Avatar of BangoSkank


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3 mos ago
Current Fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Isn't that messed up?
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1 yr ago
Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
2 yrs ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
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2 yrs ago
If you feel like you need help no shame in going out there and getting it. Take care of yourself.


I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

"Villian! Verily thou Vexeth me so!"

Danger, Danger Fontaine paced back and forth in the ring, dramatically pivoting on his heel every time he turned around and swishing his red cape. Kind of like Batman only not at all like Batman. Each time he imagined how his golden locks would be dramatically flipping to and fro if he wasn't wearing a mask, and if his hair was blonde instead of brown, and if he wasn't also very bald.

Moderately Melodramatically he pointed down the ramp and Said Some more Stupid Shit.

"Visionate my Virtuous Victory, Vagrant Knight.
To Versus anon, thou must put up a fight!

As a bit of a bonus to his countless fans that last bit rhymed. He put a lot of effort into the dumb shit that came out of his mouth. True fans would appreciate it, but to truly understand his Carelessly Convoluted but Certainly Captivating Comedy would Require a like Really Really just super high IQ. Like double Big Brain status.

He held the overly theatrical pointing pose a bit longer than necessary, giving the millions AND MILLIONS of fans plenty of time to take pictures of his visage. Who could blame them. Who wouldn't want to capture a moment of such a life forever. Frame it and put it on your mantle. Tear all those shit ass drawings your Dumb shit Definitely Disappointing, yes I mean you Dylan, kids did off your refrigerator and replace them with something as glorious as Danger, Danger Fontaine.

"We will battle on a float.
We will battle in a boat.
We will battle in this ring.
We will battle on a swing.
We will battle in your garage.
We will battle in the quaint Derry 4 bedroom 4 bath summer home of Nigel Farage.
I will win and you will lose.
Socks are always sold in twos.

That last part was for the ladies. As was the truly back breaking and Herculean butt flex he maintained throughout it. Always got to give back to the fans. That whole shit rhymed too, Danger never disappointed the fans. Even just now fans rhymes with fans.

"Where is this alleged valiant rogue
That all the stories hath foretold?
Dareth he not to faceth me in mine ring?
Dareth him to faceth the king?
That is me. I'm the King I was referencing just now.
No, not you, thou art a cow.
Perchance awareness of my WikiFan article did reacheth his doors?
Perchance he decideth he doth wanteth no more?
Further references to some shit talking past.
Cometh he to face his judgement at last?

Danger, Danger Fontaine then did the patented thing that Dwayne Johnson used to do when he was The Rock in like 2001 or something. The like "Come Get Some" hand gesture. He didn't look as cool. And he wasn't as charismatic. And he wasn't as handsome. And he didn't have a future in Hollywood. And he didn't have a kind of plain but very loving and supportive wife he would soon cheat on and end up marrying some bimbo years later who would then probably take him for all his money and start spreading rumors about what a dick he actually was when the cameras were off. But it still kind of sort of looked cool if you squinted really hard.
Danger, Danger Fontaine.

Masked and Mustachioed Muscle Man of Mount Magura, Moldova, and part-time Motorcross Maniac. Mostly Mondays. Mostly.

He rides a Triumph Bonneville, with his red cape flapping in the wind.
Marbled Musculature Makes its way to the ring, Moving with a Measurable and Miraculous Momentum. Momentarily to Massage the ear holes of the Tantalized and soon to be Traumatized audience with his Melodious Mouth Movements. His voice I mean. I mean his voice.

"Kawaler Knight!" he calls into the night, to the knight.

"Bub! Wherefore art thou bub? Deny thy agent and forsake thy share of the pot!"

Seizing the opportunity, and to distract from how little sense his ramblings make, the Masked and Mustachioed Muscle Man of Mount Magura, Moldova hits a muscley pose. Abs hard as hell. Chest also very hard. Biceps, those are hard too. Basically he's hard as hell all over.

"Today, foe, your condescending pride hath thee most fucked. Verily thou art well and truly fuckethed."

He pivots around to show the crowd his back muscles. They are also hard. He's quite strong. Really. You would be impressed by how strong he is. I guarantee it.

"My bureaucracy is matched only by my virtue and also my very full and healthy head of hair. It's all under this mask. It's very luxuriant I assure you. Come fiend. Test Thy Might against my Miraculous Musculature and Mighty Mustache. Look upon my Works and Weep. And then get in the ring so I can beat you up. That's how it works. Come on let's go. I've run out of semi-clever things to say!"

