Avatar of BangoSkank


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10 days ago
Current Ah, I too am preparing to lose a lot of sleep and gain several pounds hunting monsters in the wilds.
4 mos ago
Fear of long words is hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. Isn't that messed up?
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1 yr ago
Star Wars Persistent World, that was a thing that was sort of a thing. Kind of.
1 yr ago
LongSword is objectively the best main. Objectively.
2 yrs ago
The ones from Calle are usually monthly. I tried to start another one a few years back.
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I be Bango.

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Probably either the Punisher or Daredevil Netflix series.

Damn shame Marvel didn't hire those guys to do an actual Capt A & Bucky show or really any of the Marvel shows other than Loki, which I thought was ok.

That's likely correct yeah.

I did an Arena Tournament RP and had good fun with it but it still meant I had to break a lot of my posts up into like 4-6 posts
I've done a few via Discord. It's imperfect but it allows for quick posting back and forth, gathering a lot of like minded folks fairly quickly, and doesn't have any of the "must be halfway advertiser friendly" restrictions or forums.

I've done Discord RPs for Tournament fighting and for Pen and Paper Roleplaying, like Dungeons and Dragons.
Check some of the links down below this post. The first one is just self promotion but the others are helpful.

Written by several different folks here they should help get back into the flow and explain a bit of the sort of culture here. Maybe help you figure out where you want to write as far as Advanced/Casual/Free.

Cheers bro. There's plenty of RPs here, you'll find your niche.

Maybe also Danger, Danger Fontaine. Rapping Professional Wrestler with more Muscles than sense.
Captain America
Interesting opportunity to reflect on what's going on in the world, either in real life or in current storylines. His general conservative (in the definition sense not the political one) nature combined with his general good guy tendencies. Usually a friend to mutants. Not the sort to go along with things like the Mutant Registration Act. All that combined with the many many characters he has come to interact with over the years. Some of whom are pretty shady and set up a good opportunity for confrontations. Punisher, Logan, Bushwacker, Nuke, Nick Fury, the Military and really almost any big organization. In more modern stuff he's sort of become a folk hero for younger characters. I also just had a blast writing stuff for him in the old 1968 thread. Probably some of my best writing, if I do say so myself, and just good fun.

Effective immortality. A lot of street level stuff but also a lot of upper level stuff. One of the few characters who can stand up to, and will, damn near anyone even if it means he is "dead" for a little while. Similar to Captain America he's crossed paths with damn near everyone at one time or another, similar to him he too has a damn good reason to be distrusting of government agencies. I like him better in street level stories personally. Has many of the same enemies as Captain America along with plenty of his own. Also always good stories to tell between him and Spiderman.

Has a ton of potential. Can make for great stories or shit stories. Easy to veer into TactiCool stuff. Best for street level stories or as sort of a Batman character, albeit he's only Batman-ish with support.

One More

I've never written as Nightcrawler, but I think it could have a ton of potential. Religious. Demon. Sneaky. Team Oriented. Just good fun. Plus IIRC he was a pirate with Shadowcat for a little while and I too am a big fan of Shadowcat.

In DC I tried to write as Jonah Hex for a bit. I'm a dork for Weird West storylines. Gunslingers and Spells. Repeaters and Zombies. 49ers and Vampires. I'm a fucking dork for it. More so than usual.
I've been going Half Orc Barbarian. I want to go Evil Warlock next time but I don't know if I can hack it.

At least greedy manipulative Witcher type...but I don't know if I can bring myself to attack the goodie types in BG3
Could always go with Bannerlord instead.

It's kind of like that, a prequel with more groups and smaller.

I tried to start one a while back.

Very cool concept. I'd be interested in joining. Do you have sort of outlines for what races of monster might or might not be acceptable?

Lovecraftian Detective?
Hills Have Eyes type cannibal?
Undead Cowboy?
Gamblers with debts to demons?

I have a rather specific idea myself which is sort of a Native American version of a vampire.

You might look at the Deadlands Tabletop Game for some inspiration. Similar concepts although explicitly American.

If you go to the Stuff I Did link in my bio, in the second post there there should be a link to a Deadlands thread I started some time ago and a short Campfire Story
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