Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Most Recent Posts

Location: HQ -> La Hoya
Interaction/s: Squad Aye and Bee

"Oh... I see." Aleen'a simply muttered upon Viktor's answer. She was expecting he'd say something like that but it was still very sad to hear. To abandon your teammates for the sake of the mission, such sacrifice would be hard to do for a Tamaranean that values fellowship among everything. She vowed to herself that she would at least try to save her friends to the best of her abilities. If she couldn't, well, the guilt within her won't allow her to stand idly by and just watch as her friends were in danger anyway.

Once they were dismissed, Aleen'a went back to gear up for the mission. She loved how everyone kept their merry spirits despite the danger they might face. She had always seen average humans as overall physically weak but mentally resilient, and she admired them for it. Anyways, Aleen'a put on a grey and white bodysuit, boots, and arm guards. She didn't put on a coat or jacket as Tamaraneans were naturally resistant to extreme temperatures and she didn't want to be weighed down by heavy clothing. She also brought many first aid kits and put them in a big medicinal bag as well. As the Warlords of Okaara would always say: to be ready for anything, one must train for everything. As for the rest of the waiting time, Aleen'a spent hers reviewing the mission once more and, while no one's looking, spread peanut butter on some leftover pizza slices and ate them.

During the trip, she happily ate the sandwich Daphne made for her, she needed all the energy she could get especially since it'll be night by the time they get to their destination. She loved how thoughtful she was to her; even though the number of times they interacted with each other was scarce, Aleen'a could tell she was a lovely individual. She couldn't help but worry about Daphne though especially back at that awful incident in the obstacle course weeks ago. She hoped she would be alright and Aleen'a will always be there for her friends whenever. She spent the rest of their trip psyching herself up, meditating to calm her nerves and remind herself that things just got a lot more serious. This wasn't a fun little exercise anymore, lives were at stake here.

If Koriand'r made Aleen'a join the team to solve her boredom, it was working much more than she thought it would.

Thankfully, the teams managed to arrive at their mission's location in one piece. She left her medicinal bag within the ship and joined the others outside. Brightheart had only ever seen snow-covered trees in holiday-themed movies and she would've loved to take a picture of them as remembrance, but she reminded herself that she's on a mission. Like the rest, she put on her gadgets and also put on this grey-colored cap that kept her bright red hair within at the last minute. She figured an alien with golden skin, blue eyes, and red hair would stick out way too much in such a white and grey environment, especially when she's flying up in the night sky. All that was missing were a pair of flippers and Aleen'a looked like she was going to take a swim in feets-high snow.

When Talon spoke to the groups, Brightheart was touched. When Rain spoke to the groups, she was a little disappointed. These boys were really confusing her. She thought one boy was scarier than the other then it turned out the boy wasn't scary at all, and now the other boy got less scary while the other was suddenly back to being scary. Human boys were so much more confusing than this thing called human math.

She raised her hand up to speak. "I suppose we should ask for your permission for breakings in the bathing room or are we expected to hold our excrements in until the mission ends?" Brightheart, from the bottom of her genuine, sincere, naive heart, asked Talon and Rain.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
hope y'all like him ^u^

Location: Communications Complex
Interaction/s: Squad B

A certain Tamaranean was very enlightened, so to speak. Aleen'a didn't want to say she wasn't clueless to things like that, in fact, her kin had some knowledge when it came to technology as well but theirs were more designed for the field of war ever since their freedom from the Citadel, but they have been deprived of these advancements for a long time that it felt like they were being introduced to galactic civilization for the first time. She figured holograms would be of great help to her people and made a mental note to ask Alisa about it later after their mission.

After her friend gracefully showed her that Batman was indeed just a hologram, she nodded in understanding and thanked Alisa eagerly for expanding her knowledge about human things. Aleen'a was confused when the others laughed when Alisa swapped at the area where hologram Batman's butt was but she figured it was just another human thing as well.

Aleen'a met up with Squad B when Viktor called for them and listened carefully at him as he relayed his instructions. She would be their 'main eyes' up in the sky with Coal helping with the much more close-up land surveillance. She needed to make sure to alert the team if the enemies would do something sneaky. Since it was nighttime, she needed to conserve as much energy as she could just in case of an emergency. Additionally, Aleen'a would also have to call everyone by their hero names since this was a covert mission. The latter was something she was yet to be used to but she hoped she wouldn't confuse them like what she did with Black Canary and Green Arrow the first time.

She raised her hand. "Uh, since this is a covert mission, I believe it is our priority to only observe and give information to others yes? What happens if one of us is caught and is fighting the enemy? Are we to abandon our posts to help our friends or should we remain hidden? Also, if I were to be spending most of time in the night sky on a snowy place, should I wear black or white?"

Location: Communications Complex
Interaction/s: The Team

Aleen'a had lots of fun in the past two weeks. She would never have thought it was possible for her to make such new and very good friends that were not of the same alien race as her. It was like a dream come true for her. She enjoyed spending time with Alisa, hiking with some of them, and doing a whole lot more training and other fun stuff with them. In those two weeks, Aleen'a wouldn't even imagine she'd be spending time with Viktor. He wasn't as scary now as she thought of him before after all. In fact, she liked hanging out with him although those eyes of his really made her feel flustered for some reason she couldn't explain.

