Avatar of Bartimaeus


Recent Statuses

12 mos ago
Current It's been three years since we lost Polymorpheus, a dear friend. It's felt like a lot longer, that time. I still think about Poly every so often, and how I miss them so very much. I won't forget them.
12 mos ago
I like attention.
1 yr ago
Tomorrow is post day. How unfortunate.
1 yr ago
I lost.
1 yr ago
@LongSwordMain I can fix that, if you wish.


uhhhh, hi there

I am here and I sorta exist so yes this is my ‘bio’ and it will probably be rather brief and suck and be sloppy, just like me.
So, without further ado..

stuff about me

Most people call me Barti or Bart as well as a few other things since it’s just easier or meaner than the actual thing - I invite you to do so as well.

I’m a 23-year-old (bday June 20th!) Texan who enjoys thunderstorms and rain far too much, and likes anime, running, metal music, and copious amounts of DRUGS candy, among many other cool things - like DnD and MTG.

I enjoy group rps as well as 1x1s. For groups I have what I think is a decent array of interests, most of it being profusely weeb-y. I like Fantasystuffs (Modern especially), supernatural themes, pretty much all Japanese stuff - including historically accurate settings - as well as general dark/grim themes, comedic slice of life trash, academy rps, unique plots, etc. etc. As for 1x1s I pretty much do romance, but I can do non-romantic stuff too if you give me something to work with xP
The only genre I find myself not entirely comfortable with is really sci-fi stuff, but, if the plot/idea catches me enough it can hold my interest. Oh, and my writing level is high casual to low advanced.

I’m a sarcastic, snarky, bipolar-depressed, degenerate garbage can, but generally people seem to like me (I don’t know why in the hot hell you would) - but if you would also like to be my friendo lemme know.
I don’t bite.
Usually owo xd rawr

welppp...I guess that’s okay for now
thanks for reading, you potatoes

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Most Recent Posts

I should have the post up tomorrow, or today if lucky ^^
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Lockport, Louisiana is a small town. A small town focused on community, with a relatively simple way of life, at least for most. A town secluded from the qualms and disputes of the world around them. Considering this, one might not be blamed for hoping that said town would be able to sneak under the radar of the problems that plague the rest of world as well. Inflation, natural disaasters, certain resource shortages.

And now.. zombies.

That's right - zombies. Or, at least what seem to be zombies. Things that were once human turned savage and gruesome. They are ever-persistent, and completely unyielding in what seems like an emotionless, violent hunger. And they are upon us. Today is the day that the zombie apocalypse finally begins.

Over the past few days, news has been sweeping across the nation about the abrupt appearance of a sickness, more recently discovered to be a virus, that renders the afflicted extremely volatile. Just like they would during any virus-outbreak, the CDC and other applicable stations took their standard procedures and tried to contain this sickness. But is was already much more widespread, and evasive, than anybody realized.

Over the past couple days, it has begun ravaging the country in unspeakable fashion. It's on the news - and those who see it most definitely think it surreal. If you haven't seen it in your area, you will soon. Very soon.

You may ask, why is Lockport important? Well, it's where our story begins. And the virus hits the quaint little town hard. And it hits it today.

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- - CDC Guidelines for HHAV-1 (Human Hypothalamic-Aggressivity Virus) - -

To prevent infection and to slow transmission of HHAV-1, do the following:
  • Cleanse your skin regularly with soap and water, or with safe alcohol-based materials.
  • Do not under any circumstances leave the safety of your home or initiate travel. Military aid will be dispersed to the highest-risk areas as soon as possible.
  • Do not engage with individuals outside of your household for any reason, especially if their infection status is unclear.
  • Avoid activities that possess even small chances of exposing one's immune system to the environment.
  • Avoid the transmission of bodily fluids, namely saliva and blood.

