Avatar of AzureKnight


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My blade carries with it the harsh frost of the wintry winds. Dancing with the rage of a blizzard, its speed matches the transience of an icy petal.

Welcome traveler. I see you've stumbled upon my profile, nice to meet ya.

About Me
I'm just your average 9-5 schmuck. I do my work, pay my bills, and contribute what I can to society. I also happen to enjoy binge-watching/reading anime, manga/light novels, tv dramas, and pretty much anything that catches my interest. I'm also an avid gamer, my favorite genres tend to change with time. Right now it's probably JRPG, hack-slash, and fighting.

Favorite Anime/Manga/Light Novels
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Hunter x Hunter
- Fate/Zero
- Kyoukai no Kara
- Overlord
- Re:Zero
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- One Piece
- Konosuba
- Various Gundam series
- Naruto
- Bleach
- Trigun
- Cowboy Bebop

Some of my favorite games
- Devil May Cry
- Disgaea
- Blazblue
- Guilty Gear
- Tekken
- Persona 5
- God Eater
- Tales of series
- The Legend of Heroes series
- 7th Dragon series

I originally joined this site several years back, having gotten my feet wet only recently at that point as an RPer. I was recommended this site by a pal of mine (@PaulHaynek) and joined a couple of his RPs. However, due to RL stresses I had to take a break from the world of RPing and took sometime for self-reflection. After a 2 year absence, I'm back in saddle and ready to further stretch my creative muscles. As for what roleplays I like, I enjoy anything action-oriented. I'm fine with any settings for the most part, though I'm more inclined toward the magical and sci-fi. Also, I've gained a sort of preference for RPs that allow users to play as multiple characters, but solo is fine either way. Here's a list to give a better idea of my tastes.

- Fantasy/medieval
- Dystopian
- Steampunk
- Sci-fi
- Apocalypse/Post-Apocalyptic
- Generally anything anime/manga related
- Adventure and Combat oriented
- Romance here and there is fine too

That's all for now, reader. If you decide to post an interest check for an RP idea, you just might find me posting a character profile ready to be reviewed. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you'd like a Co-DM to bounce ideas off of as well.

Until then.

Most Recent Posts

I'll to get a post out today or tomorrow

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥


While she was able to have Neil freed from Ian’s grasp, Vară ended up crashing a hole through the wall and sprawling into the kitchen. Undaunted, she gained her bearings and looked around for her foe. Although, she looked back at the giant hole in the wall she made and winced a bit. The city council’s not gonna be happy with this… She thought. She was snapped out of her thoughts by Neil, who appeared through the hole after her. While he was referring to the heat she was giving off and not her appearance, Neil’s comment made Vară blush all the same. “N-Never mind that. Neil, what are you doing? You need to get out of here!” With the flames closing in, Neil was being exposed to more and more danger. Vară had her hands full enough as it was, and him being here added further weight on her mind. Before she could scold Neil further, Ian jumped into the kitchen after them.

“Shut up! I’m gonna smash you into little charred pieces!” She spat. “Neil, get out of the way!”

She charged at Ian, polearm ablaze, and prepared to strike at him again. However, this time she spread fireballs around the thief’s vicinity to enclose him. This time he would hopefully have a harder time dodging her attack.



Nagare prepped herself as the troupe remained undaunted by her transform, spreading out to make a formation to deal with their new threat. To put herself in a better position, Nagare began spewing powerful waves of water from her jaws. To deal with her surrounding foes, she would simply hit them all at once to put herself in a better position. With them wet, they would also be more susceptible to freezing attacks.

If her friends wanted to join the fray against her wishes, they may find difficulties evading the strong torrents of water being blasted around.

Gonna be posting soon, know it's been a while.

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥


Vară was visibly annoyed at Ian's graceful dodge from her attack, the surrounding room began to catch fire - which meant nothing to a being like her. However, her eyes popped when Ian grabbed Neil by his hand and pinned him to the ground. With Ian being more dangerous of an opponent than she thought and the flames closing in, she had to get Neil out of here.

It was time to get serious.

"Let go of him you craven wretch!" She exclaimed. In her rage, horns began to form on her head. Her eyes were overcome with a eerie blackness and her pupils glowing a bright yellow color, along with her ears elongating. A long, black, pointed tail extended from her backside; vermillion embers emanated from all over the appendage and her horns. Ian would then see a large axe materialize in Vară's hand, after brandishing it she pointed it dead at him.

"Listen closely, because I don't like repeating myself. I'm taking Neil and getting out of this place. If you want to be covered in charred cuts, I'll be overjoyed to oblige you - in a more suitable location."

At that, with increased speed she charged at Ian. Her intent was to knock him away from Neil, take him, and promptly make their way outside via an nearby window. Hopefully, for Nei's sake, her maneuver would be successful.



