Avatar of AzureKnight


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My blade carries with it the harsh frost of the wintry winds. Dancing with the rage of a blizzard, its speed matches the transience of an icy petal.

Welcome traveler. I see you've stumbled upon my profile, nice to meet ya.

About Me
I'm just your average 9-5 schmuck. I do my work, pay my bills, and contribute what I can to society. I also happen to enjoy binge-watching/reading anime, manga/light novels, tv dramas, and pretty much anything that catches my interest. I'm also an avid gamer, my favorite genres tend to change with time. Right now it's probably JRPG, hack-slash, and fighting.

Favorite Anime/Manga/Light Novels
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Hunter x Hunter
- Fate/Zero
- Kyoukai no Kara
- Overlord
- Re:Zero
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- One Piece
- Konosuba
- Various Gundam series
- Naruto
- Bleach
- Trigun
- Cowboy Bebop

Some of my favorite games
- Devil May Cry
- Disgaea
- Blazblue
- Guilty Gear
- Tekken
- Persona 5
- God Eater
- Tales of series
- The Legend of Heroes series
- 7th Dragon series

I originally joined this site several years back, having gotten my feet wet only recently at that point as an RPer. I was recommended this site by a pal of mine (@PaulHaynek) and joined a couple of his RPs. However, due to RL stresses I had to take a break from the world of RPing and took sometime for self-reflection. After a 2 year absence, I'm back in saddle and ready to further stretch my creative muscles. As for what roleplays I like, I enjoy anything action-oriented. I'm fine with any settings for the most part, though I'm more inclined toward the magical and sci-fi. Also, I've gained a sort of preference for RPs that allow users to play as multiple characters, but solo is fine either way. Here's a list to give a better idea of my tastes.

- Fantasy/medieval
- Dystopian
- Steampunk
- Sci-fi
- Apocalypse/Post-Apocalyptic
- Generally anything anime/manga related
- Adventure and Combat oriented
- Romance here and there is fine too

That's all for now, reader. If you decide to post an interest check for an RP idea, you just might find me posting a character profile ready to be reviewed. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you'd like a Co-DM to bounce ideas off of as well.

Until then.

Most Recent Posts

Most have completely skipped that...but it can work out. You could chew her out later for stepping out of line and not listening - again. Turning her trying to do something good to actually still being bad. Fits the character.

Sorry about that, I really missed that part. :P
You could also, in your post, write it so Tomi barge off AFTER you spoke to everyone and her completely disregarding or haing missed whatever order you gave her, which also works.

She do be clumsy, just like me. :3
I'll try to be more careful next time.

You're fine my guy lol, already figured we could just turn it into a funny interaction later.
This will have to do !
At least, I'm caught up now. x)

Glad you were able to catch up. But, uh, I was supposed to post first to issue out the game plan. Of course, this would be after everyone decided what role they wanted their character to play in the conflict, as per the post I made earlier.

Not that it's a big deal, and by the looks of it you're fine with Tomi bulldozing on the front lines lol!

So peeps, war has come. I had a game plan brewing, but wanted everyone to weigh in on it of course. Here's what I was brainstorming:

Was thinking that Cambriel, Sam, Wyndressa, maybe Luna and Skarsneek would be good choices to send to the village. They can past themselves off as humans better than the others.

Plus, Wyn's strong, so if anything goes awry they still should be good.

But, maybe she'd need better backup? Wanna keep Gringor on the front lines, maybe Tomi because dragon. Atsuha too, Hinami could maybe go either or. What role do you want Nyla to play Rune?

What are your thoughts? Let me know what roles you'd like to play.

Yes, Gringor is not the most subtle of person.

Protip to Atsuha's heart: Call her a half pint. Then, pin her down and tell her that you'll protect Hinami's smile with your body and soul.

Hinami: Feed her.

