I'll do a goofy intro to my guy doing an open challenge. Mole Man pops up. Danger accepts the challenge but being a man of honor and dignity and wanting to get His Money A Manager for Mole Man Must First Materialize.
This was originally a thread to call out a specific guy who was looking for fights in a weird way. He left. So now it's a general open challenge thread.
I don't take this shit super seriously so if you want to try it out let's give it a go.
It is Ranked though, even though it clearly is not Ranked, and I have a perfect record. Zero Ranked Losses. I'm so fucking good.
Weekend was too busy for me to alter this much but this is my dude.
Name: Danger, Danger Fontaine Epithet: Masked and Mustachioed Macho...Guy Age: 32 Height: 6'4" of towering manliness Weight: 246 pounds of raw hard muscle slathered in baby oil Race: Human Dominant Hand: Right
Weapons- All of Danger's weapons are fashioned from cheap steel and are designed to break easily. They are carted down to the ring in a shopping car.
-A Wooden Folding Table designed for little more than being broken in dramatic fashion.
-A Chinese folding metal chair initially designed for sitting but quite useful for bashing about the head.
-A wooden kendo stick
-A Stop Sign seemingly picked up off the street
-A single live and very confused Lobster
-A Black Duct-Taped Up Baseball Bat
The Man Known As Danger, Danger Fontaine, wears upon his person:
Urban Colored Camo Shorts
Black and White Gold's Gym Muscle Shirt
Black and White Wrestling Mask (trimmed back to allow his mustache freedom from the confines of his mask)
Wrestling Gloves
Wrestling Boots
Red Entrance Cape
Danger, Danger Fontaine is a thickly muscled well tanned man and is never seen without an indulgent quantity of baby oil ensuring each and ever muscle fiber glistens under the stadium lights as does his perfectly manicured mustache. His build is best described as mercilessly powerful and massively sexual.
Physical Abilities/Powers-
Physical Ability- Danger, Danger Fontaine has inarguably perfected his craft. He is truly the picture of perfection. He is the image of intensity. The epitome of excellence. The physical manifestation of manliness. And also a generous lover, if you know what I mean. His grip is unbreakable, his strikes impeccable, his aerial game im...un...it's also pretty good.
Powers- Imagined Invulnerability - Danger, Danger Fontaine can ignore injuries that would incapacitate neigh any other man. Due to a combination of repeated traumatic concussions, pain killer use and abuse, and his massively inflated ego he can suffer great harm and continue on despite it. He is either numb to the pain due to a combination of nerve damage and pain killer use or simply able to power through it due to his own overpowering sense of self confidence. In short, while he is not actually in any way shape or form invulnerable to injury or damage he is fully capable of ignoring such damage until it becomes fundamentally physically incapacitating.
Supreme Arrogance - Danger, Danger Fontaine's massively inflated ego and additive brain damage due to regular traumatic head injury allows him to face adversaries that are clearly exponentially more powerful than he and believe he still has a very real chance of victory.
Delusion - Arguably all of Danger, Danger Fontaine's power is a result of this aspect of his mind. Despite what absurd circumstance he may find himself in and what inconceivable threat he may face, he will stalwartly believe that he is the Fan Favorite and that this is his shot at the big time. He can hear the roaring crowd. He can hear the commentators expounding over his miraculous musculature and marvelous mustache.
Unreasoning Rage - Danger, Danger Fontaine's patina of professional wrestling professionalism fades into oblivion if his mask is removed or his mustache is mussed up. Though he generally plays up for the adoring arena carefully watching his each and every match, when an opponent dares to remove his mask he loses his restraint entirely. As a great man once said, he loses his smile. Much of the posing and smiling fades away and he is left a raving animal, throwing out as many big moves as he can as quickly as he can, often to his eventual detriment.
Personality- Danger...Danger Fontaine. A self obsessed obnoxiously narcissistic professional wrestler, his greatest strength is also his greatest weakness. He is loud, because it is important that the millions and millions of fans, all slavering at the bit for just a little more Danger, hear each and every syllable of each and every word. He is self aggrandizing because who knows Danger better than Danger himself? He is light hearted and often cracks terrible terrible jokes, because he is THE MAN. He is the top, the pinnacle, the apex, the peak, the asymptote, the azimuth, the hyperbole, he is the the man and the only way to be THE MAN is to beat THE MAN and the only man who can beat THE MAN is THE MAN, which is him, thus he is unbeatable. Ask anyone, they'll tell you. In the unlikely event he is one day beaten he is magnanimous in defeat because he knows, HE KNOWS, that belt is meant for one man and one man alone. THE MAN, which is him, Danger, Danger Fontaine, aka THE MAN. The Macho...Guy.
