Avatar of BangoSkank


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9 mos ago
Current Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
12 mos ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
1 yr ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
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1 yr ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.
1 yr ago
I think you can develop a flair. A personal style. Words and phrases you like. That's why I don't get using Grammarly for word suggestions.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

Elden Ring is definitely worth a shot.

A lot of the difficulty is optional. I've finally hit a point where it isn't, and that's frustrating, but even now near the end there are things you can do to make the combat easier. I'm just too stubborn to do it.
I don't have a character in mind specifically just yet.

I like to do slightly off kilter ones usually.

Maybe a Scout who is just a little too gungho, getting further out ahead than he should, putting himself (and thus the squad) in bad situations.

Maybe a Scout who has a big head and is convinced that he will be the one to survive everything, accomplish all the things, and gain all the praises and commands and general big dick awards.
I'd be interested.

I don't know much about chapters or lore.

I know Salamanders like fire and are helpful, maybe a good choice for that reason?

Beyond that all I know is that Cadia Stands. Also ratlings. Ratlings are cool.
Relationships often change.

You might use them as exs. Or as folks who your Main Character was previously involved with but they're now taking a break. Or moved to being just friends for a bit. Or they had to move for work. Our MC had to move for work.

Or maybe their poly relationship was broken up when one of those characters fell for another character. Whether that relationship is still ongoing or if it ended and they just didn't resume their poly relationship.

They could be good friend characters for potential 1x1 partners. Perhaps they still have a thing for your MC but they're no longer romantically involved. Perhaps they love or hate your 1x1 character. They could either be allies to them, letting them know issues your MC has and supporting them if there are like hard times in the RP...or maybe they're a foil and they tell your 1x1 partner secrets about your MC or otherwise try to stir up trouble.

You might also use them to just show back up after a 1x1 has been going on for awhile, if it starts to slow down or you need a new sort of plot to develop. Right when everything is finally going well in the 1x1 the old flame comes back from let's say London and shows up to the door to catch up on old times, only to run in to your partner.

There's lots of possibility. Are they supportive, antagonistic, or just neutral.

This morning the same dusty ass battered to shit Jeep carried the same dusty ass battered to shit Canucklehead off to join up with another team. A whole new generation is coming up all around. Old rivals are teachers now. Old enemies are friends, or at least it's no longer ok to call them enemies. Bunch of strangers. Strange times. Strange lands. Almost made it easy to say no yet again. To just settle into another bar in some coastal town. Pop open another few thousand ice cold bottles. Flirt with another few thousand strangers. Get into another few thousand meaningless scraps. Maybe find another real dirtbag who needed a talking to. Old habits die hard when you're as hard headed as me. Living as long as this geezer you made connections and as long as that big wheel was spinning there was always someone looking to grease it. Said "No" to plenty of folks over the last few years. After all that happened. Wanna join? No. Think you had enough? No. Sign this autograph? No. Sir, do you have a personal relationship with- No.

Couldn't say no to Rogers. Not to another geezer like me. Steve had been in the trenches with me, literally. The man had seen me at my best and he had seen me at my worst. Still wanted me involved. Lots of people wanted me involved in one team or another. None of that meant shit all to me anymore. X-Men. Alpha Flight. X-Force. SHIELD. Fuck em all and SHIELD in particular, but Rogers, he still wanted me involved. That meant something. It meant "No" wasn't an option if I ever wanted to look myself in the mirror again.

Pulled up to the front, slung my duffel over my shoulder, made my way through the mansion. Jarvis. Yep. Still a thing.

"Mr. Logan, you are late. You have, unfortunately, missed the briefing, the others are now assembled in the hangar and all but ready to depart sir.

"Got it Jarvis. I know the way."

"I imagine you do Mr. Logan, do please try to be on time in the future won't you? Set a good example you understand, good manners and all."

Kept on walking. Robot was right. Not gonna tell a bucket of bolts that though. Old habits die hard.

Heard em before I saw them. Real young. Like Jubilee. Like Kitty. Like Piotr. Like Red.

First kid, Juvenile delinquent. Stole some stuff.
Second kid, new to the business. Discovered his powers, maybe came from Wanda. Wants to thank her.
First kid again, "You're a mutant dude. You're as much of a freak as I am."

That last one, real familiar. Heard that same sentiment so many times from so many mutants, soldiers, whatever, just stepping into the life. Finding their way. Jesus Christ I'm fucking old. Gave the kid a look when I walked in. Gotta know who I am, right? I been gone a bit but it ain't been that long.

Made my introductions.

"Torch, Peter, Fist, Captain Marvel, been a little bit."

Turned to the woman in the mask, the woman that looked like a smaller and pinker Venom, and the two I'd heard talking.

"I'm Wolverine. Best there is at what I do, but what I do it ain't very nice."

Someone linked my old Deadlands RP!

Wish that hadnt died. Ive thought of rebooting it a few times now.
I quite like the exploration and trying to figure out how far you can go where. You can choose to bump your head against every wall until the wall crumbles or you can figure out where you can climb the wall, or where the hole is, or which part is destructible, or just walk along the wall until you find another wall to bang your head into.

It also got patched recently so you can just buy the beginning weapon improvement bits rather than have to hunt down mines. I liked hunting down mines but this definitely helps if you want to experiment with a few weapons before deciding X is the one you want to rely on.
Im doing what I always do in Dark Souls games. Running around at very low level in dangerous areas trying to bang my head into the wall until the wall breaks. The fast travel options definitely make it a lot safer to do this.

No getting stranded in Blighttown this time around.
Goddamn that was fast
Theyd have to either learn about another culture, they already know the US and Japan pretty well and can largely extrapolate for others. It could be pretty cool and I'd be interested in seeing more games set in fictional or real world South American countries, but America/Japan is a pretty easy target and Generic Euro country isnt much harder. Give them funny hats, an accent, and a misplaced sense of superiority and you're done.

I think there's also sort of an issue of recognizability.

Everyone knows America. Everyone knows Japan. Everyone knows England. Spain and France and maybe like Ireland/Scotland/Place Where Folks Wear Kilts and Drink Beer, they're fairly well known. Brazil isn't widely known enough for anything kid friendly enough for a Pokemon game. Maybe I'm just ignorant but I don't think a lot of South American countries are.

Maybe Pokemon Cuba. That could actually be really cool. Actually I'd be down for a game set in Brazil too. They'd likely lean heavily on Carnival, but if they put some effort into it it could be pretty cool and maybe it could teach folks something about Brazil.
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