Should I be concerned that Gringor's already eyeing the Hangai sisters? (and Shizuka) Feel like the boat will be blown to smithereens before we're even halfway to Shizuyama lol
Oh, I get that. Just didn't know what you meant by "The heck down." Lol
<Snipped quote by AzureKnight>


Also the heck down lol

What are you referring to?
Alright, posted. Hope you guys don't mind the big scary spider lady butting in.

Start of the Journey


Shizuka turned to Kyōko, who quickly diffused the situation yet again. She was quite good at that it seems, although, it seemed that in the end it wasn't necessary. Wyndressa walked right past him and rubbed Kyōko's head playfully while making a jovial threat. Shizuka could only look at the scene with a perplexed look on his face, which quickly went away after she rapped his shoulder.

"Indeed, while Kyōko-sama does have many contacts, I'll be leading this expedition. My apologies for jumping the gun Wyndressa, and to you as well Kyōko-sama."

She then made her way to obtain more suitable attire, indeed partaking in a dangerous mission in your night clothes was unconventional to say the least. He was rather disturbed by how under normal circumstances Kyōko would’ve immediately had the Demon Lord’s private army come and whisk the monster boys away for study. Shizuka thought he should thank the gods above that he wasn’t born a monster boy. The swordsman didn’t know what to be more afraid of, the tenacity that these monstrous women displayed or that apparently Kyōko could call on the Demon Lord’s resources at a moment’s notice…

@FrogRFlowR@Noblebandit@Dark Cloud@Rune_Alchemist

Shizuka's attention was quickly diverted when he sensed three more chi readings making their way to the port. The first was a young dragon girl clad in golden scales and scanty clothing. Such a thing no longer surprised Shizuka, he was dealing with mamono after all. Seemed she arrived to witness the confrontation between him and Wyn, and then she lazily sat on the grass in front of a tree after briefly taking note of the other members. Shizuka walked over to her for a moment.

"Heh, sorry miss, but teammates aren't on the menu around here." He completely understood the innuendo she made, but just chose to play along. "Welcome to Zipangu, I presume you got the memo and are aware of the situation. Feel free to ask me any questions if not, I'll answer them to the best of my ability. I’m Shizuka, by the way." He immediately noticed the lax disposition she had about her. "Try not to fall asleep, we'll be disembarking soon."

He then noticed the youthful angel descending down with grace that befitted his race. He noticed that he sped up at the last second

"Hmph, must be the young and daring type." He said to himself. He made his way over to the angel next. “Greetings, denizen of the heavens, welcome to the eastern isles. Like I just got through explaining to our dragon friend here, we’re about to disembark soon to Shizuyama. Got here right on schedule; time is precious so I may have to brief you on the details later. Name’s Shizuka, I’ll be taking point on this mission.” This was the first time Shizuka met an angel before, their kind doesn’t come to these lands very often. What he knew was that they were usually very prude and dutiful, priding themselves in good service and order. They also were the sworn enemies of monsters, but he knew that some angels were in service to deities who sided with the Demon Lord. Shizuka presumed that he was with one of those deities, and couldn't imagine why he’d be here if he wasn’t. Unless…

He was taken out of his thoughts by Wym overreacting to yet another male supernatural entity entering the scene. She decided to simply make her way to the ship and wait to set sail. I guess she’s not changing her clothes? He thought to himself. It was to his understanding that angels weren’t necessarily monsters bound by the energy of the Demon Lord, unless they got corrupted.

He decided not to worry too much about it for the time being, he had to focus on more important things. Like the third mamono he noticed. He presumed she was, at the very least. She was unlike anything he’d even seen. He…didn’t know exactly what kind of mamono she was, and couldn't figure it out the few times he’d seen her. She looked like an octopus or some sort of aquatic species, but Kyōko stated to him that she wasn’t. He only knew that she was one of her retainers that she would apparently be joining them on their quest.

