Avatar of baraquiel


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2 yrs ago
Current I dont know what i dont know anymore lol
4 yrs ago
Despite everything that's going on, being alive is heckin' swell.
5 yrs ago
To the rps that I was in, thank you for welcoming me and giving me a chance to become a part of your world. All of you are wonderful and creative people who deserve the best in life. Godspeed.
5 yrs ago
I was not... in the right place emotionally and mentally. Words cannot express how deeply sorry I am for unintentionally ghosting the rps I'm in. I'm working a lot to become a better person now.
6 yrs ago
Just came back from the dead woo


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Location: Mission Briefing room
Interaction/s: The Team, Aquaman, Red Tornado

Alee had enjoyed her night with the girls and she had learned a lot not just about them but also about the culture of female empowerment and how supporting each other as women were like on Earth. It included feel-good romantic comedy movies, beautification rituals, and the collective fact that boys, while cute, were also quite stupid.

Of course, she wouldn't admit all that now. The team was currently in the briefing room for another mission and instead of Batman, they were now facing Aquaman. Alee never met the Atlantean king before but she heard stories from Kori from when she first arrived on Earth. Thankfully, Kassy was just as happy and excited as Alee was in sharing lots of fun information about both their homelands.

She listened as Red Tornado explained the details of the mission and smiled excitedly when Kassandra was chosen as their leader for it. Once Red Tornado showed the equipment they're going to use and said they have two hours to prepare, Alee was already filled with excitement. It did seem like the role of leadership will be rolled around to each of the members based on the nature of their mission. Would Alee be the leader for a space-oriented one? It will definitely revolve something around aliens, that's for sure. However, she did pick up on Kassy's nervousness and she could tell she tried not to show it to the others as well.

As Kassandra left to prepare in her room, Alee raised her hand to ask a question. "Salutations, King Aquaman Arthur Curry, Red Tornado. May we know what kind of threats are we to look out for while escorting Dr. Bingley? I would also like to know that in the years the humans living above the land have spent studying the seas, how come they still did not know what the deepest bottom of the ocean is like?"
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: Dusk
Location: Carriage in the woods
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Sophie @princess, Caelan @Alivefalling, Nuallán @13org, Aurora @chrysocoma
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, and a bag full of supplies

Thankfully, their group managed to spend the rest of the day without screaming and running for dear life. Jomari couldn't get the awful sound of bones crunching from his head and remembering the sight of blood splattering everywhere almost made him throw up again, although his stomach was empty now from vomiting the food he hate upon arriving on Avalia. He was thankful for Sophie being kind and caring but he's not prepared to show his soft side just yet. He did have a reputation to uphold after all.

He ate the food given to them but Jomari still kept himself alerted to their surroundings. He refused to have a repeat of what happened to them with that ugly monster and he also refused to die because of the elves' incompetence. Jomari at least wanted to go out on his own terms but not before being able to spend a night with a handsome male specimen. Perhaps he could find some competent men in these strange lands and Jomari hoped they won't be the same as the pointy-eared loyal dog named Nuallán.

In any case, the group managed to find a carriage they can ride safely towards their destination, wherever it may be. Jomari was glad to be able to feel safe every once in a while but he was irritated when Rosaria of all people sat across from him. Not only that but Nuallán was sitting beside him too. They've been keeping a much closer eye on Jomari ever since he showed interest in a vial of poison yet they were unaware of a presence of a humongous murderous monster that was close to killing them. His annoyance on these elves only grew even more.

Jomari ignored Rosaria's question and let the others talk with her; he hissed whenever his arm made contact with Nuallán but other than that, he kept his attention towards the driver. He didn't care if he was too feisty for their tastes. He wanted to make it known that Jomari didn't want anything to do with these people and the sooner this was all done, the better. However, would he really go back to his own world? Sure, he made many memories with some of the people he held dear in his heart but Jomari wasn't sure if he would be willing to go back to a world where prejudice was rife along with murders and injustices. Would he really be willing to risk his life for the same people who looked at him with disgust?

It was already dusk when they found a carriage they could ride in and all the adrenaline from arriving on Avalia to running away from the beast was beginning to place a toll on his body. He fought hard as his eyelids become heavier and heavier, even putting rubbing and squeezing his cheeks to prevent himself from sleeping while it was Nuallán's turn to tell more about himself.

