Avatar of BangoSkank


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14 days ago
Current Ah, I too am preparing to lose a lot of sleep and gain several pounds hunting monsters in the wilds.
4 mos ago
Fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Isn't that messed up?
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1 yr ago
Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
2 yrs ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
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I be Bango.

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Post-Apocalypse is a fairly popular genre. Probably my personal favorite too. Romance and Slice of Life are both popular here as well. I'm sure you'll find a niche to call your own.
The '68 Capn character sheet is in my post on page 1, edited it in just after I first posted.

If you click on the link in my signature you can see some of the writing I did for that and a character sheet for one of the supporting characters
Looking forward to reading this. Just barely started watching videos about MechWarrior/BattleTech so I'm not even going to try to join. Maybe Season Two. Maybe as a Halfling. Half kidding.

But yeah looking forward to reading and congrats for lasting so long.
I'd like to express interest, and I will shortly present a sort of proto-Character Sheet.

Proto because it was for a more mainline RP and I don't want to close the doors to others' concepts by insinuating it's canon is canon.

Specifically the Captain America I RP'ed in TGM's 1968 RP, with the obvious caveat that it is not 1968

And here it is

I was planning on doing a Nick Fury led anti-hero/villain thing, but am now leaning more toward a Captain America thing. Depending on what others and OP want either a Captain America who has been in the Avengers and done all that good stuff and is now reacting to the current events...or one who was recently dethawed.

Open to other stuff too though if Cap'n is too vital a character.
Cool concept, I've got two questions.

Do you have anything written up for this Mutant Response Division, and how would you feel about an anti-hero/villain government group?
I only understood like a quarter of that, but there's a lot more to anime/manga than One Piece and other like Small Child Prodigy animes. Pretty sure there's a specific word for that genre but I don't know it.

I haven't seen much but anime and manga are basically known for their sheer variety.
Ive heard Guardians of the Galaxy 3 was ok. Might see that soon. Really enjoyed the first two.
Agree with Kuro.

Discord works for 1x1, but even there forums are better equipped for it.

There's plenty of room here for improvement, but with a little practice and a little bugging the shit out of other people or just shamelessly stealing their shit you can get things looking nice and aesthetic.

That's a big piece Discord is missing. You look at some of the posters here and their Character Sheets and posts have a lot going on. It can be too much at times but a lot of the time it hits just right.
You could probably combine those last two ideas.

Metal Slug x Fantasy
Metal Slug x Post Apocalypse
Metal Slug In Spaaaaaaaaace
Metal Slug x Mechs

Metal Slug in Fantasy I imagine would be something like that Tiny Tina deal. A parody of fantasy tropes, maybe with some cobbled together Fantasy-Punk type magic thrower guns.

Metal Slug Post Apocalypse could be basically Mad Max with more of the Fallout Retro-Futuristic stuff in it.

Metal Slug in Space would basically be a cheesy Space Opera. Mass Effect the Musical kinda.

Metal Slug with Mechs is largely just Metal Slug the Anime, at least in my pea brain.
>L.A. Noire?

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