Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Most Recent Posts

Location: Happy Harbour
Interaction/s: Everyone! :D

Aleen'a breathed out a sigh of relief she's been holding on to for the longest time. She was really glad the team was so welcoming towards her, especially with everything happening nowadays. Who knew that humans could also be so racist and hateful towards their own kind? She could only imagine how badly everyone will look at her especially when she came in late and so out of fashion, but she was again very glad it all turned out for the best. Koriand'r was right, it looked like she'll have a grand time here on Earth after all.

She also really enjoyed the way they greeted her too. One that stood out, in particular, was a boy named Zachary Zatarah who proclaimed himself as 'the most famous teenaged magician in the world' or something like that. She didn't really get it at first but when he made things appear out of thin air, that's when she understood that he's talented in the mystic arts. Aleen'a remembered her mother saying that their Tamaranean forefathers were used to be adept with magic too so she's really impressed with this particular human.

What she also didn't understand were these strange-looking red objects at the ends of these green sticks. Aleen'a swore she saw these in a human show before but she couldn't quite remember it. Oh dear, was this what the humans call vegetables? They said they're very nutritious and make one very healthy, and her heart was touched that Zachary was kind enough to give her something for her well-being. She graciously chomped down on one of the rosebuds and yanked it off with just her mouth. "Chenk you sho munch! You 'ave a kind heartch!" Aleen'a said as she munched on the rose, her eyes full of sincere gratitude towards the teenaged magician.

Another one that greeted her was another human with a much darker complexion named Felix Fierro. Aleen'a also learned that the human race was quite diverse, making the young Tamaranean very much excited to learn more about them. Her eyes widened when Felix said he came from the future and she gulped down on the chewy flower she was munching on. "You say you are from the future? Oh, that is very exciting! I also cannot wait to fortify a relationship with everyone. I hope we can be all of the bestest of the, uh... What's that word again? Oh, right! Friends!" Aleen'a excitedly said with a giggle before she chomped down on another rosebud.

The others have yet to introduce themselves to her but that was alright. Being a part of a team and living under the same cave roof meant that there'll be plenty of time to get to know each other later on. There was one particular individual from the group that she's feeling something weird from, however. He seemed to be a male specimen with a long tail and skin as white as a dead star. Normally, Aleen'a could tell what kind of, as humans would say, vibes that's coming off from a person but she couldn't get anything from this one. She only felt emptiness, hollowness? That's very weird for a human in her opinion but she decided to wait and familiarize herself with the team before making any judgment whatsoever.

Once introductions were finished, the Leaguers then explained what they will be doing for today. They were split into two groups and Aleen'a was a part of the group under Green Arrow. She felt a little shy realizing she mistook both of their names but she thought to herself to do better next time. She listened to their instructions as Black Canary also gave the others some limitations, including Aleen'a. Back in Tamaran, being ordered to not fly was the same as being ordered not to breathe. She was only a kid but she remembered the tyranny they endured under the Citadel that would've continued up to this day if it weren't for her cousin and the Earth's Justice League defeating them.

She took a deep shaky breath and reminded herself that things were different now and she was only asked not to fly for the sake of their activity. "U-Understood." Aleen'a said with a bit of uncertainty before they were being guided by Green Arrow at the start of the obstacle. While Black Canary was already training her half of the team, her partner lead them to their destination and went straight to the forests, as humans would call them.

"Uhh... Eh?" Aleen'a looked around in confusion. Didn't Green Arrow know he was supposed to teach them? Did he had to do something in private and didn't want to show them? What time does the group have lunch? So many questions unanswered yet all she could do was munch on her roses. She looked back at the obstacle course before them and thought to herself. She had some experiences in obstacle courses before when she was being trained by the Warlords of Okaara and she always found them a bit of a drag. Still, what needed to be done must be done and nothing will happen if they just stood around doing nothing indeed.