"So... annoying..." He mumbled before his head slumped forwards, snoring quietly as he fell asleep due to tiredness.

Location: Haly's Circus, Gotham City
Interaction/s: The Team

Aleen'a watched Daphne's very captivating performance, so captivating indeed that she couldn't help but tear up at the end where Daphne's character turned into a tree while 'Apollo' wailed his heartbreak and sadness. She was the type of person who's really into whatever they're watching and she's very much into the performance of her teammate. She even thought that the characters of Daphne and the other male actor were based on real people and that woman actually turned into a real-life tree. After they're done with their show, Aleen'a and the audience gave them a standing ovation. "Beautiful! Absolutely beautiful!" Aleen'a clapped fast and hard as tears streamed down her cheeks, much to the bewilderment of a kid sitting beside her and staring at her.

Everyone was in great spirits after that show. It was followed by the act of a guy called Tiny Man and a woman called the Bearded Lady, the latter being one of their prime subjects. None of them have approached her for gathering information, as far as Aleen'a knew. Perhaps she could go to the Bearded Lady after her performance tonight.

'I am afraid I have no such luck.' Aleen'a texted to her teammates. The audience laughed at the pair's performance but Aleen'a didn't have context for anything they're saying. 'I have attempted to approach the Juggler but his personality is much too mean. He is like a foul-mouthed nut that smells horrible and is very hard to crack.'

She continued to read the texts her other teammates sent over their group while the pair continued on with their performance. Through the laughter of the audience, Aleen'a could faintly hear a scream. She was automatically alerted and looked at the circus tent's cloth walls. One scream after another followed with some of the audience looking concerned because of it. Eventually, the source of the outside commotion revealed itself as multiple horses burst through the tents. They had crazed looks on their faces, their mouths overflowing with frothed saliva, and their entire body was rippling with muscles.

Everyone ran and screamed as the horses rampaged through everything. Chaos ensued within the circus tent while everyone tried to run away from the horses. Aleen'a opted to fly to make it easier for her to save people but she remembered they were undercover. She didn't want what happened back at the Kobra base to happen again here. Even though she hated the thought of being unable to fly, the safety of these civilians must be put first among all else.

One of the crazed horses neighed like crazy as it ran straight towards the parent and child sitting beside Aleen'a. The mother hugged her daughter and they both screamed in fright but Aleen'a quickly jumped in front of them and delivered an uppercut, punching the animal at its snout and sending it flying back and landing on its back."Go! Quickly!" She told the mother and daughter and they both ran out to safety as Aleen'a threw a bucket of discarded popcorn right at another horse's face before bumping it with her shoulder and sending it crashing onto the bleachers.

"Oof!" A horse barged at her side and Aleen'a wrestled with its head. It thrashed against her and glared at her with crazed, murderous eyes. Aleen'a was frightened by the look on the animal's face but she planted her feet on the ground, growling as she used her strength to keep the horse from pushing her further. It neighed loudly and continued to thrash as Aleen'a kept her arms wrapped around its snout.

Just then, she heard Zachary cast a spell that made the horses glow and float several feet off the ground. Aleen'a let go of the horse she's grappling with and watched in awe as Zach effortlessly saved everyone, but it was only for a short while and the horses fell down on the ground once more.

That made the horses seemingly angrier as two of them were now running straight at Aleen'a with murderous intent. "EEEEEP!" She screamed and ran for dear life while the two horses were right on her tail. "I cannot let out my full power or else we might get exposed again! We must contain these horrible beasts to prevent them from causing more chaos!" She shouted at Zach and Kassy.

Location: Haly's Circus, Gotham City
Interaction/s: The Juggler @FunnyGuy

After her conversation with the fortune teller, Aleen’a enjoyed the various food and rides available at the fair. All of them were thrilling nonetheless, but she couldn’t get what Madame Xanadu said out of her head. Everyone else was screaming as the ride she got on was spinning around fast but Aleen’a remained unfazed, an expression of worry on her face, as even some of the people at her sides began throwing up. It’s not like she couldn’t tell her teammates about what the fortune teller said to her. It’s her own destiny that’s on the line and she should deal with it herself, even when Madame Xanadu told her that she needed her own kind’s help in facing it. That’s the part that troubled her the most as Tamaran was tons of light-years away from Earth and her only blood kin was Starfire who’s away for a JL intergalactic space mission or whatever they called it.