She had such wonderful moments bonding and getting to know each of the members of her team too. Well, not all of them. Talon had become the 'next scary-looking guy' for her after Viktor and try as she might, she was still too nervous to approach him. It's the same manner for Casper but for a different reason. The darkness and the negativity that surrounded him made her apprehensive about approaching him and she guessed he was very nervous around her too. At least though, she could tell he was a very kind-hearted fellow.

Despite all that, she enjoyed the times she had spent with her new friends no matter what. She had grown to love her newfound friends so much that for the past two weeks she spent alone, she would invest all of her time in creating some things for them. Aleen'a would laugh giddily as she worked upon her project. When the right time came, she was sure every single one of her new friends would enjoy her gifts for them. Surely not now, not even tomorrow, but soon...

Presently, the whole team had been called upon for a meeting at the communications complex. Aleen'a audibly gasped when the Justice LEaguer on the screen was none other than the Batman himself! It was her first time seeing one of the founding members of the League as he wasn't with Superman and the rest when they helped free Tamaran from the Citadel. She also vaguely remembered Kori talked about meeting him some time ago when she used to be in a relationship with one of Batman's proteges but she wasn't entirely sure about it now. Nevertheless, if the Batman was the one briefing them about their first major assignment ever as a team then that must mean it's going to be some very serious stuff.

Aleen'a intently listened to Batman as he explained the nature of their mission: a covered missio- Covfered? Coverd? Oh, a covert recon mission. All they had to do was gather information about the bad guys that could be used against them. She did utter some 'Ooooh's and 'Woaaahh's whenever Batman simply just zoomed in on the map and showed them where they needed to land because she had never seen this type of technology before but she still understood what must be needed to accomplish.

She also listened as Talon listed off who'll be in each one's teams. He'll lead the team comprising of Zatara, Mirage, Metamorph, and Cybergirl as the ones who will be infiltrating the bad guys' base to get the needed information while Vik- er, Rain will lead a team consisting of herself, Hex, Nymph, and Gold Rush to be in charge of recon and patrolling. Her assignment made sense as she's practically the only one in the team who could naturally fly. She was very nervous about this but she was determined to not bring anyone down. She was also surprised to hear Talon speak with such natural confidence although he still did seem a little too proud. He sure was a weird and interesting fellow indeed.

Aleen'a eagerly nodded. "Like Hex, I too am whole of heartingly agreeing to you, leader. Although, I am just concerned..." She paused. It had been troubling her ever since she first stepped foot into the communications complex with all of them. It was bugging her so much that she couldn't bear to wait any longer. She really, honestly, genuinely needed to know the answer to it. Aleen'a looked at Batman with concern and pity in her eyes. "Why is Batman so blue?"

♡ with Alisa (Cybergirl) and Aleen'a (Brightheart)
Location: Happy Harbor Mall

Alisa clutched the credit card in her hand like a lifeline. Only some minutes ago, she had been broke, but now she had so much money that she didn’t know what to do with it. Maybe this whole Young Justice thing wouldn’t be so bad- not if they were getting paid this much.

Soon after the bus group had split up, Alisa had made a beeline for the art store, leaving Daphne and Talon to go look for phones and Ja and Kassy to go to the music store. It was a relief to find out that Happy Harbor had a place like this. The art store, Reflections, seemed to be a small mom-and-pop affair, not something ginormous like a Michelle’s. Despite its size, it was nice inside. The walls were covered with artwork for sale, the aisles were small and welcoming, and there was even a painting studio. They had had nicer places in San Francisco, but this place was still quiet and artsy, and that was all Alisa could really ask for. Melodic music played in the background as people browsed in the shop. Alisa browsed through quietly, one of three people in the store. She had picked out paints, paintbrushes, a sketchbook, colored pencils, canvases, and an easel for herself. She was ready to go. Humming to herself happily, she went up to the cashier and presented her things.

It took a moment to bag and ring it all up, but it was quick, and soon Alisa had left the store. Now, she was carrying three bags of art supplies, and she had no idea where to go. Anxiety nibbled at her. It didn’t look like anyone else was around. Shopping alone in a strange city didn’t sound too appealing to her, and it seemed that everyone had already gone their own ways. Maybe I can try to find one of the girls or Viktor? She had wanted to introduce herself to Aleen’a earlier, but hadn’t gotten the chance. Maybe she should try to find her.

Alisa wandered about the mall for a few minutes, craning her head, trying to find someone else. It couldn’t be that hard to find one of 10 teenagers in the mall but, unfortunately, they seemed to have come at peak shopping time, and it was crowded.

Finally, Alisa sighted a familiar red head of hair in the crowd and smiled. That had to be Aleen’a! She pushed through the crowd to get to the other girl, who was window-shopping happily. “Aleen’a! Hey!” Alisa tapped her on the shoulder and smiled. “We didn’t get the chance to talk earlier. I’m Alisa Fields- or, like, Cybergirl or whatever. I’m on the team with you. It’s really nice to meet you.” Alisa extended her hand for a handshake.

Aleen’a was thrilled the entire trip on her riding the human-made vehicle called jeep with her friends. It’s much more comfortable and relaxing than flying. Sure, she could probably have much more leeway in sight-seeing and getting to her destination at her own pace but she didn’t enjoy the various little bugs that kept being crushed on her face whenever she didn’t fly high enough. It’s one of the things that she didn’t like about Earth like those humans who would discriminate against their own kind if they didn’t pass their standards and also pineapples (its many eyes creep her out).

