Avatar of AzureKnight


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My blade carries with it the harsh frost of the wintry winds. Dancing with the rage of a blizzard, its speed matches the transience of an icy petal.

Welcome traveler. I see you've stumbled upon my profile, nice to meet ya.

About Me
I'm just your average 9-5 schmuck. I do my work, pay my bills, and contribute what I can to society. I also happen to enjoy binge-watching/reading anime, manga/light novels, tv dramas, and pretty much anything that catches my interest. I'm also an avid gamer, my favorite genres tend to change with time. Right now it's probably JRPG, hack-slash, and fighting.

Favorite Anime/Manga/Light Novels
- Rurouni Kenshin
- Hunter x Hunter
- Fate/Zero
- Kyoukai no Kara
- Overlord
- Re:Zero
- Yu Yu Hakusho
- One Piece
- Konosuba
- Various Gundam series
- Naruto
- Bleach
- Trigun
- Cowboy Bebop

Some of my favorite games
- Devil May Cry
- Disgaea
- Blazblue
- Guilty Gear
- Tekken
- Persona 5
- God Eater
- Tales of series
- The Legend of Heroes series
- 7th Dragon series

I originally joined this site several years back, having gotten my feet wet only recently at that point as an RPer. I was recommended this site by a pal of mine (@PaulHaynek) and joined a couple of his RPs. However, due to RL stresses I had to take a break from the world of RPing and took sometime for self-reflection. After a 2 year absence, I'm back in saddle and ready to further stretch my creative muscles. As for what roleplays I like, I enjoy anything action-oriented. I'm fine with any settings for the most part, though I'm more inclined toward the magical and sci-fi. Also, I've gained a sort of preference for RPs that allow users to play as multiple characters, but solo is fine either way. Here's a list to give a better idea of my tastes.

- Fantasy/medieval
- Dystopian
- Steampunk
- Sci-fi
- Apocalypse/Post-Apocalyptic
- Generally anything anime/manga related
- Adventure and Combat oriented
- Romance here and there is fine too

That's all for now, reader. If you decide to post an interest check for an RP idea, you just might find me posting a character profile ready to be reviewed. Don't be afraid to give me a shout if you'd like a Co-DM to bounce ideas off of as well.

Until then.

Most Recent Posts

@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree


Having made their way to their destination, Shizuka took note of the four bandits ransacking the ruined house. He made special note of the one that was holding a blade made of...glass? Before he could ponder further he listened to Eula's explanation of her functions and combat capabilities. It made sense that killing humans went against her programming, she was a mamono after all. He glanced for a little bit at the serrated weapons she made from her arms and the strange glowing pellets that she apparently used to stun her foes. After her explanation, she offered to use herself as a distraction while Shizuka took them from behind.

"I don't have an objection to that plan per se, but I feel we should be wary of that glass blade that one swordsman appears to be wielding. The first thing one would presume is that the blade is very brittle and would shatter upon a strong enough force. However, that would also entail shards of it getting everywhere. It could also possess a hidden quality that we're not yet aware of. Perhaps it may be best for us to stun him first to avoid any complications." He said, still eyeing the glass weapon. "I suppose that sword may also be lighter, thus allowing him to swing it faster as well. But that doesn't really matter to a person like me."

At that point, he placed his hand on his sword's grip. "Alright Eula-san, when you're ready, go ahead and let loose on them. At that point, I'll have then downed before their eyes even register the scene..."


The Headman, Onrai Woods

The number of bandits were slowly winding down, thankfully. Seems the local brigands weren't well equipped to deal with yokai. Sorae, of course, continued to tear through the enemy ranks with reckless abandon. It seemed her brashness finally came back to bite her, as a stray bolt struck her in the leg. The damage was made minuscule thanks to Atsuha's defensive spell, however, than wasn't the main issue. The sisters watched in bewilderment as Sorae was rendered immobile by the toxin laced on the bolt. A lone bandit with a crossbow was about to land the final blow to end the Tokinomiya clan's bloodline right then and there. Not having time to think, Atsuha began shooting a torrent of sakura blossoms at their oncoming foes, aiming mainly for the crossbow wielders.