Before she knew it, it was the second day and the shows of the circus were beginning that night as well. It was this huge cloth contraption that Aleen’a was very impressed with. When she learned it was something called a circus tent, she was really shocked because the only tents she saw were the ones that could only fit one or two people in. She sat a few seats away from the others to cover ground and watched along with the audience as the current performer spewed fire up in the air. The audience cheered and shrieked in joy and excitement as one of the team’s suspects put on quite a show. It wasn’t hard to impress her at all and watching it while eating these delicious stick dogs made of corn were so delicious.

Just then, her phone vibrated and she opened it to see a message from Nymph, calling her by her nickname because they still all were technically in an undercover mission, saying that she volunteered to go up to the fire breather guy herself. Brightheart applauded her teammate’s bravery but she couldn’t help but worry. Sending Nymph in very cold temperatures did not bode well for her during their last mission and now she’s openly walking up to someone who could control fire at least theatrically. One wrong move and she could be much more dangerously hurt.

Still, worrying about others’ sake was not the best thing to do right now. They needed to get as much info as they could. Reviewing the list of their suspects, Brightheart was also surprised to see the fortune teller among them. She just talked to her yesterday and despite being a little creepy and weird, she didn’t get any vibe from her that told her she was secretly evil. She wanted to go there herself but maybe Madame Xanadu would grow suspicious upon seeing a familiar face again so she left it to the others.

As if fate was calling to her, a tall lanky man dressed in a black sweatsuit stood up from a seat ahead of her. Unlike the other guests, he didn't appear to be impressed by the show and was leaving the stands with a pack of cigarettes in hand. Upon getting a better look Brightheart recognized the grump as the Juggler.

Brightheart put her hand on her mouth to cover her gasp, her eyes wide in surprise. She didn’t realize she was sitting this close to a potential enemy. If the Juggler was their prime subject and he knew about Brightheart’s mission, she’d already been dead by now. She really needed to be more cautious about her method of laying low.

She was tempted to go after him and ask him on the spot, but what would she even ask him? Asking the wrong questions might land her in even more trouble and alert the squad’s real enemies about their mission. With a deep breath, Brightheart decided to just wing it and let Fate decide.

“Um, excuse me!” Brightheart said and got up from her seat to catch up to him. She was holding a corndog on one hand and her drink on the other. She then accidentally tripped upon getting close to him and she threw her drink at him, spilling her orange juice all over his black sweatsuit.

“Oh no!” She gasped and immediately tried to dry him off with the tissue paper she had, repeatedly apologizing to him while doing so.

“Are you fucking serious right now?!” The juggler yelled as he pulled away from Brightheart with scowl. His hands balled into fists as the drink soaked into his clothes. The Juggler was already a grump as is, but now his leisure clothes were wet. He recognized Brightheart as the 'Strong Woman' but he didn't care how strong she was. He was pissed. “Didn't your damned parents teach you to walk? Or were they just as clumsy as your dumbass?!” As the Juggler noticed many of the audience looking his way, he stomped off to go outside so he could smoke his and get over this mess. Not even waiting until he was outside the tent, he put a cigarette to his mouth and lit it with his red see-through lighter.

Brightheart cringed at her own clumsiness. "I'm so- And he is gone." She could only watch him as he went out of the tent, probably to dry off his wet clothing. She sighed and sent a message to the group, telling them that she failed in getting information from the juggler as he was very hard to approach. She opted to return to her seat and finish the rest of her food, it's also to prevent making a much louder scene from all the shouting the mean juggler did. After all, her own teammates were the next performers and Brightheart wanted to cheer them on.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10 am
Location: Jungle
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Sophie @princess, Caelan @Alivefalling, Nuallán @13org, Aurora @chrysocoma
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, bag full of supplies, and some new schweet clothes

Jomari looked in a mixture of surprise, horror, and disgust at Nuallán as the elf flashed him that weird, kind-of murderous smile. He got so distracted by it that he almost tripped and fell over but thankfully he managed to regain his footing at the right time. Now that incredibly creepy smile was implanted in his brain.

'If that clean-cut a-hole smiled at me like that again, I will so gladly volunteer to jump straight to the beast's mouth.' Jomari thought to himself.