As far as Aleen’a knew, humans were aware of the existence of aliens ever since Superman’s introduction to the world and the formation of the Justice League. Aleen’a was also aware that the aliens were met with mixed reactions from the humans as well. Some welcomed them with open arms while others weren’t as welcoming. Nowadays, people would just treat them as they would any other of their fellow human beings but of course those lingering stares will always be there. It took some time to get used to and it was thanks to Koriand’r for helping her with it too. Aleen’a would just give them a wave and a warm smile. Sometimes they’d smile back but sometimes they won’t; either way, life went on for everyone.

It seemed that everyone went their separate ways upon arriving at the mall which made Aleen’a a bit sad but she understood her fellow teammates’ needs of exploring on their own. She honestly didn’t have any idea of what she wanted to buy yet so Aleen’a decided to take a look around. Again, she could feel some people looking at her but she was used to it. It made her feel like those famous human actors. What were they called? Ah yes, seller breetees.

She happened upon a poster of a human model that wore the store’s clothes. All these models looked the same to Aleen’a no matter their skin color. They all had well-defined cheekbones, structured jawlines, and they all looked so somber and wistless. Wouldn’t they be supposed to be smiling with happiness on wearing such beautiful and expensive clothing?

Aleen’a perked up at the sound of a familiar voice and was delighted to see one of her teammates. Alisa extended her hand for a handshake and the Tamaranean happily shook her hand. ”It is of much pleasure to meet you, Alisa! I am always feel so full of joy upon making new friends. There are many people here at the mall as well so it is a relief in one’s eyes on seeing a familiar face. Have you already buyed your favored item?

Alisa returned a firm handshake. Aleen’a’s enthusiasm was contagious, and she felt her grin growing by the moment. What a breath of fresh air this girl was from the rest of the seemingly moody team! The other girl’s grammar was a bit strange, but she couldn’t judge- she came from an alien planet! “Thank you! I have a feeling we’re going to be good friends,” she told Aleen’a before returning her hand to her side. She gestured to the bags at her side at Aleen’a’s question. “I went to the art store and got some things. I, um, like to paint and draw in my spare time.”

Alisa took note of Aleen’a’s few bags and raised an eyebrow. “Have you not bought anything yet? I think we’ve had some time… do you need help deciding?”
”Oh my, I am eager to learn more about the art of Earth. I do not understand it but it is still very interesting for me.” Aleen’a said. She didn’t know what to make of Alisa. She looked human but at the same time, she was getting a weird vibe from her. She had no idea who these people were and what they’re capable of and the only clue as to what kind of person or hero they’ll be was with their chosen hero name. Aleen’a knew the term ‘cyber’ pertains to any technology. Perhaps Alisa was a human who was proficient with technology?

She looked at the bags she had with her and compared them to the many bags Alisa had before sheepishly laughing. ”I am used to Kori always helping me on where to go and what to buy when we are shopping. I will appreciate your help, yes!” She excitedly said and went beside Alisa. ”I am thinking of buying clothes and I really need a human to help me decide what is appropriate. It does seem like you are the perfect candidate for it!” She cheerfully said with a giggle.

Alisa giggled right back, not really feeling like correcting her. She wasn’t entirely human, but she was an emulation of one. That counted! Alisa took Aleen’a’s arm in hers and started to walk towards what looked like a women’s clothing store. “Kori… that’s Starfire, right? She’s so cool. You implied that she was your cousin earlier. It must be awesome to be related to someone like that.” Out of the little superhero news Alisa had seen before all this, Starfire had been one of the heroes who stuck out to her the most. She was strange and kind and inhuman and beautiful, but she wasn’t about to tell Aleen’a that she thought her cousin was hot. “I’m not too good at clothes shopping either. My… well, my parents used to always go with me, so this is my first time shopping by myself too. But we can help each other! And have fun, of course. That store looks like it has cute dresses.” She pointed to the store they were walking to.

Aleen’a eagerly nodded. ”Koriand’r is Tamaran’s pride and joy. She did not give up on us in our time of need and she is always there for her people and homeland even when she is lightyears away. Like how Earth have its own national heroes like the Justice League, Kori is Tamaran’s own hero as well.” She said as the two women walked side by side. Alisa could feel how happy and proud Aleen’a was towards her cousin. The Tamaranean saw the shop Alisa was pointing at and she marvelled at how pretty the selection was on its window displays. ”Oh my, they are indeed of the cute variety. Come, let’s go have fun!” Aleen’a said and giggled as she excitedly pulled Alisa to the store.

Sure enough, the store had lots of cute clothes to choose from. It’s mostly modern and preppy but there’s still a variety of different fashion choices for everybody. ”Alisa, this looks all amazing!” Aleen’a exclaimed, marvelling at the rack of clothes nearest to her. ”So many choices… What shall we try first?”

“I’d love to hear more about Tamaran, if you’d want to tell me. It sounds super interesting!”

Once they got into the store,Alisa looked around at all the options, trying to disguise her own amazement. There was so much! And to think she could buy anything she wanted… There were dresses, jeans, shirts, tank tops, swimsuits, shoes, and other various trinkets in the store. “I don’t really know where to start… maybe we should just pick out clothes that we think are nice and try them on and show each other?” That was how Alisa had seen things like this done in movies, anyways. “You know your size at least, right? Like, small, medium, large...”