"My sister and I will handle these cretins! Luna-chan, please save Sorae-san!!" At that, Hinami took on the two sickle wielders by herself. Her hand glowed again as she summoned a hanabo, spiked with demon realm silver. Her plan was to neutralize one of the assailant's sickle chains by stomping it to the ground, then running up and clobbering him with the club. She would then jump up and hit the other man square on the head with the heel of her foot if her plan succeeded.
Gonna get a post out later tonight or early tomorrow

@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree@Crowvette

Terauchi Temple

Many of the peculiar names Liliana flew mostly when over the swordsman's head, hiding the fact that it all just sounded like gibberish to him. All except the last one mentioned. That one apparently had the effect of making a person think they're royalty. "That..." He thought to himself for a brief second. "Is rather interesting. A mushroom that causes a person to think they're a ruler does sound like the case, but would it cause another separate conscious to spring forth?" There seemed to be many pieces missing from the picture, made all the more tedious given the nonsensical nature of Wonderland phenomena.

There conversation was soon interrupted by another member of the taskforce arriving on the scene. An apparent automation that identified herself as Eula. This was the first time Shizuka every met this type of mamono, having only heard of them in rare passing. A type of sentient being construction through ancient and arcane means. It was possible that such beings existed native to Zipangu, but if they did he certainly wouldn't know. After a brief introduction, she promptly offered her assistance to one of the locals and make her way off the temple grounds. Shizuka stared at the girl for a moment before turning back to the other two.

"Well, I...suppose it's nice to meet another ally for the coming challenges..." He said with an awkward smile and a sweatdrop appearing on his head. "At any rate, I don't think it's a good idea to pluck the mushroom off of her head." Shizuka continued, responding to Io's suggestion. "As for what happened, I had arrived a little after the scene played out, but there was a slight between Alice and Gringor it seemed." He said, responding to Liliana's inquiry.

"However, I think it best to hold those thoughts for now. I'm going to accompany Eula on her mission, as these recently ones have proven there to be safety in numbers. If either of you would like to join, you're more then welcome to." He said to his teammates as he began to follow after the automation, inviting them to tag along if desired.


The Headman, Onrai Woods

"Sorae-san, watch out!" Exclaimed Atsuha, seeing the onslaught of arrows headed her way. Fortunately, it seemed the Tokinomiya clanswoman had a few tricks up her sleeve as well. Assuming a stance, the bolts completely phased through Sorae as if she were a phantom or spirit of some kind. However, as she was standing in front of Hinami the bolts instead struck her. Thankfully the bolts harmlessly bounced off of her due to Atsuha's reinforcement spell.

"Hinami-chan, are you alright?" asked Atsuha.

Yes, I'm fine Nee-san, thanks to your spell!" Hinami responded reassuringly.

Atsuha looked at Sorae briefly, eyes filled with frustration. She must have known that Hinami was standing behind her, why would she put her in danger in such a way? Looking at the bolts on the ground, she noticed that the tips were laced with a purple substance. She quickly turned her attention to her allies after coming to the realization.

"Everyone, be careful! Those arrow bolts are laced with poison!" She warned. She began to shoot a fuchsia wind toward the men in order to subdue them. The wind was also laced with sakura petals that would hopefully block more incoming projectiles, while the wind itself would cause their enemies to become drowsy and unalert.
Will be posting shortly.

EDIT: And post is out.
Adjusting to my new job has kept me busy, but I'll get another post out soon.

@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree@Crowvette

Terauchi Temple

"I see, that makes sense." Shizuka said, listening to Io's explanation. "Unfortunately, therein lies the problem. Alice-san seems to be the type that's secretly prideful, and doesn't like to involve others in here affairs. With such difficulties approaching her, it may prove to be quite the daunting task. Although..." Shizuka trailed off for a moment, as if pondering something else.

"What also concerns me is not just the cursed weapon, but also another id within her psyche. I sense an archaic chi flowing from the mushroom on her head. I've of some strange parasitic species of fungi that attach themselves to individuals and cause them to undergo certain 'changes'. I feel that perhaps the id of the fungus and the weapon are perhaps at odds with other another, and my primary fear is that struggle for dominance will continue to take more and more of a toll on her body and spirit."

Pausing again for a moment, Shizuka signed as he looked off into the distance. "Hopefully, I'm just overthinking all of this and Alice-san herself will be able to weather through the storm of conflicting chi flowing through her. After all, having no idea of how long she's had the weapon or that fugus on her head she may very well already be used to it."

The swordsman quickly turned to Liliana who also wanted to do whatever she could to aid their fellow teammate.

"Of course, Liliana-san. While it may be presumptuous of me, I would ask if you have any knowhow of various forest fungi and what effects they may have on an individual."