Nagare thought giving the Lizardman a taste of her own medicine would put her at an advantage. However, the Lizardman was seasoned and all to familiar with her weapon. Her easily caught the blade, took it back, and stabbed Nagare with it. She too, felt some of her energy being drained. Before she had time to recover from the attack, the Lizardman closed in for another strike. She sensed Ada was closing in, and could only hope that her surprise pounce would give them an opening for counterattack. Her thoughts were interrupted, however, after Sir Reed shouted suddenly. When he proclaimed his surrender, she knew immediately what he was doing - saving their lives. This didn't change the how terrible she felt at the situation of course. A slew of emotions flew through her mind at once - powerlessness, guilt, regret, anger.

A bit of blood dripped down her chin from biting her lip. She then watched as Ditzy refused to give up the fight, essentially proclaiming that he will make himself the martyr in Sir Reed's place. With at, Nagare had heard enough.

Slowly walking up behind Ditzy, she placed a hand on his shoulder. "No Ditzy-kun, Reed-kyou isn't stupid. He looked at the current situation at hand and responded in the way that would most likely guarantee our safety. And this isn't your fault, it's mine. Us engaging them in battle was due to the plan I came up with in the first place. I knew it was possible that this would happen, but took the risk regardless and convinced Sir Reed to go along with it too." Ditzy would see a solemn intensity in Nagare's usually serene eyes. She turned to Reed, for a moment, with a somber gazed before continuing.

"Ditzy-kun, I know you're just doing what you think is right, but I'm the one who got us into this mess." She said, thinking back to when Sir Reed warned everyone not to have males take this mission in the first place. "Besides, if you are the leader, than means we can't afford to have you leaving us behind. The Guild needs your strength." She said with her usual gentle smile. She then turned to Sir Reed "Forgive me." is all she was able to say to him. While she couldn't see her, she could sense Ada watching the scene. Her statement was meant for her as well.

Nagare then began to walk forward, closing the distance between her and the troupe of bandits. "Your troupe is indeed strong, as was expected. As I was the one who first reached out to you all, allow me to be the one who settles this fight!" She exclaimed, her heart was pounding so hard she feared that it would burst out of her chest. But she was resolute in her decision. At that moment her body began to glow a with a bright clear blue aura. After her body began to elongate, it was obvious to anyone what was happening.

Nagare would take on the troupe in her full serpentine form, which was revealed to them in a brilliant display of light that dazzled around them like a flowing river. If the troupe accepted the terms laid in front of them, she would start the charge. However, due to already having some of her energy drained, this would be her final stunt. In addition, she wouldn't be able to remain in this form for very long. Hopefully she could end this quickly...

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥


Vară's anger now hit a fever pitch, unfettered by Neil's pleading. Right now, Ian's bantering held more of an effect on her. At his taunt, Vară's eyes widened and her pupils dilated, a sinister glow emanating from them.

"So, you'll be taking option two then? Fine by me." She spat. Holding her open palm in front of Ian, the small orb of energy that she held shifted into the shape of a lotus bloom. It also began to grow in size, until it was roughly the same size as Ian was. "Turn to ash, degenerate." Vară said coldly, not bothering to consider the harm her attack would cause to the surrounding room.

She fired the lotus at him, leaving a charred trail behind him as sped towards him. Would he have a counter for this fiery display of anger, or would Mr. North meet his end as a cinder mark on the tile floor?



Nagare looked on as her plan worked, the monsters slipping across the ice and stumbling into one another. Ada, not wasting a moment, attempted to jump at the lizardman and deal a decisive blow. However, much to Nagare’s dismay, she was suddenly snatched by the ogre who had recovered from earlier. The ogre was slowly squeezing the life out of her, Ada vainly struggling to break free. “Ada-chan! No!” She shouted, running toward them in order to save her comrade. Unfortunately, the recovered lizardman and minotaur cut her off, the sights set on taking out the water dragon. She let out a gasp as the Lizardman came at her with shocking speed, not wasting a moment. She attempted to let out another ice blast before hearing a screech from one of her other allies.

“Ditzy-kun?” She quickly turned and saw that he already had the two orcs down for the count. Then, perhaps moving even faster than the lizardman, Ditzy tackled down the minotaur and slammed her as well. He then went to rescue Ada from the Ogre, wrestling her to the ground as well. Nagare was both happy and shocked at Ditzy's sudden display of power. Sir Reed had begun to engage the Salamander who was fighting with the hobgoblin earlier. In addition, the lizardman was still coming for her.

“Demon Realm Sliver?” She heard Sir Reed yell out. She wasn’t familiar with the weapon, but that was the name for the strange blade that can drain mana. At that point a thought had occurred, why not use that against them?

Nagare attempted to grab the blade that the lizardman dropped from earlier with her tail. She would then use it to slash at the lizardman then take her out with another ice strike, hopefully it would work after her opponent was weakened from the silver.