He was ready for the fight to begin. He had a hot brunch date the next day. Omellettes and mimosas until he puked. Couldn't wait.
Danger Fontaine

Massive muscled Moldovan Man. Masked and mustachioed. Moreover mostly mundane. Also he's bald.
A man descends from the Moldovan Mountains, his hair flowing graciously in the wind. It would if he had any. Alas his greatest nemesis male pattern baldness long ago won that war. Masked now, he is motivated by madness.

I want fight

He sagely mumbles.

I want step on smaller beings until they no longer beings. Prove manhood mercilessly then have a mojito. Maybe mimosa. If them have good brunch menu.
From the Myriad Mountains of Moldova the Masses Celebrate their Courageous Champion. Tis that Fabled Folly of Fortitude. The True Testicular Torment of Tunisia. The Unabashed Undefeated Unfathomable Ubermensch of Uganda.

Here steps the Masked and Mustachioed Muscle Man of Moldova! The Pinnacle of Perfection. The Definition of Devastation. The Embodiment of Entitlement. The Personification of Pretty Good. The Asymptote of Amazing. The Apex of Awesome. The Veranda of Victory.

They call him Danger!

Danger Fontaine.
Shitface? Sir how dare you! I valiant anon verisimilitudious! Persay doubloon I impertitudiously parthenon!

Tis PooHead not Shitface! A most unKnightly demeanor, ungrounded in Slovakian swordsmanship.

But the message basically man is save attacks for RP. If you want to do an Arena fight ask someone to do an Arena fight. Don't start insulting people in threads that have been dead for three years. In particular don't call them retarded. This isn't the Discord, there is something vaguely approaching standards here. Think of the ad revenue my Polish partner.

I'll do an Arena thread with you if you want.

Your Paraguayan bachelor (that's what Kawaler is in English, I thought you meant Koala for a minute) vs My Well Oiled Masked and Mustachioed Moldavian Muscle Man. He's from the mountains.

I throw down my gauntlet good sir. Fortudiously and forthrightly to fight thee, flagrantly fetid foe!
The last post here was Three years ago. And this thread is a sticky. These two things should probably indicate to you that you are misunderstanding the situation.

This is a Battlegrounds Thread. It's literally just a grouping of Arenas to do Arena RP in. Therefore the "characters" of a Battlegrounds Thread are effectively the Arenas themselves. The development here isn't of characters but of Arenas.

That way when people want to do an Arena RP they can come to this Battleground Thread and look through several well developed Battlegrounds or Arenas to use in their RP.


As explained in the Opening Post of the OOC

"For this new guild Im going to use the OOC to put in the guidelines for the Arenas 'CS' and allow everyone to submit them here, If me or another slightly more seasoned arena battler (lookin at you skalla) approves it, it will be put the Characters Tab ready for Arena use."

In short:

OOC is for the Characters of the Battleground Thread, those being the Arenas themselves, to be developed and eventually Approved or Disapproved.
Characters is for the Approved Characters of the Battleground Thread, again those being the Arenas themselves, to be posted.
Not that anyone asked, but I've fucked off and come back several times over the years. Sometimes for a year or more at a time.

Try finding some writers or RPers that you like and just read the stuff they put out. For me it helps me get to thinking about what character I might want to join that RP with and what I might want to do with it. Or if there are like 4 great writers and 1 not so great writer who has a cool character it might get you thinking about what you would do differently if you were writing for that character.

It's always easier, for me at least, if I start in thinking about what I would like to do before I just start doing it.

Ohhh, that's a cool Captain America, but you missed an opportunity there to have So and So show up.

Ohhh, what a cool Batman. I'd like to RP as that guy's Joker, or Robin, or Commissioner Gordon.

Ohhh, what a fun bunch of people doing an Elder Scrolls RP. I'm not very creative so I'd like to join as a big orc with a big smashy hammer.

Or even just following some good stories and then shamelessly ripping them off. The secret is to have no shame.
This is a pretty poor CS. I'll work on it tomorrow and over the weekend, but I'm planning on doing a government agency type thing.

Using Nick Fury (vintage grey hair Fury), Captain America, and Nuke

I won't be using Wolverine but I will change a wee bit of canon regarding Nuke which will change a wee bit of canon regarding Wolverine. If you know what I'm talking about, yes, that.

Just wanted to sort of state my intent now.
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