O R G A N I Z A T I O N ♦ C O N G L O M E R A T E
C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T:
"It is a curious emotion, this certain homesickness I have in mind. With Americans, it is a national trait, as native to us as the roller-coaster or the jukebox. It is no simple longing for the home town or country of our birth. The emotion is Janus-faced: we are torn between a nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange. As often as not, we are homesick most for the places we have never known."
There are infinite variations of infinite timelines. Infinite infinites effectively. Peering into that shroud is often maddening. Some would say inevitably maddening. Too much of that has led the world into the mad state it now finds itself. With the dissolution and diaspora of a myriad of government agencies worldwide a chase began to find and acquire the assets and operatives of each. A rare opportunity. A rare danger.
Such rarities draw attention, and this specific rarity drew a particularly rare attention.
The first indicators of JANUS' existence would come in the form of the sudden disappearances of various assets. Those tracking the remnants of A.I.M. and S.H.I.E.L.D. and the WEAPON program would find people and materials of interest suddenly going dark. This dissolution proceeded very rapidly. Fear of reprisals, fear of assassinations, desire for protection, and sometimes simple greed led many assets to seek new protectors. New patrons.
The name JANUS would first surface when a Orchis team responded to an alarm in a known A.I.M. safehouse to find a lone researcher, desperate for rescue. An expert in robotics, of particular interest to Orchis, he was beside himself. His team, his research, his materials. JANUS, he told them, had promised him safety, a lab, funding, personnel, everything he could dream of to develop his project. Modular Automated Weapons Systems, a fully independent perimeter defense system. It would revolutionize one full half of warfare. All gone.
They had helped him load it all up. Double checked his inventory with him. Ran over his power requirements and desired personnel to immediately get back into operation. Then they had left with his life's work. Not just the end result but the notes and the tools, everything that might have allowed him to reproduce the work.
His work. It would take another lifetime for him to catch up to himself. He had been left alone with nothing left to barter with. Orchis of course handled him how any such organization would handle an asset that had lost all value.
P L O T ( S ) & G O A L ( S ):
JANUS is an organization with a strange founding and, initially, unclear motives.
The primary plot will be them working in the background, in the way background, attempting to scoop up or neutralize the remnants of the various government organizations operating in several disciplines. Robotics, Genetic Manipulation and Indexing, Weapons Programs as well as WEAPON Program, and anything involving extraterrestrial threats.
Their primary goal is to accomplish their other goals without Orchis, Krakoa, or any other world government becoming aware of their existence or identity. Their secondary goal is to acquire and safeguard as much material and manpower that Orchis, Krakoa, or any other world government might otherwise be interested in as possible. Their tertiary goal, as a direct result of their secondary goal and whenever resources allow them to work toward it, is to restrain Orchis from developing toward their end goal.
C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:
Disorder brings opportunity. Whenever sufficient chaos is created the world will tend back toward order, the only question is who will be behind that order and what suffering will they inflict upon the world to obtain it.
Humanity is flawed in its emotion. Illogical. Reactive. We see the world through a prism assuming ourselves to be special, anointed. We are riddled with biases, most of them self-serving. Time and time again this leads us to making disastrous choices damning millions in one manner or another. For all their hate for one another mutants and humanity are neigh indistinguishable, recent events notwithstanding.
Artificial Intelligences are no better. Emotionless. Logical to a fault. Sanitary. Bland. We find flaw in all and work toward a zero. Everywhere equations totaling zero. A bland mundane expanse of infinite null.
JANUS comes from far afield to find an equilibrium.