”Size… Oh yes, I believe I am somewhat in the middle of medium and large on Earth terms. And indeed, I will be more than happy to tell you about my home planet!” Aleen’a said to Alisa with a warm smile. ”Good thing you are here, friend. All these various beautiful selections can whelm me in a very over way!” She excitedly exclaimed, eyes already scanning the numerous racks of clothing available. There were also some women shopping for clothes as well and Aleen’a saw a woman with numerous shopping bags like Alisa pick out a shopping cart and put her stuff on it. She got the idea and quickly got one for themselves. ”Your bags must be heavy, Alisa. Put your things here so it will be easier for us to shop for cute and beautiful clothes.”

“Thanks! They’re not very heavy, but having my hands free will come in handy.” Alisa put her bags in the cart gently. They were in fact heavy, but certainly not for her. Any human without enhanced strength would have had a difficult time lifting them, considering there was an easel in those bags, but Alisa seemed to lift them without an issue. “I’ll take the cart. We can go around, pick out cute clothes and shoes and things, and then we’ll meet at the dressing room in 25 minutes to try stuff on. Okay?” Alisa took the cart from Aleen’a and cast her gaze around the room, steadfastly ignoring the swimsuit section. Dresses first.

”Okie donkey!” Aleen’a cheerfully agreed to Alisa. She first heard this term from a 90’s TV ‘seat-calm’ show when she was checking out Earth’s media months before she even heard of the Justice League forming another team full of young aspiring heroes. As her seemingly human friend and her parted ways, it gave Aleen’a the chance to check out the store for herself too. She went to the shirts section and marvelled at the diversity of the designs before her. Some were plain and in different colors, some had funny prints on them, some had graphic designs, and some had various patterns like floral and whatnot. Her interest got piqued by the sweatshirts and cardigans, loving how they looked as well as how comfortable they were to the touch. She began collecting the things she liked, imagining how they would look like together based on her taste and what passed in human standards.

Meanwhile, Alisa browsed around the clothing store. She made her way methodically through the racks and displays, searching for anything that struck her fancy. She ended up picking out a lot of clothing. Colorful dresses, shirts, and a few pairs of jeans and shorts ended up in the cart. Does Aleen’a know her jean size? She pondered as she browsed through the spare stacks of petite jeans (Alisa had been cursed to be short and, unfortunately, there was no chance of her growing naturally). If she didn’t, she would surely need to figure it out.

Alisa also grabbed a few pairs of shoes: cute sandals, boots, and a pair of black flats. She went undisturbed while shopping. A lone teenage girl wasn’t a strange sight in the mall at this time of year. She relished the invisibility. Plus, the ability to choose whatever she wanted! Alisa’s style, she found, was very colorful; it was loud and bohemian.

When she ended up at the dressing rooms exactly 25 minutes later, she had collected an array of clothing that had caught her eye in the store. She glanced around for Aleen’a, prepared to start trying on clothing. It had been 25 minutes, so the other girl should be there soon.

"Hello again Alisa!" Aleen'a greeted her friend at the dressing rooms after she got what she wanted. Like Alisa, the Tamaranean also had a lot of stuff she wanted to try out. Her fashion taste was very that of today, typical of an alien wanting to blend in on Earth based on its current time period. They're almost all pastel colored as well with her choices consisting mostly of chic crop tops, sweaters, and shorts. Thanks to Koriand'r, Aleen'a knew what her sizes were in Earth standards though there'll still be a chance she won't get her exact size.

Thankfully, no one seemed to have paid Aleen'a any mind so she was able to shop at peace. It looked like all the women shopping here were more focused on clothing than an alien among them. Either way, Aleen'a was brimming with joy and excitement. "I cannot wait to try them all out! Oh and you have picked very cute selections as well." She said as she took a quick look at Alisa's things. "Now we will try them on and show what we got to each other, yeah? Oh, this is so exciting! I will take the stall next to you." Indeed, two stalls were free after a few minutes which was perfect for the two ladies.

“Alright!” Alisa replied, chipper, and lifted her clothes into the stall next to Aleen’a’s.

Aleen'a got into the stall and closed it. She was giggling with excitement as she was trying out the clothes she got. She mixed and matched them until she managed to get some outfits she thought would be very pretty. She tried them on and went out to show it to Alisa. "Is it good?" Aleen'a asked Alisa as she twirled around to show the latter her outfit. It was a white long-sleeved turtleneck that showed her midriff with ripped mini-denim shorts and a pink bomber jacket.

While Aleen’a was dressing up, Alisa took the liberty of stepping into her own stall and wriggling out of her own clothes and into a red maxi dress. She frowned, looking at herself in the mirror. Red wasn’t exactly her color, and the dress was way too long. If she had been Aleen’a’s height, she could’ve pulled it off, but as it was… well, there was definitely not supposed to be a train there. Definitely not a good pick. Why did they have to make me this short? An inch or two extra couldn’t have been that more expensive in materials… Still, Alisa exited the stall and twirled around, showing Aleen’a her dress.

“Looking good! Try the jacket with something else, though- it doesn’t look good with the sweater. Maybe a tank top?” Alisa suggested. Despite her desire to make others happy, she had a tendency to be very honest about her thoughts. “I’m not getting this dress. I’m way too short for it.” She huffed and tugged on the train that was definitely not supposed to be a train.

