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The Shaman just won't stop!

Micheal grits his teeth then outta no where grabs Faye in a hug, "You're awake! Thank Manitou! We were getting worried!" He squeezes her briefly then lets her go.

He perked up and groaned, "OMR admin can charge me later." He grabbed up his tomahawk and carved a rune into the seat.

Simply put, "Fire" he smashed it with the handle of his tomahawk and then well it looks like he throws the hand axe out the back window, though the real thing remains in his hand, while a flaming handaxe whirls through the air, barely missing the vehicles following them. "How do you like that!"

And then the demons came, "Who's this guy? And where is he spawning demons from? Who calls up demons! We're going to have to burn out those portals later so they can't all pour through! Ahhh this job is nuts." He summoned up another flaming axe and threw it.

But it's clear by how slow he's summoning them up that Micheal is near tapped out, "Keep going darn it! Red? how are you doing? Faye? Boss Girl Bot? This has been a helluva a couple of days!" He called forth fire again then fell backward grabbing his arm, and gasping in pain, his whole forearm smoking, "Ahhh rune backlash! I think I'm out for now!" He lay on his back and held his arm painfully, the gods trying to sooth the mean looking magical burn slowly forming on Micheal's forearm.

Manabozho carefully pulling the tomahawk out of his grasp and setting it aside, the metal head of the tool smoking from overuse.

Mikey called up, "Red! Faye! Be careful girls!"

Still laying in the back seat of the car he chuckles, "This is what I get for going so hard of late. So many rituals and castings. No surprise this happens huh?" He laughs softly at his own misfortune.
It wasn't quick, nor was it slow. But it was definitely precise.

Amazingly so for what people were calling a gang.

They moved to make it look they were part of the crowd around them.

The girls being more aware of the things going on and planning clearly, may have noticed something off. Two groups of three. One group for each of them. And they move as if they know what they are doing, while still blending with the crowd. And it's swift. The groups move in, under cover of the crowd. Until the last moment, two in each group run up, while a third pulls some zip ties and a sack hood. There is time to fight back but they move to overwhelm quickly.

Two grab each grab the girls, force them into positions of distress and subjugation. And then the zipties, and the hoods. And the last member of their teams beings up a van. They are carried inside and soon the van is racing off. Almost like nothing happened as the groups fade into the crowd.

Elsewhere it's much the same for Hayden and Sean. Hayden is walking around the Jeep to get in when his team run up and force a wooden dowel with a leather strap on it into his mouth, muzzling him. He lets out a sound of shock and warning before he feels his head slam into the side of the jeep and the sack goes over his head. His vision blurring about the edges. Sean is yanked from the Jeep flat to the ground and then the ties and sack. They are both thrown into the trunk area of the jeep someone gets in and off they go.


Time can feel fluid when you can't see your surroundings. Time can feel like it's a rushing torrent or a super slow flow.

So who knows how long the two groups are n transit before their modes of transportation stop, and the pairs are ushered out. Hayden snarls into his muzzle, trying to see if he can get Sean to respond or anyone really. He gets a smack on the back of the head for his trouble.

The four are lead into a room, and the snap of those big four light contruction light fixtures come on with cracks and bangs. Several bodies moving about, casting shadows.

one voice rumbling, "Who are they? What do they want?" A second voice, female, the first was male. The female hums, "Mercenaries? Hmmm some pride grade meat if they are. And their weapons. Someone came into some gems since they got here. The beast. He had a very large gun." Yet a third voice, young, male, "Practically impractical. To be on the recieving end of that would be a death sentence." And yet another voice, strong, male, "Can we trust them? Dare we trust them? Didn't Father Okoo, say he saw them come from Melani's territory? Are they tainted? The Beast is for certain."

A final voice chimes in, Strong, confident, powerful, Male, "Then we should find out. Unhood the other three. Leave the Beast muzzled and Hooded."

Moments later Sean, Katerina and Beth are unhooded, light from the spot lights making it hard to see for abit. But as they adjust the find themselves in what looks like a hotel lobby, it's clean, well kept, drapes are pulled to shield from the outside. What is actually seven people standing before them. But they all seem to be centered around one man, in a tailored suit, with short coarse black hair, piercing grey eyes, "I am Edgar Malkia. I run the Mal Boys. And you four are in my territory. Who are you? What are you doing here?"