Thankfully, the impending doom brought about by the monster chasing them proved to be an excellent distraction. He kept running and running, sometimes letting out loud shrieks of terror like how the women in his time would scream when they saw a cockroach, only this time the cockroach was 10 feet tall and had only murder in its mind. Nuallán yelled at Jomari to not run too far from the group or else he might run into another breast's lair. Jomari couldn't imagine a monster more terrifying than the one chasing them but he's too afraid to ask them about it so he just kept running while being mindful of his distance from the group.

Jomari risked a quick glance back and saw the Vuothoran swinging its massive arm at Sophie and Caelan. Seriously, how could a monster this big be this fast? Also, why did it keep chasing them if it's territorial? Did that mean the entire jungle was its territory? That's one mighty possessive son of a bitch.

The beast slammed itself on the tree trying to chase them and Jomari was thankful the jungle's overgrowth managed to slow him or else they would've been early lunch for it a long time ago. Just as it was about to strike once again, something quite amazing happened. Sophie raised her arms instinctively as bolts of electricity released from her hands and struck at the Vuothoran, making it let out a pained roar and fell to its knees as its body convulsed.

Jomari stopped running a bit to admire Sophie's handiwork. "Yeah! Take that, you ugly bitch! He screamed and taunted the monster just as three other light elves came out of nowhere and told the group to leave as they distract it. Jomari was confused by it at first. Why would they need to leave now that they had reinforcements to help defeat it? Also, he didn't like the elves' choice of words as they said they'd 'distract' it rather than 'take it down.' Anxiousness grew within him and he gasped in horror as the monster snatched one of the elves and...

He forced himself to ignore it, continuing to run with his group while the battle ensued behind them. He forced himself to clear his mind, focusing only on running as the beast roared in defiance while the two elves fought with it. Jomari didn't stop for anything until they had managed to arrive upon a clearing by a river surrounded by a canopy of trees after running for what seemed to be hours. He supported himself against a nearby tree, sweat dripping from his forehead as he caught his breath. It was only that they were safe that Rosaria explained what the monster chasing them was. He would've snapped at the elves, saying 'I told you so' or whatnot, but he had no more fights to give especially after what he saw a while ago.

That loud crunch of huge, sharp teeth as it gnawed on the elf's body, his scream of pain and anguish gone in the instant the Vuothoran 'chewed' him like he was just some sort of snack, whatever's left from the poor man's body dripping down the beast's bloodied maw.

Jomari had seen what the Spaniards have done to the members of the resistance once they caught them. They defiled them, tortured them for months on end. Even after they confessed, those cold-hearted bastards still continued to make them suffer just for the thrill of it. When they die, their bodies were discarded on the riverbanks like mere trash, their bodies marked with numerous scars and wounds. Seeing the mangled remains of the elf reminded him of the countless innocent lives taken by the Spanish basta- no, those Spanish monsters.

Even as Aurora went over the humans and used her magic in an attempt to keep them calm, all these thoughts and memories came crashing down on Jomari in an instant. He couldn't take it anymore and rushed to the river, going on all fours as he vomited. With his stomach emptied, he panted and wiped his lips before looking at Aurora with a horrified and angry expression. Though furious, his voice was low and breathless.

"What the fuck did you get us into?"

Location: Haly's Circus Fair, Gotham City
Interaction/s: Madame Xanadu @dreamingflowers

Aleen'a was quite surprised and a bit overwhelmed by everything that's happening. Music of all kinds kept playing through the speakers, the air was filled with laughter and the smells of several foods from stands, and humans of all shapes and sizes milled around and enjoyed the day. How could one simply know what to do first amidst a sea of randomness? It was chaotic indeed but for some reason, for Aleen'a, everything made sense when they're together. Seeing a little girl holding both her parents' hands made her homesick for Tamaran. They did have their own festivities on their planet. She wondered if her parents missed her now just as much as she was to them everyday.

She couldn't even explain it herself as she couldn't hear her own thoughts from the screams of fright coming from, what their briefing told her, was a horror house. It looked scary as it had a huge terrifying demon at its entrance that looked down on any passersby with its large artificial red eyes. She almost barged into the place if she didn't remember that they were all just animantrontics dressed as monsters that scare off people. It was all in good fun and they were told to make the best of it, but she didn't know if she could focus on enjoying the fair when their target was right in the open.

