Avatar of BangoSkank


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21 days ago
Current Ah, I too am preparing to lose a lot of sleep and gain several pounds hunting monsters in the wilds.
4 mos ago
Fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Isn't that messed up?
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1 yr ago
Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
2 yrs ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
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I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

That should be fine.

Trying to find a mate would likely be a pretty common thing at a big gathering during this time period. I definitely am not a fan of the Mary Sue/Gary Stu self insert kind of thing, but that's usually a part of developing.

That's part of why I usually make characters quite unlike myself, makes it harder to identify with them and easier to see them as sort of a creation rather than like an avatar.

I'll work on getting an OP up today and fleshing out the factions a little. They do all have some interesting history but if none of them strike your fancy you could always say So and So traveled here from a far off land. So long as it's not too goofy
I've been thinking about characters and wanted to run a few by you.

Rage from New Warriors, although reworked as a Super Soldier rather than Toxic Waste exposure

The Golden Dragon, as a pastiche of the Iron Fist gang and the Bronze Tiger character from DC (a Richard Dragon ally/enemy)

Wolverine (because goddam if I don't love me some Wolveriner)
I'd generally prefer IRL but you can use an anime one if you've got one you really like.

I'll start work on an OP for the actual RP shortly.

Largely the same thing but I'll reference the wiki and try to provide a bit more history for the factions and short notes for some of the smaller factions in case anyone wants to be a raider or bandit group or something but needs a little inspiration

Name: Malva

Guild RP/Other RP: A story I had planned out pretty thoroughly with TyrannosaurusRex before he left.

Background: When she was quite young a pair of greedy violent all around just shitty people came upon her family home in the hills of Sauerabfel. Her parents showed them hospitality and allowed them to sleep in their living room (the only room a normal human could comfortably sleep) under as many spare blankets as they could gather. Their kindness was repaid with murder and an attempt to do something arguably worse. In the ensuing scuffle Malva froze up in panic, her father was killed trying to defend her mother, her mother was badly beaten after coming back at them with a heavy pan, and shortly after the cowardly humans fled her older brother took off to hunt the men down. His bravery and quest became well known in the small town.

In time, and with some encouragement from her mother, Malva grew up under the shadow of that day and of her brother and decided she would go out and find him. Record his adventurings and acts of heroism, help him find the men who killed her father if they still lived, and atone for her failing to act that night and

Other: Simple Halfling Adventuring Clothing, Drawstring Bag filled with papers and charcoal pencils, a few pieces of silver rattling about in the bottom of the bag.

Initial Post

"Ruins near here," a small soft voice spoke from a spot under the stairs up to the bedrooms.

"Shouldn't be, haven't any on my maps and my maps are the best in the land...unless maybe...hmmm."

A small plain but pleasant Halfling gets up from where she had been quietly sitting, writing in a notebook and referencing a fold out map she now folded back up and tucked into a simple drawstring backpack. Standing at her full height she is still rather short, perhaps half the height of a normal human. That is likely where the term Halfling came from. Her hair is brownish red, roughly shoulder length, roughly cut, and quite messy. Poorly held back in a ponytail. She is dressed as most Halflings usually are in simple browns and greens and has the standard symbol of Yondalla necklace hanging around her neck. A cornucopia against a green shield.

"I'll go along then yes," she phrased it as a question but meant it as a statement, "Won't hardly notice I'm here, few do."

She trotted up to the bar and placed her bag up atop it for the bartender to keep safe. Precious drawings, maps, studies, naughty little limericks that might get her a meal or a mate in whatever town she found herself in next.

"I'm Malva," she introduced herself walking up amid the group, "I'm quite small, as you may have noticed, so I'm not all that much good in a tiff but I'm pretty quick on my feet and I'm a fast thinker. Don't survive out in the wilds at my size if you aint. Alls I want to do is tag along with you all. Write about what we see, work on my maps, come back here and have a drink and a meal with you fine folks and be on my way. You can keep the gold I just want the experience."
What is your stance in regard to Halflings?

Fandom RPs are a lot more numerous around here but every once in a while someone posts a completely original one.
It was the writer who left this site. We had a whole story planned out for our characters but stuff happened and he didn't want to be here anymore.

I do like the idea though of either having a send off for characters you never really got to the end of a story with or just want to revisit.

I'll have a little hobbitish post before too long. Got a character I had/have a whole story planned out for but my writing partner took off.
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