@PaulHaynek @The Irish TreeYagata Shipyard
Blasting Keith with Hyourangeki, Shizuka questioned the hired killer's instincts. Attempting to block such a blast that sprayed multiple icy spears in that way would due little to mitigate the damage, especially at such close range. However, as soon as the thought crossed his mind he saw that having his flesh pierced and frozen did very little to affect North. He immediately closed the distance between them and attempted to strike the ronin down, which he seemed to have been successful in doing. Slashed across his jugular, Shizuka appeared to have been knocked off his feet with blood pouring out of the inflicted wound. However, what happened after almost without delay would catch even the most seasoned veteran off guard. Keith would find that a blade was ran straight through his heart.
"Eseryu. The dragon sheds its skin and is born anew. You cannot always trust your eyes; It is unfortunate that you had to learn this lesson in death. Keep it with you in the afterlife." Said Shizuka, as his afterimage dissipated.
Much to the swordsman's surprise, Keith quickly grabbed the blade protruding from his chest and kicked the swordsman away. Landing again on his feet, Shizuka looked on with perplexion as Keith pulled the sword out of him. In addition, the wound had healed almost instantly just as the ones from Hyourangeki did. Some sort of advanced regeneration spell perhaps? A very powerful one if so. Though now at a disadvantage, Shizuka's composure did not break as Keith taunted him.
Based on what he's seen so far, the mercenary seemed to rely on grit tempered through experience and his strange healing ability rather than strategic thinking. He could use that to his advantage, he thought. It was still risky, as the man could still have more tricks up his sleeve. Shizuka immediately thought of a plan and prepared to spring it into action.
Utilizing Shinsoku, Shizuka began making afterimages that appeared to be teleporting in the surrounding vicinity. That ran circles around Keith, some even phasing in the sky above him. The two clones creating by Lili were indistinguishable among all of the speed generated ones, and soon Keith would find Shizuka instantly on him. Thinking he wouldn't fall for the same trick twice, the one charging at him was indeed the real Shizuka. His plan was to approach Keith with a feint, then imbue his sheath with wind magic to knock his sword out of the merc's hand and reclaim it. Then, while the magic clones kept him at bay he would help Lili quickly mop up the other bandits and make an escape.
At this point in time, Shizuka realized he didn't have an effective way of dealing with Keith's healing abilities to be able to deal a decisive blow. A tactical retreat, he felt, would be best for now.
@Restalaan @Hammerman @Dark Cloud @Rezod92 @NakushitaTerauchi Temple
Having made their way back to the temple with Skarsneek, the sisters had seen that some of the other members of the taskforce had also returned for the evening. Sam appeared to have been resting in a tree for a while, which she supposed he still needed to recover from that night. They along with the goblin, however, were surprised to see the signs of a skirmish on the temple grounds. Atsuha also made note of the fact that Shizuka was strangely absent. She noticed Takeshi had stared at her for a moment.
"Evening, Takeshi-dono, you and Luna-chan seem to have gotten a bit banged up on your quest today. Thankfully, it doesn't seem as bad as it was on the beach!" She said.
"I also hope that everything's fine with Shizuka=san, I thought he'd be hear to meet with everyone. I imagine he's out on another mission?" She inquired.
The sisters took notice of a new member of the taskforce present, a cute little Oni girl.
"Hmm. Yuki-chan, was it? My name is Hangai Atsuha, and this is my younger sister Hangai Hinami. I'm a Jorogumo and she's a Jiangshi, and together we run a paranormal investigation agency of sorts. It's a pleasure to meet you." Atsuha said. Hinami politely bowed as the introductions were given. Hinami then proceed away from the scene without saying a word, heading toward the inside of one of the pagodas. Atsuha tried to get her attention, but Hinami ignored her. She quickly turned to the others.
"My apologies, if you will excuse me..." She said, attempting to hide her anxiety.
Catching up with Hinami, she stopped her just before she went inside.
"Hinami! What's gotten into you? You've been acting odd since earlier this afternoon.""I'm fine." Hinami quickly snapped at her.
"Nee-chan, you've never been so distant before. We're sisters and there's no reason why you can't tell me what's wrong." Atsuha said as she reach a hand out to Hinami. The latter, however, quickly snapped it away. Her expression now filled with frustration.
"Then why can't you be honest and open with me?! Why not tell me the truth about that night? About how I killed all those men!" She exclaimed.
"I'm never seem to be aware of it when it actually happens, but I can taste the blood and chi of those that I've killed. All I remember from that night is lying in Luna-chan's arms, and then I think I blacked out." Tears began to stream down Hinami's eyes.
"Now I understand why you've always told me to never take off that talisman. It's because I'm really just a...just a murderous beast. With me around, the Shizuyaman people are just in their hatred of our kind." Hinami said, her word filled with grief, anger, and self-resentment.
"No you're not!" Quickly retorted the Jorogumo, immediately enveloping her sister in a tight embrace.
"I won't allow you to say such horrible things about yourself. You just need to have more control over your base instincts. I promise very soon I'll find a way balance your soul so you don't have to worry about it anymore." She said as tear began to drip from her eyes as well.
"Nee-san, back then when you revived me, di-did I attack you as well?" Hinami asked.
"Hinami, it doesn't matter-""Just answer me." Hinami interrupted her sister.
"Yes." She answered.
"I see. So, I can't even stop myself from hurting the most important person in my life. I really am useless, aren't I? As I have always been. I'm just a burden to -"Atsuha tightened her embrace to stop her sister midsentence.
"I told you to never say that about yourself. If you weren't the most important person to me, you'd think I would've broken taboo and performed a forbidden spell to bring you back? Like I said, we'll get through this together. Back then, you didn't hurt me. All that happened was that you were rightfully brought back into this world and I once again was with my little sister."Skarsneek may have happened upon the scene of the sisters embracing during his search, perhaps even catching some of their conversation.