The circus was not far from where she was. It was still being set up but she could tell several workers were working on the inside too, judging from the people that kept going in and out of its entrance while handling supplies. Their mission tonight was just like their previous one only this time they would have to hide in plain sight, which was something Aleen'a didn't get until now. No one would suspect a group of teenagers of anything as long as they didn't do anything out of the ordinary. That meant no flying for Aleen'a as she already stood out a little for having an inhuman skin complexion. No one would notice, would they?

She looked around and noticed everyone on her team was already going on their own way. She couldn't see them anywhere as she was too trapped in her own thoughts to notice where everyone had gone. She remembered that they would have to act inconpsi... Er, incopnsi... Ink on spee... She remembered that they would have to act non-suspiciously to avoid any unwanted attention from the enemies. So, remembering all the movies she had binge-watched with her cousin about modern American teenagers, Aleen'a smiled and skipped along like an excited little kid.

Aleen'a wondered what to try first. Will it be the sweet-smelling candy that was made out of cotton? A dog in the shape of corn? This weird bread shaped in a weird demonic symbol they call pretzel? While thinking about what to eat, something caught Aleen'a's eyes. In the distance, way at the back was a stall with violet velvet cloth. A sign above it said it could foretell your future and she marveled in awe at it. She looked around for a bit before deciding to walk through the heavy cloth.

Inside the deceptively small tent was a spacious room. It was stuffed from wall to wall with all kinds of odds and ends. Stacks of books in multiple languages, spilling out of their intended cases. Jars and bottles, some labeled while some remained mysterious. Questionable items floated in even more dubiously colored liquids. Heavy draping concealed parts of the room, making it impossible to see its true size. A woman was standing with her back to the entrance, a table behind her with a deck, a set of candles, and a deck of playing cards.

“Please sit, put your money on the table and we will begin.”

At the sound of coins hitting the surface of the table, the woman turned around. She looked to be somewhere in her thirties with long dark hair and a piercing gaze. She studied the girl standing in front of her.

“Welcome, I’m Madame Xanadu.”

She offered for Aleen’a to take a seat. Madame Xanadu picked up a match and held it in the candle flame until it sparked, she drew it through the air in a mysterious fashion.

“Cards can illuminate your past, clarify the present and show you the future”

Taking a seat her eyes never left Aleena’s, her focus was intense.

“If you have a specific question hold it in your mind.”

She began to shuffle the frayed deck cards.

Aleen’a remained staring dumbfounded at Madame Xanadu with her mouth agape before she remembered she could speak. Something about this woman seemed so strange but in a good way. “Oh, uh… Well, I have seen from your signage that you can tell the future, yes? It has always been fascinating that humans can be such magical be- I mean, we humans are such fascinating magical beings. We humans, because I am human and so are you. Indeed. Wonderful, magical humans…”. She trailed off and chuckled nervously before clearing her throat.

“Oh right, I was to hold my question within my mind. Please give me a moment…” Aleen’a said and thought for a bit. So many questions popped into her head at once. Why was it hard to be friends with the people she admired? Is it still good for her to stay on Earth? Anxiety filled her but she took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. As she did, one question stood out from the rest, a question she needed answered the most.

As Aleen’a continued to walk the path of heroism, what would her fate be?

Madame Xanadu stopped shuffling and fanned out her cards on the table, taking a few seemingly at random. She laid them out in a pattern and took her time in studying them.
She tapped one of the cards with her finger.

“You are very far from your home..” The woman was stating it as a fact as that wasn’t really a prediction yet, she was getting a sense of where this girl came from. The cards told her what she already expected.

“I see something dark in your career as a hero, it will cause you much pain. Someone is out for revenge, be careful around the ones you know. Trust your own kind.”

“In the darkness of space, stars burn brighter when they are together.”

Aleen’a’s breath caught in her throat when Madame Xanadu mentioned she was far from home. Did she already blow her cover or did she discover it through her mystic magic? The more the fortune teller continued, the more Aleen’a didn't like where things were headed. According to the mysterious woman, the only thing certain in her future was pain. Also, who wanted to exact revenge on her? She had made no enemies among the star systems as far as she knew.

At least she gave Aleen’a an inkling of hope in the end. Pain, revenge, and stars. She took a deep breath. Whatever’s waiting for her, she’ll meet it with strengthened resolve and willful spirit, just how her kin would face challenges in life.