After she finished eating on the rosebuds, Aleen'a stretched her body as she turned to her teammates. "I am feeling of the excitement to finally have the chance to work with humans. Let us all hard work in togertheness, team! May the almighty X'hal grant fortune upon us." Aleen'a said cheerfully as she turned back at the 12 feet wall standing before them. She felt up the wall and knocked on it a few times. With the sun shining brightly up in the sky, Aleen'a felt energized and confident enough that she can be a great help to the team.

"Let us go, everyone! If we work together, we can break this wall!" Aleen'a shouted, getting some distance between her and the wall before sprinting at full speed towards it, shouting defiantly as she punched the wall.
i had lots of fun XD

Location: Happy Harbour
Interaction/s: Everyone! :D

The loud, crunching of branches could be heard from a distance, followed by a series of screeches and yelps that seem to come from an unknown origin and a female one at that. The sounds were getting louder the closer the creature got to the team's location. Was it a villain? How did it know of their top-secret location? Was it going to attack the young heroes? What was its purpose?

"Eep!" The source of the sounds finally came to view, a woman crashing through the branches once more before rolling to the ground and splattered face-first on it, a few feet away from where everyone was. She groaned as her clothes and long, wavy reddish-brown hair was covered in twigs and leaves. She grumbled something in an unknown language as she stood up and patted the twigs from her clothes yet she didn't seem to notice some of them were still on her hair. She even had a few leaves sticking out of it.

Her grumbling stopped when she finally saw she wasn't alone, first staring dumbfounded at a pair of humans then looking back to see a group of younger-looking humans as well. She looked at them back and forth, back and forth, for a few more moments until something clicked in her head as she realized who she was staring at.

She gasped. "You must be Justice Leaguers! It is my first time meeting you in such a long time!" She excitedly said as she went towards Black Canary and Green Arrow, shaking both their hands at the same time excitedly as she didn't notice she was floating a few inches from the ground. "It is an honor to meet the heroes who helped free my people. We are of the greatest of debts to you, Green Canary, Black Arrow." She said earnestly to them, looking so sincere despite not knowing she confused their two names together.

The unknown woman looked back at the team and that's when they realized she wasn't human at all. Her golden skin seemingly glowed under the bright sunny day, her wavy reddish-brown hair flew freely in the wind, and her bright blue eyes twinkled with excitement and happiness. She flew towards them and looked at each of the members of Young Justice with fervent curiosity. "Oooooh, I did not know humans come in all shapes and sizes. Much so diverse." She said to herself out loud before pausing again and flying backward, creating distance between herself and the team.

"My apologies. You might not know my name yet as I have come of late." She said while sheepishly laughing, getting back down on the ground and bowing before everyone. "Greetings, humans of Earth. I am Princess Aleen'a of House Tykayl, daughter of Lord Drogon'a and Lady Grethan'a, blood kin of Princess Koriand'r of House Tykayl. I come from the beautiful planet of Tamaran and I have come here on planet Earth to fortify the relationship between our people." Aleen'a said, looking to the sides and leaning over as if telling them a secret. "Actually, it is just an excuse to hang out with my cousin." Aleen'a said with a wink and a giggle.
<Snipped quote by baraquiel>

I remember you!

I’m the one playing a Zatara family member this time. :P

Ahh you beat me to it >m<

Nice to meet you again!
Hello everyone! With the grace of the GMs, I am permitted to post my sheet in the characters tab and join this lovely rp. I'm looking forward in making many great moments with everyone. ^u^
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Evening
LOCATION: Beach, River Port
INTERACTIONS: Myra @13org, Elthrael @Dezuel, Risa @princess,
Valaeon @FunnyGuy, Valamiir @Alivefalling, Leon @Helo, Lucia @Potter

'She's very sweet'? Sakura grimaced at Risa, not that she would have noticed anyway. It looked like she was busy enough as it is as she left along with the other blue-scaled dragonborn, going out to find this friend of hers. Sakura was only irritated that Risa didn't warn this big hulking Valaeon before he intimidated them at the start. Thankfully, she was able to make the big dumb Valaeon she was an ally, she didn't know about Myra though, which meant her life was in the clear for now.