No big machete, not blood and gore, no drinking blood from a skull.


Hayden lets out another growl, trying to shake the hood off his head.
As Sean is prepping the Jeep, and the girls are making plans, at the same time that Hayden is making his way back towards where he figures Sean is. There are old cellphones going off. Everyday looking people answering.

It's interesting.

Really interesting honestly.

That something odd can cause in a normal situation.

And the four foreigners, are definately off in this community.

A phone beeps, "Weapons?"

Another phone dings, "Clubs and nets, no blades or bullets."

Fingers dance over a third phone's surface, "Kill or capture?"

Another phone, "Boss wants to talk to them."

And again, "Worried? Fine. Twelve. Hurry."

The first phone beeps one more time, "Muzzle the one with the big Gun. He looks like trouble."

Several people across the slums start to move. A pair of cars rolling up to neighbourhoods and people jumping in. And soon rolling. One car with six in it heading over to where Sean and Hayden are. While another head towards where Kat and Beth are located.

As Hayden comes up the street, Hayden notices as a rickshaw passes by him. He follows it's path, unable to see as a pair of grey eyes look out the side of it watching him. And then the person pulled buggy is off down the street. It passes right by where Sean is handling the Jeep.

Elsewhere, the girls may see a long red POS car roll by, and park up the street someways, maybe a block away. Casual in fact. Unassuming. And six jump out and onto the sidewalk. Three crossing the street to be across from the girls. While another three pace up to a nearby mystery meat stall.

At the same time Hayden quirks, odd...two women and a guy just posted up on a corner. Huh. Strange. And another three have just posted up near Sean.
Micheal Crane Running on empty but not out yet!

Micheal blew out another burst of smoke. Grinning as smoke trailed up out past his grinning lips and teeth. Looking almost feral. He didn't look to Red as his partners in crime. Because let's face it he pretends to resent them but the Three Trickster Gods and the Shaman are like a quartet of brothers. Micheal just happens to be the older, wiser jaded brother. Too three young, quick, smart and prankster brothers.

It all works out.

And the gods play their parts fantastically. The times they have helped their respective homelands combat the very images they wear is testament to how well they play them. Skinwalker "Raven" darts and snarls. Deadly black ichor dripping claws flashing then he darts back and away. Whitiko "Whiskeyjack" jangles his many totemic fetishes on his spear, and swings wildly, dark magic welling in the wake of the spear. And Windigo "Manabozho" stalking on all fours, long spindly arms reaching. Stories of those arms grabbing people and tugging them to devour their hearts darting through the operatives minds. So many dark and horrible horror stories welling up for a time.

Until Red's first strike. And then their training took over and they began to fire on Red and the disguised Gods. And they still played their part. As the ghastly dark trickster demons and entities they played darted in and out. They may be thought of as the "Good" gods. But they are not strangers to taking lives. Each of the gods actually claims one of the kill teams numbers each. Helping in their way. Until they have to break contact. Gods can feel pain. Even though they like to say they can't.

And then. As they watch Red fall. Micheal grits his teeth and is about to stand, maybe make a last stand. He's raising his tomahawk to draw runes and then rush to get in close.

Amanda to the rescue! Praise Manitou!

Micheal instead reaches down and again utilizing that toned up rather muscular body of his throws Faye's body over his shoulder, and runs for Red grabbing her and trying to scoop her to her feet before pulling her along, "Come on Hot Stuff! Get up and get moving!" And the Shaman takes off running. His companions the gods melting back into the shadows and are soon nipping along at Red, Faye's and Micheal'ss heels back in their true forms. Looking a little worse for ware though.

Micheal sprints hard. HARD! For the car. Dragging or carrying as he needs too. New Adrenaline making him forget that damn sprain or hyper extension or whatever in his arm. Forget it. He shoulder slams into the car with a puff of exertion. "I'm filing a complaint with OMR HQ...Team building needs to be better thought out." He pulls open the door and the gods pile in, and make room for Red, Faye and Micheal.

I got lost at the end of my post I was going to make a reveal but then lost my own plot there abit. We're going in the right direction though.

Again sorry for the long wait between posts.