“So, what do people on Tamaran wear? I know you get powers from the sun. Do you- do you wear clothes? Do you guys have clothing stores like this?” A color came to Alisa’s cheeks.

"Oh, I see. Will try out your suggestion." Aleen'a nodded in understanding and threw her jacket back into her stall. "Indeed, the dress does seem to not fit you but good thing you are small. It looks like human female clothes are more made to fit small, skinny humans like you, Alisa. They claimed some of the clothes I really liked did not have sizes that fit me. As one would say, such a bummer." She sighed sadly.

She was still out of her stall with Alisa and was looking at what she picked, thinking about what kind of crop top went best with the jacket, when Alisa asked Aleen'a questions about her people's fashion. "We also have many clothing and accessory stores in Tamaran. Our main color is violet but some of us like me like to wear different colors from time to time. It is, as humans say, to put spices onto things."

Aleen'a continued as she picked a crop top with a NASA logo on it. "Unlike Earth, we embrace nudity and the beauty of the physical body although we also prefer if you wear clothes for common decency of course. As for our clothing, we like to show off our bodies whenever we can. Most of our clothes consist of ones where we show off our legs and arms, sometimes even a part of our chest and most of our midriff. It is to let us absorb our stars' rays as much as we can while also being decent. If humans would visit Tamaran someday, one would definitely say our people are scantily clad."

“Ah. That’s very interesting! Thanks for answering my question.” Alisa supposed it was slightly ridiculous that she expected Tamarans to go naked, but their interesting biology would make their culture around clothing different. “Lucky for you, crop tops are fashionable right now, so it probably won’t be too hard of a transition!” She laughed at her own statement and then grabbed a tank top and a pair of shorts to try on.

In the changing room, she took off the dress and put on the blue tank top and denim shorts. Again, she frowned in the mirror. It was a cute tank top, but, like a lot of women’s clothing, it did something strange in the back. Its back was open- instead of fabric, there were strings of fabric, showing off nearly Alisa’s entire back. Including the access panels there. Screws were visible, something out of place on any human’s back.

She kind of wanted to change back, but decided to go out and show Aleen’a anyways. “I like the front, but it’s really weird in the back… the shorts are nice, though. What do you think?”

"That is very glad to hear! Human crop tops are too modest for Tamaranean standards anyway." Aleen'a giggled as they both got into their stalls. While Alisa was trying out her crop top, Aleen'a instead found some different clothes to wear instead. She opted on a pink sweater and paired it with a white skirt with flower prints on it. This one was definitely modest for her people alright.

She went out to find Alisa wearing a crop top. "That is a cute look on you! Let me see the bac- Oh." Aleen'a went around Alisa to see how she looked like from the back and was surprised with what she saw. "What are these strange metal objects on your back, Alisa?" She asked. It reminded her of a Leaguer named Cyborg she saw back at the war, he's human but technology had integrated itself into his body, making him part robot. "A-Alisa, are you also not-human?" She asked in awe and confusion.

“Um.” Alisa crossed her arms over herself. “They’re screws?” she said, hoping that would explain it. It did not. She sighed, and launched into an explanation. This part was always so awkward! Hopefully her teammates would stop asking so many questions soon. “Yeah. I’m not really human. I look like one and act like one, but I’m really an android. That pretty much means I’m an entirely synthetic or artificial being. A computer in a metal body. I could be compared to Cyborg, if you’re familiar with him, but he’s partially human and I never was. He’s the one who brought me into this whole Justice League thing, actually!” Alisa peered at Aleen’a for a reaction after her spiel. “Does that answer your question? I know it can be sorta confusing.”

Aleen’a blinked a few times at Alisa after she explained what she was. That actually explained a lot about her confusions about her friend. A robotic machine capable of human emotions and rational thinking, a metallic being that had a consciousness, and this was a creation of the humans? Aleen’a knew of the humans’ resourcefulness and intelligence but she never thought they would be this marvelous.

It did take Aleen’a a few moments to understand what Alisa explained but in the end, the Tamaranean gave her a warm smile and a big hug. "Friends come in all shapes and sizes, tastes and smells. Your creators have blessed you with the gift of life just as our goddess blessed us with good health and fortune. I am proud and blessed that I am able to have a friend like you.” She kindly said to Alisa while hugging her. "Also, the crop top’s back is not so much cute-looking.”

Alisa laughed, relieved, and returned the hug in full squeezing force. Yet again, she was struck by how kind and accepting some of her teammates were in terms of her origins. Being an android wasn’t a horrible thing, but many who met her were slow to accept and understand that something like her could exist, could be a person of their own. Had she been wrong to believe she would unsettle them? It seemed like she had. To them, she wasn’t human, but she was certainly a person. It was a good feeling, a warm feeling. It had only been a week, and yet her teammates were being so friendly to her. Aleen’a was even calling her a friend, and they had only met today!

She separated herself from the hug, perhaps a bit too late for comfort. “Thanks, friend,” she told Aleen’a. “This top is terrible, you’re right. I’m not buying this. I have like 10 other tops to try on, though. I’m sure something else won’t have the back torn off it.” With a wry smile, Alisa went back into the dressing room.