When Valaeon introduced himself, Sakura grew alert as her suspicions were correct. He was a member of the Sanguine Draconis Militia. Not only that but he was one of their three leaders as well, making him a very, very strong foe to face. Good thing he was acting all friendly with them now, otherwise she wouldn't know if she could survive against such a powerful opponent as him. She reckoned the other dragonborn was a part of the Militia too but she didn't want to know nor did she care.

As he knelt down to try to talk to Myra, he unconsciously showed Sakura his broad muscular back where his large leathery wings were located. Only a fool would turn his back against a potential enemy, especially when they just met and he didn't know her at all. She eyed the spikes on his nape and flexed her fingers, wondering if she could kill Valaeon right on the spot. It may blow her cover but it was a sacrifice she was willing to make in order to help the Lich King. Besides, killing one of the leaders of the Militia will surely cause a huge dent in their morale and perhaps make them less keen on standing up to Aklenroth.

Sakura was about to use her talisman to try and end his life until she froze. She said it herself, dragonborn were a very formidable sub-species. She wasn't entirely sure her magic would be enough to end Valaeon in an instant. If he did manage to survive her assassination, he would no doubt attack back which will surely end her life in an instant. However, she was mostly just speculating as she didn't know enough of their species to create a solid plan. Sakura decided that the best course of action would be to continue being friendly with the enemy and find out more of Valaeon's kin so she could think of a strategy that will help her father against them. Seeing how adorable he was while attempting to talk to Myra was also not a reason for her not killing him. Definitely not.

"I see Myra seemed to be comfortable enough to tell you her name." Sakura said to Valaeon. "Give her some time. It is certainly hard for anyone to be at ease against such a... huge beast of a man like you, and I say that as a compliment." She added while patting his shoulder, seeing that he seemed to act positively towards physical contact. Not a lot of beings would like to touch something that scared them so Sakura thought that giving Valaeon a little contact here and there would be a bit surprising to him and also help make the demoness much friendlier to him.

She looked at Risa and the other dragonborn fading into the distance as the pair got farther and farther from them. She saw the green-haired male and the white-haired elf as well but decided to pay them no mind for now. She had got to work on earning a Militia leader's trust in order to learn their secrets to bring about their downfall. Besides, they could always join in if they wanted to. If they were with Risa, it would be two more souls to put in a good word for the demoness, gaining more of the rebellion's trust towards her. As such, she gave them a sweet smile and wave just to be friendly.

Sakura fake-yawned and stretched her arms. "I had the most tiring day indeed. I suppose there is a place in this quaint little town where we can relax and unwind, but the problem is I do not have any money with me." She lied, sighing sadly as she looked at Valaeon. "May I ask a kind gentleman such as you to cover our fees just for tonight? I promise I will repay my debt to you as soon as I can, in any way I can." She lied once more as she put her hand on his shoulder again, careful in avoiding the spikes, and gave it a squeeze while looking down at him sweetly. A demon had to do what a demon had to do to survive in this world.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Evening
LOCATION: Beach, River Port
INTERACTIONS: Myra @13org, Elthrael @Dezuel, Risa @princess,
Valaeon @FunnyGuy, Valamiir @Alivefalling, Leon @Helo, Lucia @Potter

Sakura stopped before Valaeon as he landed in front of them, spreading his large wings and crossed his big muscular arms over its barren chest. Her first instinct was to go on the offensive and kill him while she still had the element of surprise but even Sakura was not foolish enough to fight against a dragonborn. She noticed Myra assuming a cautious stance as the huge demi-dragon intimidated them with his posture and tone. Sakura was even more intrigued with Myra as her instincts have been clearly honed to that of an expert hunter. She had got to know more about the curious demoness but first Sakura had got to figure out a way to prevent the two of them from being torn to shreds.

