wrong side. He was intending to ask Mirielle something, but it was his luck that Amanita started conversing with an adorably earnest question that he couldn't help himself but butt in.
It might come as a shock to those who assumed he was still in his seat.

Amanita"Is being slow bad?"

Ludvig "Not necessarily. Good things take time, like... Like this wine, I suppose."

The cup of mushroom wine in his hand. Still didn't feel the intention to drink it, merely a prop in his hand as if to look cool. A lot more clear-coloured than most wines he's encountered. He was getting a little curious with the taste, having it this close to his presence for this long and getting occasional wafts of that mushroom scent, but there's just something about this wine that's making him stubbornly superstitious.
Just a little sip. Should be fine. Just a tiny little sip.

As he carefully pulled the cup closer to his mouth, the Archbishop comes back in with a tray, and a person whose sight made Ludvig cough and spill a little of the wine on the floor.
He didn't know why, or maybe his memory was too spotty to remember why. His mind just irrationally rang the bells of danger on sight, telling him to quickly distance himself.
It was being counteracted by another part of his mind that thought, despite the irrational fear and the seeming appearance of a ghost who died by a barrage of impalements, he found her... attractive?

He purses his slightly agape lips, swallows and ekes out a smile as he raises his left hand, waving at the white-haired goth.
He shrugged while sipping more of this soup, then replied to Osric.

Ludvig "It's all good. I aim to forget and be forgotten. It's the key to keep experiencing new things."

If he had a much better memory, he was sure that at some point living this long would become highly repetitive, and he'd sooner wish for death or marriage, whichever came first.
Maybe settling in with a family at this point was a good idea... No, he's definitely had that thought a multitude of times before. It'll always be a good idea. All the more reason to never do it.
Although, if he were to do it...

A glance at Mirielle. A smile if she glances back.
He seems to have made frankly too good of an impression on her. Is a relationship worth pursuing? Wouldn't it distract from her religious duties?

The simultaneous conversation felt like it was between a realist and an optimist. He almost found himself agreeing more with Carmen, were it not for the touting of this 'system' that would nobly share their prosperity with seemingly whoever they deemed 'unfortunate'. He was sure that Carmen meant well, yet it also sounded possibly unintendedly too arrogant or braggadocious. Maybe.
The jab at elves, too... Knowing what he knew, he wondered if Carmen had a specific elf in mind. Would it be a problem if this troupe's chain of command weren't on cordial terms?
Maybe Ludvig was just overthinking it.
It would feel so confrontational if he said his thoughts now... He held it in.

It shouldn't dock a lot of points from Carmen's scale of attractiveness, especially with pure-hearted desires like those. Assuming they're not just lip service.
A side-eye while sipping his third and last spoonful of soup.
That mask has to be cursed.

Ludvig stared at the damn tall knight named Rezello, as he bit into this baguette sandwich no one seemed to notice him make. Sliced longward, fitted in with long strips of turkey meat, greens and peas. He ate so daintly but he was downing it really quick, while he thought about how the black-haired knight towered several inches above him.
Not just him, but his greatsword, too. How does he even swing that around?

Baguette sandwich gone, and so was Ludvig's train of thought. Was he craving for, what, a fight? With that hulk of a man?
Just imagining the notion came with the images of several people who'd be disappointed in him if they knew he'd been fighting again.

Carnatia's talk of exotic coffee beans introduced a different craving, and yet all he had in front of him was the cup of mushroom wine.
Need some distraction. They talk about the destination, the lands east of here. Ludvig may have been there, but it's been decades upon decades of nomadic behaviour, might be highly irrelevant. Specific locations are as much of a blur as their names, he'd be no help in navigation either.

There's a little bit of disappointment budding in him, how much he's unable to relate to these nobles and church people, with their talks of theocracy and bureaucracy and the processes of making wines. He found himself staring at Mirielle, this carefree petite amassment of sunshine, eating the soup-doused salmon. Better take inspiration from her level of nonchalant.
Ludvig took off his red-tinted glasses, vanishing them away into gods know where and revealing his blue eyes, as he reaches towards the mushroom wine. He might as well drink it now...

Carmen thumped the table, staying Ludvig's hand.

Carmen "And worse, most of our cardinals bow down to their so-called wise recommendation!

Lightly clenched his hand, moved it away from the cup of mushroom wine. That had to be a sign.
There's something about this mushroom wine he just felt abject to. At least it looked like the Djinni that brewed this didn't care enough to be offended by his refusal to drink.

There was the hot soup, at least. Close enough, just imagine it's a new blend of decaf.
Ludvig sipped from a spoon as he turned to Osric. Aside from remembering his name in association to a most unique firearm, and the mercenary marksman work it enables him to do...

Ludvig "Did I ever work as your apprentice at some point?"

Maybe not. Then again, he worked some days for a lot of blacksmiths.
roleplayerguild.com/posts/5558529 confused the new reply for an edit field coz it still had my draft in it
One could safely surmise that the man with his arms crossed, wearing burgundy-tinted sunglasses, had been dozing off for a while until the Archbishop and his feathered-tricorn-hat-wearing liaison entered the room.

Ludvig complained in his mind. He arrived way too early. There were no coffee shops open within a mile, and even if he found any, he forgot to bring cash with him as he skipped town in somewhat of a hurry.
He hasn't gotten enough sleep. He mouthed the word 'amen', cautious to draw attention on account of his souring mood; and abstained from drinking the mushroom-smelling wine, wary of feeling any drowsier than he already does.

Relax, he thought. He was about to let small trifles like lack of coffee and sleep ruin his first impressions with these people. A deep breath, and a li'l head shake to stave off negative thoughts.

Aside from Osric whose name didn't elude Ludvig from the start due to his sufficient popularity, that's been five names mentioned so far, and as none of the others seemed eager to introduce themselves, he figured it was his turn. He stood, albeit not as abruptly as the last.
Lightly scratching the right cheek of his face, a little nervous.

Ludvig "Hello. Name's Ludvig with a V, used to be a circus carny, recently been doing some odd... jobs-- Yeah, I'm equally surprised as to why I've been selected for this mission, but that person believes in me, so I'll make sure to live up to their expectations."

Worth the lack of sleep, finding out that he'd been sent for by a most gorgeous elf. Not to say it's his only motivation but it definitely rose to being a major one.

A nonchalant thumbs-up, while happening to look at Mirielle.

Ludvig "Let's save these people."

A little ahead of himself, given the non-rescue nature of the mission.
Name:『 Ludvig Morsanqvist 』think of the V's as more of a W

『 Heartstopper 』
one-use ultimate, unlocked at minimum morale
A heat blast that pierces through the heart (or any such source of vitality or existence) of a single weakened target.
Undeniably fatal.
Ignores any self-restrictions Ludvig has on himself like『 Chauvinist's Plight 』or general pacifism, as well as any defensive or evasive measures employed by the target.
Chekov's spell.
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