My Cringe:
Long long ago when I was but a quarterling, in my first RP with other folks (instead of just writing stories in Notepad or on an actual physical notebook) I RPed an Orc who wanted to be in the Morag Tong. This was on the old ass Bethesda Fan Fiction and Artwork Forum. Set in Morrowind, it was called something like "A Bar on the Road to Nowhere" and I joined in with this dude.
Dahnk Gro-Bisnuh. He was mostly cringe, or at least the writing was, because I didn't really know what I was doing. I had a funny idea, a big mean violent Orc who wanted to be a sneaky assassin but was too big, green, and angry to effectively sneak around, but I couldn't write action very well and I didn't really have an idea of who he was outside of Big Mad Green Want Be Sneaky. Thankfully, I guess, the story died pretty early on so I didn't really get exposed for having no idea what the f I was doing, but that was probably the origin of me writing goofy ass non-human characters.
Others Cringe:
CRINGE 1 : Absolute Kringe
This guy would always RP with the same character in the same setting. Setting was Fallout. His character always shared the same initials as his username, likely his initials. Didn't matter if it was set two months after the Great War or forty years after the last chronological game. Was always this Masked Prodigy Super Soldier guy. Character was about as Mary Sue as it got. Always the son of the most powerful man in the setting. Always leader of the Special Forces unit of the highest powered faction. Always universally loved by his men.
Pretty weak set up from the get go but the more cringe aspect was that there was never anything to balance that. That could be taken in a cool sort of Ender's Game direction. Like "Steve Rogers (this was not his character's name) is the ultimate soldier, but he keeps getting his men killed because they can't keep up with him" or "Roger Wilko is the ultimate soldier but he seems to take a little too much pleasure in killing the enemy." It was consistently a "this guy makes all the right decisions and is the best at all things" deal...until it wasn't.
When it wasn't that, the one time it wasn't that, dude captured and tortured a canon lesbian character, after rewriting her to be straight and desperately madly in love with his character. We're talking tied her to a chair, cut on her, beat her, told her he was never really in love with her and he was doing all this for the good of the faction, then set her on fire and shot her repeatedly. Then retconned all that when people had a hard time still taking that character as a hero or at all redeemable.
Much shorter stories.
One dude who was similar to that last dude, except he wasn't as good a writer and didn't blow up as magnificently. He was just an absolute one upper whose one character (which was literally just his username without the numbers that came after it) was basically just used to one up whoever had posted before him in the next post. Dude was a sniper, dude was super sneaky, dude was a brilliant leader, and none of that was backed up in the writing. Couldn't write it convincingly, didn't try to develop it along any particular line, just an amazing guy who would consistently show up every other character in a subsequent post.
Eventually he got a warning about it. You can't be a better Medic than the Medic character who is depressed from working with so many wounded and secretly dosing himself with painkillers, while also being a better Pilot than the Pilot character whose father was Air Force before the war and whose legacy she desperately wanted to live up to, while also being a better Big Dumb Ox (my character) than the Big Dumb Ox who knew he was a Big Dumb Ox and was trying to make sure he didn't get abandoned by the other survivors by working himself into the can't be better at all those things than the character's whose things those are and all at the same time.
The OP eventually posted a pretty ugly but very necessary post about exiling that guy from the group and luckily he took it pretty well considering.
In that same story, a while later on, we had another cringe character with a similar situation. Character's name was literally the User Name of the writer. Character just had a habit of solving things in the most simple way possible that was obviously not intended to be an option. Basically taking the power from everyone else by just going immediately solving each issue in one post.
This specific issue was a hospital the group needed to enter and explore. It was all locked up and there was a guy a few stories up looking out at them from a window shooing them away. Up on the rooftop there was a helicopter the group wanted to use to explore. Lots of interesting scenarios possible. There's a bit about the leader of the group talking with the doctor guy who is shooing them away from the window via an Intercom system.
Dude posts next and in this one post he "climbs up the building" and then "sneaks in through a window" and then "holds a knife against the Doctor's neck" taking him hostage and effectively ending the situation before anyone else gets a chance to post in about the most hostile way possible short of executing the doctor. Similar situation, group wasn't happy with him and he dipped out without another post.