She also saw Risa look back and wave at them. She got her hopes up at first as she thought Risa will recognize them and let them join their party but she just resumed talking to her companions, leaving her and Myra at the hands of Valaeon. Sakura developed a bitter taste in her mouth because of it. Her intent on killing this good-for-nothing princess and ending all of this nonsense was getting stronger and stronger the more Risa annoyed Sakura.

However, she must not act hastily. She wasn't even sure if she could kill the leader of the rebellion especially with two dragonborns by her side. She was also sure both of them will be taken down to the ground even before she could cast a spell. In order to live another day, Sakura must play nice with the enemy.

Sakura let out a playful giggle. "My, my, no need to be so hostile, good sir. We bear no ill intent against anyone of your party, including the fairy princess. My name is Sakura and my companion is called Myra. We are at your service." She said with a playful tone in her voice as she curtsied before Valaeon. "We are here for a purpose, you know. We aim to aid the noble Risa in her cause to defeat the evil Lich King and make Avalia a much safer place to live in for everyone. His reign of tyranny must be stopped. I'm sure you lot know of how utterly terrible the Lich King can be, no?"

She walked closer to Valaeon until she's standing right in front of him. His large, muscular frame loomed all over them. She even had to crane her neck just so she could look him in the face. It was probably enough to send those who were weak-willed scurrying away and it took all of Sakura's willpower not to do the same too. "In fact, I am quite certain Risa will recognize us, me especially. We were there with her at the grand ball in Roshmi City before the Lich King got its creepy little skeletal hands on it and attacked everyone, causing us to run away and eventually escape here to this quaint little town."

As Sakura talked, she trailed her fingers across Valaeon's muscular scaley arms. "As I said, we bear no ill intent towards the princess. We are merely here to provide our help to her and join her in her cause. If you still do not believe me, perhaps we can consult Risa and see what she thinks, yeah?" Sakura said with a playful tone, hoping her demeanor was effective in hiding her fear.
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Evening
LOCATION: Town Square → Beach
INTERACTIONS: Myra @13org, Elthrael @Dezuel, Risa @princess,
Valaeon @FunnyGuy, Valamiir @Alivefalling, Leon @Helo, Lucia @Potter

Sakura gasped as she felt a surge of energy shot up inside her body but she also felt as if her heart was lighter in a way like someone took a chunk of it. She was familiar with this kind of feeling as she felt it a while ago when Maneru was executed, she even knew who this energy belonged to. Utsuro was an integral part of the team and it was a shame to lose such a valuable member like it. She wanted to avenge the death of her shikigami and she swore that she would keep that promise. She just had to learn who killed each of them and then kill them as well when the time was right. At least Utsuro could rest well with its parents. They'll never be apart anymore.

Going back to reality, Sakura was also baffled by the way Myra introduced herself a while ago. She could speak but it seemed that it's only through words with the least amount of syllables possible. Something must have happened to that demon for her to be reduced like that. A curse perhaps but that seemed like a far-shot. Either that or a trauma from her past that made her like that. Either way, Myra was added to the list of creatures Sakura wanted to know more of. Who knows, she might be hiding some interesting knowledge Sakura could take advantage of.

Speaking of Myra, the white demon just casually stood out in the open where she's right in the line of sight by Risa's group. Scared that they might see a demoness and think of her as a spy, Sakura called out Myra's attention. "Psst! Hey! What in hell are you doing?! Get back in here!" She hissed at Myra in a whisper-shout type of way. She must've known it wasn't going to work and she groaned in frustration.

Gritting her teeth, she undid the illusion on herself, reverting her into her original look with white hair and pupil-less yellow eyes. All that hard work in keeping up her illusion for nothing but she did cast a spell on herself that will mask her demon scent from the dragonborn. If they so much as caught a whiff of her being a demon, it'll all be over for Sakura. She may be a powerful witch but even she was no match for their sheer strength.

With a huff, Sakura walked out of her hiding spot towards Myra. She must've made the white demoness confused as she kept changing her appearance but she'll get used to it now that it seemed they were on the same side. "You really need to learn how to be discrete." Sakura told Myra who was delighted to notice Risa's group seemed to be going to the beach. They seemed to have not seen her yet which was a huge relief.