Aleen’a nodded as Alisa went back to her stall. She was glad to have learned something new about one of her friends and she thought it would be a great start for them to be closer together as well. While she had no experience on being friends with an android before, she thought that it would just be the same as a regular human, just that they’re a robot and not a human altogether. Nevertheless, Aleen’a was thrilled to have such a diverse set of people she could call friends. It made her even more excited to get to know the others too!

"Take your time, friend! I have many clothes I would like to try on as well!” She said to Alisa as she went back to her own dressing room. She admired herself in the mirror and really liked the outfit she had on right now so she decided to add them to what she wanted to buy. She then hopped on to the next mixing and matching of the clothes to find what worked well together. Most she didn’t like but she did find some clothing that she found really cute and pretty.

After a few outfits of varying success, Alisa came out wearing a dusty red-colored long-sleeved romper. She twirled around in the mirror. “I like this,” she declared. It did look good on her. Maybe it would look even better with boots or sandals? Maybe some sunglasses and earrings too… “So, Aleen’a… do you have any hobbies? Stuff you like to do when you’re not fighting or training?” Alisa belatedly checked the price tag on the outfit. “If you’re looking for an example, I draw!”

Aleen’a tried out a bunch of outfits she thought looked cute on her and came out wearing white linen trousers and a printed strapless crop top. She loved how light and comfortable it was for her. Plus, she could absorb as much ultraviolet rays while wearing decent clothing in human standards so all was well. "Hobbies… Well, Kori introduced me to writing and I do keep a book of notes in my room where I write whatever I want on it. I also love eating, it is one of my most favorite of hobbies! Oh, that looks cute on you!” Aleen’a praised Alisa when she saw her outfit. "Putting more accessories on it will make it even more cuter. Also, you say you draw? As in, you make art? That is indeed super cool! Why have your hobby to be drawing? What is it about that you found a liking in?”

Alisa shrugged and turned to face Aleen’a. She hadn’t thought much about why she liked to draw- she just did it. “It’s just nice to make something, I guess,” she answered. “Like... those jeans you saw me wearing? The flower ones? I painted those yesterday. I just like how they look.” Alisa tried on a pair of dark sunglasses and laughed
at herself in the mirror. She looked like Talon when she wore those- dark, edgy, and mysterious. She put them down. That wasn’t really her vibe. “If you like eating so much, what’s your favorite food? I bet food on Tamaran is very different.”

"You made that? Oh, that is so pretty! I really like how they looked too!" Aleen'a excitedly said as she put on these black-colored shoes called boots on. It made her much taller than she already was but it also added so much more to her outfit too. "Creating things is a very happy and rewarding experience so it is no wonder you find joy and fulfillment with it too. As for food, we also have the same basis like here on Earth. We have certain types of food we like to eat with soup, some fried, and some baked. Koriand'r introduced me to all-you-can-eat buffets and these restaurants called Korya-no, er, Korean! Yes, Korean unlimited barbecue. Also, peanut butter pizza is very wonderful too! What food do you like to eat, Alisa?"

"I can taste, but I don't actually need to eat anything to survive, so food sort of loses its oomph for me, if that makes sense," Alisa explained, but then quirked a smile. "But I love sweets! Have you had ice cream yet? Oooh, ooh, or a frappuccino from Stardollars? They are so good."

"Oh yes, sweets! I love ice cream especially that one called, uh, tiramisu! It is the perfect blend of sweetness and bitterness for me. I can't get enough of it!" Aleen'a excitedly said before picking a white coat from her selected clothes and put it on to see if it looks good with her outfit. "Frapuchee-no, fraphu… Ugh, I cannot ever say that name right. Me and Kori do not like going to that cafe. We cannot pronounce those drinks with such complex names and whatever we got was oftentimes too bitter or too weird-tasting. We do like some of their snacks though too bad they do not serve ice cream."

"Oh, too bad! The frappuccinos are so good. I don't really like the bitter ones either- apparently the bitter tasting stuff is coffee. Humans like it because it energizes them. I don't really get the point, though." It was true- caffeine did nothing for Alisa, although she liked the taste of the things put in it.

"We should totally take the team out for ice cream sometime! It would be so fun. It might even cheer up some of the moody ones." Alisa stuck out her tongue playfully at no one in particular.

Aleen'a agreed on what Alisa said about caffeine as her kin relied on ultraviolet radiation for energy. She did try to drink coffee with Koriand'r once and they both weren't able to sleep a wink later that night. Aleen'a giggled at what Alisa said about ice creams and cheering up the moody ones in their team too. "I sure do hope so. If not, I'm sure peanut butter on pizza could work too!" She said.

"I'm gonna go and try something else on. See you in a minute!" She walked back into the dressing room, a skip in her step.

Aleen'a was admiring her outfit on the mirror and eagerly nodded at Alisa as she went back to the dressing room. Aleen'a returned to hers and tried out some more clothes too. She would often show Alisa her outfits and listen to her suggestions and ideas about them. Aleen'a also liked how small most of Earth's accessories were as compared to those of Tamaran. They were simple-looking but they added very fine details to the outfits. Some outfits don't even need accessories which she learned as well.

After a long time of trying out new clothes, Aleen'a had finally chosen the ones she liked the most out of all she picked out for herself. "Alisa, I will be waiting for you outside, okay? Please take as much time as you need!" She called out to her friend as she went out with the clothes she liked separated from those she didn't. She had the grandest time doing it with such a joyful friend like Alisa and she was already looking forward to spending more time with her in the future too. That got her thinking: who else could she bond with next?