Long long ago when I was but a quarterling, in my first RP with other folks (instead of just writing stories in Notepad or on an actual physical notebook) I RPed an Orc who wanted to be in the Morag Tong. This was on the old ass Bethesda Fan Fiction and Artwork Forum. Set in Morrowind, it was called something like "A Bar on the Road to Nowhere" and I joined in with this dude.
Dahnk Gro-Bisnuh. He was mostly cringe, or at least the writing was, because I didn't really know what I was doing. I had a funny idea, a big mean violent Orc who wanted to be a sneaky assassin but was too big, green, and angry to effectively sneak around, but I couldn't write action very well and I didn't really have an idea of who he was outside of Big Mad Green Want Be Sneaky. Thankfully, I guess, the story died pretty early on so I didn't really get exposed for having no idea what the f I was doing, but that was probably the origin of me writing goofy ass non-human characters.
Others Cringe:
CRINGE 1 : Absolute Kringe
This guy would always RP with the same character in the same setting. Setting was Fallout. His character always shared the same initials as his username, likely his initials. Didn't matter if it was set two months after the Great War or forty years after the last chronological game. Was always this Masked Prodigy Super Soldier guy. Character was about as Mary Sue as it got. Always the son of the most powerful man in the setting. Always leader of the Special Forces unit of the highest powered faction. Always universally loved by his men.
Pretty weak set up from the get go but the more cringe aspect was that there was never anything to balance that. That could be taken in a cool sort of Ender's Game direction. Like "Steve Rogers (this was not his character's name) is the ultimate soldier, but he keeps getting his men killed because they can't keep up with him" or "Roger Wilko is the ultimate soldier but he seems to take a little too much pleasure in killing the enemy." It was consistently a "this guy makes all the right decisions and is the best at all things" deal...until it wasn't.
When it wasn't that, the one time it wasn't that, dude captured and tortured a canon lesbian character, after rewriting her to be straight and desperately madly in love with his character. We're talking tied her to a chair, cut on her, beat her, told her he was never really in love with her and he was doing all this for the good of the faction, then set her on fire and shot her repeatedly. Then retconned all that when people had a hard time still taking that character as a hero or at all redeemable.
Much shorter stories.
One dude who was similar to that last dude, except he wasn't as good a writer and didn't blow up as magnificently. He was just an absolute one upper whose one character (which was literally just his username without the numbers that came after it) was basically just used to one up whoever had posted before him in the next post. Dude was a sniper, dude was super sneaky, dude was a brilliant leader, and none of that was backed up in the writing. Couldn't write it convincingly, didn't try to develop it along any particular line, just an amazing guy who would consistently show up every other character in a subsequent post.
Eventually he got a warning about it. You can't be a better Medic than the Medic character who is depressed from working with so many wounded and secretly dosing himself with painkillers, while also being a better Pilot than the Pilot character whose father was Air Force before the war and whose legacy she desperately wanted to live up to, while also being a better Big Dumb Ox (my character) than the Big Dumb Ox who knew he was a Big Dumb Ox and was trying to make sure he didn't get abandoned by the other survivors by working himself into the can't be better at all those things than the character's whose things those are and all at the same time.
The OP eventually posted a pretty ugly but very necessary post about exiling that guy from the group and luckily he took it pretty well considering.
In that same story, a while later on, we had another cringe character with a similar situation. Character's name was literally the User Name of the writer. Character just had a habit of solving things in the most simple way possible that was obviously not intended to be an option. Basically taking the power from everyone else by just going immediately solving each issue in one post.
This specific issue was a hospital the group needed to enter and explore. It was all locked up and there was a guy a few stories up looking out at them from a window shooing them away. Up on the rooftop there was a helicopter the group wanted to use to explore. Lots of interesting scenarios possible. There's a bit about the leader of the group talking with the doctor guy who is shooing them away from the window via an Intercom system.
Dude posts next and in this one post he "climbs up the building" and then "sneaks in through a window" and then "holds a knife against the Doctor's neck" taking him hostage and effectively ending the situation before anyone else gets a chance to post in about the most hostile way possible short of executing the doctor. Similar situation, group wasn't happy with him and he dipped out without another post.