“Thank you, Madame Xanadu. Your thoughtful words have enlightened me truly. If I may ask… How does it feel like, knowing what will happen in the future? It is all so fascinating!” She asked in utter fascination.

“It's both a blessing and a curse.”

“Now time is up, I have other clients”.
The fortune teller dismissed the enthusiasm of the young Tamaranian and pointed her swiftly to the door.

“Oh… Oh, of course!” Aleen’a nodded in gratitude as she got up from her seat. Before going out, her attention got piqued by one of the jars holding mysterious liquids nearest to the exit. As she approached it, she could feel such dark and negative vibes emanating from it, enough to send chills down her spine. “I-I’ll go! T-Thank you!” Aleen’a said as she quickly got out of the fortune teller’s stall with her destiny now in her own hands.

Location: Mission Briefing Room, Mt. Justice
Interaction/s: Everyone + listening to Batman

Like the others, Aleen'a turned her head towards the zeta-tubes as someone announced their arrival. "Ooooooh..." She said in awe as the newcomer expertly twirled her sword around as if it was just a toy. She actually thought she might be a protege of Wonder Woman because of the sword-wielding stuff she seemed to do but judging from the style of the sword and her overall vibes, Aleen'a got the feeling the girl might be under a different tutelage.

"D-Demonslayer?!" Aleen'a said in shock as she flew upwards and had her hands on her cheeks. "How marvelous! We have a mighty slayer of demons in our ranks! Oh, it is such a delight to be working alongside you, Maya Kobayashi of House Kubayashi! I am much ecstatic to learn more about your demon-slaying ways!" She cheerfully said as she flew towards Maya.

The other newcomer didn't seem to have any sorts of weapons on her but Aleen'a could sense some very hostile vibes coming from her. It's as if she wanted nothing more than to fight and bully people into crying. On the bright side, her strong spirit would be a great asset to the team so Aleen'a just gave her the benefit of the doubt. After all, she kept saying all these weird high-end words one after another that made it hard for the Tamaran team to keep up!

"Aaah, a feisty one! With a sharp wit like that, you can defeat any enemies that come your way! Love your hair too. It reminds me of the teeth of a vuurgbelch. At the least, you are way prettier than them." Aleen'a said with a giggle as Daphne greeted and even praised Bex's outfit too. I am Princess Aleen'a of House Tykayl, daughter of Lord Drogon'a and Lady Grethan'a, blood kin of Princess Koriand'r of House Tykayl. We whole of the heartedly welcome you wonderful women to the team." The Tamaranean gave them a bow and a warm smile before going back to her seat.

Aleen'a listened attentively to her flamboyant teammate as Zach explained what a circus was. Basically, it was a group of people performing different acts as some sort of entertainment. Based on what she was seeing from the pictures and video clips Batman showed them, it seemed that the performers were mostly wearing extravagant costumes while doing various tricks and acts. Zach said she should be the 'strongwoman' as it was mostly a role suited for performing acts of strength.

"Aw, Zachary. While my alien physiology makes me far stronger than any ordinary human, I believe every one of us is strong in the body, the mind, and even the spirit, whatever our gender may be. Still, your compliment has deeply touched my heart. Thank you much of very." Aleen'a said to Zach with a warm smile, probably confusing the term as a compliment. "No worries, Zachary. I have been training for the past week so I can be in optimal shape for our mission. My strength and I will not let you down. Oh, and if anyone wants a partner for their acts, I volunteer as well!" She said with a bright grin.

"Also, er, chip end dales? Is that another circus term?"
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10 am
Location: Jungle
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Sophie @princess, Caelan @Alivefalling, Nuallán @13org, Aurora @chrysocoma
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, bag full of supplies, and some new schweet clothes

Half-human, half-animal eh? Nanay Minda and the other elders would also share folktales with creatures that were part human and part animal. He's weirded out that the beings he thought only existed in children's fables would actually exist in real life and walk among the earth like ordinary humans. In his case, the tales would always portray these demihumans as tricksters, wicked, or wicked tricksters. If a kind elf such as Rosaria was friends with one, it was either his forefathers have met some pretty nasty demihumans or the tales were made from the scared human's point of view as anyone who didn't act and look like them were considered abominations.