Soon after, Alisa left the dressing room with her picks. She had a good collection now. Much better than the few things hanging in her closet back at base! Quickly, she paid for the clothing at the register and had it bagged and then went out to join Aleen’a.

She left the store with two more bags than she had started with, grinning from ear to ear. It had been so much fun to shop with Aleen’a! “Thanks for helping me pick out all these clothes, Aleen’a. It was really nice to talk to you.”

“I think I’m gonna go and shop around for some room decorations and stuff, though. I’ll see you later!” Alisa turned to go, walking to where a lot more stores were. That was successful! Aleen’a and her, at least, seemed to have a lot in common. Hopefully making friends with the rest of the team would be just as easy.

Location: Teleporter Room
Interaction/s: The Team

After that battle with Gold Rush, Aleen'a spent the next few hours bathing and relaxing. It had been so long since she got engaged in a battle and as much as she hated to admit it, she was very sloppy back there. She thought of training again at the base's gym but she remembered her cousin's teachings. She's encouraged by Kori to not exert herself out too much. They actually had talked about it multiple times where Aleen'a told Kori that while their people have attained peace, the thought of being under another race yet again made the Tamaraneans restless and anxious. While they worked hard to rebuild their civilization, they were also working harder on fortifying their defenses. Ale was filled with worrying and anxiousness for the sake of her people and so was Kori but the cousins were always a source of comfort for each other.

So relax Aleen'a did, staying in her room and resting on her bed to restore her energy. While she was worried about the sake of others during the training, she thought that like her, they would want to spend some time alone to reflect and rest. She did make a mental note to ask Felix about watching their battle together later at least.

After resting, Aleen'a learned that the entire team would be going out for a trip together. It made Aleen'a so excited. Not only would she get to explore and enjoy what Earth had to offer, she also got to hang out with her teammates as well. She and Kori would always go shopping together and she was stoked to be doing this with her friends now. She got dressed up and immediately went out to join the team in time in the teleporter room.

Upon arriving there, imaginary stars would sparkle in Aleen'a's eyes as she saw the jeep Red Tornado prepared for them. She flew all over it excitedly, saying things like 'Wow!', 'Oh my!', and 'Amazing!' while listening to the team discuss who's going to take the jeep and the Zeta Beams to go to their destination and talk about terminologies that don't make sense to her. So Daphne could sense lies for two months while Viktor had been doing it for years? Her admiration of the scary-looking human was raised.

"An outing with friends is always fun! I am so looking towards the spending of time with everyone. Taking a trip of shopping is so exciting!" She giddily said. "I wish to experience riding this human vehicle called jeep. It would be a good changing of the pace from the usual flying and I never rode a human-made vehicle before. Much cool..." She added, further marveling at the wonders of human technology.

Location: Happy Harbour
Interaction/s: Team Arrow

It seemed that the obstacle course had come to an end because of what happened to the other team. Aleen’a was used to having teammates being injured while being trained by the Warlords but they were ordered to treat it like a battlefield and they must continue to fight on for their fallen comrades. Of course, this was nothing like what she experienced in her training as this was all just a test to see how they work as a team.

Aleen’a watched as the other team left and returned to the HQ, though she could see some were more distraught than the rest. She wished she could do something for them, making a mental note to share her zorkaberries to them later in the hopes of making them feel better. It was always a wonder for her how Koriand’r managed to plant multiple Tamaranean plants on Earth soil. It looked like Tamaran and Earth had pretty similar atmospheres as well.

Since the course was over, Aleen’a was glad that she could fly again at least. She hovered over the bridge to join the others. Compared to the other team, she was also glad her teammates seemed to be in much better spirits. Black Canary then told them they have a few moments to rest before they start the sparring session over at the clearing.

”Pardon me.” She had some time to spare so she excused herself and flew up to the skies, stopping once she got a view of the whole forest, Mount Justice where their HQ was, and the beautiful beach not far from where they were.

She closed her eyes and took deep breaths to calm her nerves. She needed some time to herself, to regroup her thoughts and such. So much has happened since she arrived here. Despite Kori’s teachings, she still had some trouble adjusting to her new home especially when her team was full of unique and interesting people. Aleen’a faced the sun and basked in its rays to rejuvenate herself. She didn’t realize how long she had been staying up there. When she looked down, her teammates were already at the clearing. She took one more deep breath before she flew down to join them and Black Canary.

Location: Obstacle Course, Happy Harbour
Interaction/s: Team Arrow and Canary

The Warlords of Okaara had not prepared her for situations like these.

Everything seemed to have happened all at once. One guy from the other team tried to use a grappling hook to swing across the gap but the branch he used couldn't handle his weight and he ended up grabbing the edge of the gap for dear life. Two people came to help him but the girl's plant-like hair was strangling the poor guy, making her cry out for help in panic. Ja and Kassy managed to get to the other side to help the poor guy but their ladder collapsed on itself, leaving Aleen'a and Zach with no visible way across.

It seemed that most were focused on those affected, namely Talon and Daphne. Aleen'a would have done something but she didn't know what the right thing to do was. She wanted to carry the victims off to the base for medical treatment but she didn't know if she was permitted to use that power of hers right now.