He asked Liliana, but it was mainly not to be rude and to acknowledge her feelings of concern. Honestly it may be better if Io was the one to answer the question...
@Dark Cloud

Sorry to see you go, but we understand. It was a pleasure having you, but also know you're welcome to come back whenever you feel up for it.

Provided we have room of course. ^^

@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree@Crowvette

Terauchi Temple

Fully rested and refreshed, a now dressed Shizuka stood just outside the spring entrance while putting his hair back up in a ponytail. Fastening his sword back to his side, he began making his way back to the temple grounds. Along the way, he noticed that Io and Liliana were still conversing. He decided now would be as good a time as any to ask; he started to make his way over to ask Io if she perhaps new anything of Alice's condition. However, before he could someone had bumped into him. A look of surprise took Kannazuki's face as an assortment of vegetables spilled on the ground below them.

"Goodness, that's no good! Please accept my sincerest apologies! I wasn't looking where I w-" At the sound of the familiar voice, Shizuka was cut off and his expression was soon replaced with one of slight vexation. "Indeed. I see you're keepingg yourself busy. But instead of complaining, perhaps you should focus your energy on cleaning up the mess you made." He said.

However, the Varjan knight's rants continued as he expressed his grievances at being disgraced and having to perform menial labor at the temple for the past few days. Although, it was Kasseros's last statement that made Shizuka raise a brow.

"...Heh, I know you're no incubus. Yet. Why don't you do a favor for a fellow human, eh? Give me a human death. I mean, your blade's bloody already, right? What's one more life to you?"

"Yes, I'm every bit as human as you are." He began, although saying that aloud made him mentally wince.

"Indeed, I'm no stranger to killing. But, then again, neither are you. I wonder how many natives you and your idiot men senselessly butchered while laughing up, festering in your delusions of grandeur. Which I'm sure you rationalize as being for 'the good of humanity' or the will of whatever form of degenerate royalty you serve." While Shizuka's voice was calm, his word were filled to the brim with loathing. "The decision to keep you alive was one that was decided amongst the force as a whole, therefore it is not my place to take the matter into my own hands. And besides that, I feel that death that for is a courtesy. One that you are not owed; a simple and convenient way out. Coward."

Shizuka began to make his way past Kasseros towards his mamono teammates, not even bothering to look at him. He did, however, stop for a moment. "Your army hasn't given us much choice in doing what've done up to this point, what I've done. From one murder to another: Instead of worrying about dying as a human, worry about how you'll continue to live as one. Given your current track record, being snatched up by yokai is the least of your worries. They don't tend to care for men like you, I can't say I would blame them." He said.

"Everything you've done will follow you to the afterlife anyway. Live and repent, Kasseros Telmar. To continue to live through disgrace, ridicule, hate, fear, shattered dreams, and even a broken heart. That is what it means to be human. It may surprise you that many mamono understand this viewpoint as well." Shizuka said no more as he walked off. Eventually, he made his way over to the sprite and the lich mid conversation.

He attempted to hide his sour mood while approaching them. "Exucse me, Io-san? I apologize if I'm interrupting, but I was a question in regards to Alice if you don't mind." He said. "I not too versed in cursed weaponry or in the finer properties of mamono not native to these lands. But, there seem to be combative ids in the girl that are at odds, competing for control. While she wasn't entirely at fault, it caused her to lash out at some of the other members. Do you perhaps have any insight into what may be going on with her and a way to effectively aid her?"


The Headman, Onrai Woods

The sisters were relieved that Sorae had acquiesced to majority demand and opted to follow Sogen to his destination , where ever it may be. Of course, their continued use of stealth would be short-lived, much to their chagrin.

The group had eventually be led by their target to a large mill, with armored natives making a base of sorts out of it. Where they perhaps militia that had plans to strike a counterattack against the Varjans? Although, given tradition, it'd be hard to count them as potential allies of the mostly yokai comprised taskforce.

Those thoughts were quickly subdued, however, as a battle-hungry Sorea instantly made her presence known. As par for the course, all of the warriors brandished there weapons and immediately began attacking.

Hinami for a brief moment stood there with an exasperated expression, her eyes in a twitching slant while a large sweatdrop appeared on the side of her head.

"Godsdammit, Sorae-san..." Atsuha whined, pinching her brow. A couple of bandits made their way toward the rest of the group while they sulked at the situation. Raising a single talisman, Atsuha blew them away in a flurry of purple flames without even looking at them.

