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Current Absolutely fucking not
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Everything is AI because plagiarism is profitable and because people think we’re in a dark age where skills like art and writing haven’t been democratized to hell and back for decades already
5 mos ago
Shoutout to all the gay mfs for being remembered by corporate America for a month
5 mos ago
i forgot like half of you until you existed on my profile again lmao. you know what we have dms for this sorry mods


I invented necromancy and the windmill. I beat the sun in a poker match during the summer of 1273 and God hasn't felt the same since.

Most Recent Posts

I know who Stormy's obliterating first
Alizee: Chokes Stormy with an Apparition


Interactions: Sully, Alizee, and the Greenwood Coven
Flowers and Canvases



This took a rather drastic turn quickly. Before he knew what hit him, Stormy was hanging by a pair of hands. Her Void Heart had its grip like a bear trap around his throat. Anyone else might’ve panicked in that situation, by the fact that she latched onto Stormy Carson in particular meant that Alizee had just made a bad play. Stormy considered himself a merciful man. His reaction to Britney’s presence was unwarranted, and he acknowledged that, but he didn’t believe in punching down. As a matter of fact, he very much detested those who punched down. And so, Stormy fixed a stone cold stare at Alizee, despite his predicament. He held his breath, knowing he would lose it like a prey animal to a boa constrictor if he exhaled.

Alizee was a woman who needed help. Surely, deep down, she couldn’t have enjoyed the hurt the inflicted on others. The poison in her words was the kind someone was filled with when they were hurt, and going through something. And so, Stormy did not aggress against her. What he did, do however, was shut her down with a spell perfect for the occasion: Phantombane.

After she walked forth, Stormy slowly and methodically raised both of his hands in a motion that would’ve implied surrender. But instead, he brought them further apart, and then slammed them together in a clap. Sea-green light raced up and down his arms, as a distorted sound like a ringing church bell submerged in water rippled outward across the parking lot. Stormy’s Adept magic was now on display for all to see, and the magical hands trapping him withered away. They crumbled like a vampire in the sun, and the Void Heart itself, Alizee’s Apparition, would feel the magic against its form in a very similar way. It was a magic repellent, debilitating the creature for as long as it remained close to him, and Alizee by extension. Though the power and influence were still there, they were being weighed down like an anchored boat, suppressed by the defensive magic Stormy used.

This was only further cemented when Stormy reached out and put a hand on her shoulder, in an attempt to ground her. With her magical source slipping away to protect itself, it was just the two of them. Calm. Down. It has been a decade, and this is how we meet again? What were you thinking? Don’t you know that someone is hunting all of us down?” There was iron in his voice, and yet he didn’t sound angry at all. Was he taking pity on her? Or did Stormy simply believe he was too much for her to handle?
Ryder didn't think she needed someone's help to walk. Shitty as it was to have such a mindset, she bit back a quick "My legs still work," since she didn't feel like talking further at the moment. If she really wanted, she could probably just float off of the ground, assuming her powers would let her. Ryder had never tried levitating, preferring to just slingshot her in different directions. She followed the old man down the hallway, listening to him closely. The "X-Men" was something that sounded vaguely familiar to Ryder. She heard about them once or twice during one of her many nights violating every security measure in Umbra's system. Nothing that made them stand out to her much, though. Her mind stretched out and felt around in the "ready room" for a moment. It didn't seem to imposing, just a bunch of chairs, computers and shit.

When he started talking about the curious device behind one door in particular, Ryder knew it must've been the one that slightly messed with her head. During her "coma," she tried to hijack it, only to find that it saw through a billion different eyes, and quickly found herself stumbling into a real coma. Backpedaling out, she chose not to interact with it further, or even hint at this at the moment. Whatever was back there let Xavier connect to countless minds, and she made a mental note of how his telepathy seemed to be expressed as a result of this.

"Umbra can block things like that. They put their fancy research somewhere in my brain, after all." Ryder was, of course, eluding to the fact that she knew about the experiments conducted on her, and the fact that there was biomechanical technology in her brain that made her a black hole for telepathy. She only said this, however, because she assumed the X-Men already knew after taking such a vested interest in it. So it wasn't as much of a gesture of trust as it may have seemed. She didn't feel like sharing information with Xavier unless she felt like it was known already.

Or the ugly blue fuck that walked in.

Ryder turned around and leveled a godawful glare at Beast. If looks could kill, then the doctor would've been atomized on the spot. She already knew about him, and that he was studying that weird stuff Umbra used. But she didn't shake his hand. Rather, she took a step back, deciding that she liked her personal space. "Ryder," she said. Not Ryder Xavier, just Ryder. "You're the one who snatched up all the Vibranium from Umbra. Shit's not worth a damn, you're wasting your time there."

It seemed she knew more than she had let on.
Leah Jordan

Location: Training Room B
Gear: A hot ass dress
Skills: The insurmountable will to not lose her cool under any circumstances
Oh god oh fuck

Who the fuck is Leah Jeffries? Leah Jordan sure as shit didn't know, but she followed the group of homosexual disasters over to the food regardless. April was in a threeway-bind at the moment but seemed to be enjoying it. "Yeah, what 'Bine said." She slid her arms away from them both and picked up... Why the fuck was this food tiny? She picked up a cupcake small enough to fit between two of her fingers... And ate it in one bite. Curiously, she stuck her hand in the candy bowl and snatched a fistful of the stuff. Then Leah remembered she didn't have pockets and put it back, popping one in her mouth. God, she really wished she had pockets right now. Leah looked over and Sabine, and felt a twinge of concern. She didn't know how to actually support someone through the thing Sabine went through once, Leah didn't have that kind of perspective. But still, she was Sabine, so Leah inched closer and leaned in to say something quietly, lest everyone hear and make a stink about it.