And many thanks for sticking around.
The boys moved off, leaving the girls to their part for now. They needed to find them a set of wheels. The pair set off. And Hayden kept the pair that were on the girls after first but were now on them. He hummed. And was about to ask how Sean wanted to handle this. When Sean took the ball in hand. He nodded, "Alright I got your back." They moved off. Staying in view, forcing the pair of gangers to jog to catch up when Hayden and Sean turned corners or made distance. Hayden whispered, "Got no fieldcraft in them. Bet they think it's their turf why would they need it."

He looked about and followed Sean into the blindspot, a alcove between a bunch of huts and buildings. Hayden ducked behind a pillar made of tubing, helping to hold up several power poles. He reached up his sleeve to pull the tomahawk again. He peered half around the pillar, watching, waiting. His eyes narrowed. The two men almost running into the spot. Puffing from exertion and annoyance. One of them said something in French, which Hayden being from Canada just kinda understood, something about these two fucking tourists, and that Malkia wouldn't like it if they were allowed to roam too much. Hayden didn't bother repeating it. Yet.

And it happened like they figured. One of the men turned and made his way towards where Sean hid. And when Sean made his move, the second guy tried to run up to help his partner. Hayden slipped around the pillar, and used the handle of his tomahawk like a garrote. Right against the throat, he lifted the man by his adams apple, and had him dangling just above the ground. The man's face going quickly red, then blue. And then Hayden twisted.


And Hayden let the body drop. A little less blood.

He kneeled and started to look the body over, patting it down quickly, and with a gasp and grin pulls out a pair of rubies. And then again he tosses them in hand before tossing them both to Sean, "Here." He does another quick pat down of the man and pulls out a small switch blade, "Huh...I guess he was armed." He slips the knife into his pocket then picks the body up. As he does he spots Sean pulling the key set out, "Huh this was alot easier then I thought it'd be." He looked over suddenly, hearing movement. He quickly carried the corpse in his arms out of sight as a door opens just at the mouth of the alcove and two children and a older woman come out into the open. Hayden hums, "You go ahead, just look around. A Toyota is going to be sticking out like a sore thumb around here. I feel like Urals and Jeeps are more common about here so any kind of Toyota is going to be easy to find. And yeah I'll go see what else I can see around here. Maybe pick up some info or get a gander at anything else around here." He claps Sean on the shoulder and heads out.

Once out of sight Hayden lets out a shaky breath, eyes going wide. It's so easy to kill. It seems like it's getting easier. He looks down at his shaking hands as he hides his tomahawk away again. But then this place, this little country seems like it's normal. So strange.

The odd motion he makes as he sets a hand to the side of his head, is not missed a man, wild haired, riding in the back of a rickshaw that comes thumping by asks his guide to turn around and follow the man with the big gun down the street.

Meanwhile Sean seems to be in the clear. And good thing. He's free and clear. For now.


Elsewhere the girls posted up at their meeting place are pretty well in a grand place.

They managed to get that view on one of Malkia's sort, pontentially. And for a group that was supposed to be a mob of madmen, or blood drinking psychos. The neighbourhood is...almost innocent. Clean, cleaner then Melani's section of the slums. There are tons more small shops, and people on the streets. People in the streets of Edgar Malkia's turf seem to feel they are more safe as well. There are older people sitting on patios playing cards of dominos. Small groups of people clustered around TVs in windows watching news or entertainment. Not something that the girls saw even a tiny bit of back in Melani's hood.

Something is really off about this entirely.

It's clear there either is a good deal of subterfuge going on, or someone was telling lies.


Meanwhile again elsewhere Hayden is making his way away from Sean abit. Stopping on a corner, paying almost no mind as a rickshaw stops across the street from him. Hayden scans the area, shifting the big LMG on his shoulder. Not second guessing for a second taking it, but damn is it heavy.

With a sniff Hayden pushes off, heading back the way he came, looking to try and find Sean. There's something off about everything here. Something feels like it's not wrong. But right. And after everything they had seen earlier. This stunk of lies. And Hayden didn't like it one bit. As he got moving Hayden missed the rickshaw turning the man inside it, urging his guide to stay behind Hayden.

Micheal Crane...wait...what!?


Or well for now really. Who really knows?

