Avatar of BangoSkank


Recent Statuses

13 days ago
Current Ah, I too am preparing to lose a lot of sleep and gain several pounds hunting monsters in the wilds.
4 mos ago
Fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Isn't that messed up?
1 like
1 yr ago
Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
2 yrs ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
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I be Bango.

Most Recent Posts

In Mahz's Dev Journal 2 yrs ago Forum: News
If he did that's some masterful comedy
Banned for stating "banned for stating the obvious", obviously.
I do not trust that lying turd...

But it does look good.

Maybe wait for Starfield?

Looks very similar but will likely have insane mod support too
Someone referenced Alex Jones. It's an Alex Jones thing.

"Literal vampire potbelly goblins are hobbling around coming after us"

It's almost poetic.

Political Warning, Alex Jones is sometimes quasi-political
Although this is just a funny song turning his rants into a folk song.
Banned because you don't know how that ship identifies
I enjoy character creation as well, although I'm dumb as fuck at it and usually have to double check everything with the GM. Which is weird since I almost always make a Halfling/Orc Monk/Paladin
Harbinger used to run 3.5 and occasionally Pathfinder. They're fun systems too. I tried to run Deadlands a few years back. It really does come down to 5 is newest and I want to say the one that DND Beyond uses so it's most common.
Outerworlds also has a sequel in development.

I swear I will die laughing if Outerworlds 2 steals Starfield's shine the same way New Vegas did Fallout 3
Banned for not being able to pronounce Za-Me-Jaa

Or Ze-Mi-Ha

Or maybe Zim-E-Ah

Banned because I can't pronounce it either
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