"Hey, I know we said we were gonna eat, but you don't have to actually eat, if you don't feel like it, okay? Be easy on yourself." It was the thought that counted, right? With that said, Leah left it there to avoid putting any kind of pressure on Sabine. Hopefully Madalyne and Danni didn't overheard it. Or if they knew, they wouldn't make a big deal about. Though... Danni would make a big deal out of a stranger breathing in his general direction if he focused on it.

"Okay... So, April. Who the hell is Swift Wind?"

And there was the crushing, earth-shattering revelation: Leah had never seen She-Ra.
Ali fucked up big time grabbing the guy who can make Apparitions shit their pants

That's a nice abstraction you've got there

Wouldn't it be a shame if someone cast a certain spell to make it stop working...
@Silver Carrot

Thanks for your interest, would you mind joining the discord? We’d like to discuss your ideas and see what we can do with them.

Interactions: Sully, Alizee, and the Greenwood Coven
Flowers and Canvases

Now that everyone was trickling out, they clearly had their plans for tackling this whole coven murder mystery. Some of them were going to a strip club for reasons Stormy didn’t fully understand. He got here after everyone else had sorted out their plans and their differences. But Sully was a good guy. He was going to stick with Sully and figure out who he needed to punch later. He wasn’t going to ride with Britney if he had a choice, so he hopped into the car with the resident Beer Baron.

He had his own ride, but it was in a parking lot on the other end of town. it was closer to the club than him, ironically. ”I’ll keep my hands to myself like I said, but I sincerely do not feel confident in her doing that.”

He was quiet on the way to the club. It was never Stormy’s scene. He was more of a quiet, outdoor patio dinner sort of guy, so pulling up to the club and seeing a fight between a bunch of people and… Oh good lord, why did some of these these people seem too familiar for comfort?

In the parking lot, there were several people all gathered around in a fight. And of course, Britney was over there with Alizee. Of all people, he didn’t expect that woman to show up after all the things her Apparition made her do. He could see the despicable little creature from the window of Sully’s car. God, this was a disaster.

He stepped out of the vehicle and walked over, catching the tail end of their conversation. ”Yes, that coven. Now, Alizee, do you remember me at all? Because I remember you and the people you hunted, so I’m very inclined to believe them when they say you attacked one of their friends. What were you thinking?” that’s twice today, that Stormy has come out of the woodwork and made himself the center of attention.

After seeing Sully run over to help one of the strangers, and after Alizee ran into the arms of the other girl with a habit of hurting people, Stormy took a breath and directed his attention to Naomi. ”You’re right. I’m sorry about your friend over there. Alizee should have a handle on herself… You know about the Sycamore. I feel like so should remember you, have we met before? I haven’t been in town since things broke down, back in the day.”

Hopefully, some actual dialogue could smooth this over. ”…And do you have any idea why there’s a child here, by any chance?” He was trying his absolute best to ignore the fucking property damage.

Interactions: Drake, Sloane, Kali and Luca
Flowers and Canvases

”If any of you need me, I’ll be catching up with Drake and Luca. They’re easy to hunt down. Tomorrow, we’ll be better-adjusted as a group,” He assured Auri, before walking over and flipping off a few of the lights in the shop. Just dark enough that it was an inconvenience. Auri no doubt knew what he was doing before he did it, as Jack stood up taller, and teetered backwards into a one man trust fall. He vanished in a puff of black smoke, one of his oldest tricks, the very one that he used to give the Stygian Snake hell back in the good old day.

Jack suddenly appeared somewhere downtown, in a wide alleyway between two buildings. It was darker, and he had to look around just to be sure no one was on his tail suddenly. With the coast clear, he walked out and down the sidewalk, hands in his pockets. Jack looked through window after window, until he eventually spotted a car that looked like Sloan’s in a DQ parking lot. That was definitely a clear indication that Drake and Luca were probably inside. He stepped through the doors and headed straight to the counter, and ordered something warm… and something cold. Looking back over the seats, he could see them both sitting down and eating along with Kali and Sloane. Good. He got his food, paid in some of the most battered dollars anyone could spend, and took a seat by them.

Thankfully, the Blind tended to perceive Jack’s magical hand as flesh and blood, so long as they didn’t look to close. If they did, it would be easy to note the lack of nails, or veins around the wrist. The four at the table, however, would see it for what it was as Jack say something down by Drake’s food. The coveted, world-renown Large Peanut Buster. ”Consider it a peace offering, for ambushing you earlier,” He said to Drake, obviously joking. Or was he?

Jack sat down at the table directly across from them, taking a bite out of a chicken strip. ”I thought you’d be here. I overheard what you two were saying about the coven. Reforming the coven doesn’t sound bad on principle… Knowing what all of us know at the moment. But the problem I see with that is that we simply can’t reform what we had then. You heard what Auri tried to pitch: A family. The unfortunate fact is that most of us have our own families, and while it is quite heartwarming to see all of you again, everyone experienced life in their own ways. The old coven formed out of necessity. What were facing now is different, and we should treat is as such.”

He may or may not have been eavesdropping on their chat while we waited in line. ”I believe Auri could be a dependable leader in theory, but not on her own. As you mentioned, there is a reason why covens have a chain of command and not a dictator. If a proper example were to be set, then the rest of us will see that and follow better than claiming we’re still a family.”
If only there was a certain Void-fairing bastard who could make this worse
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