She noticed kept Myra glancing back at a dark-winged fairy with white hair who seemed to be looking back at her too. Sakura might not know Myra that much, she literally just met her a few minutes ago, but she was still a demon and Sakura always looked out for her kin, especially to those who might be taken advantage of. She put a hand at Myra's back while glaring at the fairy, giving him a look that said back off and do not mess with them. She didn't know why a fairy would be interested in a demon but she was not keen on finding out.

She looked back at Risa's group at the square and breathed deeply to calm her nerves. She looked at Myra with a bit of annoyance before sighing in defeat. "Let's just get this over with." Sakura said unenthusiastically at Myra before she started to walk towards Risa and the others at the beach, going slower this time so she could walk beside Myra. She really did hope Risa would remember her as she defended the princess from a haughty, social-climbing elf back at the ball. Surely she would or else those large dragons would make really quick work of Sakura.

Sakura gulped. Was it too late to turn back now?
In Avalia 4 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

TIME: Evening
LOCATION: River Port
INTERACTIONS: Myra @13org, @ the group in the townsquare

"Um... Hello? Are you okay? Yoohoo...?" Sakura called to her again, even waving her hand in front of the demon's face to make sure she wasn't just staring off into space. For once, Sakura was very perplexed about this girl. She thought Myra was deaf at first but now, something told Sakura that she's just not into speaking at all. With the way Myra looked at her, it seemed that she was not deaf, perhaps just incapable of talking.

Sakura blew a strand of hair away and had a mildly annoyed expression on her face. She was so tempted to leave this white demon behind as she was wasting Sakura's time but Sakura also believed things happen for a reason. It's not every day that she sees a demon passed out in such an idyllic town and ever since the arrival of humans in Avalia, not everything was what it seemed.

She looked around and expanded her senses. She couldn't detect any sort of malicious aura that belonged to any demon in the perimeter of where she was at least. However, she could sense a strong force of energy towards the part of town where a horn was sounded. There were probably strong warriors there who went to meet up and Sakura wanted to investigate. It also meant that whoever did this to Myra was long gone before Sakura even got here. Everything happens for a reason and she was determined to know the mysteries that lie behind the peaceful face of the white demon Sakura was looking at right now.

"My name is Sakura and I'm here for the rebels. I don't know if you understand me but if you want to come with me, I suggest you stand up and follow me. Clock's a-ticking and I don't want to sit around here all day. I got a few ta- friends I need to look for." Sakura said and with a wave of her hand, she covered her face in her illusion again. She was about to leave but she looked at Myra again and then at her apple. With a sigh, Sakura cut the apple in half with her magic and gave the uneaten half to Myra.

"Here." She said before walking towards the direction of the source of the horn without waiting to see if Myra will follow. It only took her a couple steps before she realized what she just did. 'Did I really gave half of my apple to some lowly demon? Ugh, these humans and demi-humans are making me soft. Disgusting...' She thought to herself as she ate her half.

Sakura turned around until she got a full view of the town square but quickly retreated back and pressed her back against a wall. Just to be curious, she slowly took a peak and fear struck her as her suspicions were correct. Two dragonborns were conversing in the town square along with a peculiar male with green hair and two girls, one with white hair and one with pink. One of the dragonborns was holding a horn which meant he was the source of the sound. Sakura focused more on the pink-haired girl and realized it was Risa, just in a different get-up.

What Sakura was really worried about was the dragonborns. She remembered Aklenroth telling a tale of how the Sanguine Draconis militia gave him a very hard time. It looked like they were even planning on joining the forces of the rebels now that they were meeting up the fairy princess. It's possible Aklenroth didn't know about this yet but Sakura decided not to tell him. They were posing to be a huge threat to him but naughtiness inside Sakura stopped her from spoiling all the fun for now. She decided to stay behind the wall and watch the group from a distance, eager to know more about their plans and what they were going to do next.
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