Name: Setsuko Himejima
Age: 17
Gender: Female

Personality: Setsuko is a calm and confident person, her gentle and soft spoken disposition belies her intelligent and more intense side. She dislikes seeing people struggle with things, so she enjoys being helpful, also being careful not to overstep her bounds. She has a habit of getting over excited when video games or anime are involved, however. Of course, being an Otaku, having become a magical girl is like a dream come true for her.
Skills: Computer Whiz - Familiar with various applications/programs and being able to type at 70 wpm, Setsuko's the go to girl if you need anything done on the web.
Skilled Gamer: It's no secret that Setsuko's an avid video game lover. Her favorites are JRPGs and fighting games, both of which she's highly skilled in. Often speedrunning the rpgs and placing consistently high in underground tournaments.
Anime Encyclopedia: Whether it'd be the new hit Shounen, or some obscure OVA made by a now defunct studio, chances are Setsuko's seen or heard of it.
Brief Backstory: Setsuko lived a simple life, her parents the owners of a local eatery in the Akihabara district. Being raised in the epicenter of Otaku culture, it's no surprise that she became one herself.
Often frequenting arcade machines to play the latest fighter or buying the latest manga, she spent her days in leisurely consumption of pop culture.
Surprisingly, her obsession did little to affect her grades, often always in the top ten of her class. However, it did affect her social life. Not having too many friends, Setsuko mainly turned to games and anime to occupy her time. She actually did happen to have one notable childhood friend, who'd been with her through thick and thin. At this point in their lives they lived in different districts, but often kept in touch using various online services. They often played different online games together in addition.
Setsuko and her friend also enjoyed delving into various mythologies, most notably the Asian mythos of the Four Gods. Of them their favorite was Suzaku, the fire bird of the Southern Sky. Her friend even bought her a scarlet feather charm as a present. Unfortunately, that would be the last time she would hear from her friend.
A broadcast when out stating that the bus she was riding on got caught in a landslide, after excavators retrieved the vehicle there were no confirmed survivors. Heartbroken, Setsuko when into a downard spiral and began to shut everyone out. She couldn't even bring herself to play their favorite games anymore.
At that point, a fairy of all things came to visit here, much to her shock. It was then she was given abilities akin to pyrokinesis, and she saw that she could also give herself fiery appendages similiar to a bird. Taking it as a sign to honor her lost friend, she happily decided to live out her fantasy as the extravagant fire bird of Akihabara!
Magical Girl Appearance:

Concept: Fire bird
SuzakuAbilities: Her powers and abilities are based on the aforementioned divine bird. She is able to bombard enemies with a shower of fireballs, let loose streams of flame, and can even create flame pillars and walls. In addition, she has been given greater agility and reaction speed in her transformation. Of course, she can even fly by generating wings made of fiery feathers, and talons to deliver powerful kicks and slashes.