Avatar of BigPapaBelial


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2 mos ago
Current I just wanna sleep...
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4 mos ago
Just one more day again...one more...I hate long shifts...
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9 mos ago
One more day on shift...then a half day to feel human again...adulting sucks.
1 yr ago
Starfield may have been the sci fi game I needed to replace Elite Dangerous
1 yr ago
My community needs an enema -.-
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It's me running with information that has formed the basis of a whole background universe. Please don't feel like you need to search all the information down.


Let me know boss man.
Writing up a Male heavy over here. Give me a short bit
Well if you're willing I'll thrown my hat back in.

you know I'm always here to back your play brother.

Our Shaman who art not in Heaven

The fight had finally ebbed off. And people were beginning to pick up the pieces. Slowly of course.

The other OMR agents were tending to the bodies.

And here Micheal sat in the lee of a concrete divider, gathered around him looking annoyed are his three godly friends. Manabozho looking around to make sure nothing else is coming. Whiskeyjack sitting there bemoaning the fact one of those bullets had torn right through his jacket. And Raven is carefully applying some ointment to the rune burn on Micheal's arm. The flat thin tin of ointment is being applyed sparsely though as there isn't much there. Probably only meant for small burns but this one trails up and down Micheal's left forearm like a maze of blue flaming cracks. But the medicine seems to be helping.

He calls over to Scarlet, "Hey Red, how you doing? Boss Bot? Faye?" He sighs, and jumps when a medic kneels beside him and starts to look over his arm. Saying something about, "Stupid Rune users over doing it." A spray ointment being applied. Micheal just grinning, Raven blowing out a breath of relief.

Micheal winces as the burns is being tended too. He shakes his head slowly, "This motley bunch, I swear, wouldn't want to work with anyone else though."

He's an outside observer as the Doctor walks up to Madeline, Scarlet and Faye. The burly First Nations man glad they are getting tended too. He winces and shuffles as the medic looking him over pokes at the burn and sprays somemore healing ointment, "This is going to take abit to heal, no more rune usage for atleast the next day. Unless you want it to get worse." Mikey nods, "Sure sure. you're the boss." The medic glares at him and his gods begins to babble telling him they'll force him to comply. Mike just turns his head to look over at the other three members of the squad near by, "I'll keep it in mind, as long as we're all okay."
As they were released one by one Hayden looked around in honest to fucking god confusion. And then he could hear the fighting. Looking up at first as if expecting it to be in the room he wheels then spots the TV. Different clips of fight everywhere in the city. The SAMC and COGS compounds under siege. Check points in the city under fire. Foreign mercs not seeming to care too much as long as they are allowed to shoot and they get paid. It's not something someone who's gone through Special Operations training likes to see. They are goons. And it's disgusting. HE leans in to gather his heavy gun.

He nods slowly as the discussion goes about whether or not they should stay. He narrows his eyes, "I'm going to say this now, I can't leave this. Not just because trying to get out would be like trying to escape the Minotaur's Maze. But another reason, I don't get this Beast thing. These guys...see something in me. And I, I wanna figure this out okay." He growls, and is about to snap one of the 30 mags into his Bren, when one of Edgar's people lets out a hiss. Hayden hums and looks at the fighter and slowly very slowly slides the mag back onto his harness instead, "Fine...just wanted to be ready." He looks back at the others, "I, listen I know I'm not all here okay? Some shit happened back in my Spec Ops days that really worked me over I'll tell you, but now is not the time alright? Maybe that's what they mean beast. I don't know. But right now we got something to take care of here right. I like this idea of atleast taking out Melani. She doesn't feel like. And honestly the way she actted back there, I don't wanna come out like her somehow."

As the team stands up atleast seeming like they are in agreement Hayden hefts his Bren up onto a shoulder easily. His powerful form handling it fairly well. He hides his confusion when one of Edgar's people bites her lower lip as she looks him over even. It's interesting actually as the four stand there, well there are actually members of the people that are standing with Edgar right now looking at them less as prisoners and more like objects of desire. Maybe at the moment they are all exotic elements. And they do kinda exude a ferocity.