Determining infection status, as per CDC standards:
  • Earliest signs of infection may include these symptoms: Nervousness, Nausea, Fever, Chills.
  • Intermediate-period symptioms of infection may include: Mild aggression, Vomiting, Mild Convulsions.
  • High-risk infection symptoms may include: Aggression, Desperation, Neurologic episodes and hallucinations, Violent gestures, Compromised breathing, Temporary "recovery", Bolstered appetite.
  • Fully-infected individuals exhibit these symptoms, and must be avoided by all means: Extreme violence, Memory loss, Loss of speech, Partial Catatonia, Bleeding gums, Insensitivity to pain, Cannibalistic behavior, etc.

For more information on symptoms, visit the HHAV-1 section of the official CDC website.

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Okay so, basically, I was thinking something along the lines of, since we're 8 peeps I think it'd be best if we were two groups who were directed to "patrol"(basically hang out) in a specific area(a very large area), as a certain group of diviners has divined that the area is currently prone to high levels of magical flux. So some of us would be at least somewhat familiar with their group, and the two groups, which are coming together as one now(as per their directives), probably wouldn't know eachother at all.

I have yet to decide who is in group 1 and who's in group 2 - which only effects the level to which they are already familiar with eachother, their history with one another, and pretty much nothing else - so I suppose peoples could chime in if they want to be in a group with anybody else.

Edit: This system serves only to draw our characters into a general area to make sure we're all part of the same rp, it's not particularly to push any narrative piece. Things are still entirely up to the gang.

Location The Patch.
Interactions Hannah (@Prisk), Stormy (@Blizz)
School of Magic Abjuration, Transmutation & Necromancy
Items N/A

The sweet, full scents that filled the area around the food tents served not only to entice one to partake in the various cuisines resting on the dishes and flatware that dotted the tables around - it served also to compliment the warm glow of the area surrounding them. McDaniel had no qualms with the cool air, sometimes it helped her detach, but nobody could deny enjoying a subtle warmth.

The redhead casually carried herself through the tent area, trying to get a good look at what might look good to snack on. It was a bit hard at times to find what she was looking for, considering her rather short stature, she often had to try peeking over the shoulders of others by standing on her tippy-toes. Once she popped up though, she was greeted rather quickly and enthusiastic by a familiar face.

Hanna Whittle. A rather pretty familiar face, it was. Purposefully so, even - the dark-haired girl was a bit of a beauty queen. And oh so very.. talkative. But McDaniel, despite herself, couldn't bring herself to ignore that bright, excited face. She lithely slipped between a couple people to break the threshold into the area Hanna was in. "'Scuse me."

She wasn't really sure how she felt about the nickname-giving, considering their relatively brief history, but she figured if she insisted on people calling her by her last name, she couldn't really get upset if they wanted to shorten it.

Nevertheless, she approached the table at which the other girl stood and let her eyes swap focus to the flatware upon it and their contents. There were quite a few of the sweeter things on this one. The register of the request for her to try out the apple pie finally registered and the redhead let her gaze float back to Hannah as she continued to speak. And continue to speak she did. And did. So much. She truly was the antithesis to McDaniel, it seemed. Not that she was particularly chaffed by a talkative spirit, she just.. wasn't good at meeting that energy. At all.

"Dani" averted her gaze in a measure of embarassment at some of the brunette's comments, just waiting for her to get done talking. Eventually she was finally approached by the plated slice of mousse-topped apple pie. She took it hesitantly, looking unsure of whether she really wanted to eat it or not. In truth, she had been looking for something a little more.. meaty, probably. Pie was okay, but generally she found it to be a sudden-appetite dish rather than something she would eat regularly. "I.. uh, the speech? Yeah it was alright.. I usually find em.. all the same- Hey, y'know, I'm not really a huge fan of pie.." She started, her thoughts mostly hopping to and from the multiple subjects Hannah had just spewed all over her. She let her voice trail off as the brunnete in front of her seemed to shift her focus elsewhere, as seemed the usual for her.