Background- Danger, Danger Fontaine dreamed through all of his childhood of becoming a professional wrestler and eventually managed to make his dream come true. Growing up in South Dakota he knew from a young age that he was destined for greatness and the greatest greatness he could envision was becoming a massive slab of tanned and oiled muscle body slamming other, lesser, tanned and oiled massive muscle slabs for the entertainment and adoration of the million and millions watching at home. Happily fueled on by the antics of his wrestling idols, action movies, and neigh every book and training program advertised in the back of comic books, he grew muscleyier and muscleyier as his dream became an inevitable future.
He worked his way up through the indies gaining a reputation as an enormous ass, but an ass who put asses in seats. Which is the best kind of ass. Taking inspiration from his idols from America and the world abroad he fashioned for himself a number of easily recognized moves and a very recognizable physique. Muscles, Muscles, Mask and Mustache. In time he made his way to the premier federation of the United States and found great success. As well as he did he faced many injuries and eventually ended up as too big of a liability to the company to remain. This was likely a wise move as his massive ego led to him suffering many injuries that would have sidelined him if he weren't just such an egomaniac. Finally one day his undeniable superiority, ceaseless impossibly hyperbolic bragging, and need to pay some bills brought him to Undisputed Pro Wrestling.
There's always like the distinction, and it's kinda a pointless one ultimately, between what's good for development as a writer and what's fun.
Diversity is, IMO, objectively better for development, but you're maybe not going to be writing as much if you are forcing diversity on yourself that pushes you too far beyond your comfort zone.
I think if you want to develop you should do that, you should push yourself outside of your comfort zone, but everyone has differing levels of...this sounds dumb but...comfort in discomfort.
You shouldn't force yourself to write as any character or as a character with any trait if it makes you uncomfortable to the point of enjoying the hobby less. Challenge is good. Burden is bad.
Also well said Zyx.
This has been another episode of Bango talks too much.
I think she's more getting at the idea that even when I write as a woman I am writing as a man writing as a woman, so it's informed by my male conceptions of how a woman might view or interact with the world.
Same applies to anything really. A 25 year old writing as a 45 year old is trying to guess how someone 20 years older might feel. A 45 writing as a 25 year old is trying to recall how he/she saw the world 20 years ago. A middle class American writing as a poverty stricken South American in a war zone is trying to explore how he/she would feel in those very different circumstances. All of these things, their understandings of these things, would be shaped by their own experiences in very different times and/or circumstances.
I don't think it's exactly weird when a man writes exclusively as a woman or vice versa but it is unusual. Logically the easiest most natural way for a person to write is basically a self insert. The easiest viewpoints to explore are your own.
But they're also the most boring to explore because you already know those roads.
Never had a problem with writing as a woman. Just haven't done it.
How fucking boring would RP be if we all just RPed as ourselves?
Most of us have never shot a weapon. Many have never been in a fight. I've never been Captain America personally, or a Halfling looking to throw some jewelry in a Volcano, or an alcoholic Orc Monk with anger issues.
If most of us were RPing as law abiding 9-5ers shit would be boring as hell. Writing about doing what you already do every day wouldn't be much fun. Very little escapism in that.
Right now I've got a female character idea I'm kinda toying around with and it's pretty fun. She's a young, somewhat promiscuous, likely bisexual, Halfling pirate who is trying to overcome what she perceives as her generally cowardly disposition to make something of herself and live up to the legend of her brother. Maybe even find him and join him.
I usually don't write as women but I think it's good as a writer and just as a human being in general to try to write diverse characters and explore diverse mindsets and backgrounds and all that. The ideal being to be able to see the world through anyones perspective and write convincingly in those same perspectives. The inverse of that, the thing to be avoided, would be being quite set in your ways and perspective and incapable of considering or writing in any others. That would be some old bullshit.