As Bethan outlines the deal, Edgar stands and watches, his hand resting on a large silvered pistol, something that must have cost a fair amount of gems and diamonds. He narrows his eyes, "I cannot pay you much. All of my assets are tied up in the community. But I can offer you relatively safe passage out of the city after the job is done. Kill Melani like you say, and cool the fued between our neighbourhoods, and I will do what I can. The rest and transport I think I can do, the radios easy enough. But Information? That depends on the information. Just as gemstones are the only thing worthwhile now, along with gold and silver, information is more valuable. And depending on what it is, well it's value rises or falls like the tides." He nods slowly looking around at his people there in the room with them, likely his administrative group really. They all nod. And one of them a squat dark skinned woman steps forward, "What are you looking for? When you go, I'll see if I can find the information you need."

Hayden nods slowly, and whispers to Sean standing beside him, "That worked, I honestly didn't think it would."
I apologize for how long that took. I will understand if people have moved on.

I had a really bad cold for several weeks there. And had nothing on my mind but trying to get well again.
Hayden perks his head to the side. He casts about without sight and without voice. They're int he presense of Edgar Malkia. But Victor said they'd be in major danger. But then Melani was anything but what Victor had said as well. So this is all like completely out field and even as he sits there blinded and mute. He listens carefully though as his partners and teammates chat with well the guy they were told is a blood thirsty bastard.

After a time Hayden can hear a clatter. The three unmasked watch as one of Malkia's people bring in their weapons. Malkia getting up to look over the guns, "A street cannon, and several rifles. Not the best, but decidedly well chosen. It's almost as if you expected trouble. But from whom? Me? My people? My people who simply fight for their liberty and independence from a harmful problem?" He snarls and starts to pace, "Melani, a thorn in my side. Killing my people and my neighbours. All because we have it a little better then her neighbourhood. She it a jackal. A scavenger of the poor and pained. She cares more for her."

And there's an explosion without. Edgar unsheathing a combat knife, and a large pistol in the other. His people around him drawing weapons as well.

A member of Edgar's gang comes running from outside, "Sir! There's been an attack!" Edgar growls, "That bitch Melani?" The gang member shakes his head, "No sir! It's the SAMC and COGS mercs sir! They are attacking each other!" Edgar sighs and puts his pistol away, "That's nothing new." The ganger shakes his head, "Sir you don't understand, it's happening all over the city!" Edgar blinks then looks to another person in the room with them who walks over and switches on an television, one of those old CRTs, almost ancient honestly. But serviciable. As soon as the picture comes up it's clear this is all pirated and spliced, someone cut into an official TV line somewhere and are feeding it to this CRT. The picture isn't great at all. And as the person flips through maybe 5 channels at the most they come to a local news station. The words are in french. But the pictures are clear.

The anchor on the screen is surrounded by banners that even in french is clear saying, "Emergency" and the pictures in the background are of fights breaking out all over Tangayi. COGS and SAMC going at it now without any kind of trying to hide it. Foriegn mercenaries fighting in the open. During one stretch of video, the tone goes from slightly tame with just rifle fire, too suddenly quite severe when a Isreali mercs steps out of hiding a RPG-7 at his shoulder and fires, hammering the opposing soldiers with a bright ball of fire. Another video shows a reporter hunched down behind a hollowed out car. Until there's a crash and burst of smoke. And the image comes back with the reporter laying there holding his chest, and blood on the screen.

Edgar shakes his head, "What the living hell is going on!?" He looks to the four, "Unhood the beast!" He finally says. And Hayden lets out a grunt through his muzzle looking blurrily at everyone then at Sean and Katerina, his words are slurred, "Hah fug?" Edgar sighs, "You have a choice, run back to Melani...or stay here, or...run away. Get out of the center of the city and maybe find refuge in the countryside." He points at Hayden, "Get that muzzle out of his mouth, and place their weapons by the door. They have a choice to make."

Hayden licks his lips and rubs his wrists as they are all unbound. He looks at the others, "Did...did a war just start?"
I do apologize, been feeling unwell and unmotivated to write. I have post int he works and as soon as I have the energy again I'll get a post up.

Please have patience.

And again sorry for the wait.
Just going to sub to the thread. Interesting idea.
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