He listened to what Rosaria and Nuallán said. What? Contrary to what anyone might believe, Jomari knew how to keep quiet and listen too. He just needed a long time to process all this stuff. Anyways, the group paused as Sophie interacted with a small creature that looked like a human but with wings. Again, Jomari was surprised and weirded out that the creatures he only heard about in bedtime stories could actually exist too. He wondered what else he could discover during his stay here. Just thinking about the loads of stories he could tell Nanay Minda and the other kids, Jomari was excited to go home and blow all their minds.

This peaceful moment didn't last when he felt the ground shake. He thought it was an earthquake at first but it turned out it came from a really huge creature. The elves quickly became alert and Jomari just thought it could be one big furry huggable creature that spreads happiness and joy to everyone. Alas, it was the complete opposite of what he hoped for. The creature showed its form to the group. It was gigantic, it had too many tusks and horns, but most of all, it was absolutely, terrifyingly...

"Ugly. Eugh." Jomari said and retched in disgust. It roared and threw a huge boulder at them like it weighed nothing, causing Jomari to let out an uncharacteristic high-pitched shriek of horror as the big rock narrowly missed them. When Rosaria told the others to run, he looked at her in confusion and panic. "Run? C'mon, we can take this ugly bastard! Surely you got some elf magic in your long gorgeous sleeves to fi-" Whatever he was about to say was cut short when the monster roared again and Nuallán told him to start running. He wanted to argue but it was clear that the monster didn't have any patience to let them weigh their options. Between the elf's dead serious stare and the creature's deadly ugly face, Jomari didn't have a lot of options either.

Nuallán pushed Jomari at the back to make the human move, causing Jomari to give Nuallán his own death stare while starting to run. "Firstly, I don't need to prove anything to you! Secondly, if you touch me again, I will fuck you up!" He shouted angrily at Nuallán as he got moving. Running through the forests was the resistance's main expertise so Jomari had no problems evading branches, jumping over fallen tree trunks, and the like while running as fast as he could. "We told you to tell us the kinds of beasts that live here, you dimwits! All that quiet and focus for nothing!" Jomari shouted in anger as he let out another high-pitched scream whenever the beast roared. He could still see a bit of Nuallán at the edge of his sight sometimes but he didn't know if he ran past the others or if he ran in a different direction than them. All he knew was that he needed to keep running if he wanted to live another day.
In Avalia 3 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

Time: 10 am
Location: Outside Sun Elf Kingdom → Jungle
Interactions: Rosaria @Potter, Sophie @princess, Caelan @Alivefalling, Nuallán @13org, Aurora @chrysocoma
Equipment: A dagger, fake elf ears, a ring of disguise, bag full of supplies, and some new schweet clothes

"Then why do you have it if you're not selling it anyway...?" Jomari's protests fell on deaf ears as the shopkeeper hid the vial of poison per the princess's orders. Seriously, don't these people want to win their war? Perhaps these elves plan on defeating their enemy with the power of love and friendship? They're such a load of tamaraw crap but there's nothing else Jomari could do but follow them, for now at least.

Rosaria led them out of the outskirts of their kingdom and into the jungle. Some of the plants here looked just like those found in his province but Jomari could still feel that they were far different than anything he'd ever known. Birds flew above the morning sky as the cries of different animals could be heard all throughout the humid jungle. For some weird reason, Jomari felt at home in this place as it reminded him of his childhood. He would always play with the kids in the forests all afternoon and they would be called in by Nanay Minda and the others to have 'merienda'. Such memory only made him homesick and miss his parental figure more. He was definitely sure he'd have an ear-twisting if Nanay Minda knew how he reacted towards the elves and other humans.

As they ventured into the green, Jomari could feel like they were being watched. Rather, only he felt like he was being watched. No doubt his interest in the vial of poison from earlier rose some red flags for the elves and decided to keep an eye on him more. Jomari just rolled his eyes and sighed exasperatedly. No matter what he did, he always felt trap wherever he went.

"What Caelan said." Jomari added. "Is there any particular beast we should be wary of? Animals or even plants that could be venomous or something like that, or are you only planning on telling us what we need to know right when danger has already arrived? Also, where exactly are we going?"

Location: Riding jet back to base
Interaction/s: -

Brightheart, like her teammates, was resting aboard the jet as they made their way back to their base. She had some bruises and cuts here and there but none too major thankfully. She was glad all of them made it in one piece back at the jet. Well, some looked worse than others either way.

