@PaulHaynek @The Irish Tree @CrowvetteTerauchi Temple
It was past dawn when Shizuka and his fae comrade arrived back at the temple. Originally thinking that checking up on Liliana would only take up a small part of the evening, he'd found himself spending all of it fighting the Fatal Pulse off along with a bunch of his Varjan cohorts. It had been a while since Kannazuki had pulled an all-nighter, and he was already feeling the effects of it. Using a large portion of his chi pool certainly wasn't helping the situation either...
Truthfully, Shizuka was operating at around 50 or perhaps 40 percent. He wouldn't tell Liliana that, of course, but he felt that she probably could tell anyway. A large sweatdrop appeared on his forehead when Liliana confessed that she didn't even know what Takeshi looked like. But, he was too tired to think about that right now.
Upon entering the temple grounds, he was greeted by the sight of Alice sprinting out of the temple grounds. He swore he saw a look of discomfort on her face as she left. She was followed by Gringor, who was dripping with sound sort of sour-smelling green liquid. Following both of them on horseback would be Takeshi-dono, who stopped to acknowledge the returning duo for a moment. From the sound of it the two yokai had a bit of an altercation, and he's taken it upon himself to look after them on their quest. Shizuka supposed he trusted the young lord, who did well to adjust to working with monsters all things considered. Not to mention, he was simply to tired to argue right now.
"Do as you will, I'm sure you'll be just fine..." Replied Shizuka with a lazy wave, seeing off the young heir.
He made a gesture at Liliana, acknowledging her farewell, then he noticed Ayu walking up next. He bade them greetings, correctly assessing that that succeeded in their mission.
"Things didn't go exactly according to plan, but we managed to pull through." He replied. Looking around, he noticed Io talking with some of the locals, mentioning something about clothes shopping. He original garments were just tattered rags, so he supposed that made since. Luna-san and the Hangai sisters were talking with a local woman about their next job.
That must be Sorae he thought. He could tell by her expression that she held the burden of a broken heart along with unbridled rage. Something he felt they had in common.
He honestly thought about joining them, but he figured that he wouldn't be of much help while he was running on fumes. He turned back to Ayu.
"Ayu-san, I should warn you and the others about the events of our mission last night. Mainly in regards to the Fatal Pulse himself, in addition to having a variety of strange tools in his arsenal he also has some sort bizarre ability to heal instantly from any wound inflicted on him. I don't know if it's some kind of magic or some sort of biological function he was born with, but it's going to make dealing with that much harder. I don't know what happened to him after last night, so we should be on guard." He explained.
"His purpose at the docks was to have the Varjan assist him in unloading crates filled with some kind of powdery drug. It's effects cause nerve stimulation and increases aggression. I almost fell victim to it, if it hadn't been for Liliana. I have no idea what he intended to use it for, but we burned it up so it shouldn't be a concern moving forward." He nervously scratched his head, pausing for a moment.
Erm, although, the shipyard was destroyed as a result. Turns out, the substance is highly combustible, causing explosions in the presence of heat. My apologies to you and the rest of the locals, Ayu-san..." He said as he bowed to her.
Shizuka then decided to rest a moment to gain back his strength for the coming days, he could use a good wash along with some sake and food in him.
"I'll be resting in the temple for a while. But, I'm always available. Just give word if you need me for anything." He said as he walked deeper within the temple.
@HammermanTerauchi Temple
Atsuha made a bit of a face when Takeshi elected to go with Gringor and Alice to ensure they stayed out of trouble, but felt that perhaps it was for the best. The sisters noticed that Shizuka and Liliana had finally returned, being able to tell that the former was attempting to hide his fatigue. Having been out all night and overhearing some of the conversation he had with Ayu, the sisters arrived at the conclusion that the Fatal Pulse must be quite the dangerous adversary. They wouldn't worry about right now, though, they had to focus on helping Sorae.
She explained that she had a lead on her family's assailants, a clan servant going by the name of Sogen who apparently heads a farmstead. They could only guess as to why one of their servants would want to assist in the clan's extermination. They would find out sooner enough, of course.
"Umm. We apologize on behalf of our teammates, Sorae-san. Some of our members have very 'strong' personalities, we'll say, but we actually all work well as a team. I promise it's nothing to worry about, honest!" Hinami said in an upbeat tone, attempting to ease Sorae's ire.
"Indeed." Atsuha chimed in.
"As we aided you in the last excursion, we will of course lend it again for this one. All three of us are ready to depart whenever you are. We will find this Sogen character and ensure that he answers for his crimes."