Marbled Musculature Makes its way to the ring, Moving with a Measurable and Miraculous Momentum. Momentarily to Massage the ear holes of the Tantalized and soon to be Traumatized audience with his Melodious Mouth Movements. His voice I mean. I mean his voice.
"Kawaler Knight!" he calls into the night, to the knight.
"Bub! Wherefore art thou bub? Deny thy agent and forsake thy share of the pot!"
Seizing the opportunity, and to distract from how little sense his ramblings make, the Masked and Mustachioed Muscle Man of Mount Magura, Moldova hits a muscley pose. Abs hard as hell. Chest also very hard. Biceps, those are hard too. Basically he's hard as hell all over.
"Today, foe, your condescending pride hath thee most fucked. Verily thou art well and truly fuckethed."
He pivots around to show the crowd his back muscles. They are also hard. He's quite strong. Really. You would be impressed by how strong he is. I guarantee it.
"My bureaucracy is matched only by my virtue and also my very full and healthy head of hair. It's all under this mask. It's very luxuriant I assure you. Come fiend. Test Thy Might against my Miraculous Musculature and Mighty Mustache. Look upon my Works and Weep. And then get in the ring so I can beat you up. That's how it works. Come on let's go. I've run out of semi-clever things to say!"
He was ready for the fight to begin. He had a hot brunch date the next day. Omellettes and mimosas until he puked. Couldn't wait.
"Kawaler Knight!" he calls into the night, to the knight.
"Bub! Wherefore art thou bub? Deny thy agent and forsake thy share of the pot!"
Seizing the opportunity, and to distract from how little sense his ramblings make, the Masked and Mustachioed Muscle Man of Mount Magura, Moldova hits a muscley pose. Abs hard as hell. Chest also very hard. Biceps, those are hard too. Basically he's hard as hell all over.
"Today, foe, your condescending pride hath thee most fucked. Verily thou art well and truly fuckethed."
He pivots around to show the crowd his back muscles. They are also hard. He's quite strong. Really. You would be impressed by how strong he is. I guarantee it.
"My bureaucracy is matched only by my virtue and also my very full and healthy head of hair. It's all under this mask. It's very luxuriant I assure you. Come fiend. Test Thy Might against my Miraculous Musculature and Mighty Mustache. Look upon my Works and Weep. And then get in the ring so I can beat you up. That's how it works. Come on let's go. I've run out of semi-clever things to say!"
He was ready for the fight to begin. He had a hot brunch date the next day. Omellettes and mimosas until he puked. Couldn't wait.