She looked at the others that were still reflecting on what happened a while ago. Daphne was huddled in layers of blankets due to some unknown factor in her power but other than that, everybody else seemed to be as fine as they could be. She ran her hands through the wounds on her arms and let out a relaxed sigh once she fully got to sit comfortably on one of the seats in the jet. Brightheart wasn't used to pouring her all when it was night time so she needed to conserve whatever energy she had left. If the Warlords could see her right now, they would be very disappointed at how weak she became. In her defense, humans could make being lazy so productive which resulted in her slacking in her training. She vowed to herself to resume her regimen once they got back to the base.

Talon then approached Rain on reporting about their mission. Zatara tried to lighten the mood by conjuring bubbles which didn't fail to let out a little giggle of delight out of Brightheart but she could still sense that everyone was tense. Like the rest, she listened as Rain told Talon their side of what happened during the mission. She was impressed that Rain could remember all that had happened. All Brightheart could remember was trying to dodge all those bullets and that weird feeling she got when she saw him hugging Nymph. She remained in her seat as Rain seemed to have finished his report, yet he continued, stating the ineptitude of his teammates.

She couldn't believe what she did was wrong. She thought she was doing the right thing by giving the others enough time to retreat to the jet by distracting the Kobra agents. She thought she did right given the circumstance of the situation but she was disappointed to find out she was still wrong. Even in the way Rain said it too, like he was throwing spears right at her heart.

Poor Nymph got the worst of it too. None of them knew she would react like that in the cold and it seemed that Nymph didn't even know this herself as well. It wasn't her fault that it happened to her but Rain made it seem like it was, even going as far as saying she didn't belong in their group. She wanted to approach Nymph but didn't know the right words to say or even if it was the right time so she stayed silent. It made Brightheart wonder if he valued her as a fellow teammate as well and not just someone who's only beneficial to the group because of her flight and super strength. If she didn't have those qualities, would Rain say the same thing to her too?

Brightheart looked out to the window and sighed. One of Zatara's bubbles floated toward her face, reflecting her sad and heartbroken expression. "Rekma..." Brightheart solemnly said as she popped the bubble, feeling that something within her was gone too.

Location: Mission Briefing Room, Mt. Justice
Interaction/s: Listening to Batman

Aleen'a spent the next few days doing what she vowed to herself that night. She worked out and used the base's combat simulation whenever she could to train herself and get herself back to top shape. She rarely had the time to talk with the others unlike before, usually because they all had their own thing going on as well. At least she gained a new hobby: meditating above the clouds as the warm sun basked her in golden light. She felt so at peace and refreshed whenever she did that, so she still couldn't help but be sad.

Hex and Gold Rush disappeared during the week. Search as they might, they couldn't find any trace of them within the area. Not a word, just went away like a bubble popping. Aleen'a could only hope that they were okay wherever they were.

Additionally, being reprimanded by Batman himself was one of the worst experiences Aleen'a had on Earth so far, counting that time she experienced the freezing of the brain when she and Kori ate ice cream too fast before. The worst of it was that while Batman did seem angry, he was more disappointed and really fully explained to Aleen'a the repercussions of her actions. She was humbled and solemn the rest of the week, venting all her frustrations during her work-out and training sessions.

She also couldn't get the opportunity to have a talk with Daphne to see if she's okay because Aleen'a was either working out or Daphne was just in her room that time. However, the Tamaranean wasn't trying hard either. Whenever she saw Daphne, she remembered that feeling of jealousy and anger towards her and Viktor when they hugged back at La Hoya. Kori was still away on a mission with the other Justice League members and, while they do get to talk every once in a while, she didn't want to make her cousin worry about her. She took a deep breath in and exhaled to try and calm herself. Whatever this was, she will get through this on her own. She had to.

She was then alerted of a meeting with the others and, even though she still wasn't comfortable being close to them, Aleen'a steeled herself and went to the mission briefing room. She was surprised that it was the Batman in the flesh himself that was now briefing them, now less blue than before. She shyly filed in like the others and listened attentively to the hero while trying to avert her gaze at Viktor. She did brighten a bit at the prospect of meeting new members as new members always equal new friends! Her short-lived happiness was quenched when she remembered their two missing friends. She could only hope that they were fine and well, wherever they may be.

Aleen'a shyly raised her hand mid-way "Um... Sir Batman, sir? What is a seer... seer-kus? Also, when can we meet our new teammates?"
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