"...Well, I guess we should go a help out, yes?" Hinami said. She then jumped from the shrubbery and emitting a blue glow from her hands. From it formed some shuriken, she began throwing them at some of the other bandits. She foresaw the crossbows being a problem, especially for Sorae, so she opted to get rid of them as soon as possible.

Since those two had jumped into the fray, Atsuha felt that for now it would be best to remain as support for now. She would, of course, take center stage as well when the situation called for it. She casted a defensive spell on both Hinami and Sorae to reduce any damage taken from enemy attacks.

"Well, Luna-chan, shall we aid this reckless girl?" She said, preparing an attack spell this time.
Been thinking of making a second character, so I wanted to ask: Are Firearms a thing in the setting? I was thinking of something like a rudimentary bolt-action rifle.

I believe we're intending it to be kind of a medieval-ish setting, but you might be able to get away with steampunk/magitech.

@PaulHaynek@The Irish Tree@Crowvette

Terauchi Temple

"Anyway, you and Liliana have definitely earned some rest. If you'd like, we've got some nice, hot springs near here. Feel free to take a dip and relax. Anyway, I've got other stuff to handle so I'll see you around."

"Thank you, I might do just that." Shizuka replied. Apparently he was too tired to think of what might ensue, given that he was leading a taskforce full of mamono. Indeed, it seemed not to have crossed his mind even once.

He had grabbed some available rations while walking within the temple, mainly consisting of onigiri and some fried tofu pieces, and ate them as he walked. He past by Liliana and Io while on the way; they seemed to be engaged in causal conversation that sparked some interest to spark from them. Seeming teammates actually getting along for once brought a smile to the ronin's face. He felt it best not to disturb them for now and continued on his way. Though, he thought he might ask Io about what may have been going on with Alice. Shizuka wasn't too knowledge about cursed weaponry, and he felt strange chi coming off the mushroom on her head. It felt like it was someone else's entirely, like she had some other presence inside of her wrestling for control.

He then overheard some gossip from the locals. All he could do was mentally sigh at the ignorance of the natives. I won't say anything. He thought. Having been in isolation all this time, I guess it's no surprise they still think like that. But still... The ronin chose to forgo engaging the natives, feeling they would just see him as an incubus in the making - having fallen for their demonic charms. They probably already see him as that anyway.

His garments lying on the side, Shizuka had fully dipped into the hot spring and already felt it's rejuvenating effects. Still munching on some of his rations, he took sometime to reflect on past events and even some more personal thoughts.

"And here I thought my man-slaying days were behind me. I know Kyouko-sama explained that conflict would be a possibility, but to this extent is..." Since coming to Shizuyama, the swordsman felt that he was reliving days long since past. Days he truly wanted to put behind him.

He also thought of the miko and the group of island defenders they had briefly skirmished with the other day. He wondered if they were still alive and thought they'd be nice to have as allies. Unfortunately, chances were if they were to run into one another again they just either try to fight or flee again. "I tried to hold back on her account, but that wound I inflicted might've cut too deep. Hopefully it heals alright."

"I wonder. In doing this, I am upholding the true values of Teikoku Arashi-ryu? I wonder if father would agree."

He soon decided it'd be best not to dwell on negative thoughts for too long. After he rested up, he check on the other members in the temple and see if there was a way to keep himself busy. He might take on a quest or to with them. While Shizuka usually took on solo missions, he knew not to test his luck in this environment.


The Headman, Onrai Woods

Listening to Sorae's explanation, it seemed that there first target in the hunt for Sogen would be his brother Dosan. Having gotten the since that he wasn't very good at covering his tracks, the followed her lead as they made their way through the countryside. Like she mentioned, following this trail was quite simple and keeping out of sight among the trees required little effort as well. Upon closing in on him, Sorae suggested they simply jump him now for interrogation.

"Do we have to ambush him right away? We can just follow him to his hideout, no?"

"And please refrain yourself from killing him before we get the information we need."

"Perhaps we should take heed to Luna-chan's words." Atsuha chimed in, recalling what happened during the last mission. "If we see where's he's going, he may even lead us to Sogen himself. Worst comes to worst, we should still be able to track him. After all, once mamono have read a person's chi they're not exactly hard to find." She said as she reasoned with Sorae.

Hinami drew close to Luna and poked her shoulder to get her attention. She then whispered in her ear so that only Luna would hear it.

"Please don't be too stern with Sorae-san, she's been through alot. We worry about her quite a bit.." She muttered to Luna.

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