Micheal can feel what is likely a hyper-extended shoulder and elbow dulling from painful to achey. He relaxed, hidden amidst the undergrowth. He's not exactly a combat mage so maybe he can be excused for letting his guard down? He's relaxing, and it's only a soft nudge and a gesture from Manbozho that gets his attention back. He opens his eyes and he looks at Scarlet, or Red as he's been calling her in his head. Likes the idea. Sounds more sexy. Anyway he looks at her and can see her kinda straightening.

The Shaman turns and spots the agents climbing down into the area. He narrow shis eyes and watches as they spread out. He shuffled carefully to Scarlet, and in a mouse quiet voice whispers, "They can't know we're actually here right? Just running some kinda search right?" His eyes follows the agents as they check the cars, then starts towards their little hiding place. Micheals eyes going wide then still in th at mouse quiet voice, "If I provide a few distractions, can you try and take them down? Me and the boys might be able to pull something out of our butts. But I'm not made for shooting spells like I did back with the abomination." He swallows thickly, "But I can cast illusions and hard ritual forms. Really well." He looks at Scarlet, then shifts over again grabbing out of the gear the gods grabbed for him luckily some of his instruments of his work. His pipe, and tomahawk.

He sat crosslegged and peered through a gap in the cover they hid within. Packed a bowl of ritual tobacco, lit up and smoked. blowing out smoke into the leaves to hide it from view. Muttering softly under his breath. Then looking at Raven. The god nodded, and in a burst of shadow vanished. Yes gods can teleport short ranges. Micheals eyes lit up with softly glowing blue light, The Sight, it's called amongst some magic users. Seeing things beyond the mortal sight. Mikey is really pulling out some stops here. He takes another puff blowing out the smoke again, nodding to Whiskeyjack who darts away through the shadows. Another puff and Shaman Crane looks to Manabozho, who wears the most evil grin yet any of the three tricksters has worn since they got here.

Micheal lets out a low chuckle. And he's wearing a grin that almost matches the evil grin his godly companion was just wearing. He lifts his pipe and takes another pull letting out a slow cloud of smoke, "Aawos, you are not welcome here." He whispers in his chest spoken guttural mother tongue of Plains Cree, "Aawos, or face the fears, that all men feel." Another burst of smoke.

Across the field there's a sound of someone crying. Joined by another from the left flank of the operatives, and then joined by a howl from the right. Rising from the rear, skin hanging from it's form. A Skinwalker, but to Scarlet, it's Raven. The Skinwalker letting out a angry hissing cry at the operatives. From the left, Whiskeyjack stands. But to the operatives. Whitiko stands there. The 10 pointer deer horns atop it's head, coat of ravaged hides and might stone spear held in it's hands. And finally from their right, Wendigo, or Manabozho creeps forward. Wild ethereal horrors. Shrouded by ritual spells to look like horrors. The three gods step forth. The Three gods looking like they are really enjoying wearing the look of the Horrors of their homelands.

And Micheal whispers to Scarlet, "While they are watching them, see what you can do."
Well done folks. I'll work something up here in a day or two. Been tired of late.

Alright Star, for next week don't worry if it takes you until the week after to get a post. Your education is more important then this RP. Got it?

I'm a former Educator. I know how it is. Really.

So RLCF okay? Real Life Comes First.

See to your studies and Midterms then come back

Micheal Crane in a ditch

Micheal looked at Amanda, as5onishment on the First Nation's man's face. "Boss I don't think that's safe. We have one group member down. I'm hurt, we're not 100 percent. And even if I could get a shielding chant going, moving while doing so renders the ritual unstable." With a grimace Mike looked around. He took a deep breath and worked to will away what felt like a sprain in his off arm.

Then the word of logic. Thank God for military types. He sucked in a breath nodding, "I think Red has a good idea. We hide out. Nurse ourselves abit. Wait until we can get Faye back on her feet even. And I could use a pain killer." He sucked in another breath then called to his Dieific companions, "Boys see if you can locate any water, food or medical supplies. Just like that crash we had to help tend too."

At that tje gods zipped about. Not wanting mess around in such a situation. Micheal started to move carrying Faye I his as as they moved. The gods moving along in flanking positions keeping watch around and behind them.

Finally they arrived at rheir hiding spot. Micheal setting Fayde down by the tree then almost yanked the big painkiller pill Raven offers him from a first aid pack they found. Forget about water, Mike swallowd that think dry. "Alright. Now to wait for the cavalry. What a few days huh?"
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