'Wait was he talking to me?', Calder looks left then right he shrugs and walks up to the marine. Calder walks up to Effen and says,
"What do you want Sir?" speaking as if he was a marine. Calder was a bard by trade and figured this situation was perfect to try to use his skills as one. What was a bard though? A person who makes music and tells stories? Or is there something more to it then just that. For Calder it was a bit of clever work, almost like a spy. He is able to get close to someone because of his profession as a bard and get information.
Calder knew this might be a bit dangerous but his reputation with the marines is only that he stole a guitar that has devil fruit powers. He wasn't very sure whether this marine would recognize him or not. Calder was hoping he could somehow help those pirates without actually looking like he was helping them. There was a few things he could think of that could help and getting behind the lines of the marines as a friend might just work. Calder was also preparing for this to go wrong as he was getting a hand closer to his bag wanting to grab one of his dials out of random and use it. He had three times of dials in his bag, an impact, breath and flame. If this confrontation went bad he planned on using which ever he grabs out of random.