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥


"I've gotten everything we need. Neil, I believe it's time we ended this farce." Vară stated, her voice seeping with venom. "That filthy bottom-feeder known as Ian is not who he claims to be, he's- Her sentence was cut off prematurely when the man of the honor himself came bursting in following the demoness. The fact that he had the audacity to even ask if they made any headway into the investigation almost made Vară's head erupt with steam.

No more games

"]Wasting my time was grave mistake in of itself, then making me perform your basic duties made it even more grievous. But this, lying to a noble then using them in your own little schemes is the worst offense of all. You mock not only me but the entire house of Riemsianne, it's unforgivable!" Bursting with rage, Vară's fire was beginning to illuminate the whole room, along with increasing the temperature. Paying no heed to Neil at this point, the heiress channeled her aura into a ball of vermillion energy which she held in her hand. She then aimed it directly at Ian.

"The illusion of your cleverness ends here. I've heard the testimony of the witness from last night, an individual who was able to enter the room without breaking in was seen running off into the distance. The clanking sound heard suggests that he was an armored figure, all qualities you possess. Confess your crimes your craven wretch! You can either be detained by the authorities peacefully, or you can be carried off on a stretcher with your body charred to cinder!

While Vară postulated herself as being a denizen of justice bringing down a dangerous criminal, the mention of her noble house and talk about her honor being stained suggested that she was mainly angry at the fact that she had been used up to this point...


@PaulHaynek @13org @Restalaan

Successfully fending off the Ogre, Nagare quickly checked on her partner who unlike her was being jumped by multiple combatants. To her dismay she witnessed Ada be stabbed by a sword-wielding Lizardman. However, there was no sight or scent of blood, the blade simply phasing through the flesh. Even so, Nagare immediately sensed something strange from the weapon, along with noticing Ada's sudden loss of stamina. While not familiar with every man-made weapon, the ice dragon deduced that the sword must be a magical blade that drains mana. A very dangerous weapon that gave the Lizardman a clear advantage. Before she had more time to gather her thoughts, Ada was about to be struck again by her attacker. "Ada!" She called out. Just as she was about to assist her comrade, the Minotaurus who was partnered with the Lizardman picked up another weapon and came charging at her. No!

Not missing a beat on her impromptu planning, Nagare sprayed a trail of ice on the ground before her. If her planned worked out correctly, the Mino would lose her balance and slide into the opposing Lizardman. The collision hopefully would knock the blade out of the bandit's hand, and knock out two birds with one stone. If not, then at the very least Nagare could counter her assailant and still go assist Ada.
Gah! Meant to get my post out sooner, sorry for the wait.

🔥Vară Riemsianne🔥


Vară listened to each of the witnesses test accounts of the events that transpired last night. At the end of it, she learned that apparently the perpetrator was an armored figured who was able to enter the hall without there being any signs of a break in, the metal clothing confirmed by the jingling sound made whilst they were making their getaway. Can get in without breaking down doors or windows, and wears armor... You MUST be kidding me. Vară quietly pondered to herself, her anger slowly rising. If what she thought was true, Neil may very well have to hold the demoness back from charring a poor metal clad dolt down to cinders.

"I see~" She said with a sinister smile and a large anger vein on her head. "I humbly thank you for your cooperation in our investigation. You may now return to your daily activities. If there's nothing else you need to inform me of, I must excuse myself. I must have a discussion with my partner and another certain 'someone'."

Vară stormed her way back into the town hall, a fiery aura gathering around her. "Neil!" She practically shouted. "We need to talk! There's something you need to know about that dastard Ian."


@PaulHaynek @Restalaan @13org

As soon as she warned Ada to prepare for the worst, it had already come crashing down on her - literally. With a small yelp from the shock, Nagare almost instantly found herself pinned to the ground by the ogre. The bandit raised her fist, preparing to strike her right in the face. Not good! Thankfully, Nagare immediately noticed that the attack was poorly telegraphed, which gave her the time she needed. Nagare prepared an ice spell to where frozen chunks would hopefully propel the Ogre off of her. If her plan worked, she would then go in for a swift tail swipe to keep on the offense.

To her chagrin, the ogre's comrades had also begun attacking Ditzy and Sir Reed in the back. She hoped it wouldn't come to that, at least not so quickly. But she knew that Ditzy was strong and that Sir Reed was an experienced fighter. She needed to trust in her friends and focus on the enemy in front of her. She, however, still couldn't help but keep an eye on Ada. She was in the fray right along with her, and they needed to have each other's back.

I think it's best that I take my leave. Haven't had any real motivation to post and I just can't get into it. Hope everyone else has a good time, though.

Til next time, later.
There we go, sorry for the late response all. Was in the process of moving and was getting everything settled in my new place.
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