In fact, the more he thought about her, the more odd his mind felt. It felt as though his mind was being dragged into a pitch black abyss that seemingly had no end. He felt that the more he stared at the abyss, the more and more he felt his sanity slipping away - like he’d eventually lose all of it and his sense of self completely. He felt that it was time to stop thinking about what she was altogether and greet her properly. She seemed to have already introduced herself to Sam, who was still a popular subject.

“Good Morning, uh, N'ylaatothk? Hope I’m pronouncing that right… I must remember to thank Kyōko-sama for lending to us one of her trusted retainers for this assignment. I trust you have everything in order for the mission? As soon as the rest of the members arrive, we’ll be on our way.” He took note of the ‘cake’ that she had prepared and offered to Sam. At least, it appeared to be cake. He was no stranger to the strange concoctions that monsters were known for making, and he wasn’t inclined to trust it. For a quick moment, he helped Sam to his feet and whispered something into his ear. “Hey Sam, just wanted to run this by you. I understand that your circumstances may be trivial by your standards, but please be mindful to watch yourself for the coming days. Your existence is an oddity among monsterkind the world over, and many would risk arm and leg to ‘examine’ you. I’m also even more worried since we’ll all be on the same ship. Hopefully, nothing out of hand happens, but considering the crowd we’re dealing with that may just be wishful thinking. Just take my words into consideration and tread carefully, you hear boy? I’d tell Sharsneek, but honestly he seems to enjoy the attention AND the thought of being experimented on by the ladies.”

Just as he finished speaking to the demon boy, a certain Jorōgumo began making her way over…


“Atsuha, I don’t like it.” Hinami whined and cutely hid behind her sister, seemingly spooked by something. “I don’t like that chi the angel fellow is emanating. It’s too pure and holy…” As an undead, Hinami possessed an innate aversion to holy auras and the like. As to, she felt that the angel would take issue with her presence and may even attempt to purify her.

“Sister.” Atsuha said in a caring tone, caressing her hands on Hinami’s shoulders to comfort her. “We’re all on the same side here, remember? Besides, as if I’d let anything happen to you, only a fool would dare lay their hands on you.”

Atsuha was surprised by the sudden arrival of the celestial, who apparently would be joining them. She also noticed the coming of the dragon girl and the strange tentacle monster. Great, more rivals… She thought. She also noticed that Lunatea and the monster who had the bearing of a maid were getting flirty with Sam. Shizuka seemed to have whispered something to Sam; her curiosity eventually won over her and she decided to step in as well.

“Hey Lunatea, you seem to be quite protective of little Sammy-kun. You’re also acting like you’re his big sister, telling him how to behave and conduct himself. He just wanted to be nice and carry your luggage for you, I’d say that’s gentlemanly enough. But, it seems that his good faith is wasted on such a silly girl.” She then turned to Sam. “If it were up to me, I’d teach him how to have a bit more fun and cut loose~”

“By the way, Kannazuki-san, what were you and Sammy-kun talking about just now? Having some male bonding?” She teased.

“No, just giving the boy a bit of life advice is all” He retorted. He gave Sam a look that said ‘You see what I mean?’

Atsuha then looked at N'ylaatothk, examining her for a bit. “You have the bearing of a servant, are you one of Kyōko-san’s retainers perhaps?”

Hinami, wanting to avoid the angel, made her way over to Sharsneek for a brief moment. “Hello Shars-san! Me and my sister always thought that monster boys weren’t real. I think you said that your dad was a mercenary and your mom was an innkeeper? Was your mom secretly a magician in disguise, or did you dad use a magic item when you were born perhaps?” She started bombarding Sharsneek with her silly questions until she noticed the cake that N'ylaatothk had made. She immediately dashed toward her, knocking past her sister in the process. Despite Atsuha’s large body, Hinami brushed past her with such force that she almost toppled her over.

“Is that cake you have there?” She asked excitedly. “I’m actually really hungry, could I have a piece, or four?” Her mouth was practically watering, and whatever fear she was feeling had completely vanished.
Should have a post out by tomorrow.
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