"Oh no, what can I do?" Aleen'a said with so much concern in her voice. "Oh Mighty X'Hal, please guide me." She prayed to her god just as a scary-looking guy from Team Arrow tossed a girl over the gap. It didn't look like the girl was hurt at all, Aleen'a could see an indent on the ground where she landed when she stood up and rushed to join the others at the scene.

'This day just got curiouser and curiouser...' Aleen'a thought to herself.

When she saw the same scary-but-also-good-looking guy seem to prepare himself to jump over the gap, the Tamaranean knew she had to act fast. She quickly rushed towards Zach and lifted him off the ground, carrying him bride-style. "I will carry you to the other side, Zach. Felix, I will come back to you!" Aleen'a said as she ran back to gain momentum. She then ran forward at fast as she could and jumped high into the air, screaming in surprise and even in delight.

The pair sailed through the air with Zach being carried effortlessly by Aleen'a. When they got closer to the other side, she extended her arms outwards and tossed Zach forward so he won't get crushed by her. "Oof!" Aleen'a landed on her face like the first time she joined the team a while ago but thankfully, her tossing Zach would have given him a much safer landing than she did. At least both of them got past the gap.

Aleen'a coughed and groaned in a bit of pain as she rolled over and laid on her back. "Zach, if you can, please help them with your magic. I will clear the course for our team in your stead although that would mean I should not carry you here, should I?" Aleen'a sheepishly said as she got herself up and patted the dirt from her clothes. "I am sorry, I do not know how much help an alien like me would be for them so please, do what you think is best." She sadly said to him with a melancholy smile.

Location: Obstacle Course, Happy Harbour
Interaction/s: Zach @Crimson Flame, Felix @Prints Avoid, Kassandra @Mistress Dizzy, Kila @DClassified

Aleen'a felt super happy. Her team had shown their approval for her work and it made her feel like she just grew closer to them. They even smiled and did that gesture where they stuck their thumb up, she assumed it meant she did a good job. If so, Aleen'a was so happy that she could literally fly but she had to restrain herself when she remembered Green Arrow's rules. Things would have been so easier if she could fly but she guessed it was to make things fair. They could be judging her based on her abilities and how she faired well with working with other people.

At least they weren't as brutal as the Warlords. All of them took their training seriously so every day was just as brutal and taxing as the previous one. Unlike before, her kin was determined not to be invaded and enslaved again by the Citadel or by any other race so she very much admired everyone's determination and hard work. Still, just remembering her time spent there made her whole body sore.

Nevertheless, the Tamaranean happily skipped along with the group to the next obstacle. This time, it was a huge gap with these bars on top of it. There was no other way to cross it and her suspicions about the bar were correct when her teammates used it to cross to the other side. Some of them were fast while some took some time. Still, she really admired their determination and hard work as well. "Wow! You are all incredit-ball! Go team!" Aleen'a happily cheered for her teammates.

The two boys who went before them kept calling Zachary a 'speech devil', making Aleen'a imagine a red-skinned being with horns and a forked tail giving speeches. She also thought this might be some sort of, as they would call it, a figure of their speech. It must be like back home in Tamaran but would the terms they're saying can also be considered a figure of the speech? How could one even tell the shape of a speech anyway?

She got so lost in thought that she didn't realize she was the only one left as the others had already crossed the bars. It was a good thing the others went before her so she could know what to do. She grabbed on one bar and unto the next one, going slow at first until she could get the hang of it. "Oh! So it is just like that!" Aleen'a said like she had a eureka moment. She managed to swing across the bars while laughing happily like an excited little child until she crossed the gap and happily skipped again to join her group.

"That is so much fun! Let us do it agai- Oh?" She just noticed the other team lead by Black Canary on the other side of the obstacle course and going over the obstacles like Aleen'a's group. I am confused? Why are they also doing that? I thought they were doing something else? Should we help them or...?" Aleen'a asked.

Location: Obstacle Course, Happy Harbour
Interaction/s: Zach @Crimson Flame, Felix @Prints Avoid, Kassandra @Mistress Dizzy, Kila @DClassified

The wall was much stronger than Aleen'a anticipated or was it because it's been a while since she last used her strength? She had to shake her hand after punching the wall but other than that, she felt no pain whatsoever. There was a dent on it where she punched it with cracks crawling all over it like cobwebs. She knew it will only take a couple of hits to take it all down so that was what she will do.

"Ha!" Aleen'a grunted as she released a series of continuous blows at the wall. It shook with every punch she threw at it as dust and parts of it keep falling down. She could hear her groupmates argue behind her whether or not they should climb over the wall instead of destroying it. She stopped for a bit and waited for the team to reach a collective decision first. Once they all agreed that making a big passable wall on the wall was better, she nodded eagerly. "I am on the it!" She eagerly said as she punched the wall again.

Not even a few minutes after, she felt her fist plow through the wall. She ravaged the hole she made, taking out chunks of it to make it bigger with only her bare hands and brute strength. The sun helped her a lot in giving her the necessary power to accomplish her task and before she knew it, she had successfully created a hole on the wall big enough for all of them to go through.

Aleen'a brushed her hands and looked back at her group proudly despite her hair and shoulders now covered in grey dust. "There! Now we can continue. Come on everyone!" She said as she went through the wall first.
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