It was in short order that the duo was joined by another - Scott Wheeler. McDaniel let loose an internal sigh of relief. Loading off social responsibility onto others was her specialty.

She let an artificially bright expression grace her face and half-extended her pie-holding arm as Stormy addressed the remaining pie. "Heyyy, be a mate an' take my slice, would ya? I'm just.. right stuffed already." She let her eyes dart to Hannah for a moment, slightly concerned that she might offend her by declining to try the pie. Hopefully the volatile cloud of energetic spirit that surrounded her would distract her from that fact. Or maybe she wouldn't even care.

As for the guy that she extended the pie to - Scott - she didn't really know him too well. Despite his time with the Coven, she only vaguely knew him as a teacher of some sort, and an Abjurer. It didn't matter either way to her - as long as he liked pie.
@Lurking Krog Seems good to me so far
When it comes to a demographic breakdown, it goes something like this:

Lonthin Empire has the lowest level of diversity, and the least exotic races. Humans, Elves, Halfings, Gnomes, Dwarves. Common is, of course, the most dominant language, and Elvish comes after that, but other frequently-used languages come from the aforementioned races(Gnomish, Dwarvish, Halfling, etc). There are other races as well, but they are generally treated as second-class citizens - at least unofficially.

Xernoa probably has the second-least diverse population, but is still much more tolerant than Lonthin. The most common peoples here are Humans, Leonin, Loxodon, and Aarokocra - though there are, naturally, others scattered about in significant numbers. Most common languages are Common and Leonin, and then Loxodon and Auran, then others.

Allyanik is a rather diverse territory. Due to the cold northern areas and warm southern areas, it can be comfortable for a wide array of people. The most common people are Humans, Tabaxi, and Hadozees, but not by a strong margin.

Scithia is a dice-bag, of sorts. You generally don't really want to go there if you have the choice, but speaking Common will probably suffice if you do. People group with who they have to to survive, so some areas are language-diverse and others are not - it's pretty difficult to measure. It is, however, notable that races who like wet environments are likely to be drawn by the constant rainfall. Notably, this area has the highest populations of Giff - but they predominantly speak Common. The more society-inclined Lizardolk have lived here for a while as well.

Finally, the Tembloran Coalition. It holds the most exotic races and is pretty diverse. Orc-kin, Goblinoids, and the rougher folk are quite common here - speaking Orc, Goblin, or Draconic could prove useful. There also exists Humans and Grung, even if in small enclaves. There is some spill-over from the Eastern continent-island as well, which is chock-full of Feykind. Firbolgs, Centaurs, Satyr, Elves, etc. densely populate that area - so Elvish and Sylvan are quite useful.
@rush99999 You're in luck, we have exactly one spot left :p
Sorry for the multiple pings.

@Benzaiten, Aren is approved!

@Asura, Lillian is approved. I'll have to get you to PM me some details: If Lillian has a deity/patron, you can hit me up and we could work on who they may be. Also if you have any backstory details that you want to discuss, we can do that too. Otherwise she's gucci.

@Neianna86, Haelion seems good to me. We'll have to chat about the Genasi royalty and this Trickster God as well, it'll be fun :P

@Bartimaeus, Sen Rak is accepted. Quite possibly the most articulate and simply glorious sheet I've ever seen. Bravo.

@webboysurf, I love em ^^ He's lookin good to me.

@Fading Memory, your bird is simply a pogchamp. Accepted.

@Lurking Krog, things seem fine in the mechanics department - I'll have to getcha to make a Guild sheet as well, then I'll be able to accept Tolrish ^^

Alrighty folks, we seem to have a very fun cast here ^^ I'm excited to see how they'll interact. If your sheet has been approved, you can move 'em on over to the CS Tab! If there's any questions, or suggestions perhaps, feel free to speak up.
I'll be working on the 1st IC post in the meantime.
OOC is here and being worked on rn.

I will likely unsubscribe from the interest check, so if somebody posts here I will not see it unless you @Mention me.
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