Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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5 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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Dr. Artoria Stanko

Somewhere in Western Oregon, on the I-5

Ever since taking this job...and such a strange one it is...she'd been wary of the others. Institute guidelines said she should avoid taking on side missions if she could help it. And mostly she has. Artorias has been on her long distance mission for quite some time now and it's taken her from one end of the former United States to the other. But for whatever reason she signed up and had been traveling with this group for a short bit now. Learning and watching and helping in what little way she felt she could.

They had bedded down that night beside the road. Her wrapped up in her institute provided silver thermal blanket. With the rock hard but comfortable pillow that came with it. She slept but a little blue, charcoal grey and black drone hovered above her. And immediately started to beep and whir waking it's mistress, or trying too and it eventually does when someone else cries out, "We're being attacked!" Artoria blinks awake the internal light of her helmet snapping on, letting her see out of the dome. The drone bobs and in a robotic tinny voice asks, "Permission to engage?" It beeps then again asks, "Permission to engage?" Artoria grapples for her Plasma Defender on her belt, "Permission granted!" She shouts, as she gets too her feet.

The little drone beeps a 12.7 smg muzzle clicking out of a port on the side of it, and beginning to pepper one of the beasts with fire. Causing it to howl and jerk. Artoria gets to her feet and the whirr of the plasma weapon ends with a Blyt! as a blue-green blast of heated matter spits out and burns into the beast her drone was firing on. She gets to her feet finally and tries to move into a position where she won't be exposed, "Fascinating. They are quite large for a canine species are they not? Mutation? Yes that would be it. Drone, access side note dictation. Record from main camera. The Board may want information on this as well." This all said as she fired her Plasma Defender again, causing one of the beasts to jump back and away with a yelp.
Micheal Crane

Micheal hums, "So Dura and Astfiridur are off on another adventure. Leaving us here to rock out? Well we can manage with what we have right?" He looks around and smiles.

He gives a sniff, "Okay so we need a proper summoning huh? I'm kinda tapped, and summoning isn't exactly my shtick." He gives another sniff. And redraws his pipe, "Well, it's all I got the energy for." He takes a few steps out, while repacking the bowl of his pipe. And with a flick of a match he lights the pipe, taking a few pulls to get the magical herb going, and kneels to carve an indigenous summoning rune into the ground, "Let's see."

Giving a hum he finally begins, "Ancestors, Spirits, Oymantou, hear me. I seek a comrade. Ulross Vallath. I seek his presense, help me bring him to us. Ancestors, Spirits, Oymantou, help me. I give this sacred pipe and it's smoke to all of you. Help me bring Ulross to us." He kneels beside the rune and begins to pray in his mother tongue of Cree. Sending out steadying urging and wishes for Ulross to come to them in their time of need.

The shaman maybe tired from the ritual he had performed but he does his best to send out a summons for Ulross to join them.
Oh the shot is a tough one. The JTF2 fella had it easier then they did. And that's saying things. He sighted and had the same moment of timing. Nolan squeezed the trigger. And he watched carefully through his scope. He watched as the bullet caught the first crosswind went way off target then caught the second back on target and then...

He got to see Andrew's shot disarm his target literally. The man dropping a look of shock and slowly dawning pain on his face.

He switched back to his own target seeing the look of shock and horror on what was left of his face as the rest of it had been destroyed. It's a messy kill. Very messy. Nolan shook his head "Hate when that happens." He looks back to Andrew's target.

In time to see Eric burst from his hiding spot catching the man's mouth with a gloved hand silencing him. The scream muffled. And the gasp as his karambit punched up into his jaw and under into his brain ended it.

He waved to the marksman. Then started to good it across the tarmac "Exfiling were all wired up." He roadie ran across the black tarmac and slid through the cut in the fence. In time to see the tilt rotor crest a rise.

And on spring the air craft the surface troops came on alert. And as the tilt rotor came in their AA and SPAAGs started moving. One of the Tunguskas were first in place and taking aim.

Eric grinned and into the entire team comms whispered dangerously "Kicking one! Kicking two! Kicking three! Kicking four!"

One by one each remote group of explosives went off. The manpads blowing first. And sending the emplacement teams flying. Heavier AA guns went next. An ammo and fuel dump went up setting off auxiliary explosions as ammo rockets and other explosives went off. And finally the SPAAGs and fuel drum went off. The self propelled guns going off spectacularly. And that fuel drum well it caused the ATC tower to lean hard off it's foundations. Eric grinned. Nolan chuckled as the fireworks went off.

Victor from the open ramp of the osprey laughed evilly. He looked to the rest "What's the matter you wanna live forever?" And the big man steps off the bird as it settles "This is history a history no one will know. But it's still history." HisDenel barked as he put a fragmentation round into two opfor stumbling away from the flames.

Crane and the Gods

Micheal blinked.

He sat there for a second, "Summon...Ross? UlRoss...right...uh..."

He then snorts and getting up out of his chair as it fades away thanks to Manabozho's magic. He takes a few steps away, tapping his still lit and lightly smoking pipe on his shoulder. He hums, trying to think on how to go about this. He hadn't traded contact info with anyone yet so he can't whip out his phone. That'd be easiest anyway. He gives a few sniffs, trying to think. Whiskeyjack stepping by and making a shouting motion.

Micheal snorted and shook his head, "No...that's rude..." He hummed, "Don't have the energy to do a summon ritual..." Raven stepped by a second later carrying Micheal's drum and the sea shell halves that had some still smoldering ritual herbs in them. He also made a movement meaning to shout. Again Micheal sighed, "You guys I swear." And it doesn't take long for Manabozho carrying the last of Micheals ritual gear to pass by and do the same.

Micheal snorts, "Okay okay. Idiots."

He looks over at Amanda, "On it boss."

He then turns and at the top of his lungs roars, "Yo! Ross! Get over here! We got stuff to do!"

And his voice bounced and echoed around the courtyard a few times.

All while Micheal took a casual pull off his pipe and blew out a long burst of scented smoke from his mouth afterward, "That good boss?" He calls over to Amanda.
@Timemaster oof well atleast I'm not the odd one out. Edited to scientist because Johnny probably breaks into a lot of robotics places for scrap metal and power cells

Is that really scientist and not more mechanic?

Now we just gotta wait for the boss to come back around.

I'm actually looking forward to this RP.

And hope my character is okay.

little better boss? @Su

Changed the alignment, and expanded on the personality somewhat. I believe I touched on the areas you recommended.

Hey boss.


Think I'm done if you wanna take a look.
So updat eon my CS, working on that background, but still have the whole equipment section to go. Hard to keep focused been really tired today. I'll work on it somemore tomorrow.
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