@PaulHaynekVară was visibly annoyed at Ian's graceful dodge from her attack, the surrounding room began to catch fire - which meant nothing to a being like her. However, her eyes popped when Ian grabbed Neil by his hand and pinned him to the ground. With Ian being more dangerous of an opponent than she thought and the flames closing in, she
had to get Neil out of here.
It was time to get serious.
"Let go of him you craven wretch!" She exclaimed. In her rage, horns began to form on her head. Her eyes were overcome with a eerie blackness and her pupils glowing a bright yellow color, along with her ears elongating. A long, black, pointed tail extended from her backside; vermillion embers emanated from all over the appendage and her horns. Ian would then see a large axe materialize in Vară's hand, after brandishing it she pointed it dead at him.
"Listen closely, because I don't like repeating myself. I'm taking Neil and getting out of this place. If you want to be covered in charred cuts, I'll be overjoyed to oblige you - in a more suitable location." At that, with increased speed she charged at Ian. Her intent was to knock him away from Neil, take him, and promptly make their way outside via an nearby window. Hopefully, for Nei's sake, her maneuver would be successful.
@PaulHaynek@Restalaan@13orgNagare thought giving the Lizardman a taste of her own medicine would put her at an advantage. However, the Lizardman was seasoned and all to familiar with her weapon. Her easily caught the blade, took it back, and stabbed Nagare with it. She too, felt some of her energy being drained. Before she had time to recover from the attack, the Lizardman closed in for another strike. She sensed Ada was closing in, and could only hope that her surprise pounce would give them an opening for counterattack. Her thoughts were interrupted, however, after Sir Reed shouted suddenly. When he proclaimed his surrender, she knew immediately what he was doing - saving their lives. This didn't change the how terrible she felt at the situation of course. A slew of emotions flew through her mind at once -
powerlessness, guilt, regret, anger.A bit of blood dripped down her chin from biting her lip. She then watched as Ditzy refused to give up the fight, essentially proclaiming that he will make himself the martyr in Sir Reed's place. With at, Nagare had heard enough.
Slowly walking up behind Ditzy, she placed a hand on his shoulder.
"No Ditzy-kun, Reed-kyou isn't stupid. He looked at the current situation at hand and responded in the way that would most likely guarantee our safety. And this isn't your fault, it's mine. Us engaging them in battle was due to the plan I came up with in the first place. I knew it was possible that this would happen, but took the risk regardless and convinced Sir Reed to go along with it too." Ditzy would see a solemn intensity in Nagare's usually serene eyes. She turned to Reed, for a moment, with a somber gazed before continuing.
"Ditzy-kun, I know you're just doing what you think is right, but I'm the one who got us into this mess." She said, thinking back to when Sir Reed warned everyone not to have males take this mission in the first place.
"Besides, if you are the leader, than means we can't afford to have you leaving us behind. The Guild needs your strength." She said with her usual gentle smile. She then turned to Sir Reed
"Forgive me." is all she was able to say to him. While she couldn't see her, she could sense Ada watching the scene. Her statement was meant for her as well.
Nagare then began to walk forward, closing the distance between her and the troupe of bandits.
"Your troupe is indeed strong, as was expected. As I was the one who first reached out to you all, allow me to be the one who settles this fight!" She exclaimed, her heart was pounding so hard she feared that it would burst out of her chest. But she was resolute in her decision. At that moment her body began to glow a with a bright clear blue aura. After her body began to elongate, it was obvious to anyone what was happening.
Nagare would take on the troupe in her full serpentine form, which was revealed to them in a brilliant display of light that dazzled around them like a flowing river. If the troupe accepted the terms laid in front of them, she would start the charge. However, due to already having some of her energy drained, this would be her final stunt. In addition, she wouldn't be able to remain in this form for very long. Hopefully she could end this quickly...